Newswise — It's undeniable. Your hair is thinning around the temples. One look at your older brother's receding hairline shows you what's likely ahead -- and you'd rather not go there. But is there any way to avoid a receding hairline?

Thinning hair is common for men and women. But contrary to the too-good-to-be-true promises in advertisements, there's typically no cure.

The best first step may be to talk with your doctor to determine what's causing the hair loss. If you have a common type of hair loss called androgenetic alopecia (al-o-PE-she-uh), medication and surgery options approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may help, according to the June issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter.

Medications: Two FDA-approved medications are available. Their effectiveness varies with the extent of hair loss and individual response to the medication.

Minoxidil (Rogaine, others) -- These liquid products are available in nonprescription formulas and are applied directly to the scalp. Although only 7 percent of the men and women experience some hair regrowth, about 75 percent report significant slowing of hair loss.

Finasteride (Propecia) -- Approved for use by men only, this oral prescription medication acts by interfering with the hormone that normally shrinks hair follicles. Clinical trials show that about 75 percent of men using finasteride alone experience a slowdown in hair loss. Nearly half experienced some new hair growth.

Surgical options: If you have extensive hair loss, or medications prove unsuccessful, ask your doctor about surgical procedures.

Hair transplant -- This involves multiple surgeries where tiny micrografts of skin with one or two hairs are removed from the back of the scalp and implanted into bald areas or areas of thinning hair.

Scalp reduction -- The surgeon removes hairless scalp sections. In their place, areas of scalp with hair are pulled more closely together, reducing the bald surface.

Flap surgery -- This procedure involves folding and securing a section of the scalp with hair over an area of bald skin.

Hair transplants may be combined with other surgical approaches. Some who benefit from medications opt to have surgery done as well. Surgical procedures to address hair loss are generally costly and not covered by insurance.

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