Latest News from: University of Virginia Health System

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Released: 30-Mar-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Internet Crystal Ball Can Predict Risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes, Study Finds
University of Virginia Health System

An online calculator predicts people's risk for heart disease and diabetes more accurately than traditional methods, a large study has found. Creators hope it will prompt patients to make lifestyle changes that would spare them the suffering and expense of avoidable illnesses.

Released: 29-Mar-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Discovery May Help Patients Beat Deadly Pneumonia
University of Virginia Health System

Researchers have identified a hormone that helps prevent the spread of bacterial pneumonia through the body, and that discovery may offer a simple way to help vulnerable patients.

Released: 24-Mar-2017 8:30 AM EDT
Blue Ridge Poison Center Provides Tips on Safe Medication Disposal
University of Virginia Health System

In 2015, nearly 57 percent of all poison exposure cases nationwide involved prescription or over-the-counter medicines.  So during National Poisoning Prevention Week, the Blue Ridge Poison Center at University of Virginia Health System is encouraging people to keep all medicines stored out of the sight and reach of children, read labels carefully before giving or taking any medicine, and to check their home for expired or unused medicines and dispose of them properly.

Released: 23-Mar-2017 9:45 AM EDT
UVA Discovers ANOTHER Immune System Link Science Said Didn't Exist
University of Virginia Health System

UVA researchers have again shown that a part of the body thought to be disconnected from the immune system actually interacts with it, and that discovery helps explain cases of male infertility, certain autoimmune diseases and even the failure of cancer vaccines.

Released: 8-Mar-2017 1:45 PM EST
Probiotic Found in Yogurt Can Reverse Depression Symptoms
University of Virginia Health System

Researchers have reversed depression symptoms in mice simply by feeding them a probiotic bacteria found in yogurt. They also discovered a specific mechanism for how the bacteria affect mood, providing a direct link between gut health and mental health.

Released: 6-Mar-2017 10:05 AM EST
Study IDs 90 Genes in Fat That May Contribute to Dangerous Diseases
University of Virginia Health System

A sweeping international effort is connecting the dots between genes in our fat cells and our risk for obesity and cardiometabolic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The researchers have identified approximately 90 genes found in fat that could play important roles in such diseases – and could be targeted to develop new treatments or cures.

Released: 2-Mar-2017 9:05 AM EST
March 15-16: Finding Solutions for Unconscious Bias in Health and Beyond
University of Virginia Health System

A host of studies have demonstrated that unconscious bias – attitudes that affect our decisions and actions without us realizing it – can impact patients’ health and wellness. But what can be done to address it? A symposium at the University of Virginia is bringing together national experts, UVA faculty and community members to discuss solutions that can apply not only to healthcare, but universally. The symposium will cover a range of topics, including the role of the media in unconscious bias.

Released: 28-Feb-2017 9:00 AM EST
UVA, Virginia Tech Seek Ways to Assist Drivers with Autism
University of Virginia Health System

The University of Virginia Health System is teaming up with the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute to study novice drivers with autism to determine if they would benefit from specialized training to help them become better, safer drivers and feel more comfortable behind the wheel. Researchers will use a high-tech driving simulator and on-road driving to compare the driving performance of novice drivers with autism with those of novice drivers without autism.

Released: 23-Feb-2017 11:05 AM EST
UVA Targets Deadly Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Why Do Promising Treatments Fail?
University of Virginia Health System

If we know what causes Duchenne, why do promising treatments consistently fail? UVA launches innovative new effort to find out.

Released: 22-Feb-2017 9:05 AM EST
Asthma Drugs Could Prevent Deadly Form of Pneumonia, Research Suggests
University of Virginia Health System

Two drugs used to treat asthma and allergies may offer a way to prevent a form of pneumonia that can kill up to 40 percent of people who contract it, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have found.

Released: 21-Feb-2017 7:05 AM EST
Robotic Surgery Pioneer Named Director of UVA Transplant Center
University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia Health System has named Jose Oberholzer, MD, a researcher and surgeon who has performed more than 1,000 transplant-related surgeries, as the new director of the Charles O. Strickler Transplant Center. Oberholzer, 49, comes to UVA from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he has served as Chief of the Division of Transplantation and Director of the Islet and Pancreas Transplant Program since 2007.

Released: 8-Feb-2017 10:05 AM EST
Troubling Inconsistency Found in Dialysis Blood Testing Methods
University of Virginia Health System

A blood test used to determine the health and well-being of dialysis patients produces worryingly inconsistent results depending on which testing method is used, new research reveals.

