ROCHESTER, MINN. -- Mayo Clinic HealthQuest announces an innovative program designed to maximize effectiveness of employee health programs. Corporate clients using Mayo Clinic HealthQuest will now receive the exclusive services of an implementation manager experienced in helping companies successfully plan, launch and maintain peak participation in employee health programs.

"Mayo Clinic is unique in offering a complete corporate implementation program. It's added value for our clients," says Philip Hagen, M.D., medical director of Mayo Clinic HealthQuest and a Mayo Clinic preventative medicine specialist.

Neil R. Sullivan, M.P.H., has joined Mayo Clinic HealthQuest in the new role of corporate implementation manager. Mr. Sullivan is responsible for leading corporate customers in the implementation of Mayo Clinic HealthQuest programs. He has spent the past eight years in employee health, most recently as a director of the Wellness Councils of America. He holds a Master's Degree of Public Health from the University of South Carolina in Columbia.

"Online employee health information is new to the industry. Mayo Clinic recognized early on that strategic implementation is critical to success. Program success is measured by employee usage, which ultimately leads to the accomplishment of the corporation's goals and objectives. Examples of these goals could be reduced healthcare costs and increased employee productivity to name two," says Sullivan.

"Mayo Clinic HealthQuest uses an ongoing cyclical process, which begins with diagnosing what the corporation wishes to accomplish and by identifying systems and resources currently in place. Next, we plan, develop and implement a complete communication and launch strategy. Finally, we help the corporation evaluate effectiveness, which leads to subsequent action. The overall goal is integration into the corporation. The more integrated an employee health program is, the more successful," continues Sullivan.

Mayo Clinic HealthQuest is a comprehensive online health management program designed to keep employees healthy and productive. The site is updated daily from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., drawing upon the expertise and experience of Mayo Clinic's 2,000 physicians and Mayo's nutritionists, health educators, nurses and other medical professionals. New features are added to the site based on subscriber needs.

Besides this online service, Mayo Clinic HealthQuest also provides wellness newsletters, books and other services for the workplace. Companies interested in Mayo Clinic HealthQuest services may call 1-800-430-9699.


John Murphy
507-538-1835 (days)
507-284-2511 (evenings)
[email protected]

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