Latest News from: University of Utah Health

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Released: 1-Aug-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Andrew S. Weyrich, Ph.D., Awarded Prestigious Dameshek Prize from Hematology Society
University of Utah Health

Citing his groundbreaking contributions to understanding the evolving role of platelets, the American Society of Hematology (ASH) has awarded University of Utah professor of medicine Andrew S. Weyrich, Ph.D., the 2013 Dameshek Prize.

Released: 1-Aug-2013 11:00 AM EDT
When Prescribing Antibiotics, Doctors Most Often Choose Strongest Types of Drugs
University of Utah Health

When U.S. physicians prescribe antibiotics, more than 60 percent of the time they choose some of the strongest types of antibiotics, referred to as “broad spectrum,” which are capable of killing multiple kinds of bacteria, University of Utah researchers show in a new study.

Released: 27-Jul-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Shocking: Surgical Anesthetic Appears to Treat Drug-Resistant Depression
University of Utah Health

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has long been considered the most effective treatment of medication-resistant depression. But millions of people don’t take advantage of it because of the side effects and misperception of the therapy.

Released: 10-Jul-2013 3:55 PM EDT
Utah Neurosurgery Chairman Named President of American Association of Neurological Surgeons
University of Utah Health

University of Utah professor and chair of neurosurgery, William T. Couldwell, M.D., Ph.D., has been named the 2013-2014 president of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS).

Released: 3-Jun-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Rena N. D'Souza Named 1st Dean of New University of Utah Dental School
University of Utah Health

An internationally regarded researcher and highly honored dental educator, Rena N. D’Souza, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D., has been selected as the first permanent dean of the University of Utah’s School of Dentistry. She assumes her new role on Aug.1, 2013.

Released: 29-May-2013 12:00 PM EDT
University of Utah College of Nursing Names Patricia G. Morton as New Dean
University of Utah Health

The University of Utah today announced that Patricia G. Morton, R.N., Ph.D. — a nationally known expert in nursing education, critical care and cardiovascular nursing —will lead its College of Nursing as dean.

Released: 23-May-2013 5:00 PM EDT
University of Utah Pediatric Fellow Publishes Study on Organ Allocation in Pediatrics Journal
University of Utah Health

University of Utah researchers discovered that over the past 10 years children received more solid organ transplants and fewer children died waiting for a life-saving transplant.

Released: 15-May-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery Less Effective Than Expected
University of Utah Health

Research conducted by the Pelvic Floor Disorders Network, an initiative funded by the National Institutes of Health, has revealed that the long-term success rates of a surgery to treat pelvic organ prolapse are lower than expected.

Released: 13-May-2013 7:00 PM EDT
Utah Researchers Receive Award to Study Asthma Monitoring in Children
University of Utah Health

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has approved a $1.9 million research award to the University of Utah to study asthma in children and how better monitoring of the disease could improve health.

7-May-2013 6:00 PM EDT
Dad's Genome More Ready than Mom's At Fertilization--But Hers Catches Up
University of Utah Health

While the genes provided by the father arrive at fertilization pre-programmed to the state needed by the embryo, the genes provided by the mother are in a different state and must be reprogrammed to match.

Released: 1-May-2013 6:00 PM EDT
One Bad Gene: Mutation that Causes Rare Sleep Disorder Linked to Migraines
University of Utah Health

A gene mutation associated with a rare sleep disorder surprisingly also contributes to debilitating migraines, a new discovery that could change the treatment of migraines by allowing development of drugs specifically designed to treat the chronic headaches.

Released: 22-Apr-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Genetic Analysis Tool Opens New Gene-Regulation Realms
University of Utah Health

Researchers from Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah have developed a novel and powerful technique to identify the targets for a group of enzymes called RNA cytosine methyltransferases (RMTs) in human RNA.