Released: 7-Feb-2017 8:05 AM EST
Final Artificial Pancreas Clinical Trials Now Open
University of Virginia Health System

Clinical trials are now enrolling to provide the final tests for a University of Virginia-developed artificial pancreas to automatically monitor and regulate blood-sugar levels in people with Type 1 diabetes. Participants in the trials will live at home and follow their regular routines to examine how well the device works in real-life settings.

Released: 2-Feb-2017 10:05 AM EST
UVA, CHKD Form Regional Collaborative for Cardiac Care
University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters have appointed Dr. Jay Gangemi as surgical director of the new regional collaborative for cardiac care at Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters. The UVA/CHKD collaboration, which has been in development over the past year, combines the efforts of pediatric cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, cardiac anesthesiologists, intensive care physicians and cardiac support professionals from both institutions with the goal of improving outcomes for children with complex congenital heart defects.

Released: 27-Jan-2017 10:05 AM EST
UVA School of Medicine Sees Huge Increase in NIH Research Funding
University of Virginia Health System

Federal funding for UVA’s medical research surged from $101.2 million in 2015 to more than $126 million in 2016, according to new figures.

Released: 23-Jan-2017 12:05 PM EST
Nurse Practitioners Step in to Fill Growing Need for House Calls, Study Finds
University of Virginia Health System

Nurse practitioners are increasingly providing house calls for frail and elderly patients, eclipsing any other specialties in number of home visits in 2013, new research reveals.

Released: 19-Jan-2017 10:05 AM EST
Affordable Care Act Made Cancer Screening More Accessible for Millions, Study Finds
University of Virginia Health System

The Affordable Care Act helped make recommended cancer screening more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans, according to new University of Virginia research.

Released: 18-Jan-2017 8:05 AM EST
UVA Slashes Opioid Use While Improving Pain Scores, Study Finds
University of Virginia Health System

A study of more than 100,000 surgical cases at University of Virginia Health System found patients’ pain scores improved even as doctors gave fewer opioids. As health officials across the U.S. look for ways to combat a opioid addiction crisis, UVA researchers believe their findings highlight one way to address the problem.

Released: 11-Jan-2017 8:05 AM EST
UVA, Other NCI-Designated Cancer Centers Endorse Latest HPV Vaccination Recommendations
University of Virginia Health System

Together with the other 68 National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers, University of Virginia Cancer Center supports the latest human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination recommendations to help prevent HPV-related cancers. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends two doses of the HPV vaccine at least six months apart for 11- to 12-year-old boys and girls.

Released: 9-Jan-2017 8:05 AM EST
UVA Honored Nationally for Bariatric Surgery, Cancer Care
University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia Medical Center’s bariatric surgery and cancer care programs have earned 2017 national Women’s Choice Awards from WomenCertified Inc. The UVA Cancer Center earned its America’s Best Hospitals for Cancer Care award based on criteria that include the availability of comprehensive patient care and research, as well as patient satisfaction.

Released: 4-Jan-2017 11:05 AM EST
New Dry Eye Drug Aims to Treat Cause Rather Than Mask Symptoms
University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia Health System researchers have developed a potential therapeutic treatment for dry eye, with human testing to start in March. The drug differs from other treatments of dry eye in that it aims to treat the cause of dry eye instead of masking the symptoms. About the drug The drug, Lacripep (TM), is a topical eye drop that functions differently from conventional  approaches.

Released: 19-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
UVA Discovers Powerful Defenders of the Brain -- with Big Implications for Disease and Injury
University of Virginia Health System

A rare and potent type of immune cell has been discovered around the brain, suggesting the cells may play a critical role in battling Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. By harnessing the cells' power, doctors may be able to develop new treatments for disease, traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injuries – even migraines.

Released: 14-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Creative Approach to Exploring Genome IDs Genes Likely Responsible for Bone Strength
University of Virginia Health System

In an important step in the battle against osteoporosis, a serious brittle bone disease that affects millions, researchers have identified more than a dozen genes amid the vast human genome likely responsible for bone density and strength. The crafty approach the researchers used to find these genes – essentially identifying needles in a haystack – could speed the development of new and better treatments for osteoporosis and many other diseases.

Released: 30-Nov-2016 10:05 AM EST
Online Insomnia Program Can Improve Sleep for Many, Study Finds
University of Virginia Health System

An online program designed to help people overcome insomnia significantly improves both the amount and quality of sleep, a new study has found.  The study is the first to look closely at the effects of the Sleep Healthy Using the Internet (SHUTi) program on people with health conditions that could be affecting their sleep.

Released: 22-Nov-2016 8:05 AM EST
UVA Health System Names First Chief Innovation Officer
University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia Health System has named Jeffrey Keller, PhD, as its first Chief Innovation Officer to help turn scientific discoveries into new and better treatments to serve patients at UVA and beyond.  With his wide-ranging work and educational history, Keller’s aim is to serve as a facilitator between clinicians faced with challenges to improving patient care and researchers who may have found a solution in their labs.

