Latest News from: Ohio State University

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Released: 21-Mar-2011 11:10 AM EDT
Seeing in Stereo: Engineers Invent Lens for 3D Microscope
Ohio State University

Engineers have invented a lens that enables microscopic objects to be seen from nine different angles at once to create a 3D image.

Released: 17-Mar-2011 12:30 PM EDT
Smart Phones Not Replacing Other Media for News Access - At Least Yet
Ohio State University

In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers found that mobile media technologies such as smart phones aren’t taking people away from relying on traditional media sources such as newspapers or television.

Released: 15-Mar-2011 11:30 AM EDT
New Vaccine Candidate Shows Strong Potential Against Norovirus
Ohio State University

Scientists have shown that an experimental vaccine against the human norovirus can generate a strong immune response in mice without appearing to cause the animals any harm.

Released: 14-Mar-2011 3:15 PM EDT
Study Shows Why People Read Magazines Featuring Envy-Inspiring Models
Ohio State University

New research reveals why people read fitness and fashion magazines featuring photos of impossibly thin or muscular models -- models whose appearance highlight the readers’ own flaws.

11-Mar-2011 10:45 AM EST
Climate-Related Disasters May Provide Opportunities for Some Rural Poor
Ohio State University

A new study in Honduras suggests that climate-related weather disasters may sometimes actually provide opportunities for the rural poor to improve their lives.

Released: 8-Mar-2011 3:25 PM EST
Passive News Reports May Lead Readers to Feel They Can't Find the Truth
Ohio State University

Passive news reporting that doesn’t attempt to resolve factual disputes in politics may have detrimental effects on readers, new research suggests.

Released: 8-Mar-2011 3:00 PM EST
Epilepsy-Linked Memory Loss Worries More Patients than Doctors
Ohio State University

Patients with epilepsy worry more than their physicians do about the patients’ potential memory loss accompanying their seizure disorder, according to a recent study.

Released: 7-Mar-2011 3:15 PM EST
Web Use Doesn't Encourage Belief in Political Rumors, But E-Mail Does
Ohio State University

Despite the fears of some, a new study suggests that use of the internet in general does not make people more likely to believe political rumors. But e-mail is a special case. However, one form of internet communication – e-mail – does seem to have troubling consequences for the spread and belief of rumors.

Released: 1-Mar-2011 5:00 PM EST
Drug Could Help Preserve Brain Function After Cardiac Arrest
Ohio State University

An experimental drug that targets a brain system that controls inflammation might help preserve neurological function in people who survive sudden cardiac arrest, new research suggests.

25-Feb-2011 2:45 PM EST
Research Opens Doors to Vaccines That Can Circumvent Maternal Antibodies
Ohio State University

New research that reveals how maternal antibodies block an immune response to the measles virus is a first step toward improving current childhood vaccination practices, scientists say.

Released: 22-Feb-2011 11:30 AM EST
National Anti-Drug Campaign Succeeds in Lowering Marijuana Use
Ohio State University

The federal anti-drug campaign “Above the Influence” appears to have effectively reduced marijuana use by teenagers, new research shows.

16-Feb-2011 4:15 PM EST
Plankton Key to Origin of Earth's First Breathable Atmosphere
Ohio State University

Researchers studying the origin of Earth’s first breathable atmosphere have zeroed in on the major role played by some very unassuming creatures: plankton.

16-Feb-2011 4:20 PM EST
Family Planning Programs Have Success in Developing Countries, But Need Expansion
Ohio State University

While many researchers generally credit the desire for smaller families for the decline in fertility rates in developing, low-income countries, new research suggests that prevention of unwanted births may actually be a larger factor.

Released: 16-Feb-2011 3:00 PM EST
Practice More Important than Age In Learning to Use Computer Mouse
Ohio State University

Children as young as 5 years old can learn how to use a computer mouse, new research suggests.

8-Feb-2011 1:10 PM EST
Heat Therapy Could Treat Parasitic Skin Disease
Ohio State University

Scientists are hoping that heat therapy could eventually replace a complex drug regimen as the first-line treatment of a parasitic skin infection common in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

Released: 10-Feb-2011 11:30 AM EST
Welders Can Breathe Easier with Chromium-Free Alloy
Ohio State University

A new alloy promises to lessen welders’ risk of breathing toxic fumes on the job. The alloy is a welding “consumable” – the material that melts under the welder’s torch to fill the gap between parts that are being joined.

