Latest News from: University of California San Diego

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24-Apr-2006 3:55 PM EDT
The Birds and the B's: Starlings Learn 'Human-Only' Grammar
University of California San Diego

The European starling "“ long known as a virtuoso songbird and as an expert mimic too "“ may also soon gain a reputation as something of a "grammar-marm." This three-ounce bird, new research shows, can learn syntactic patterns formerly thought to be the exclusive province of humans.

Released: 25-Apr-2006 2:00 PM EDT
Conference Will Explore Impact of Commercial Media and Internet of Life in China
University of California San Diego

"Changing Media, Changing China" is the title of a workshop to be held at the University of California, San Diego, May 5-6, to explore how the commercialization of media and the emergence of the Internet are affecting economic, social and political life in China.

Released: 25-Apr-2006 8:50 AM EDT
Six Scholars Elected Fellows of American Academy of Arts and Sciences
University of California San Diego

Six scholars from the University of California, San Diego were named today as Fellows of the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences, two in political science, two in medicine and one each in engineering and chemistry/biochemistry.

Released: 20-Apr-2006 6:20 PM EDT
Ethics, Politics and Science of Stem Cell Research is Focus of Conference
University of California San Diego

The University of California, San Diego will host a public conference, "Social Justice and Stem Cell Research," on Saturday, May 13, 2006. This free event will be held from 10 am "“ 4 pm in UCSD Center Hall, but attendance is limited. Registration is required at A registration confirmation will include an agenda, directions, and parking instructions.

14-Apr-2006 5:45 PM EDT
Researchers Reveal Lung's Unique Innate Immune System
University of California San Diego

For the first time, scientists have documented an organ-specific innate immune system. In research published in the April 18 edition of the journal Immunity, scientists at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine outline the unique mechanism by which the lung shapes its defensive strategies against microbial invasion.

Released: 17-Apr-2006 4:00 PM EDT
Project Achieves Milestone in Analyzing Pollutants Dimming the Atmosphere
University of California San Diego

A scientific research consortium led by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, has reached an important milestone in the tracking of pollutants responsible for dimming Earth's atmosphere.

Released: 17-Apr-2006 3:00 PM EDT
Prominent U.S. Physicists Send Letter to President Bush
University of California San Diego

Thirteen of the nation's most prominent physicists have written a letter to President Bush, calling U.S. plans to reportedly use nuclear weapons against Iran "gravely irresponsible" and warning that such action would have "disastrous consequences for the security of the United States and the world."

Released: 11-Apr-2006 4:45 PM EDT
$5 Million Gift for UCSD’S Rady School of Management to Create Chair
University of California San Diego

The Rady School of Management at the University of California, San Diego today announced a new endowed faculty chair, which will be held by the dean of the Rady School of Management. The Stanley and Pauline Foster Endowed Chair is funded by a generous $5 million gift from philanthropist Pauline Foster, president of Foster Investment Group and an active volunteer and friend to UCSD.

Released: 10-Apr-2006 2:45 PM EDT
"Desperate Housewives” Star Ricardo Chavira Among Honorees at UCSD
University of California San Diego

On April 13, 2006, attendees at UC San Diego's Fiesta de las Estrellas scholarship benefit will have a chance to meet actor Ricardo Chavira of "Desperate Housewives" and Lisette Diaz, the current Miss World and UCSD student, along with local community leaders.

Released: 10-Apr-2006 12:00 PM EDT
UCSD Forms Stem Cell Collaboration With Major Australian Centers
University of California San Diego

Scientists from UCSD are joining forces with colleagues from Australia's Monash University and the Australian Stem Cell Centre to create a powerful new international collaboration in stem cell research.

Released: 6-Apr-2006 6:15 PM EDT
Mutation in Blood Stem Cells Provides Clues to Cancer Development
University of California San Diego

A mutation in blood stem cells occurs in patients with a blood disorder called polycythemia vera (PV), scientists at the Moores Cancer Center at UC, San Diego, and the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine and Comprehensive Cancer Center at Stanford have confirmed.

