Contacts: Susan Wolf, Law School (612) 625-3406

Associate Dean Phil Larsen, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, (612) 625-1999

Karen Mannes, Law School (612) 625-3356


Minneapolis/St. Paul--The University of Minnesota will host national leaders in the areas of law, agriculture, ethics, media and biological sciences to debate the public policies governing GMOs (genetically modified organisms). The one-day conference, "Developing Policy in the Face of Scientific and Public Debate," will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, February 1, in Cowles Auditorium of the Hubert H. Humphrey Center on the West Bank of the University of Minnesota campus.

The conference is part of the university's Sesquicentennial (150 years) celebration as a land grant public university. Speakers will analyze the safety of transgenic organisms, environmental and evolutionary impacts, consumer and corporate concerns, and ethics. The conference will focus on how to generate policy in the face of scientific and public controversy.

Speakers include Roger Beachy, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center; Perry Adkisson, Texas A&M University; Rebecca Goldburg, Environmental Defense Fund; Edward Shonsey, CEO, Syngenta Seeds; Thomas Hoban. North Carolina State University; Jerome Reichman, Duke University Law School; and Paul Thompson, Purdue University.

For a complete list of speakers, their biographies and the agenda, contact Karen Mannes at (612) 625-3356 or e-mail at [email protected].


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