Latest News from: Ohio State University

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Released: 26-Dec-2019 7:00 AM EST
Seeing the new Star Wars? Be careful what you wish for
Ohio State University

How much you enjoy the new Star Wars movie will depend a lot on your expectations going in, a new study suggests.

Released: 16-Dec-2019 5:05 PM EST
A new gene therapy strategy, courtesy of Mother Nature
Ohio State University

Scientists have developed a new gene-therapy technique by transforming human cells into mass producers of tiny nano-sized particles full of genetic material that has the potential to reverse disease processes.

16-Dec-2019 9:00 AM EST
Heat or eat? How one energy conservation strategy may hurt vulnerable populations
Ohio State University

Any economic and conservation benefits associated with time-of-use electricity billing could be achieved at the expense of some of the most vulnerable citizens in our society: people with disabilities and the elderly, new research suggests.

9-Dec-2019 4:30 PM EST
Knee-jerk vaping bans will fail public health, experts argue
Ohio State University

Bans and other policies restricting e-cigarette sales could do more public harm than good, according to a group of public-health, tobacco-policy and ethics experts.

Released: 12-Dec-2019 10:55 AM EST
Out-of-network costs soar for non-emergency hospitalizations
Ohio State University

The out-of-pocket financial burden for insured working Americans is substantial and growing – especially when it comes to out-of-network, non-emergency hospital care, a new study has found. Researchers at The Ohio State University analyzed claims from more than 22 million enrollees in private insurance plans and found that out-of-pocket costs for non-emergency out-of-network hospital care nearly doubled in five years.

Released: 11-Dec-2019 11:55 AM EST
Shrinking of Greenland’s glaciers began accelerating in 2000, research finds
Ohio State University

Satellite data has given scientists clues about how, when and why Greenland’s glaciers are shrinking – and shows a sharp increase in glacial retreat beginning about 2000, according to new research presented this week.

Released: 11-Dec-2019 9:45 AM EST
The Songwriter Is Creative – the Singer, Not So Much
Ohio State University

Country music songwriters must perform a careful dance when they work with famous singers who may be less talented at writing songs but bring the needed star power to attract fans – and, importantly, to get the song recorded in the first place, research suggests. A study of 39 successful country-music songwriters found that they use two strategies to navigate creative collaboration with more famous artists.

Released: 10-Dec-2019 12:05 PM EST
Last remaining glaciers in the Pacific will soon melt away
Ohio State University

The last remaining tropical glaciers between the Himalayas and the Andes will disappear in the next decade – and possibly sooner – due to climate change, a new study has found. The glaciers in Papua, Indonesia, are “the canaries in the coal mine” for other mountaintop glaciers around the world, one of the senior authors of the paper said.

Released: 9-Dec-2019 7:00 AM EST
You create your own false information, study finds
Ohio State University

Along with partisan news outlets and political blogs, there’s another surprising source of misinformation on controversial topics – it’s you. A new study found that people given accurate statistics on a controversial issue tended to misremember those numbers to fit commonly held beliefs.

Released: 5-Dec-2019 9:40 AM EST
Scientists see defects in potential new semiconductor
Ohio State University

A research team has reported seeing, for the first time, atomic scale defects that dictate the properties of a new and powerful semiconductor. The study, published earlier this month in the journal Physical Review X, shows a fundamental aspect of how the semiconductor, beta gallium oxide, controls electricity.

Released: 4-Dec-2019 10:55 AM EST
Depression affects one-third of lung cancer patients
Ohio State University

About one-third of patients newly diagnosed with the most common form of lung cancer have moderate to severe symptoms of depression, a new study suggests.

Released: 3-Dec-2019 4:50 PM EST
A common drug could help restore limb function after spinal cord injury
Ohio State University

Long-term treatment with gabapentin, a commonly prescribed drug for nerve pain, could help restore upper limb function after a spinal cord injury, new research in mice suggests.

Released: 25-Nov-2019 12:45 PM EST
Why women select college majors with lower earnings potentialWhy women select college majors with lower earnings potential
Ohio State University

Even when both male and female college students say they want to pursue a major with the best earnings prospects, the majors men choose are higher paying than the majors women choose.

Released: 21-Nov-2019 7:00 AM EST
How to fight illegal cocoa farms in Ivory Coast
Ohio State University

The world’s love for chocolate has helped decimate protected forests in western Africa as some residents have turned protected areas into illegal cocoa farms and hunting grounds.

Released: 14-Nov-2019 12:40 PM EST
Design flaw could open Bluetooth devices to hacking
Ohio State University

Mobile apps that work with Bluetooth devices have an inherent design flaw that makes them vulnerable to hacking, new research has found.

12-Nov-2019 2:50 PM EST
First look at thermostat wars suggests women may be losing these battles
Ohio State University

Your characterization of the thermostat war in your house is likely to depend at least in part on whether you’re a man or a woman. A new study taking a glimpse at these skirmishes offers the first known data on joint consumer decision-making around home temperatures and potential effects on energy use.