Released: 6-Apr-2006 4:30 PM EDT
Biochemists Discover Bacteria’s Achilles’ Heel
University of California San Diego

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have determined what factors turn on protein production in bacteria, a finding that provides new targets for the development of antibiotics.

Released: 6-Apr-2006 3:00 PM EDT
Nanopore Method Could Revolutionize Genome Sequencing
University of California San Diego

A team led by physicists at the University of California, San Diego has shown the feasibility of a fast, inexpensive technique to sequence DNA as it passes through tiny pores. The advance brings personalized, genome-based medicine closer to reality.

Released: 5-Apr-2006 1:00 PM EDT
Harvard Government Professor Addresses Economics Roundtable
University of California San Diego

Harvard Kennedy School of Government Professor George Borjas, often called America's "leading immigration economist," will address the University of California, San Diego Economics Roundtable, May 3, beginning at 7:30 a.m. at the Faculty Club on the UCSD campus.

Released: 4-Apr-2006 4:00 PM EDT
Gift From Swartz Foundation Funds Center For Computational Neuroscience
University of California San Diego

Jerry Swartz, Ph.D., a New York entrepreneur, electrical engineer and inventor of the handheld barcode laser scanner, will be honored by UCSD for his support and leadership of UCSD's innovative studies of brain rhythms and the role they play in human cognition and awareness.

Released: 28-Mar-2006 9:20 AM EST
Moores UCSD Cancer Center Creates Bioinformatics Center
University of California San Diego

To analyze and integrate massive amounts of complicated data so that it is useful to cancer patients and their physicians, the Moores Cancer Center at University of California, San Diego is creating a major center for bioinformatics.

Released: 23-Mar-2006 4:00 PM EST
Deep-Sea Fish Populations Boom Over the Last 15 Years
University of California San Diego

The largest habitats on Earth are located in the vast, dark plains at the bottom of the ocean. Yet because of their remoteness, many aspects of this mostly unexplored world remain mysterious.

17-Mar-2006 4:30 PM EST
Discovery of Pivotal Pathway to Regulating Inflammatory Arthritis
University of California San Diego

Researchers have discovered that blocking an intracellular signaling enzyme in a key pathway may lead to effective new treatments to fight rheumatoid arthritis.

Released: 16-Mar-2006 2:00 PM EST
UCSD Project Takes Fish Collection into the Digital Age
University of California San Diego

Novel application of MRI leads to new tools for online digital dissection of preserved fishes from one of the world's most valuable natural history collections.

Released: 27-Feb-2006 7:45 PM EST
HIV/AIDS Rates in Tijuana, Mexico Increasing at Alarming Rate
University of California San Diego

A study indicates that the rate of HIV/AIDS infection in Tijuana, Mexico is increasing, and much higher than had been previously estimated. The findings are based on data compiled by a team of researchers working in San Diego and Mexico to create a population-based model in order to estimate HIV infection rates.

13-Feb-2006 2:25 PM EST
Flesh-Eating Bacteria Escape Body's Safety Net
University of California San Diego

Researchers at UCSD School of Medicine have discovered that so-called flesh-eating "Strep" bacteria use a specific enzyme to break free of the body's immune system, a finding which could potentially lead to new treatments for serious infections in human patients.

Released: 16-Feb-2006 2:25 PM EST
Evidence of Conversations Between Malignant, Normal Cells
University of California San Diego

Scientists have had tantalizing clues that cancer cells and neighboring non-cancerous cells in the body communicate with one another. This dialog may explain the clinical observation that cancer cells grow to make secondary tumors (metastasize) in some organs of the body and not others.

3-Feb-2006 2:50 PM EST
Macrophage Signaling Affects Hormone Resistance in Prostate Tumors
University of California San Diego

Interaction between prostate cancer cells and immune cells called macrophages may be a source of inflammatory signals capable of impacting the effectiveness of androgen antagonists, the most common and effective treatment for prostate cancer, according to a new study.