Released: 11-Apr-2013 12:20 PM EDT
James Fang, M.D., to Lead Cardiovascular Medicine at University of Utah
University of Utah Health

James Chen-tson Fang, M.D., has been named chief of cardiovascular medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine and director of the cardiovascular service line at University of Utah Health Care.

Released: 27-Mar-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Huntsman Cancer Institute Names Executive Medical Director
University of Utah Health

Hematologist John Sweetenham, M.D., has been appointed Senior Director of Clinical Affairs and Executive Medical Director at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI), and Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Utah.

Released: 26-Mar-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Utah Academy of Medical Science Educators Names 20 Fellows
University of Utah Health

The University of Utah School of Medicine has named 20 physicians and scientists as inaugural fellows in the University of Utah Academy of Medical Science Educators.

Released: 11-Mar-2013 4:30 PM EDT
Long-Suspected Cause of Blindness From Eye Disease Disproved
University of Utah Health

The lack of very long chain fatty acids does not cause blindness in children with the incurable eye disease known as Stargardt type 3 retinal degeneration.

Released: 5-Mar-2013 11:35 AM EST
Hope for Stopping Melanoma From Spreading
University of Utah Health

Inhibition of the protein known as adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6) reduces the spread of melanoma to the lungs in mice, according to a study published in the March 5 issue of Science Signaling online.

Released: 26-Feb-2013 1:15 PM EST
For Some, Surgical Site Infections Are in the Genes
University of Utah Health

An estimated 300,000 U.S. patients get surgical site infections every year, and while the causes are varied, a new University of Utah study suggests that some who get an infection can blame it partly on their genes.

Released: 13-Feb-2013 1:50 PM EST
Mouse Model Improves Understanding of Clear Cell Sarcoma
University of Utah Health

Geneticists led by University of Utah Nobel Prize Laureate Mario R. Capecchi, Ph.D., have engineered mice that develop clear cell sarcoma (CCS), a significant step in better understanding how this rare and deadly soft tissue cancer arises.

9-Jan-2013 9:00 PM EST
Study Identifies 24 New Autism-Related Gene Variants
University of Utah Health

University of Utah (the U) researchers, in collaboration with several groups from around the country, published a paper on Monday, Jan. 14, 2013, following one of the biggest studies of its kind, that extends our understanding of genes related to autism spectrum diseases (ASDs) and advances methods for early detection and treatment.

21-Dec-2012 12:00 PM EST
Cholesterol Drug Shows Promise in Fighting Effects of Malaria
University of Utah Health

Researchers have discovered that adding lovastatin, a widely used cholesterol-lowering drug, to traditional antimalarial treatment decreases neuroinflammation and protects against cognitive impairment in a mouse model of cerebral malaria.

Released: 14-Dec-2012 11:00 AM EST
Drug to Treat Opioid Addiction Places Children at Risk for Accidental Exposure
University of Utah Health

As the prescribed use of buprenorphine has dramatically increased in recent years, accidental exposure of children to the drug has risen sharply, placing them at risk for serious injury, and in extremely rare cases even death.

Released: 13-Dec-2012 6:00 PM EST
Rural Dwellers Less Likely to Follow Cancer Screening Guidelines
University of Utah Health

People who reside in rural areas of Utah are less likely to follow colorectal cancer (CRC) screening recommendations than their urban counterparts, according to researchers from Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 4:00 PM EST
University of Utah Health Care Posts Online Physician Reviews and Comments
University of Utah Health

Health care consumers considering a physician at University of Utah Health Care now have an additional tool— online access to the system’s patient satisfaction scores and comments. The rankings are based on more than 40,000 patient surveys and evaluate physicians on nine questions.

Released: 29-Nov-2012 5:00 PM EST
Clinical Trial Delivers Good Results in Leukemia Patients
Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah

Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) researchers Michael Deininger, M.D., Ph.D., and Thomas O’Hare, Ph.D., were part of a team that found a potent oral drug, ponatinib, effective in patients who have developed resistance to standard treatments for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic lymphoma (Ph+ ALL). The New England Journal of Medicine released results of the trial today.

