Latest News from: Ohio State University

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Released: 17-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Creatine May Improve Performance in Activity Bursts
Ohio State University

New research at Ohio State suggests that the dietary supplement creatine may enhance the performance of elite male swimmers during short-distance swims.

Released: 17-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Estrogen's Promise in Warding off Heart Disease
Ohio State University

Because of its effects in reducing health risks such as heart disease, many women start taking estrogen supplements when they reach menopause. But a new animal study at Ohio State suggests that treatment should start before menopause begins.

Released: 17-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Electricity Shapes Aluminum Auto Parts
Ohio State University

Automakers may shape aluminum parts more easily in the future because of a new technique developed at Ohio State University that uses electromagnetic pulses to shape metal.

Released: 17-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Classrooms' Bad Acoustics Inhibit Learning
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State found that the acoustics of many classrooms are poor enough to make listening and learning difficult for children. Only two of 32 classrooms studied met the standards recommended by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Released: 25-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Hubble Heritage: Stunning Photo of Galaxies
Ohio State University

More than 100 million light years away, two galaxies brush against each other, locked in an eternal dance, and an Ohio State physicist helped capture the moment. The striking photo is showcased on the World Wide Web site of the Hubble Heritage Project.

Released: 24-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Employees Recruited "Inside" Stay
Ohio State University

A comprehensive study at Ohio State of employee recruitment found that new hires were more likely to stay at least a year if they were recruited through inside sources, rather than through ads or employment agencies.

Released: 24-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Americans Trust Institutions More, People Less
Ohio State University

Americans' trust in other people has declined steadily for at least 20 years, research at Ohio State University suggests. Results showed that trust in individuals declined about 10 percent between 1975 and 1994, a rate of about one-half percent each year.

Released: 24-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Web Information Is Likely Correct, Hard to Find
Ohio State University

People who search for answers to questions on the World Wide Web are more likely to find the right answer than a wrong one, according to an Ohio State scholar. The hitch: most likely, they won't find an answer at all.

Released: 19-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Evergreens Help Block Spread of Pesticide
Ohio State University

Farmers should plant a line of evergreen trees around their crops to reduce the movement of pesticide sprays outside their fields, according to an Ohio State University study.

Released: 19-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Insecticide Sprays Can Target Pests Feeding
Ohio State University

Farmers may one day be able to tailor a spray of insecticide to target the feeding habits of the species that most threaten their crops, according to a study at Ohio State University.

Released: 19-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Antioxidant-Rich Diet Formula Improves Lung Disorder
Ohio State University

A special diet formula rich in antioxidants and plant and fish oils seems to reduce the harmful effects of a serious respiratory problem, an Ohio State study has found.

Released: 3-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Race Cars Sounds, Engine Performance, Racing Strategy
Ohio State University

The sound of a race car as it tears around a track reveals not only engine performance, but the driver's technique and racing team's strategy, engineers at Ohio State University have found.

Released: 30-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Researcher Receives Award for Biomedical Research
Ohio State University

Mauro Ferrari, professor of internal medicine and mechanical engineering, and director of the Biomedical Engineering Center at Ohio State, is one of two researchers to receive the first Wallace H. Coulter Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Released: 30-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Using "Voice Recognition" Program to Count Bats
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State have shown that computer technology can be used to help estimate how many bats are in an area, simply by analyzing recorded bat calls.

Released: 28-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Hormone-Like Gel Causes Speedier Deliveries
Ohio State University

Use of a special medical gel, placed into the cervix of a pregnant woman, can enhance the natural birth process by shortening both the time until labor begins and the time to delivery, new research at Ohio State suggests.

Released: 28-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Breast-Feeding Plays Second Fiddle To Work
Ohio State University

Research at Ohio State now shows what a mother already knows -- that the demands of her job have a direct impact on how long and how often she breast-feeds.

Released: 28-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Soy Substances Slow Prostate Cancer Growth In Animals
Ohio State University

Substances in dietary soy products may slow the growth of prostate cancer, a new animal study at Ohio State has shown.

Released: 6-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
New Design Will Help Cool Microelectronics More Efficiently
Ohio State University

As microelectronics pack more high-powered computer chips into ever-shrinking spaces, cooling these devices becomes more difficult. Ohio State University researchers have developed a heat sink, or cooling system, that is more efficient than current designs.

Released: 6-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Chemical Marker Found for Brain Damage in Alzheimer's Disease
Ohio State University

Scientists led by an Ohio State researcher have identified a common molecular marker for three major lesions found in brains of people with late-stage Alzheimer's disease.