1-Feb-2006 3:50 PM EST
UCSD/Boston University Find Antidepressants May Affect Fetus
University of California San Diego

UCSD School of Medicine collaborative study with Boston University's Slone Epidemiology Center found an increased risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) in newborns of mothers who used certain commonly prescribed antidepressants in late pregnancy.

Released: 8-Feb-2006 2:50 PM EST
Preventing Toxic Side Effects of Inflammatory Disease Therapy
University of California San Diego

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine have developed a mouse model that could help scientists develop better drugs to fight autoimmune and inflammatory disorders such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

27-Jan-2006 4:45 PM EST
A Fork in Memory Lane: The Hippocampus and Recognition
University of California San Diego

Recollection and familiarity are both elements of recognition memory and both, new research suggests, are functions of the brain's hippocampus. The UC San Diego study addresses one of the central debates in the neuroanatomy of memory, contradicting a recent body of other work.

Released: 31-Jan-2006 9:30 AM EST
Study Finds Anthrax Toxins Also Harmful To Fruit Flies
University of California San Diego

Deadly and damaging toxins that allow anthrax to cause disease and death in mammals have similar toxic effects in fruit flies, according to a study conducted by biologists at the University of California, San Diego.

Released: 26-Jan-2006 3:45 PM EST
Study of Tropical Forests Worldwide Reveals That Nature Encourages Diversity
University of California San Diego

An analysis of seven tropical forests around the world has found that nature encourages diversity by selecting for less common trees as the trees mature.

Released: 21-Jan-2006 4:55 PM EST
Scripps’ Paul Dayton Honored with New Ecology Prize from Spain
University of California San Diego

Paul Dayton, a biological oceanographer at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, will be the first recipient of a new international ecology prize awarded in honor of one of the field's founding fathers.

Released: 20-Jan-2006 4:00 PM EST
Regents Approval of UCSD Cardiovascular Center
University of California San Diego

The UCSD has received approval to improve its patient services by constructing a new Cardiovascular Center, and expanding critical care services at the John M. and Sally B. Thornton Hospital. The action was taken by the University of California Board of Regents at its meeting on Thursday, January 19.

Released: 20-Jan-2006 2:35 PM EST
UCSD Research Center to Host Symposium on Celiac Disease
University of California San Diego

A scientific symposium on celiac disease, "Genetic and Immune Mechanisms in Celiac Disease," will be held at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine on Friday, February 10, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon.

Released: 17-Jan-2006 3:50 PM EST
UC San Diego Partners with Venter Institute on Cyberinfrastructure
University of California San Diego

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation awarded $24.5 million over seven years to UC San Diego, Calit2 and J. Craig Venter Institute to create the Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis (CAMERA).

6-Jan-2006 1:40 PM EST
UCSD Team Unmasks Family of Immune System Invaders
University of California San Diego

Like a family of petty criminals gone wrong, researchers were surprised to find that bacterial pathogens found in a number of troublesome diseases are actually related. Not only that, their wrong-doing is carried out by disguising themselves, then hijacking their hosts.

4-Jan-2006 10:00 AM EST
Tiny Marine Organisms Reflect Ocean Warming
University of California San Diego

Sediment cores collected from the seafloor off Southern California reveal that plankton populations in the Northeastern Pacific changed significantly in response to a general warming trend that started in the early 1900s.

29-Dec-2005 6:45 PM EST
Halting Cancer Metastasis
University of California San Diego

Researchers report that they now have the roadmap they need to stop metastasis in one of the most aggressive and deadly pediatric cancers, neuroblastoma, and possibly other cancer types.

4-Jan-2006 9:50 AM EST
Global Warming Can Trigger Extreme Ocean, Climate Changes
University of California San Diego

New research produced by scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography helps illustrate how global warming caused by greenhouse gases can quickly disrupt ocean processes and lead to drastic climatological, biological and other important changes around the world.

29-Dec-2005 1:50 PM EST
UCSD Team Creates Model for Genetic Brain Syndrome
University of California San Diego

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine took a step closer to understanding the basis of a severe epilepsy and mental retardation syndrome.

