Latest News from: American Technion Society

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Released: 9-Sep-2019 12:05 PM EDT
All of YouTube in a Single Teaspoon: Storing Information in DNA
American Technion Society

Israeli researchers have demonstrated information storage in a density of more than 10 petabytes (10M gigabytes) in a single gram of DNA while significantly improving the writing process.

Released: 9-Sep-2019 8:30 AM EDT
Mimicking Behavior of Natural Viruses, Researchers Develop New Drug Delivery Tool
American Technion Society

Based on the chemical behavior of natural viruses, researchers from the Technion and National Taiwan University have developed hollow nanometric balls that are expected to be used for drug delivery and safe immunizations.

Released: 8-Aug-2019 8:40 AM EDT
Researchers Hack One of the World's Most Secure Industrial Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)
American Technion Society

Israeli researchers have managed to take control of a Siemens programmable logic controller (PLC), considered to be one of the safest controllers in the world. PLCs are used in a wide spectrum of operations including power stations, water pumps, vehicles, and smart homes.

Released: 14-Mar-2019 8:30 AM EDT
Hey Doc, How’s My Immune System Doing?
American Technion Society

A team of Israeli and American researchers says the state of a person’s immune system provides the most accurate measurement of a person’s health. They have developed a way to gauge “immune age,” which could bring about new frontiers in personalized medical treatment, drug and vaccine clinical development, and more.

Released: 13-Mar-2019 8:00 AM EDT
Super Sensitive, Groundbreaking Smart Sensor “Tastes” and “Sniffs”
American Technion Society

Technion researchers have developed an innovative sensing system capable of identifying and distinguishing different stimuli. Based on origami, and combined with conductive ink the researchers also developed, the multi-functional sensor is capable of identifying the “fingerprints” of materials and chemicals by their “taste” and “smell.”

Released: 7-Feb-2019 2:40 PM EST
Americans Trust Headlines That Match Their Political Leanings
American Technion Society

New findings show that Americans are more likely to believe that a news story is accurate if the headline aligns with their political views — and that it does not matter whether the headline comes from a source that aligns with the reader’s views. The results provide insight about the important question of trust in news.

Released: 27-Dec-2018 12:05 PM EST
Falafel from Microalgae: Protein for a Hungry World
American Technion Society

Graduate students from the Technion recently won first prize in the EIT Food Project Competition for their contribution to the development of a product called “Algalafel.” The novel falafel is enriched with spirulina, an abundant, ecologically friendly and nutritious microalgae.

Released: 26-Nov-2018 11:05 AM EST
Found In Translation: Algorithm Could Speed Up Development of New Medical Therapies
American Technion Society

A machine learning system developed at the Technion enables estimation of the relevance of lab mice studies to human physiology. The tool is expected to speed up the development of new medical therapies.

Released: 13-Sep-2018 2:05 PM EDT
A New Scientific Field: Quantum Metamaterials
American Technion Society

Two teams of scientists from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have collaborated to conduct groundbreaking research leading to the development of a new and innovative scientific field: Quantum Metamaterials.

Released: 14-Aug-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Researchers Break Through Intel SGX, Intel's Security Wall
American Technion Society

An international team of researchers has broken through Intel’s innovative security wall, Intel Software Guard Extension (SGX). The attack, dubbed Foreshadow, exploits certain weaknesses in the existing mechanisms of Intel CPUs, allowing an attacker to expose private application data and forge computations secured by SGX.

Released: 16-Jul-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Shrink Tumors in Mice by Manipulating Brain's Reward System
American Technion Society

Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have successfully shrunk cancerous tumors in mice by manipulating the brain’s reward system. The intervention caused the nervous system to stimulate the immune system.

Released: 21-Jun-2018 9:00 AM EDT
The Immune System: Cracking Open the Black Box
American Technion Society

A technology developed at Israel's Technion will provide the scientific community with novel tools to gain a comprehensive understanding of immune system activity. Based on millions of scientific publications, the technology uses artificial intelligence to map disease immune profiles. These maps, which have already identified previously unknown biological interactions, will enable development of personalized, immuno-centric therapies

Released: 18-Jun-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Researchers Generate Electricity and Hydrogen from Live Bacteria
American Technion Society

Using a family of photosynthetic bacteria that commonly live in lakes and seas, researchers at the Technion have developed a technology to generate electricity and hydrogen energy. The researchers believe their technology can serve as a promising source of clean, environment-friendly energy that will not emit pollutants during production or use (hydrogen fuel).

