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29-Oct-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Baldwin Wallace University Community Research Institute Ohio Midterm Poll III – Highlights and Analysis
Baldwin Wallace University

In the races for U.S. Senator and the governorship in Ohio, there has been little movement among undecided voters. In all three polls, Democratic incumbent Senator Brown had at least a 15-point lead over Republican Congressman Renacci. In the most recent poll, Brown leads Renacci, by about 20 points, with 17% of respondents indicating they are unsure how they will vote.

Released: 9-Oct-2018 9:00 AM EDT
BW Poll Shows Tight Race for Ohio Governor, Support for Issue 1, Supreme Divide
Baldwin Wallace University

A Baldwin Wallace University statewide survey reveals that the Ohio governor’s race is a statistical tie. In a two-way race, DeWine holds a 42% to 40% advantage over Democrat Richard Cordray among voters stating a preference. More than 18% say they remain unsure about how they will vote for governor.

Released: 18-Sep-2018 7:05 AM EDT
Baldwin Wallace Poll Shows Voter Enthusiasm Gap in Advance of Ohio Midterm Election
Baldwin Wallace University

A Baldwin Wallace University survey reveals that a strong majority of likely Ohio voters have magnified the significance of the 2018 midterm elections, with nearly 58% saying that voting this November is more important than in previous midterms.

Released: 3-May-2018 11:05 AM EDT
BW Ohio Poll: Primary Voters Favor Renacci, Dewine, Cordray; Many Still Undecided
Baldwin Wallace University

A poll of Ohio registered voters conducted by the Community Research Institute at Baldwin Wallace University finds that many are still undecided about who they will vote for in Ohio’s May 8 primary. The survey of 811 voters was conducted April 24 – May 2.

Released: 23-Mar-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Baldwin Wallace CRI Poll Finds Broad Support for New Gun Laws in Ohio
Baldwin Wallace University

A survey of Ohioans, conducted by Baldwin Wallace University’s Community Research Institute (CRI), found broad support for new measures to regulate the sale of firearms with three quarters of registered voters in favor of raising the minimum age to buy semiautomatic rifles to 21 and establishing mandatory waiting periods to purchase a gun.

Released: 12-Mar-2018 9:45 AM EDT
BW Public Health Professor Studies Effect of Climate Change on Dengue Fever
Baldwin Wallace University

A member of the Baldwin Wallace University public health faculty is helping to lead an international research project to investigate how variations in climate are affecting Southeast Asia’s susceptibility to deadly mosquito-borne illnesses, particularly dengue fever, the fastest spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world.

Released: 2-Nov-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Professor's "News Literacy" Guide Provides Tools to Discern Fake News
Baldwin Wallace University

In the era of "fake news," cyber attacks and "alternative facts," a Baldwin Wallace University professor arms teachers and students with a guide to distinguish the truth from deceptive information.

Released: 5-Oct-2017 11:45 AM EDT
BW’s New Interdisciplinary Dance Program a First in NE Ohio
Baldwin Wallace University

Building on its national reputation in the performing arts, Baldwin Wallace University has added a dance and movement emphasis to its major in theatre.

Released: 20-Apr-2017 2:40 PM EDT
Baldwin Wallace University Pilots Free Summer Tuition to Boost Graduation Rates for BW Students with Qualifying Financial Need
Baldwin Wallace University

In a novel approach to keeping low-income students academically on track, Baldwin Wallace University is offering six hours of free, 2017 summer school tuition to qualifying, full-time undergraduate students already enrolled at BW. The goal of the pilot program is to make it easier for BW’s Pell-eligible students to graduate on time.

Released: 13-Apr-2017 1:30 PM EDT
Statewide Poll Reveals Deep Divide in Ohio Opinion on the Trump White House
Baldwin Wallace University

A new statewide Ohio poll conducted by Baldwin Wallace University finds voters remain deeply divided on many issues in the early days of the Donald Trump administration, including an equal split on whether they trust the president or the media (or neither) to tell the truth.

Released: 22-Sep-2016 10:05 AM EDT
How a Native Plant Ended Up on Reality TV, and Why It’s at Risk
Baldwin Wallace University

In one of television’s more bizarre recent offerings, the History Channel show “Appalachian Outlaws” follows a band of West Virginians as they hunt rugged forests for American ginseng, a medicinal root worth hundreds of dollars per pound. The show has high stakes: These men poach on federal lands, risking fines and jail time, and guard private patches with shotguns and homemade land mines. Most of them are out of work, out of savings and worried about paying for food and heat. Ginseng gives them a way to get by.

Released: 21-Sep-2016 12:05 PM EDT
BW Biology Faculty, Students Study Impact of Invasive Earthworms on Native Plants
Baldwin Wallace University

The earthworm, friend to fisherman, farmer and gardener, turns out to be a potential enemy of the forest, damaging and altering the woodland understory and native plants. With the aim of contributing to national research on the threat of invasive earthworms, BW biology students are collecting and studying specimens from local parklands.

Released: 6-Jul-2016 9:45 AM EDT
Baldwin Wallace University Students Gearing Up to Experience Democracy in Action at the RNC
Baldwin Wallace University

Baldwin Wallace University students are preparing to plug into the highly anticipated Republican National Convention (RNC) in Cleveland, which features insurgent candidate Donald Trump as the presumptive nominee. Nine BW students will be embedded the Ohio Republican Party’s Official Honorary Delegate Program, while another 13 BW students will join 125 students from colleges across the country to attend The Washington Center (TWC) Academic Convention Seminar. BW is home base for TWC’s two-week immersive convention experience.

Released: 19-Apr-2016 12:05 PM EDT
Social Media Fuels Grassroots Political Activism and Participation, says Baldwin Wallace Poli Sci Prof
Baldwin Wallace University

Dr. Lauren Copeland, associate director of BW’s Community Research Institute and assistant professor of political science, has published a new article focusing on the relationship between social media use and political participation in the Journal of Information Technology & Politics. "Networked Publics: How Connective Social Media Use Facilitates Political Consumerism among LGBT Americans" examines "how social media use increases the likelihood of engaging in political activism among members of an LGBT issue public with varying levels of political interest."

Released: 14-Mar-2016 11:05 AM EDT
CRI Poll: Kasich Should Stay in Presidential Race, Governor at BW on Election Night
Baldwin Wallace University

On the eve of Ohio’s winner-take-all primary election, a majority of Northeast Ohio Republicans (53%) believe the state’s Governor, John Kasich, should stay in the race for his party’s presidential nomination, a new Baldwin Wallace (BW) University poll of registered voters in Northeast Ohio finds.

Released: 1-Jun-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Largest Gift in Baldwin Wallace University History to Support the Study of Business
Baldwin Wallace University

Retired T. Rowe Price executive and Baldwin Wallace University alumnus, Stephen Boesel has committed $15 million to his Alma Mater (the largest gift in the institution's history) to advance the study of business at BW through scholarships, faculty support and more.