21-Dec-2005 9:30 PM EST
UCSD Team Discovers Diabetes Trigger in Fatty Diet
University of California San Diego

A new study reports the discovery of a molecular link between a high-fat, or Western-style, diet, and the disruption of insulin production, explaining how a high-fat diet causes type 2 diabetes.

22-Dec-2005 3:20 PM EST
UCSD Researchers State Vitamin D Needed to Cut Cancer Risk
University of California San Diego

Taking 1,000 international units of vitamin D3 daily appears to lower an individual's risk of developing certain cancers "“ including colon, breast, and ovarian cancer "“ by up to 50 percent, according to cancer prevention specialists at the Moores Cancer Center at the Medical Center.

30-Nov-2005 7:50 PM EST
UCSD Researchers Report Results of Children's Backpack Study
University of California San Diego

As long as children have carried their books and belongings in backpacks they have complained of shoulder and back pain. UCSD School of Medicine-led team found that how loads are distributed under backpack straps may help identify the source of shoulder and back pain in children.

Released: 5-Dec-2005 2:30 PM EST
Marine Research Physiologist Pioneer to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award
University of California San Diego

Gerald Kooyman, emeritus professor of biology at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, will be the first recipient of a new lifetime achievement award bestowed by the Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Released: 29-Nov-2005 4:40 PM EST
$2.5 Million Gift for Celiac Disease Research Center
University of California San Diego

Thanks to a $2.5 million gift from the Oklahoma-based William K. Warren Foundation, researchers at the UCSD School of Medicine will be able to step up the fight against celiac disease, a disease estimated to affect one in 100 Americans.

Released: 29-Nov-2005 9:10 AM EST
Targeted Treatment for Asthma Sufferers
University of California San Diego

The bronchial tubes of a patient with severe asthma can become scarred due to repeated episodes of allergic inflammation in the airways. The scarring results in blocked airways, excessive production of mucus, and shortness of breath.

Released: 22-Nov-2005 2:10 PM EST
Were Drugs or Disease the Muse Behind These Famous Artists?
University of California San Diego

If our modern clinical chemistry, toxicology, immunology, and infectious disease labs had existed during the 16th to early-19th centuries, the world might have missed out on the work of some of the world's most creative artists.

14-Nov-2005 7:10 PM EST
Climate Warming to Shrink Key Water Supplies Around the World
University of California San Diego

In the looming future, global warming will reduce glaciers and storage packs of snow in regions around the world, causing water shortages and other problems that will impact millions of people.

Released: 16-Nov-2005 8:50 AM EST
Mice Models Benefit Patients with Multiple System Atrophy
University of California San Diego

UCSD School of Medicine Researchers have developed a series of transgenic mouse models of multiple system atrophy, a progressive, fatal neurological disorder.

Released: 9-Nov-2005 11:50 AM EST
UCSD Awarded $3.2 million NIH Training Grant
University of California San Diego

Students in the School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of California, San Diego are poised to be among the leaders of tomorrow in the important area of clinical research studies.

Released: 9-Nov-2005 8:50 AM EST
UCSD Unveils Center for Earth Observations and Applications
University of California San Diego

As Earth becomes increasingly tested on a variety of environmental fronts"”climate warming, global pollution and natural hazards, to name a few"”new ways of observing and monitoring planetary changes have become critical to developing solutions for science and society.

Released: 8-Nov-2005 2:30 PM EST
Explore Ocean Life on a Whole New Level with a New Birch Aquarium Exhibit
University of California San Diego

Transport yourself to the tiny world of molecules in Birch Aquarium's newest exhibit, Sea of Genes, opening on November 19 at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps, the exploration center for Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

Released: 8-Nov-2005 8:45 AM EST
UCSD Physicist Proposes New Way to Rank Scientists' Output
University of California San Diego

Publications in peer-reviewed journals are the yardstick by which academic scientists compare their work with their colleagues. But is the best measure of a scientist's worth the total number of his or her published papers?
