Latest News from: Ohio State University

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Released: 28-May-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Men, Women Lie About Sex to Match Gender Expectations
Ohio State University

People will lie about their sexual behavior to match cultural expectations about how men or women should act – even though they wouldn’t distort other gender-related behaviors, new research suggests.

Released: 20-May-2013 2:00 PM EDT
The Compound in the Mediterranean Diet that Makes Cancer Cells ‘Mortal’
Ohio State University

New research suggests that a compound abundant in the Mediterranean diet takes away cancer cells’ “superpower” to escape death.

16-May-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Listening to Favorite Music Lowers Anxiety, Sedation in ICU Patients on Ventilators
Ohio State University

New research suggests that for some hospitalized ICU patients on mechanical ventilators, using headphones to listen to their favorite types of music could lower anxiety and reduce their need for sedative medications.

Released: 7-May-2013 10:00 PM EDT
Look! Something Shiny! How Some Textbook Visuals can Hurt Learning
Ohio State University

Adding captivating visuals to a textbook lesson to attract children’s interest may sometimes make it harder for them to learn, a new study suggests.

Released: 2-May-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Focus on STD, Not Cancer Prevention, to Promote HPV Vaccine Use
Ohio State University

The HPV vaccine can prevent both cervical cancer and a nasty sexually transmitted disease in women. But emphasizing the STD prevention will persuade more young women to get the vaccine, a new study suggests.

Released: 1-May-2013 10:00 AM EDT
World Renowned Oncology Surgeon Recruited to Ohio State
Ohio State University

Raphael E. Pollock, MD, PhD, known and respected worldwide as a gifted cancer surgeon and researcher and passionate educator of physicians-in-training, will become a professor and the director of the division of surgical oncology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center College of Medicine’s department of surgery.

Released: 24-Apr-2013 1:00 PM EDT
It’s Important to Believe in the Benefits of a Healthful Work Environment
Ohio State University

Newly released results from a health and wellness survey at The Ohio State University match what previous research has shown to be true: Respondents who reported higher beliefs in their ability to engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors also reported more participation in behaviors that support their overall health.

22-Apr-2013 6:00 AM EDT
Quit Smoking? Vitamin E May Give Extra Boost to Heart Health
Ohio State University

Taking a specific form of a vitamin E supplement can accelerate the health benefits that occur when people quit smoking, new research suggests.

Released: 17-Apr-2013 10:30 AM EDT
Not Everyone Likes the Company Picnic
Ohio State University

The workers who may have the most to gain from attending company social events may be the ones who actually get the least value from them, a new study suggests.

9-Apr-2013 3:15 PM EDT
Exercise or Make Dinner? Study Finds Adults Trade One Healthy Act for Another
Ohio State University

American adults who prepare their own meals and exercise on the same day are likely spending more time on one of those activities at the expense of the other, a new study suggests.

Released: 10-Apr-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Redesigned Material Could Lead to Lighter, Faster Electronics
Ohio State University

Chemists at The Ohio State University have developed a method for making a material that conducts electrons ten times faster than silicon.

Released: 9-Apr-2013 10:30 AM EDT
One Factor That Can Help Determine Black Men’s College Success
Ohio State University

Beyond good test scores and high school grades, a new study finds one key factor that helps predict if a young black man will succeed at a predominantly white university.

Released: 8-Apr-2013 2:20 PM EDT
Byrd Came Oh-So-Close, But Probably Didn’t Reach North Pole
Ohio State University

When renowned explorer Richard E. Byrd returned from the first-ever flight to the North Pole in 1926, he sparked a controversy that remains today: Did he actually reach the pole? By studying Byrd's navigation techniques, a researcher at The Ohio State University has determined that Byrd indeed neared the Pole, but likely only flew within 80 miles of it before turning back.

1-Apr-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Discovery of 1,800-Year-Old “Rosetta Stone” for Tropical Ice Cores
Ohio State University

Researchers at The Ohio State University report a set of ice cores from Quelccaya Ice Cap in Peru which can serve as a "Rosetta Stone" for studying other ice cores from around the world.

Released: 3-Apr-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Gender Bias Found in How Scholars Review Scientific Studies
Ohio State University

A scientist’s gender can have a big impact on how other researchers perceive his or her work, according to a new study.

Released: 26-Mar-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Researchers Find Novel Way Plants Pass Traits to Next Generation
Ohio State University

New research explains how certain traits can pass down from one generation to the next – at least in plants – without following the accepted rules of genetics.