Released: 5-Jun-2018 4:20 PM EDT
Nanotechnology for Plant Nutrition
American Technion Society

Technion researchers have found they can significantly increase agricultural yields, by using nanoscale delivery platforms that until now were used to transport drugs to specific targets in a patient's body. The technology increases the penetration rate of nutrients into the plant, from 1% to approximately 33%.

Released: 30-May-2018 4:15 PM EDT
A New Way to Deliver Anticancer Drugs to Pediatric Tumors
American Technion Society

A newly developed nanosystem significantly improves the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs and reduces the required dosage by about 90%. The system could offer a glimpse of developments to come in the treatment of pediatric cancers, which differ from adult cancers in aspects that include genetic characteristics, growth patterns and developmental pathways.

Released: 23-May-2018 2:45 PM EDT
Israeli and American Researchers Have Successfully Curbed Mesothelioma in Model Animals
American Technion Society

A team led by researchers from the Technion and NYU Langone has successfully impeded the development of mesothelioma - a disease for which there is currently no effective treatment. Mesothelioma, a cancer that develops in the thin membrane that protects the internal organs of the chest and abdomen, is in most cases caused by exposure to asbestos.

Released: 15-May-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Wearable Devices for Early Disease Monitoring and Diagnosis
American Technion Society

Researchers at the Technion have developed an integrated system for early diagnosis of diseases through the use of wearable monitors. The system is able to repair itself in the event of a tear or scratch, and receives the energy required for operation from the wearer.

Released: 30-Apr-2018 5:05 PM EDT
Optimal Propulsion: Helping Nanoscale Robots Swim Better
American Technion Society

Researchers from the Technion have completed an interdisciplinary study that reveals the optimal configuration for nanoscale robots that can travel within the human body to perform a variety of tasks. The model improves previous nature-inspired models.

Released: 19-Mar-2018 9:05 PM EDT
Cats Could Help in Development of Anti-HIV Drugs
American Technion Society

Technion researchers have discovered a mechanism which may serve the foundation for the resistance of FIV, the virus that causes “Feline AIDS.” Because of the parallels between FIV and HIV-1, the researchers say the discovery could also assist in the ongoing fight against AIDS.

Released: 22-Feb-2018 9:05 AM EST
Using Light and Gold for Targeted, Non-Invasive Drug Delivery
American Technion Society

Researchers have developed a highly-targeted and non-invasive drug-release method that combines a nanoscale gold particle-containing polymer coating and near-infrared light. The technology could also be used for other applications, including the sealing of internal and external injuries, and as biodegradable scaffolds for growing transplant organs.

Released: 14-Feb-2018 3:30 PM EST
Orthodontic Surgery via Enzymatic Blade: No Incision Necessary
American Technion Society

Researchers at the Technion have developed a method that could reduce the pain and cost associated with orthodontic work, while shortening the time needed to wear braces to about six months.

Released: 13-Feb-2018 3:05 PM EST
A Synthetic Cell That Produces Anti-Cancer Drugs Within a Tumor
American Technion Society

Researchers have successfully treated a cancerous tumor using a “nano-factory” – a synthetic cell that produces anti-cancer proteins within the tumor tissue. The synthetic cell could one day be an important part in the personalized medicine trend.

Released: 1-Feb-2018 2:05 PM EST
Future of Semiconductor Lasing: Topological Insulator Lasers
American Technion Society

Researchers have developed a new, highly efficient coherent and robust semiconductor laser system: the topological insulator laser. The results of the study pave the way towards a novel class of active topological photonic devices that may be integrated with sensors, antennas and other photonic devices.

Released: 18-Jan-2018 7:05 PM EST
The Human Body's Golden Gate to Iron Traffic
American Technion Society

New findings could change how iron metabolism in the human body is understood, and open new horizons for research and therapeutics for inflammatory diseases and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's disease.

