Latest News from: Ohio State University

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Released: 18-Jul-2012 4:40 PM EDT
Lungs Respond to Hospital Ventilator as if It Were an Infection
Ohio State University

When hospital patients are placed on a mechanical ventilator for days at a time, their lungs react to the pressure with an out-of-control immune response. Researchers have discovered potential drug targets that might reduce the resulting inflammation.

9-Jul-2012 10:15 AM EDT
Researchers One Step Closer to New Kind of Thermoelectric "Heat Engine"
Ohio State University

Researchers who are studying a new magnetic effect that converts heat to electricity have discovered how to amplify it a thousand times over - a first step in making the technology more practical.

Released: 9-Jul-2012 10:25 AM EDT
Killing of Bin Laden Offers Insight into "The Business of Martyrdom"
Ohio State University

The fact that bin Laden was killed by a team of highly trained soldiers - and not by a drone or bomb - spoiled the grand narrative of brave Muslim fighters vs. U.S. technology that bin Laden and al Qaeda had developed in their war against the United States.

Released: 2-Jul-2012 10:00 AM EDT
"Self-Distancing" Can Help People Calm Aggressive Reactions
Ohio State University

A new study reveals a simple strategy that people can use to minimize how angry and aggressive they get when they are provoked by others.

Released: 20-Jun-2012 3:30 PM EDT
Omega-3 Lowers Inflammation in Overweight Older Adults
Ohio State University

New research shows that omega-3 fatty acid supplements can lower inflammation in healthy, but overweight, middle-aged and older adults, suggesting that regular use of these supplements could help protect against and treat certain illnesses.

11-Jun-2012 12:50 PM EDT
"Extremely Little" Telescope Discovers Pair of Odd Planets
Ohio State University

Astronomers who are using an inexpensive telescope that is no more powerful than a digital camera have discovered two very odd planets.

Released: 11-Jun-2012 12:45 PM EDT
Long-Ignored Enzyme Turns Out to Be Key to Killing Infectious Bacteria
Ohio State University

An enzyme that has long been considered relatively useless to the immune response instead has an important role in setting up immune cells to kill infection-causing bacteria.

Released: 5-Jun-2012 5:05 PM EDT
Practical Tool Can 'Take Pulse' of Blue-Green Algae Status in Lakes
Ohio State University

Scientists have designed a screening tool that provides a fast, easy and relatively inexpensive way to predict levels of a specific toxin in lakes that are prone to blue-green algal blooms.

1-Jun-2012 1:25 PM EDT
Early Childhood Neglect May Raise Risk of Adult Skin Cancer
Ohio State University

Skin cancer patients whose childhood included periods of neglect or maltreatment are at a much greater risk for their cancers to return when they face a major stressful event, new research suggests.

Released: 4-Jun-2012 11:00 AM EDT
Many New Mothers Spend More Time on Facebook After Birth
Ohio State University

Many first-time parents - particularly mothers - actually increase the amount of time they spend on Facebook after the birth of their child.

Released: 29-May-2012 2:25 PM EDT
Discovery of Historical Photos Sheds Light on Greenland Ice Loss
Ohio State University

A chance discovery of 80-year-old photo plates in a Danish basement is providing new insight into how Greenland glaciers are melting today.

21-May-2012 2:15 PM EDT
Heart Damage After Chemo Linked to Stress in Cardiac Cells
Ohio State University

Blocking a protein in the heart that is produced under stressful conditions could be a strategy to prevent cardiac damage that results from chemotherapy, a new study suggests.

Released: 15-May-2012 10:00 AM EDT
Statistical Analysis Projects Future Temperatures in North America
Ohio State University

For the first time, researchers have been able to combine different climate models using spatial statistics - to project future seasonal temperature changes in regions across North America.

Released: 14-May-2012 11:00 AM EDT
Tilting Cars on Assembly Line: New Angle on Protecting Autoworkers
Ohio State University

Letting autoworkers sit while they reach into a car's interior could help prevent shoulder and back strain - but another solution might be to tilt the entire car so that workers can stand up. That's the finding of two recent studies, which tested two ways to protect autoworkers from injury.

Released: 8-May-2012 12:50 PM EDT
Income Inequality Leads to More U.S. Deaths
Ohio State University

A new study provides the best evidence to date that higher levels of income inequality in the United States actually lead to more deaths in the country over a period of years.

Released: 8-May-2012 12:45 PM EDT
Link Between Prepregnancy Obesity and Child Test Scores
Ohio State University

Women who are obese before they become pregnant are at higher risk of having children with lower cognitive function - as measured by math and reading tests taken between ages 5 to 7 years - than are mothers with a healthy prepregnancy weight, new research suggests.