Released: 10-Feb-2011 11:25 AM EST
Looking at a Tough Hill to Climb? Depends on Your Point of View
Ohio State University

People tend to overestimate the steepness of slopes – and psychologists studying the phenomenon have made a discovery that refutes common ideas about how we perceive inclines in general.

Released: 9-Feb-2011 12:00 PM EST
One Factor Can Make Mortgage Modifications Up to One-Third More Likely
Ohio State University

One factor, little-known by borrowers, can play a large role in whether banks are willing to renegotiate mortgages with homeowners who are struggling to meet payments.

Released: 9-Feb-2011 12:00 PM EST
Schools Often React Poorly to Student Suicides, Experts Say
Ohio State University

Many school officials react in exactly the wrong ways when one of their students completes suicide, according to the authors of a new book.

Released: 8-Feb-2011 1:20 PM EST
Consumers Value Safer Food More than Current Analyses Suggest
Ohio State University

Government regulators could more realistically assess the value of improving food safety if they considered the fact that consumers typically want to avoid getting sick – even if it means they have to pay a little extra for safer food.

Released: 26-Jan-2011 10:45 AM EST
Sharing Child Caregiving May Increase Parental Conflict
Ohio State University

Parents who share caregiving for their preschool children may experience more conflict than those in which the mother is the primary caregiver, according to a new study.

Released: 25-Jan-2011 1:00 PM EST
New Dishware Sanitizers Prove More Effective at Killing Harmful Bacteria
Ohio State University

Researchers recently tested the merits of two new dishware sanitizers, and found them more effective at removing bacteria from restaurant dishes than traditional sanitizers.

Released: 25-Jan-2011 1:00 PM EST
Researchers Use Cell "Profiling" to Detect Abnormalities - Including Cancer
Ohio State University

Researchers are finding ways to tell the difference between healthy cells and abnormal cells, such as cancer cells, based on the way the cells look and move.

Released: 25-Jan-2011 12:50 PM EST
Bartenders May Have Role in Assisting Troubled War Veterans
Ohio State University

For troubled war veterans, a friendly bartender can be the source of more than just drinks and a sympathetic ear.

Released: 24-Jan-2011 4:50 PM EST
Study: Faculty on Facebook Will Not Ask Students to be Friends
Ohio State University

In a recent survey of pharmacy professors, 100 percent of the respondents who had Facebook profiles said they would not send friend requests to their current students.

10-Jan-2011 3:45 PM EST
In Deep Galaxy Surveys, Astronomers Get A Boost - From Gravity
Ohio State University

Astronomers who survey galaxies in the distant universe are getting some unexpected help from gravity, according to a new study.

Released: 6-Jan-2011 11:50 AM EST
Young People Say Sex, Paychecks Come in Second to Self-Esteem
Ohio State University

Young people may crave boosts to their self-esteem a little too much, new research suggests.

Released: 5-Jan-2011 4:25 PM EST
Consumers Prefer Products with Few, And Mostly Matching, Colors
Ohio State University

Most people like to play it safe when combining colors for an article of clothing or outfit, a new study suggests.

Released: 3-Jan-2011 1:10 PM EST
Some Banks Help Keep Mortgage Holders Out of Default
Ohio State University

While the nation’s foreclosure crisis has focused blame on bad loan practices by some lenders, new research shows how some banks may have actually reduced the default risk of their homebuyers.

Released: 3-Jan-2011 1:00 PM EST
Mothers Key to College-Age Women Receiving HPV Vaccine
Ohio State University

Even after young women reach adulthood, their mothers can play a key role in convincing them to receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, new research suggests.

30-Dec-2010 12:30 PM EST
Even Healthy Cats Act Sick When Their Routine Is Disrupted
Ohio State University

A cat regularly vomiting hairballs or refusing to eat probably isn’t being finicky or otherwise “cat-like,” despite what conventional wisdom might say.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 3:15 PM EST
Genetic Trait Could Triple Odds of Whites' Susceptibility to Heavy Cocaine Abuse
Ohio State University

Nearly one in five whites could carry a genetic variant that substantially increases their odds of being susceptible to severe cocaine abuse, according to new research.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 2:50 PM EST
Use the Right Metaphor to Get Patients to Enroll in Clinical Trials
Ohio State University

The language that doctors use with low-income, rural patients can help determine whether these patients agree to participate in clinical trials testing new cancer treatments, a new study found.

Released: 13-Dec-2010 2:40 PM EST
Osteoporosis Drug Reduces Bone Loss, Tumor Size in Oral Cancer
Ohio State University

A drug currently approved for osteoporosis treatment has been shown to reduce bone loss in a study of mice with oral cancer, suggesting it could serve as an important supplemental therapy in patients with head and neck cancers that erode bone.