6-Dec-2017 4:30 PM EST
Brittle Starfish Shows How to Make Tough Ceramics
American Technion Society

A coral reef-dwelling starfish that creates highly resistant lenses from chalk has given an international team of researchers a biostrategy that could lead to new ways for toughening brittle ceramics in applications including optical lenses, automotive turbochargers and biomaterial implants.

Released: 7-Nov-2017 3:05 PM EST
Lessons from Marine Sponges Could Lead to Novel Glass Technology
American Technion Society

Israeli and German scientists have uncovered some clues about the abilities of some marine creatures to form glass structures in cold water. The findings could lead to nature-inspired recipes for creating novel glass technologies at room temperature.

Released: 2-Oct-2017 3:15 PM EDT
What Do Your Eyes Say? Device Can Diagnose Diseases Based on Eyelid Motion
American Technion Society

Some say the eyes are a window to the soul. Now, thanks to researchers at the Technion, the eyes (or at least the motion of a person's eyelids) can also be used to diagnose eye diseases and neurologically expressed diseases, including Parkinson’s disease.

Released: 10-Aug-2017 10:05 AM EDT
De-Jargonizing Program Helps Decode Science Speak
American Technion Society

Science is fascinating to many, but sentences about research full of expert-level terms and descriptions can scare away even the most passionate audiences. Now, scientists have created a free, scientist-friendly “De-Jargonizer” they hope will make science and research accessible to the public.

Released: 18-Jul-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Discovery Could Lead to Ways for Decreasing Metastatic Disease
American Technion Society

An international research team has discovered a central mechanism that accelerates the development of metastases after surgery for cancerous tumors in the abdominal area. This study provides a possible treatment modality for cancer patients that can decrease incidence of deadly metastatic disease.

Released: 13-Jul-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Technion and Toronto Researchers Aim to See the Night in a New Light
American Technion Society

A new technology provides a new understanding of the nighttime landscape based upon the flicker of electric lights. Applications could include monitoring light pollution and power grid output and fluctuations, and the estimation of nighttime air quality.

Released: 7-Jul-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Gold Remembers: "Shape Memory" Effect Demonstrated in Gold Particles
American Technion Society

Researchers have demonstrated shape memory and self-healing in gold microparticles. It could one day lead to self-repairing micro- and nano-robots; mechanically stable, damage-tolerant devices; and targeted drug delivery.

Released: 29-Jun-2017 11:05 AM EDT
New System Makes Fast, Customized Antibiotic Treatments Possible
American Technion Society

Using nanotechnology, image processing tools and statistical analysis, Technion researchers have developed a system that enables faster diagnostics, earlier and more effective treatment of infectious bacteria, and improved patient recovery times.

Released: 21-Jun-2017 4:50 PM EDT
System Detects & Translates Sarcasm on Social Media
American Technion Society

Researchers have developed a machine translation system for interpreting sarcastic statements in social media. It could one day help people on the autism spectrum, who often have difficulty interpreting sarcasm, irony and humor.

Released: 6-Jun-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Sensing the Nanoscale with Visible Light
American Technion Society

New findings show that features more than 100x smaller than the optical wavelength can still be sensed by light. This could pave the way for major new applications in sensing, including measuring nanometric defects in computer chips and photonic devices.

Released: 22-May-2017 4:30 PM EDT
A Possible Alternative to Antibiotics
American Technion Society

Technion researchers say a combination of metals and organic acids is an effective way to eradicate cholera, salmonella, pseudomonas, and other pathogenic bacteria. The combination also works on bacteria that attack agricultural crops.

Released: 28-Apr-2017 12:05 PM EDT
The Ocean Detectives
American Technion Society

Technion researchers have detected three new groups of viruses that attack microorganisms from the archaeal marine group, Euryarchaeota. In all, 26 viruses previously unknown to science were found.

Released: 24-Apr-2017 3:05 PM EDT
In-Flight, on-Demand Hydrogen Production Could Mean “Greener” Aircraft
American Technion Society

Technion researchers have a developed safe and efficient way to produce hydrogen on board a plane in flight. Using aluminum particles and (fresh or waste), the technology could one day help meet in-flight energy needs on commercial aircraft.