Released: 7-May-2012 12:00 PM EDT
'Losing Yourself' in a Fictional Character Can Affect Your Real Life
Ohio State University

When you “lose yourself” inside the world of a fictional character while reading a story, you may actually end up changing your own behavior and thoughts to match that of the character, a new study suggests.

Released: 1-May-2012 12:30 PM EDT
Greater Numbers of Highly Educated Women are Having Children, Bucking Recent History
Ohio State University

A national study suggests that a significantly greater number of highly educated women in their late 30s and 40s are deciding to have children - a dramatic turnaround from recent history.

Released: 1-May-2012 12:00 PM EDT
Researchers Find Potential 'Dark Side' to Diets High in Beta-Carotene
Ohio State University

New research suggests that there could be health hazards associated with consuming excessive amounts of beta-carotene.

Released: 30-Apr-2012 11:50 AM EDT
Video Games Can Teach How to Shoot Guns More Accurately
Ohio State University

Just 20 minutes of playing a violent shooting video game made players more accurate when firing a realistic gun at a mannequin – and more likely to aim for and hit the head, a new study found.

Released: 30-Apr-2012 11:50 AM EDT
Mutltitasking Hurts Performance, Makes You Feel Better
Ohio State University

People aren't very good at media multitasking - like reading a book while watching TV - but do it anyway because it makes them feel good, a new study suggests. The findings provide clues as to why multitasking is so popular, even though many studies show it is not productive.

Released: 23-Apr-2012 2:15 PM EDT
Study Suggests Smoking, But Not Nicotine, Reduces Risk for Rare Tumor
Ohio State University

New research confirms an association between smoking and a reduced risk for a rare benign tumor near the brain, but the addition of smokeless tobacco to the analysis suggests nicotine is not the protective substance.

Released: 23-Apr-2012 12:00 PM EDT
Ohio State Hosts National Energy Conference
Ohio State University

Identifying the top energy challenges facing our nation and designing a path forward for enabling the research needed to solve those challenges will be the focus of the 2012 Public and Land-Grant University Conference on Energy Challenges.

10-Apr-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Preschoolers' Reading Skills Benefit From One Modest Change by Teachers
Ohio State University

A small change in how teachers and parents read aloud to preschoolers may provide a big boost to their reading skills later on, a new study found.

Released: 16-Apr-2012 11:45 AM EDT
Stress About Wife's Breast Cancer Can Harm a Man's Health
Ohio State University

Caring for a wife with breast cancer can have a measurable negative effect on men’s health, even years after the cancer diagnosis and completion of treatment, according to recent research.

Released: 11-Apr-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Scientists Find Possible Cause of Movement Defects in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Ohio State University

An abnormally low level of a protein in certain nerve cells is linked to movement problems that characterize the deadly childhood disorder spinal muscular atrophy, new research in animals suggests.

Released: 4-Apr-2012 2:25 PM EDT
Internet Use Promotes Democracy Best in Countries That Are Already Partially Free
Ohio State University

Although use of the internet has been credited with helping spur democratic revolutions in the Arab world and elsewhere, a new multinational study suggests the internet is most likely to play a role only in specific situations.

Released: 26-Mar-2012 11:45 AM EDT
Study Shows How Tearjerkers Make People Happier
Ohio State University

People enjoy watching tragedy movies like “Titanic” because they deliver what may seem to be an unlikely benefit: tragedies actually make people happier in the short-term.

Released: 26-Mar-2012 9:45 AM EDT
In Hospitals, A Tradeoff Between Better Clinical Quality And A Good Patient Experience
Ohio State University

Hospitals that adopt strategies to reduce errors and meet government requirements face an initial tradeoff between improved clinical quality and a decline in the quality of individual patients’ experiences.

Released: 19-Mar-2012 12:10 PM EDT
A New Tool to Reveal Structure of Proteins
Ohio State University

A new method to reveal the structure of proteins could help researchers understand biological molecules - both those involved in causing disease and those performing critical functions in healthy cells.

Released: 15-Mar-2012 11:00 AM EDT
Most Americans Save Only About Half of Their Inheritances
Ohio State University

A new national study suggests that adults who receive an inheritance save only about half of what they receive, while spending, donating or losing the rest.

Released: 15-Mar-2012 10:55 AM EDT
Is It a Peanut or a Tree Nut? Half of Those with Allergies Aren't Sure
Ohio State University

Adults and children in a recent study could correctly identify, on average, fewer than half of an assortment of the peanuts and tree nuts that are among the most common food allergens in the United States.