Released: 20-Mar-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Teen Mentors Inspire Healthier Choices in Younger Children
Ohio State University

The results of an eight-week clinical trial conducted by Ohio State University researchers suggest that school systems could consider using teen mentors to instruct younger children in select health-related programs.

Released: 20-Mar-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Low-Income Parents Say Child Care Subsidies Help Them Keep Jobs
Ohio State University

Low-income parents who receive federal child care subsidies are more satisfied with their child care than those who don’t receive such help, according to a recent study.

Released: 15-Mar-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Communications Technology Among Tools Needed to Aid Miner Safety
Ohio State University

A new National Academy of Sciences report identifies tools that would help miners devise their own means of escape when trapped underground.

Released: 14-Mar-2013 4:20 PM EDT
Study Shows How Vitamin E Can Help Prevent Cancer
Ohio State University

Researchers have identified an elusive anti-cancer property of vitamin E that has long been presumed to exist, but difficult to find.

Released: 11-Mar-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Study Shows How One Insect Got Its Wings
Ohio State University

Scientists have delved deeper into the evolutionary history of the fruit fly than ever before to reveal the genetic activity that led to the development of wings – a key to the insect’s ability to survive.

Released: 11-Mar-2013 1:30 PM EDT
Tiny Piece of RNA Keeps ‘Clock’ Running in Earliest Stages of Life
Ohio State University

New research shows that a tiny piece of RNA has an essential role in ensuring that embryonic tissue segments form properly.

Released: 11-Mar-2013 7:00 AM EDT
Denied the Chance to Cheat or Steal, People Turn to Violent Video Games
Ohio State University

When people are denied the chance to cheat or steal, they get frustrated -- and turn to violent video games for release.

Released: 5-Mar-2013 6:00 AM EST
Health Benefits of Marriage May Not Extend to All
Ohio State University

Marriage may not always be as beneficial to health as experts have led us to believe, according to a new study.

Released: 26-Feb-2013 11:30 AM EST
Persistent Negative Attitude Can Undo Effectiveness of Exposure Therapy for Phobias
Ohio State University

Because confronting fear won’t always make it go away, researchers suggest that people with phobias must alter memory-driven negative attitudes about feared objects or events to achieve a more lasting recovery from what scares them the most.

Released: 25-Feb-2013 12:00 PM EST
Boys’ Lack of Effort in School Tied to College Gender Gap
Ohio State University

When it comes to college education, men are falling behind by standing still. The proportion of men receiving college degrees has stagnated, while women have thrived under the new economic and social realities in the United States.

Released: 21-Feb-2013 2:00 PM EST
Student Loans Help Women More than Men in Reaching Graduation
Ohio State University

Student loans provide more help to women than they do for men in encouraging graduation from college, a new nationwide study reveals.

Released: 18-Feb-2013 3:00 PM EST
Ancient Fossilized Sea Creatures Yield Oldest Biomolecules Isolated Directly From a Fossil
Ohio State University

Though scientists have long believed that complex organic molecules couldn’t survive fossilization, some 350-million-year-old remains of aquatic sea creatures uncovered in Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa have challenged that assumption.

Released: 15-Feb-2013 4:00 PM EST
Climate Change is not an All-or-Nothing Proposition, Researcher Says
Ohio State University

An Ohio State University statistician says that the natural human difficulty with grasping probabilities is preventing Americans from dealing with climate change.

Released: 11-Feb-2013 10:20 AM EST
Anxiety About Relationships May Lower Immunity, Increase Vulnerability to Illness
Ohio State University

Concerns and anxieties about one’s close relationships appear to function as a chronic stressor that can compromise immunity, according to new research.

5-Feb-2013 7:00 AM EST
Zinc Helps Against Infection by Tapping Brakes in Immune Response
Ohio State University

New research suggests that zinc helps control infections by gently tapping the brakes on the immune response in a way that prevents out-of-control inflammation that can be damaging and even deadly.

Released: 6-Feb-2013 6:00 AM EST
New Coal Technology Harnesses Energy Without Burning, Nears Pilot-Scale Development
Ohio State University

A new form of clean coal technology reached an important milestone recently, with the successful operation of a research-scale combustion system at Ohio State University.