Released: 21-Nov-2016 8:05 AM EST
Most Women Unaware of Breast Density’s Effect on Cancer Risk, UVA Study Finds
University of Virginia Health System

Most women don’t know that having dense breasts increases their risk for breast cancer and reduces a mammogram’s ability to detect cancer, according to a University of Virginia School of Medicine study. A random phone survey of 1,024 Virginia women ages 35 to 70, conducted by the UVA Center for Survey Research, found that just 1 in 8 women were aware that breast density is a risk factor for breast cancer, while just 1 in 5 women knew that dense breasts reduced the sensitivity of mammograms to find tumors.

Released: 4-Nov-2016 9:15 AM EDT
Here's How Your Body Transports Zinc to Protect Your Health
University of Virginia Health System

Zinc is essential for wound healing, for vision, for DNA creation, for our senses of taste and smell, even for sexual health. But despite its importance, scientists have never fully understood the mechanism that moves the mineral through the body – until now. Researchers have, for the first time, created detailed blueprints of the molecular moving vans that ferry this important mineral everywhere it’s needed through the blood.

Released: 2-Nov-2016 11:05 AM EDT
UVA's Carter Immunology Center Marks 25 Years of Changing How We Approach Disease
University of Virginia Health System

Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have developed an experimental vaccine to battle melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. It’s an example of cutting-edge immunotherapy, the harnessing of the immune system’s power to battle disease. But it also represents a fulfillment of potential UVA recognized 25 years ago. In 1991, with financial support from businessman Beirne B.

Released: 19-Oct-2016 11:05 AM EDT
The Unseen Cancer Crisis: Alarming Disparities Found Across Appalachia
University of Virginia Health System

Rural Appalachia has gone from having the lowest cancer death rate in the country to the highest – and that’s just part of a growing cancer crisis in the region, new research from the School of Medicine suggests. Rural Appalachia has seen disturbing trends across the continuum of cancer care, from screening to diagnosis to treatment, survival and mortality, even as the rest of the country makes major strides in the battle against the disease.

Released: 6-Oct-2016 10:05 AM EDT
Strange 'Chimeras' Defy Science's Understanding of Human Genetics
University of Virginia Health System

The human genome is far more complex than thought, with genes functioning in an unexpected fashion that scientists have wrongly assumed must indicate cancer, research indicates.

Released: 27-Sep-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Surprising Findings on Deadly Diarrhea Suggest Ways to Save Children's Lives
University of Virginia Health System

New research offers unprecedented insights into the causes of childhood diarrhea, the second-leading cause of death of children worldwide, and suggests that the role of pathogens has been vastly underestimated.

Released: 1-Sep-2016 8:30 AM EDT
School Telehealth Centers Coming to Bland County, Martinsville
University of Virginia Health System

To harness the power of technology to help children live healthier lives, the Karen S. Rheuban Center for Telehealth at University of Virginia Health System is helping create four school-based telehealth centers in Bland County and Martinsville.  The project aims to provide children with conditions from autism to asthma better access to specialists and coordinated care in a region with a shortage of healthcare providers.

Released: 25-Aug-2016 8:30 AM EDT
Scalpel-Free Surgery Proves Safe, Effective for Treating Essential Tremor
University of Virginia Health System

A study published today in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine offers the most in-depth assessment yet of the safety and effectiveness of a high-tech alternative to brain surgery to treat the uncontrollable shaking caused by the most common movement disorder. And the news is very good.

Released: 23-Aug-2016 8:45 AM EDT
National ‘100 Great Oncology Programs’ List Features UVA
University of Virginia Health System

For the fourth consecutive year, the University of Virginia Cancer Center at UVA Medical Center has been honored among 100 hospitals and health systems with great oncology programs by Becker’s Hospital Review, a national healthcare publication. UVA is the only health system in Virginia named to this year’s list.

Released: 18-Aug-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Aggressive Cancer's Aggressiveness May Prove Its Achilles' Heel
University of Virginia Health System

Researchers have found a flaw in the armor of the most aggressive form of lung cancer, a weakness doctors may be able to exploit to stop the disease. This vulnerability stems from the very aggressiveness that makes the cancer so deadly.

Released: 2-Aug-2016 8:05 AM EDT
U.S. News Ranks UVA No. 1 Hospital in Va., Honors 8 Specialties
University of Virginia Health System

U.S. News and World Report’s 2016-2017 “Best Hospitals” guide has recognized eight University of Virginia Health System specialties and ranked UVA as the No. 1 hospital in Virginia.