Released: 14-Mar-2012 3:45 PM EDT
New Labor-Tracking Tool Proposed to Reduce C-Sections in First-Time Moms
Ohio State University

A new version of a labor-tracking tool for pregnant women could reduce the use of hormonal intervention during labor and lower the number of cesarean sections performed on low-risk, first-time mothers.

Released: 7-Mar-2012 2:00 PM EST
Researchers Capture First-Ever Image of Atoms Forming a Molecule
Ohio State University

Researchers have recorded the first-ever image of two atoms bonding together to form a molecule.

5-Mar-2012 11:50 AM EST
15-Year-Study: When it Comes to Creating Wetlands, Mother Nature is in Charge
Ohio State University

Fifteen years of studying two experimental wetlands has convinced Bill Mitsch that turning the reins over to Mother Nature makes the most sense when it comes to this area of ecological restoration.

Released: 6-Mar-2012 2:25 PM EST
With the Right Photo, Your Facebook Text Profile Hardly Matters
Ohio State University

In most cases, your profile photo on Facebook tells viewers what they need to know to form an impression of you – no words are necessary, new research suggests.

Released: 5-Mar-2012 11:40 AM EST
School Bullies More Likely to Be Substance Users
Ohio State University

Middle- and high-school students who bully their classmates are more likely than others to use substances such as cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana, a new study found.

Released: 5-Mar-2012 11:25 AM EST
Rock, Pop, White Power: How Music Influences Support for Ethnic Groups
Ohio State University

Just a few minutes of listening to mainstream rock music was enough to influence white college students to favor a student group catering mostly to whites over groups serving other ethnic and racial groups, a new study found.

Released: 29-Feb-2012 9:10 AM EST
Winning Makes People More Aggressive Toward the Defeated
Ohio State University

In this world, there are winners and losers – and, for your own safety, it is best to fear the winners.

Released: 22-Feb-2012 4:30 PM EST
News Articles Linking Alcohol to Crimes or Accidents Increase Support for Liquor Law Enforcement
Ohio State University

Reading a newspaper article about the role alcohol played in an injury accident or violent crime makes people more supportive of enforcing alcohol laws, a new study suggests.

Released: 22-Feb-2012 4:00 PM EST
Phobia's Effect on Perception of Feared Object Allows Fear to Persist
Ohio State University

The more afraid a person is of a spider, the bigger that individual perceives the spider to be, new research suggests.

Released: 15-Feb-2012 11:55 AM EST
In the Mouth, Smoking Zaps Healthy Bacteria
Ohio State University

According to a new study, smoking causes the body to turn against its own helpful bacteria, leaving smokers more vulnerable to disease.

8-Feb-2012 4:00 PM EST
High Population Density Greatest Risk Factor for Water-Linked Diseases
Ohio State University

Water-associated infectious disease outbreaks are more likely to occur in areas where a region's population density is growing, according to a new global analysis.

Released: 8-Feb-2012 4:10 PM EST
'Do Your Best' Not A Good Enough Goal to Improve Diabetes Diet
Ohio State University

A specific goal to eat a set number of daily servings of low-glycemic-index foods can improve dietary habits of people with Type 2 diabetes, according to new research.

Released: 8-Feb-2012 2:15 PM EST
Some Formerly Cohabiting Couples With Children Keep Romantic Relationship
Ohio State University

When low-income cohabiting couples with children decide to no longer live together, that doesn’t necessarily mean the end of their romantic relationship, a new study suggests.

7-Feb-2012 7:05 AM EST
Scared of a Younger Rival? Not For Some Male Songbirds
Ohio State University

When mature male white-crowned sparrows duel to win a mate or a nesting territory, a young bird just doesn’t get much respect.

Released: 6-Feb-2012 10:00 AM EST
Political Leaders Play Key Role in How Worried Americans are by Climate Change
Ohio State University

More than extreme weather events and the work of scientists, it is national political leaders who influence how much Americans worry about the threat of climate change, new research finds.

Released: 1-Feb-2012 10:00 AM EST
Study Reveals New Wrinkle in Growing U.S. Health Gap
Ohio State University

A new study has found, for the first time, that health disparities have grown dramatically among people in the same socioeconomic groups – often times more than the disparities have grown between groups.

Released: 31-Jan-2012 2:00 PM EST
Partisans Not Locked in Media 'Echo Chambers,' Study Finds
Ohio State University

Despite the fears of some scholars and pundits, most political partisans don’t avoid news and opinion sources that contradict their own beliefs, according to a new study.

Released: 26-Jan-2012 10:45 AM EST
Temperate Freshwater Wetlands Are 'Forgotten' Carbon Sinks
Ohio State University

A new study comparing the carbon-holding power of freshwater wetlands has produced measurements suggesting that wetlands in temperate regions are more valuable as carbon sinks than current policies imply.