Released: 26-Nov-2012 12:50 PM EST
Possible New Treatment for Ewing Sarcoma
University of Utah Health

Discovery of a new drug with high potential to treat Ewing sarcoma, an often deadly cancer of children and young adults, and the previously unknown mechanism behind it, come hand-in-hand in a new Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) study.

Released: 16-Nov-2012 4:55 PM EST
DNA Packaging Discovery Reveals Principles by which CRCs May Cause Cancer
University of Utah Health

A new discovery concerning a fundamental understanding about how DNA works will produce a “180-degree change in focus” for researchers who study how gene packaging regulates gene activity, including genes that cause cancer and other diseases.

8-Nov-2012 4:00 PM EST
Game Changer for Arthritis and Anti-Fibrosis Drugs
University of Utah Health

University of Utah medical researchers have identified a way to treat inflammation while potentially minimizing a serious side effect of current medications: the increased risk for infection.

Released: 1-Nov-2012 1:30 PM EDT
Genetic Test Results for Lynch Syndrome Improved with New Computer Program
University of Utah Health

Genetic test results for Lynch syndrome often prove inconclusive, but two new studies show that two-thirds to three-fourths of genetic variants can be classified into categories that indicate the most appropriate screening and treatment guidelines.

7-Sep-2012 11:40 AM EDT
Wnt Signaling Pathway Plays Key Role in Adult Nerve Cell Generation
University of Utah Health

Researchers from the University of Utah report that a cell-to-cell communication network known as the Wnt signaling pathway plays an important role in both the production and specialization of nerve cell precursors in the hypothalamus.

Released: 5-Sep-2012 5:25 PM EDT
HIF Gene Mutation Found in Tumor Cells Offers New Clues about Cancer Metabolism
University of Utah Health

For the first time, a mutation in HIF2α, a specific group of genes known as transcription factors that is involved in red blood cell production and cell metabolism, has been identified in cancer tumor cells.

Released: 16-Aug-2012 5:00 PM EDT
Molecular 'Movies" May Accelerate Anti-cancer Drug Discovery
University of Utah Health

Using advanced computer simulations, University of Utah College of Pharmacy researchers have produced moving images of a protein complex that is an important target for anti-cancer drugs.

14-Aug-2012 5:00 PM EDT
Poxviruses Defeat Antiviral Defenses by Duplicating a Gene
University of Utah Health

Poxviruses, which are responsible for smallpox and other diseases, can adapt to defeat different host antiviral defenses by quickly and temporarily producing multiple copies of a gene that helps the viruses to counter host immunity.

Released: 14-Aug-2012 1:15 PM EDT
$16 Million NIH Grant Will Establish Center to Study Blood Clots
University of Utah Health

University of Utah Department of Medicine researchers have received $16 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to set up a translational research center to study the cellular and molecular causes of blood clots.

Released: 9-Aug-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Genome Study of Children’s Cancer Yields Possible Prognosis Tool
University of Utah Health

A new study of the genetic makeup, or genome, of Ewing sarcoma, a rare cancer that strikes children, teenagers, and young adults, has produced multiple discoveries, including genetic factors related to long-term survival.

Released: 6-Aug-2012 12:30 PM EDT
Outmuscling Major Depression with Creatine
University of Utah Health

Women battling stubborn major depression may have a surprising new ally in their fight—the muscle-building dietary supplement creatine.

Released: 30-Jul-2012 4:00 PM EDT
Gene Mutations Identified as Cause of Most Cases of Rare Disorder--AHC
University of Utah Health

Researchers at the University of Utah Departments of Neurology and Human Genetics, in collaboration with researchers at Duke University Medical Center, have discovered that mutations in the ATP1A3 gene cause the disease in the majority of patients with a diagnosis of AHC.