Released: 30-Jan-2013 12:00 PM EST
Alternate Walking and Running to Save Energy, Maintain Endurance
Ohio State University

Forget “slow and steady wins the race.” A new study shows that, at least sometimes, the best way to conserve energy and reach your destination on time is to alternate between walking and running—whether your goal is the bus stop or a marathon finish line.

Released: 29-Jan-2013 9:40 PM EST
Good Mood Helps Boost Brain Power in Older Adults
Ohio State University

Older adults can improve their decision making and working memory simply by putting on a happy face, a new study suggests.

Released: 28-Jan-2013 10:00 AM EST
Some Health Benefits of Berries May Not Make It Past Your Mouth
Ohio State University

For the first time, scientists have exposed extracts from numerous berries high in healthy pigments to human saliva to see just what kinds of health-promoting substances are likely to survive and be produced in the mouth.

Released: 24-Jan-2013 8:00 AM EST
False Beliefs Persist, Even After Instant Online Corrections
Ohio State University

It seems like a great idea: Provide instant corrections to web-surfers when they run across obviously false information on the Internet. But a new study suggests that this type of tool may not always dispel inaccurate beliefs.

Released: 23-Jan-2013 3:35 PM EST
Motion Control Keeps Electric Car’s Four Wheels—and Four Motors—on the Road
Ohio State University

It weighs half as much as a sports car, and turns on a dime—so its no surprise that the electric car being developed at Ohio State University needs an exceptional traction and motion control system to keep it on the road.

Released: 23-Jan-2013 11:00 AM EST
Scientists Identify New Strategy to Fight Deadly Infection in Cystic Fibrosis
Ohio State University

New research suggests that lowering excessive levels of a protein in immune system cells could be a strategy to clear an infection that is deadly to patients with cystic fibrosis (CF).

Released: 22-Jan-2013 2:40 PM EST
Viral Reactivation a Likely Link Between Stress and Heart Disease
Ohio State University

A new study could provide the link that scientists have been looking for to confirm that reactivation of a latent herpes virus is a cause of some heart problems.

Released: 22-Jan-2013 11:30 AM EST
Scientists Find Gene Interactions That Make Cocaine Abuse Death 8 Times More Likely
Ohio State University

Scientists have identified genetic circumstances under which common mutations on two genes interact in the presence of cocaine to produce a nearly eight-fold increased risk of death as a result of abusing the drug.

17-Jan-2013 11:00 AM EST
Loneliness, Like Chronic Stress, Taxes the Immune System
Ohio State University

New research links loneliness to a number of dysfunctional immune responses, suggesting that being lonely has the potential to harm overall health.

Released: 11-Jan-2013 5:25 PM EST
Credit Card Debt: Younger People Borrow More Heavily and Repay More Slowly
Ohio State University

Younger Americans not only take on relatively more credit card debt than their elders, but they are also paying it off at a slower rate, according to a first-of-its-kind study.

Released: 9-Jan-2013 10:00 AM EST
In How Many Ways Might Kitchen Cupboards Affect Health? Study Aims to Find Out
Ohio State University

In a new Ohio State University study, researchers will explore the home-health relationship by personally examining 100 central Ohio residences, especially food choices and food availability. The scientists will also assess architectural features associated with food.

7-Jan-2013 12:00 PM EST
First Oral Drug for Spinal Cord Injury Improves Movement in Mice
Ohio State University

An experimental oral drug given to mice after a spinal cord injury was effective at improving limb movement after the injury, a new study shows.

20-Dec-2012 10:00 AM EST
Study Shows Rapid Warming on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Ohio State University

In a discovery that raises further concerns about the future contribution of Antarctica to sea level rise, a new study finds that the western part of the ice sheet is experiencing nearly twice as much warming as previously thought.

Released: 17-Dec-2012 11:50 AM EST
Who Likes Bling? The Answer Relates To Social Status
Ohio State University

A desire for expensive, high-status goods is related to feelings of social status - which helps explain why minorities are attracted to bling, a new study suggests.

Released: 12-Dec-2012 4:30 PM EST
Study Reveals New Factor That Could Limit the Life of Hybrid and Electric Car Batteries
Ohio State University

A new study of the batteries commonly used in hybrid and electric-only cars has revealed an unexpected factor that could limit the performance of batteries currently on the road.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 8:00 AM EST
Hedge Funds Manipulate Stock Prices, New Research Shows
Ohio State University

Some hedge funds manipulate stock prices at the end of the month to improve the returns that they report to their investors, a new study suggests.