Released: 13-Nov-2019 9:45 AM EST
Sex workers’ preferences for HIV prevention center on convenience
Ohio State University

Preventing HIV in sex workers is a powerful tool in lowering the worldwide burden of the disease, and a new study could help ensure that high-risk women take advantage of medical safeguards.

Released: 11-Nov-2019 2:10 PM EST
The gut may be the ticket to reducing chemo’s side effects
Ohio State University

In a new study, scientists observed several simultaneous reactions in mice given a common chemotherapy drug: Their gut bacteria and tissue changed, their blood and brains showed signs of inflammation, and their behaviors suggested they were fatigued and cognitively impaired.

Released: 8-Nov-2019 12:20 PM EST
In a warming world, glacier scientists have to keep going higher
Ohio State University

As Earth's atmosphere gets warmer, glacier scientists need to climb ever higher to find ice that hasn't started melting. And they're finding that some of the planet's most vulnerable people are likely to be most affected.

Released: 7-Nov-2019 7:00 AM EST
What your friends’ brains look like when they think of you
Ohio State University

If you ever wondered what’s going on in your friends’ brains when they think about you, new research may provide a clue.

4-Nov-2019 8:40 AM EST
Vaping not worth potential heart risk, researchers say
Ohio State University

Science hasn’t yet caught up with electronic cigarettes, leaving health care providers and users with many unknowns. But a new review of the research so far finds growing evidence that vaping can harm the heart and blood vessels.

Released: 6-Nov-2019 4:50 PM EST
Nature Might Be Better Than Tech at Reducing Air Pollution
Ohio State University

Adding plants and trees to the landscapes near factories and other pollution sources could reduce air pollution by an average of 27 percent, new research suggests. The study shows that plants – not technologies – may also be cheaper options for cleaning the air near a number of industrial sites, roadways, power plants, commercial boilers and oil and gas drilling sites. In fact, researchers found that in 75 percent of the counties analyzed, it was cheaper to use plants to mitigate air pollution than it was to add technological interventions – things like smokestack scrubbers – to the sources of pollution.

5-Nov-2019 10:05 AM EST
Many insured Americans go out of network, pay more for behavioral health despite parity laws
Ohio State University

Americans are using more out-of-network care and paying more out of pocket for behavioral health care than for treatment of other conditions, despite efforts to increase coverage and access to mental health services, according to new research.

Released: 4-Nov-2019 2:50 PM EST
Lost trees hugely overrated as environmental threat, study finds
Ohio State University

Cutting down trees inevitably leads to more carbon in the environment, but deforestation’s contributions to climate change are vastly overestimated, according to a new study.

30-Oct-2019 11:00 AM EDT
Scientists may have discovered a whole new class of black holes
Ohio State University

Scientists have been trying to build a census of all the black holes in the Milky Way galaxy, but new research shows they might have been missing an entire class of black holes that they didn’t know existed, a study publishing 10/31/19 in Science shows.

29-Oct-2019 12:40 PM EDT
Vampire bats give a little help to their “friends”
Ohio State University

Vampire bats could be said to be sort of like people – not because of their blood-sucking ways, but because they help their neighbors in need even if it’s of no obvious benefit to them.

Released: 30-Oct-2019 2:00 PM EDT
For Teens, Multitasking Makes Them Feel Better – and Worse
Ohio State University

Multitasking makes adolescents feel both more positively and more negatively about the main task they’re trying to accomplish, a new study finds.

Released: 29-Oct-2019 9:45 AM EDT
Scientists learn how to make oxygen “perform” for them
Ohio State University

Chemists have figured out how to keep “the wave” of one particular isotope of oxygen – among the most abundant elements on the planet and a crucial building block for materials like glass and ceramics – going during nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy long enough to learn some things about its structure and function.

Released: 28-Oct-2019 11:20 AM EDT
5,000 “eyes” try to solve the mystery of dark energy
Ohio State University

For 20 years, astrophysicists have tried to understand dark energy, a force that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate. Last week, they turned 5,000 fiber-optic “eyes” to the skies, the first test of a five-year project to try to solve the mysteries of dark energy.

22-Oct-2019 12:05 PM EDT
A possible gut-brain connection to ‘chemo brain’
Ohio State University

To test the possible relationship between the gut and chemo brain, Leah Pyter's lab is examining chemo's effects on mice whose guts have been manipulated before treatment. One experiment involves feeding the mice antibiotics. The other relies on the universal practice among mice of eating their own and their roommates' feces.

Released: 21-Oct-2019 2:20 PM EDT
Study suggests a new way to think about the brain’s link to postpartum depression
Ohio State University

Chronic stress during pregnancy triggers an immune response in the brain that has potential to alter brain functions in ways that could contribute to postpartum depression, new research in animals suggests.

Released: 21-Oct-2019 7:00 AM EDT
Fathers are ‘cautionary tales’ about health for some adults
Ohio State University

Some adults see their mothers and fathers as still influencing their own health – but in very different ways, according to a new study.