Released: 13-Jun-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Hormones, Elvis, and Human Emotion
University of Utah Health

The velvety voice of Elvis Presley still makes hearts flutter—and in a new study with people who have the rare genetic disorder Williams syndrome, one of the King’s classics is among a group of songs that helped to cast light on part of the essence of being human: the mystery of emotion and human interaction.

23-May-2012 4:50 PM EDT
Proteins Play Pivotal Role in Neuromuscular Disorder
University of Utah Health

Research into how carbohydrates are converted into energy has led to a surprising discovery with implications for treating a perplexing and potentially fatal neuromuscular disorder and possibly even cancer and heart disease.

Released: 2-Apr-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Study Reveals How Key Protein Protects Against Viral Infections
University of Utah Health

Scientists from the University of Utah have discovered that a mouse protein called IFITM3 contributes to defense against some types of viral infections by binding to an enzyme responsible for regulating the pH of a cell’s waste disposal system.

Released: 29-Mar-2012 1:05 PM EDT
A New Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene
Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah

Mutations in a gene called XRCC2 cause increased breast cancer risk, according to a study published today in the American Journal of Human Genetics. The study looked at families that have a history of the disease but do not have mutations in the currently known breast cancer susceptibility genes.

Released: 19-Mar-2012 5:20 PM EDT
Identifying Specific Cancers Using Molecular Analysis
University of Utah Health

Researchers from Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah report they have discovered a method to identify cancer-causing rearrangements of genetic material called chromosomal translocations quickly, accurately, and inexpensively.

27-Jan-2012 3:00 PM EST
Gene Mutation Linked to Inappropriate Lipid Buildup in Liver
University of Utah Health

A team of scientists from the University of Utah and the University of California at San Francisco has discovered that the mutation of a gene encoding a ketone body transporter triggers accumulation of fat and other lipids in the livers of zebrafish.

17-Jan-2012 9:00 AM EST
Bacterial Toxin Tied to Chronic Urinary Tract Infections
University of Utah Health

Researchers from the University of Utah have identified a process by which the most common types of urinary tract infection-causing bacteria are able to trigger bladder cell shedding and disable immune responses.

Released: 27-Dec-2011 11:25 AM EST
Mutation in TBX3 Gene Linked to Arrhythmia
University of Utah Health

The biologic and genetic mechanisms controlling the formation and function of the CCS are not well understood, but new research with mice shows that altered function of a gene called Tbx3 interferes with the development of the CCS and causes lethal arrhythmias.

Released: 8-Dec-2011 2:10 PM EST
Huntsman Cancer Institute Awarded Top Honors as Cancer Imaging Facility
University of Utah Health

The Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah has been named a National Cancer Institute Center for Quantitative Imaging Excellence (CQIE).

Released: 1-Dec-2011 4:15 PM EST
Dean Y. Li, M.D., Ph.D., Named Inaugural Vice Dean for Research
University of Utah Health

University of Utah cardiologist Dean Y. Li, M.D., Ph.D., a groundbreaking researcher in vascular development and disease, has been named the inaugural vice dean for research and chief scientific officer at University of Utah Health Care.

Released: 29-Nov-2011 6:00 PM EST
Gene Is First Linked to Herpes-Related Cold Sores
University of Utah Health

A team of researchers from the University of Utah and the University of Massachusetts has identified the first gene associated with frequent herpes-related cold sores.

Released: 23-Oct-2011 1:00 PM EDT
Discovery May Predict Probability of Breast Cancer Spreading
University of Utah Health

Researchers from Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah have discovered a way to model human breast cancer that could lead to new tools for predicting which breast cancers will spread.

Released: 12-Oct-2011 4:00 PM EDT
Looking for a Link Between Seizures and Migraine In Soldiers with TBI
University of Utah Health

Two University of Utah researchers are teaming up with the Department of Defense to investigate the long-term affects of Traumatic Brain Injury in U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