Released: 1-Aug-2016 8:45 AM EDT
Why is New C. Difficile Strain So Deadly? UVA Finds Answers
University of Virginia Health System

A new, epidemic strain of C. difficile is proving alarmingly deadly, and new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine not only explains why but also suggests a way to stop it.

Released: 28-Jul-2016 8:45 AM EDT
Smartphone App Helps Patients Prepare for and Recover From Surgery
University of Virginia Health System

A new smartphone app is helping University of Virginia Health System surgery patients follow a treatment program to better prepare them for surgery and speed their recovery.

Released: 20-Jul-2016 9:00 AM EDT
FDA Approves Scalpel-Free Brain Surgery for Tremor Pioneered at UVA
University of Virginia Health System

The Food and Drug Administration has approved the first focused ultrasound device to treat essential tremor, the most common movement disorder, in patients who do not respond to medication. The scalpel-free approach has been pioneered by Jeff Elias, MD, at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, who led an international clinical trial that demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of the device.

Released: 18-Jul-2016 10:05 AM EDT
Freaky New Role Found for the Immune System: Controlling Social Interaction
University of Virginia Health System

Could immune system problems contribute to an inability to have normal social interactions? The answer appears to be yes, and that finding could have great implications for neurological conditions such as autism-spectrum disorders and schizophrenia.

Released: 11-Jul-2016 6:05 AM EDT
UVA Receives Federal Grant to Fight Southwest Virginia Opioid Epidemic
University of Virginia Health System

A federal grant to the University of Virginia Health System will help battle the opioid epidemic in Southwest Virginia by expanding access to specialized care through telehealth.

Released: 1-Jul-2016 9:00 AM EDT
Electronic Tablets Can Speed Stroke Care During Patient Transport, Study Finds
University of Virginia Health System

iTREAT was just as accurate as a bedside assessment by a neurologist, which would allow for better transport decisions by the EMS team and potentially faster treatment of the patient once at the hospital.

Released: 29-Jun-2016 11:05 AM EDT
Allergy-Causing 'Bad Guy' Cells Unexpectedly Prove Life-Saving in C. difficile
University of Virginia Health System

Researchers have identified immune cells vital for protecting us from potentially fatal C. difficile infection. Surprisingly, those cells are often vilified for their role in causing asthma and allergies. But when it comes to C. difficile, they could be the difference in life and death.

Released: 20-Jun-2016 9:00 AM EDT
Amid Terrorism Fears, Promising Leads in Hunt for Radiation Antidote
University of Virginia Health System

Researchers have identified promising drugs that could lead to the first antidote for radiation exposure that might result from a dirty bomb terror attack or a nuclear accident such as Chernobyl.

Released: 20-Jun-2016 8:45 AM EDT
UVA Health System and HemoShear Therapeutics to Collaborate on Advanced Cancer Tumor Models
University of Virginia Health System

To better understand cancerous tumors and help develop breakthrough treatments, University of Virginia Health System and HemoShear Therapeutics, LLC, will collaborate on developing and validating advanced cancer tumor models.

Released: 13-Jun-2016 8:45 AM EDT
UVA Medical Center Names New Chief Operating Officer
University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia Medical Center has selected William (Bill) Fulkerson, who has more than 15 years of leadership experience at academic medical centers, as its next chief operating officer beginning Aug. 1.

Released: 25-May-2016 10:35 AM EDT
Young Norfolk Girl Receives Liver Transplant in Unique Care Partnership between UVA Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
University of Virginia Health System

A 13-year-old Norfolk girl is the first patient to receive a transplant in a unique pediatric liver transplant partnership between Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and the University of Virginia Children’s Hospital.

Released: 21-Apr-2016 7:05 AM EDT
UVA Center for Telehealth Renamed for Co-Founder Karen Rheuban
University of Virginia Health System

To honor the co-founder who has helped thousands of patients across Virginia and the world better access care, the University of Virginia Center for Telehealth has been renamed the Karen S. Rheuban Center for Telehealth.

Released: 29-Mar-2016 3:05 PM EDT
Kidney Disease: Report Assesses Mammoth Problem for the United States
University of Virginia Health System

A sweeping new report assessing chronic kidney disease in the United States offers startling statistics about a condition that affects almost 14 percent of the U.S. population and costs billions in Medicare spending each year. “This report is a one-stop shop to try to understand the prevalence of kidney disease, how it’s being treated and how the burden affects various populations,” said researcher Rajesh Balkrishnan, PhD, of the School of Medicine.

Released: 2-Mar-2016 9:00 AM EST
Common Blood Test Could Predict Risk of 2nd Stroke
University of Virginia Health System

A new discovery about ischemic stroke may allow to doctors to predict a patient’s risk of having a second stroke using a commonly performed blood test and their genetic profile.
