Latest News from: Universite de Montreal

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16-Nov-2018 4:15 PM EST
Being Fair: The Benefits of Early Child Education
Universite de Montreal

Getting a jump on a low-income child’s education can have a positive effect on social behavior even 40 years later, researchers find.

Released: 15-Nov-2018 6:00 AM EST
Treating the "bubble babies"
Universite de Montreal

A new study shows that the genotype of a child with severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) affects his survival rate after stem cell transplantation from an unrelated donor.

Released: 12-Nov-2018 7:00 AM EST
Montreal Researchers Explain How Your Muscles Form
Universite de Montreal

An international team led by Montreal researchers discovers two proteins essential to the development of skeletal muscle.

7-Nov-2018 11:00 AM EST
We now know how RNA molecules are organized in cells
Universite de Montreal

With their new finding, Canadian scientists urge revision of decades-old dogma on protein synthesis

2-Nov-2018 4:30 PM EDT
Music improves social communication in autistic children
Universite de Montreal

Improved communication skills may be linked to increased connectivity between auditory and motor regions of the brain, researchers at Université de Montreal and McGill University find.

Released: 30-Oct-2018 2:10 PM EDT
Becoming More Sensitive to Pain Increases the Risk of Knee Pain Not Going Away
Universite de Montreal

A new study by researchers in Montreal and Boston looks at the role that pain plays in osteoarthritis, a disease that affects over 300 million adults worldwide.

26-Oct-2018 1:35 PM EDT
Smell and Behaviour: The Scents of Taking Action
Universite de Montreal

Canadian scientists have discovered a neural pathway that links olfaction to locomotion.

23-Oct-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Scientists Discover a New Lead for Mechanism of Action of Diabetes Drug Metformin
Universite de Montreal

Université de Montréal researchers are able to see how frontline diabetes drug metformin alters cell glucose uptake using new technology that probes how drugs act on all cellular functions.

Released: 25-Oct-2018 10:05 AM EDT
The Body's Defence Mechanisms: Teamwork Is Key for Cancer-Fighting Proteins
Universite de Montreal

A new study published in Nature Communications shows that a molecular symbiosis between BAP1 and ASXL2 proteins can suppress cancerous tumors.

5-Oct-2018 2:05 PM EDT
When yesterday's agriculture feeds today’s water pollution
Universite de Montreal

Water quality is threatened by a long history of fertilizer use on land, Canadian scientists find

1-Oct-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Teen cannabis use is not without risk to cognitive development
Universite de Montreal

A study led by researchers at CHU Sainte-Justine in Montreal confirms that cannabis use is related to impaired and lasting effects on adolescent cognitive development.

14-Sep-2018 4:25 PM EDT
Witnessing Violence in High School as Bad as Being Bullied
Universite de Montreal

Over the long term, being a bystander of high-school violence can be as damaging to mental health as being directly bullied, a new study finds.

Released: 12-Sep-2018 9:00 AM EDT
First Canadian Face Transplant Performed in Montreal
Universite de Montreal

Led by UdeM professor Daniel Borsuk, surgeons at Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont announce that four months after the operation, their 64-year-old patient can breathe properly, chew, smell and speak.

Released: 7-Sep-2018 3:55 PM EDT
A New Exoplanet Is Discovered by an International Team Led by a Young Master's Student
Universite de Montreal

Wolf 503b, an exoplanet twice the size of Earth, has been discovered by an international team of Canadian, American and German researchers using data from NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope. The find is described in a new study whose lead author is Merrin Peterson

Released: 25-Jul-2018 6:00 AM EDT
Women and Older People Under-Represented in Drug Trials for Heart Disease
Universite de Montreal

In the U.S., it's estimated the number of people aged 65 and older will double over the next 30 years. With the first baby boomers now turning 73, the demand for cardiac care is expected to skyrocket, not just in the U.S. but elsewhere as well. Even though they have more cardiovascular problems, fewer women and people over 65 are recruited for randomized clinical trials than men and younger people. To find out, a team of researchers took a close look at the 25 most influential clinical trials for each year in the 20-year period from 1996 to 2015. They compared the age and sex of participants to data published in the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2016 on the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in America.

20-Jun-2018 2:00 PM EDT
Scientists Discover a New Mechanism That Prevents the Proliferation of Cancer Cells
Universite de Montreal

Université de Montréal researchers find that disrupting the composition of ribosomes stops tumour cells from multiplying.

29-May-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Asthma and Flu: A Double Whammy
Universite de Montreal

Vaccinating asthmatic pre-schoolers against influenza could dramatically reduce their risk of being hospitalized after an attack, Canadian researchers find.