Released: 13-Dec-2010 2:20 PM EST
Hot Stuff: Magma at Shallow Depth Under Hawaii
Ohio State University

Researchers have found a new way to gauge the depth of the magma chamber that forms the Hawaiian Island volcanic chain, and determined that the magma lies much closer to the surface than previously thought.

Released: 9-Dec-2010 4:55 PM EST
Time Running Out to Save Climate Record Held in Alps Glacier
Ohio State University

A preliminary look at an ice field atop the highest mountain in the eastern European Alps suggests that the glacier may hold records of ancient climate extending back as much as a thousand years.

7-Dec-2010 3:10 PM EST
Technique Turns Computer Chip Defects Into An Advantage
Ohio State University

Physicists have discovered that tiny defects inside a computer chip can be used to tune the properties of key atoms in the chip.

Released: 9-Dec-2010 12:15 PM EST
Computer-based Program May Help Relieve Some ADHD Symptoms in Children
Ohio State University

An intensive, five-week working memory training program shows promise in relieving some of the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, a new study suggests.

Released: 8-Dec-2010 11:30 AM EST
Climate Scientist Warns of Possible Widespread Suffering Coming
Ohio State University

One of the world’s foremost experts on climate change is warning that if humans don’t moderate their use of fossil fuels, there is a real possibility that we will face the environmental, societal and economic consequences of climate change faster than we can adapt to them.

Released: 7-Dec-2010 5:00 PM EST
Researchers: Include Data About Societal Values in Endangered Species Decisions
Ohio State University

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is excluding significant research findings about human threats to protected species, researchers argue, even when the law governing the agency’s actions requires the use of all relevant data in determining whether species need protection from extinction.

Released: 7-Dec-2010 3:20 PM EST
Diners May Be Willing to Pay More to Eat at "Green" Restaurants
Ohio State University

Many U.S. restaurants may be ignoring a desire by American consumers to dine at environmentally friendly restaurants, according to a small exploratory study.

Released: 2-Dec-2010 11:05 AM EST
Polluted Air Increases Obesity Risk in Young Animals
Ohio State University

Exposure to polluted air early in life led to an accumulation of abdominal fat and insulin resistance in mice even if they ate a normal diet, according to new research.

Released: 30-Nov-2010 3:45 PM EST
Narcissistic Students Don't Mind Cheating Their Way to the Top
Ohio State University

College students who exhibit narcissistic tendencies are more likely than fellow students to cheat on exams and assignments, a new study shows.

Released: 30-Nov-2010 3:45 PM EST
Researchers Find Link Between Sugar, Diabetes and Aggression
Ohio State University

A spoonful of sugar may be enough to cool a hot temper, at least for a short time, according to new research.

Released: 18-Nov-2010 3:05 PM EST
Al Jazeera Helps Shape Political Identity of Arabs
Ohio State University

Residents of the Middle East who are heavy viewers of Arab television news networks like Al Jazeera are more likely to view their primary identity as that of Muslims, rather than as citizens of their own country, a new study suggests.

12-Nov-2010 3:30 PM EST
Light at Night Causes Changes in Brain Linked to Depression
Ohio State University

Exposure to even dim light at night is enough to cause physical changes in the brains of hamsters that may be associated with depression, a new study shows.

Released: 16-Nov-2010 9:00 AM EST
Spleen Might Be Source of Damaging Cells at Spinal Cord Injury Site
Ohio State University

The spleen, an organ that helps the body fight infections, might also be a source of the cells that end up doing more harm than good at the site of a spinal cord injury, new research suggests.

Released: 16-Nov-2010 9:00 AM EST
Study Seeks New Way to Enhance Neuron Repair in Spinal Cord Injury
Ohio State University

If researchers could determine how to send signals to cells responding to a spinal cord injury, they might be able to stop one type of cell from doing additional damage at the injury site and instead, coax it into helping nerve cells grow.

Released: 9-Nov-2010 9:05 AM EST
Depression Linked to Altered Activity of Circadian Rhythm Gene
Ohio State University

Depression appears to be associated with a molecular-level disturbance in the body's 24-hour clock, new research suggests.

Released: 2-Nov-2010 8:00 AM EDT
UV Light Doubles Vacuum's Effectiveness in Reducing Carpet Microbes
Ohio State University

New research suggests that the addition of ultraviolet light to the brushing and suction of a vacuum cleaner can almost double the removal of potentially infectious microorganisms from a carpet’s surface when compared to vacuuming alone.