Released: 13-Mar-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Hydrogen on Demand
American Technion Society

Using solar energy, Technion researchers have developed a new method for safely and efficiently producing hydrogen in a centralized manner, miles away from the solar farm. It could greatly reduce the cost of producing hydrogen and shipping it to customers.

Released: 28-Feb-2017 9:05 PM EST
Researchers Suggest New Theory for How Parkinson’s Disease Develops
American Technion Society

The toxic protein behind Parkinson’s disease may not spread like an infection from nerve cell to nerve. Instead, say researchers from the Technion and Harvard, the protein may simultaneously affect all parts of the nervous system inside and outside of the brain.

Released: 23-Feb-2017 4:05 PM EST
Novel Amyloid Structure Could Lead to New Types of Antibiotics
American Technion Society

Researchers have discovered unique amyloid fibers used by the highly drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacterium (which causes MRSA). The findings could lead to new types of antibiotics with a novel mechanism of action for attacking bacterial toxins.

Released: 13-Feb-2017 3:05 PM EST
Sperm-Egg Fusion Proteins Have Same Structure as Those Used by Zika and Other Viruses
American Technion Society

The protein which helps the sperm and egg fuse together in sexual reproduction are part of a larger family of proteins that helps other cells bind together to create larger organs, and which also allows viruses like Zika and Dengue to invade healthy cells.

Released: 9-Jan-2017 11:05 AM EST
How Earth's Previous Moons Collided to Form the Moon
American Technion Society

A new theory suggests the Moon we see every night is not Earth’s first moon, but rather the last in a series of moons that orbited our planet. Moons formed through the process could cross orbits, collide and merge, slowly building the bigger moon we see today.

Released: 22-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
Canadian-Israeli Development: A New Biological Pacemaker
American Technion Society

Using human embryonic stem cells to create a type of cardiac cells known as sinotrial (SA) node pacemaker cells, researchers have developed a biological pacemaker that overcomes many of the limitations of electrical pacemakers.

Released: 21-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
You Are What You Exhale
American Technion Society

Using an array of nanoscale sensors, researchers have identified distinct “chemical signatures” in breath samples, for several diseases (including lung cancer, ovarian cancer, Crohn's disease, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis).

Released: 7-Dec-2016 5:00 PM EST
Researchers Discover Enzyme Crucial to Tumor Development
American Technion Society

Technion researchers have discovered a biological pathway that plays an important role in tumor development. The findings could lead to cancer-fighting drugs that work by shortening the half-life of select cancer-promoting proteins known as oncoproteins.

Released: 29-Nov-2016 12:05 PM EST
Technion Researchers Create First "Water-Wave" Laser
American Technion Society

Researchers have demonstrated that laser emissions can be created through the interaction of light and water waves. This “water-wave laser” could someday be used in tiny sensors or “lab-on-a-chip” devices used to test new drug therapies.

Released: 22-Nov-2016 2:05 PM EST
New Clues in Fight Against Leukemia, Other B Cell Cancers
American Technion Society

Biochemical “cross talk” in an important pathway can be altered so that immune system cells that have turned cancerous can be eliminated. The findings could have future implications for treating cancer with the help of microRNAs.

Released: 15-Nov-2016 12:05 PM EST
New Technology Aims to Make Photovoltaic Cells 70% More Efficient
American Technion Society

Researchers at the Technion have developed a technology that could improve the efficiency of photovoltaic cells by nearly 70 percent. The breakthrough could be a key for harnessing the power of the sun to meet the world’s energy consumption demands.

Released: 10-Nov-2016 8:45 AM EST
Tiny Barcodes Provide Huge Advance in Personalized Cancer Therapy
American Technion Society

Researchers are using synthetic DNA sequences as the tiniest of barcodes to determine which anticancer drugs will work best for each individual patient. It's all done within the patient’s tumor, and before treatment even begins.

Released: 13-Oct-2016 11:05 AM EDT
Building a Better Rat Maze Could Help Us All Cooperate
American Technion Society

A fully-automated rat maze built by Technion researchers could help scientists better understand how individuals cooperate, and how this process may go awry in the brains of people with disorders ranging from autism to schizophrenia.