Released: 30-May-2018 6:05 AM EDT
Women and Work
Universite de Montreal

For many, the lack of latitude in decision-making leads to burnout, a study by UdeM researchers finds.

28-May-2018 6:00 AM EDT
Understanding the Origin of Alzheimer’s, Looking for a Cure
Universite de Montreal

Researchers look at the promising role played by the BMI1 gene, which could someday help mitigate or even reverse the disease.

Released: 18-May-2018 10:00 AM EDT
Cannabis: It Matters How Young You Start
Universite de Montreal

Canadian researchers find that boys who start smoking pot before 15 are much more likely to have a drug problem at 28 than those who start at 15 or after.

Released: 11-May-2018 6:00 AM EDT
Multiple Myeloma: A Bold Study to Make Allografting Safer and More Efficient
Universite de Montreal

Dr. Jean Roy hopes to someday cure patients with multiple myeloma, one of the most common (and still incurable) bone marrow cancers, thanks to a new molecule called UM171 discovered by scientists at Université de Montréal.

Released: 8-May-2018 4:05 PM EDT
Stay Safe, Take the Bus
Universite de Montreal

A Montreal study reveals that people who travel by car are four times more likely to be injured than people who travel by city bus. Buses are safer for cyclists and pedestrians, too.

Released: 3-May-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Mercury Rising: Are the Fish We Eat Toxic?
Universite de Montreal

Canadian researchers say industrial sea fishing may be exposing people in coastal and island nations to excessively high levels of mercury.

Released: 16-Apr-2018 5:00 AM EDT
Surviving Climate Change, Then and Now
Universite de Montreal

An archeological dig in Italy reveals that prehistoric humans made it through a major natural disaster by cooperating with each other – and that's a lesson for our future.

Released: 10-Apr-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Rare Brain Disease in Children: Major Breakthroughs in Rasmussen’s Encephalitis
Universite de Montreal

Researchers at Université de Montréal and the research centres of the CHUM and CHU Sainte-Justine are banding together to conquer this rare orphan pediatric disease. They have recently proven what scientists had already suspected: the disease is autoimmune, which means that it attacks patients using their own immune system.

15-Mar-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Better Understanding ALS by Looking at How Cells Change
Universite de Montreal

Eight years in the making, a discovery by neuroscientists in Montreal highlights the value of long-term, fundamental research and provides important information for future drug targets.

5-Mar-2018 12:05 PM EST
Staying Clean Keeps Seafish Smart
Universite de Montreal

"Vet" service provided by smaller fish is key to keeping coral reefs healthy, a Canadian study finds

Released: 12-Feb-2018 6:05 PM EST
Too Much TV at Age 2 Makes for Less Healthy Adolescents
Universite de Montreal

Skipping breakfast, eating junk food and doing less well in school might all result from watching TV too young, study finds.

Released: 30-Jan-2018 10:05 AM EST
Better-Educated Men = Healthier Women and Mothers in the Developing World
Universite de Montreal

In much of Africa and Asia, the more schooling a man has, the more likely his partner will take birth control or seek medical help in pregnancy, according to Canadian researchers

Released: 23-Jan-2018 12:05 AM EST
Discovery of the 'Pioneer' That Opens the Genome
Universite de Montreal

Researchers explain a cell differentiation mechanism in Nature Genetics.

Released: 15-Jan-2018 3:45 PM EST
Cellular Seismology: Putting Vibrations on the Map
Universite de Montreal

Scientists in Montreal develop a unique technique to map, on a scale of milliseconds, the elasticity of the components inside a cell.

10-Jan-2018 4:45 PM EST
Re-Programming Innate Immune Cells to Fight Tuberculosis
Universite de Montreal

Canadian researchers’ innovative work promises to make vaccines more effective against tuberculosis and other infectious diseases like the flu.

8-Jan-2018 3:30 PM EST
Planets Around Other Stars Are Like Peas in a Pod
Universite de Montreal

A study of 909 planets and 355 stars carried out at the W.M. Keck Observatory reveals that, unlike our solar system, other planetary systems are distinguished by strict regularity.

Released: 20-Dec-2017 6:00 AM EST
Aggression in Childhood: Rooted in Genetics, Influenced by the Environment
Universite de Montreal

According to a new psychosocial study, reactive and proactive types of aggressive behaviour in 6-year-old children share most of the same genetic factors. However, their evolution over time seems to be influenced by various environmental factors, suggesting the need to develop different intervention methods.

