It's Hot, Drink Lots of Water

With summer in full swing, remember to keep well hydrated as you work or exercise outdoors. Thirst is not always a good indicator of hydration status, says UAB registered dietitian Kathy Hubbert, R.D.

"In children, the thirst mechanism is not fully developed and in seniors the sense of thirst has diminished. By the time your brain signals thirst, you may have lost 1 percent of your body weight or about 3 cups of sweat for a 150 pound person. A 2 percent loss may reduce your work capacity by 10-15 percent."

Hubbert says a well-hydrated person's urine will be almost clear. Darker urine is a warning sign of dehydration.

Contact Bob Shepard, Media Relations, 205-934-8934 or [email protected].


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