Released: 18-Oct-2019 8:05 AM EDT
"We proved that women could certainly stand the rigors of Antarctica"
Ohio State University

As the world watches the first all-female spacewalk, looking back at another glass-ceiling-busting milestone: The first all-female research expedition to Antarctica.

Released: 17-Oct-2019 3:25 PM EDT
A simpler way to make some medicines
Ohio State University

Organic chemists have figured out how to synthesize the most common molecule arrangement in medicine, a scientific discovery that could change the way a number of drugs – including one most commonly used to treat ovarian cancer – are produced. Their discovery, published today in the journal Chem, gives drug makers a crucial building block for creating medicines that, so far, are made with complex processes that result in a lot of waste.

Released: 16-Oct-2019 3:25 PM EDT
How partisan hate leads people to believe falsehoods
Ohio State University

Researchers now have a better idea of why people who rely on partisan news outlets are more likely to believe falsehoods about political opponents.

8-Oct-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Vaccine against RSV could be in sight, researchers say
Ohio State University

A vaccine for the common and sometimes deadly RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) has been elusive, but scientists say a new discovery puts them much closer to success.

Released: 8-Oct-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Flagging False Facebook Posts as Satire Helps Reduce Belief
Ohio State University

If you want to convince people not to trust an inaccurate political post on Facebook, labeling it as satire can help, a new study finds.

2-Oct-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Study: More behavioral health care linked to small drop in gun-related suicides
Ohio State University

An increase in behavioral health providers is associated with a slight decrease in gun-related suicides, but the difference is small and points to a need to tackle gun violence in other ways, according to the authors of a new study.

Released: 3-Oct-2019 9:50 AM EDT
How the Texas puma saved the Florida panther
Ohio State University

Scientists have pieced together the first complete picture of the Florida panther genome – work that could serve to protect that endangered population and other endangered species going forward.

Released: 2-Oct-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Finding the “magic angle” to create a new superconductor
Ohio State University

Researchers have made a discovery that could provide new insights into how superconductors might move energy more efficiently to power homes, industries and vehicles.

Released: 26-Sep-2019 9:00 AM EDT
Scientists Watch a Black Hole Shredding a Star
Ohio State University

A NASA satellite searching space for new planets gave astronomers an unexpected glimpse at a black hole ripping a star to shreds. The milestone was reached with the help of a worldwide network of robotic telescopes headquartered at The Ohio State University called ASAS-SN (All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae). Astronomers from the Carnegie Observatories, Ohio State and others published their findings today in The Astrophysical Journal.

Released: 25-Sep-2019 9:00 AM EDT
New satellite may make flood prediction easier
Ohio State University

A satellite on schedule to launch in 2021 could offer a more comprehensive look at flooding in vulnerable, under-studied parts of the world, including much of Africa, South America and Indonesia, a new study has found.

Released: 25-Sep-2019 7:05 AM EDT
Kids in poor, urban schools learn just as much as others
Ohio State University

Schools serving disadvantaged and minority children teach as much to their students as those serving more advantaged kids, according to a new nationwide study.

Released: 23-Sep-2019 8:10 AM EDT
A new way to turn heat into energy
Ohio State University

An international team of scientists has figured out how to capture heat and turn it into electricity. The discovery, published last week in the journal Science Advances, could create more efficient energy generation from heat in things like car exhaust, interplanetary space probes and industrial processes.

Released: 20-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Water May Be Scarce for New Power Plants in Asia
Ohio State University

Climate change and over-tapped waterways could leave developing parts of Asia without enough water to cool power plants in the near future, new research indicates. The study found that existing and planned power plants that burn coal for energy could be vulnerable. The work was published today in the journal Energy and Environment Science.

Released: 18-Sep-2019 8:05 AM EDT
Researchers find way to study proteins moving (relatively) slowly
Ohio State University

Proteins keep our organs functioning, egulate our cells and are the targets for medications that treat a number of diseases, including cancers and neurological diseases. Proteins need to move in order to function. But, because the technology they used to watch proteins doesn't allow it, scientists still know very little about such motions at speeds slower than a nanosecond.

Released: 17-Sep-2019 10:05 AM EDT
One way childhood trauma leads to poorer health for women
Ohio State University

Researchers have long known that childhood trauma is linked to poorer health for women at midlife. A new study shows one important reason why.

Released: 16-Sep-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Meatballs Might Wreck the Anti-Cancer Perks of Tomato Sauce
Ohio State University

Some of the anti-cancer benefits of tomatoes, specifically those from a compound called lycopene, could disappear when they’re eaten with iron-rich foods, according to a new study from The Ohio State University.

Released: 12-Sep-2019 8:05 AM EDT
Distractions distort what’s real, study suggests
Ohio State University

A new study suggests that distractions – those pesky interruptions that pull us away from our goals – might change our perception of what’s real, making us believe we saw something different from what we actually saw.