Released: 19-Dec-2017 10:05 AM EST
Genital and Urinary Health Problems of Sexually Abused Children: Consequences for Girls
Universite de Montreal

A study in The Journal of Pediatrics by researchers at Université de Montréal reveals that sexual assault on children leads to an increase in genitourinary health problems in girls, but not boys.

11-Dec-2017 5:00 PM EST
Eating Together as a Family Helps Children Feel Better, Physically and Mentally
Universite de Montreal

Children who routinely eat their meals together with their family are more likely to experience long-term physical and mental health benefits, a new Canadian study shows.

6-Dec-2017 10:05 AM EST
Some Video Games Are Good for Older Adults' Brains
Universite de Montreal

Summary: Playing 3D-platform video games on a regular basis may improve cognitive functions in seniors and increase grey matter in a brain structure called the hippocampus, a Canadian study suggests

Released: 22-Nov-2017 6:05 AM EST
Antibiotics Resistance : Researchers Succeed to Block Genes of Resistance
Universite de Montreal

Scientists at UdeM's Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine design better molecules that make it harder for plasmids to move between bacteria.

Released: 13-Nov-2017 6:00 AM EST
Exposure to Benzene During Pregnancy: A Pilot Study Raises Concerns in British Columbia
Universite de Montreal

Université de Montréal research reveals that 29 pregnant women living near natural-gas hydraulic fracturing sites had a median concentration of a benzene biomarker in their urine that was 3.5 times higher than that found in women from the general Canadian population.

Released: 6-Nov-2017 10:05 AM EST
Researchers Discover Eight New Epilepsy Genes
Universite de Montreal

A new study examining 200 children with epileptic encephalopathy – epilepsy combined with intellectual or overall developmental disability –identified eight new genes involved in this type of epilepsy thanks to their use of whole-genome sequencing, which had never been done before in an epileptic study of this scope.

Released: 1-Nov-2017 6:00 AM EDT
Your Bones Affect Your Appetite—and Your Metabolism!
Universite de Montreal

A Montreal Clinical Research Institute discovery sheds light on osteocalcin, a hormone produced by our bones that affects how we metabolize sugar and fat.

Released: 6-Oct-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Long-Term Cannabis Consumption Increases Violent Behaviour in Young People in Psychiatric Care
Universite de Montreal

A new study on cannabis use that involved 1,136 patients (from 18 to 40 years of age) with mental illnesses who had been seen five times during the year after discharge from a psychiatric hospital demonstrates that sustained used of cannabis is associated with an increase in violent behaviour in young people. Moreover, the association between persistent cannabis use and violence is stronger than that associated with alcohol or cocaine.

Released: 22-Sep-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Are You Happy You Voted – or Didn't?
Universite de Montreal

An analysis of 22 election-period surveys in five countries shows that people who cast a ballot are much more glad they did than people who abstain.

Released: 22-Sep-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Why Do People in New Democracies Stop Voting?
Universite de Montreal

An exhaustive study of legislative elections in all 91 democracies that were born around the world from 1939 to 2015 finds that in half of them, there was a substantial decline in voter turnout. But what actually caused people to stay home depended on what country they lived in and how democratization happened there.

14-Sep-2017 2:20 PM EDT
HIV-AIDS: Following Your Gut
Universite de Montreal

Researchers find a way to reduce replication of the AIDS virus in the gastrointestinal tract.

Released: 15-Sep-2017 3:35 PM EDT
Deprescribing Gets Support From Canada's Seniors, Survey Shows
Universite de Montreal

A majority of Canadians over 65 think "deprescribing" should be a national government priority .

2-Aug-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Playing Action Video Games Can Actually Harm Your Brain
Universite de Montreal

It's true they're good for short-term memory, but "shooter" games could also cause atrophy in the brain, according to Canadian researchers.

Released: 19-Jul-2017 1:00 AM EDT
New Way Found to Boost Immunity in Fight Cancer and Infections
Universite de Montreal

Medical professor Christopher Rudd and his research team have identified a key new mechanism that regulates the ability of T-cells of the immune system to react against foreign antigens and cancer.

Released: 17-Jul-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Diesel Is Now Better Than Gas
Universite de Montreal

Regulators, take note: A new international study shows that modern diesel passenger cars emit fewer carbonaceous particulates than gasoline-powered vehicles.

Released: 5-Jul-2017 9:05 AM EDT
Marijuana and Vulnerability to Psychosis
Universite de Montreal

A Montreal study confirms the link between marijuana use and psychotic-like experiences in a Canadian adolescent cohort.