Released: 24-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Americans Optimistic About How Long They Have to Live
Ohio State University

Americans on average estimate they will live about one year longer than statistics of life expectancy suggest they will, a new Ohio State study finds. Men and Blacks are most optimistic about their lifespans, while white women are least optimistic.

Released: 24-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Hillary Clinton's Popularity Is Independent of Her Husband's
Ohio State University

Hillary Rodham Clinton's popularity among the American public is nearly completely independent of her husband's approval rating, a new Ohio State study suggests.

Released: 22-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Most Internet-Accessible Cities In United States
Ohio State University

Washington, D.C. is the most Internet-accessible city in the United States, according to a new study by Ohio State researchers. The other top five cities, in order, are Chicago, Dallas, New York and Atlanta.

Released: 15-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Why Estrogen Not Helpful against Heart Disease
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State and Johns Hopkins have discovered one reason why women undergong hormone replacement therapy may not lessen their risk of developing coronary artery disease -- a side benefit to the therapy that scientists had once expected.

Released: 4-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Microscopic Medical Devices For Transplants
Ohio State University

The same technology that creates computer microchips may one day help treat diseases such as diabetes, according to an Ohio State University researcher.

Released: 4-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Robotic Heart Surgery Technique
Ohio State University

A new minimally invasive heart surgery technique utilizing robotic technology was performed Sept. 2 at The Ohio State University Medical Center. It was the first use in North America of the da Vinci Computer-Enhanced Surgical System.

Released: 3-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Marriage Rates Differ Slightly In Childhood Cancer Survivors
Ohio State University

Children who survive cancer have a slightly lower rate of marriage when they reach adulthood than the general population, although the rate varies somewhat by sex and race, new research at Ohio State shows.

Released: 3-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Electronic Dental Anesthesia Helps Allay Needle Injection Pain
Ohio State University

Using electronic anesthesia reduces discomfort and disruptive behaviors in young, sedated dental patients, new research at Ohio State shows.

Released: 3-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Common Drug, Improved Performance in Race Horses
Ohio State University

A drug legally given before a race to horses for a certain medical condition is suspected of having a positive effect on their performance, according to a study at Ohio State.

26-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Parental Influence Still Important During Adolescence
Ohio State University

New research suggests that parents continue to influence their adolescents' behavior, even as friends and schools loom larger in teens' eyes.

23-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Students Get Better Grades when Tested Frequently
Ohio State University

Students may hate frequent tests in their classes, but new research by an Ohio State professor suggests this teaching strategy may help them earn better grades.

22-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Behavioral Program Boosts Antibody for Breast Cancer
Ohio State University

Women with breast cancer who participated in a psychological intervention program showed lower levels of a stress hormone and higher levels of a antibody that fights breast tumors than did other patients, a new Ohio State study has found.

22-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Some Adults Believe Illness Can Be "Payback" for Bad Behavior
Ohio State University

A new study at Ohio State suggests that up to 44 percent of adults believe that, in some cases, people may get a serious illness because they deserve it for bad behavior.

Released: 20-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Unprecedented Delay in Appointing Federal Judges
Ohio State University

A new study at Ohio State suggests that U.S. Senate confirmation of federal judges has slowed to an unprecedented pace, contributing to a shortage of judges in federal courts.

16-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Elderly Less Likely To Have Economic Problems
Ohio State University

A new nationwide study at Ohio State suggests that American adults generally experience less economic difficulties as they get older, even after they retire. The findings call into question official government statistics which say poverty increases among the elderly.

Released: 10-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Bioterrorism May Threaten U.S. Agriculture
Ohio State University

An Ohio State professor says farmers have a new threat to worry about: bioterrorism. At a conference Aug. 10, he discussed what may happen if someone deliberately infected a crop with a pathogen.

Released: 27-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Fractals Provide Unusual Theme in African Culture and Art
Ohio State University

From braided hairstyles to the design of housing settlements, the geometric structures known as fractals permeate African culture. In a new book, an Ohio State scholar examines the unlikely pairing of this mathematical concept and the culture and art of Africa.

Released: 27-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Many Homeless Children Have Symptoms of Depression
Ohio State University

School-age children who are homeless have higher rates of mental health problems than other children, research at Ohio State suggests.

Released: 27-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
How Stress Slows Wound Healing
Ohio State University

Scientists at Ohio State investigating why wounds heal more slowly on patients who are stressed have found that psychological stress can increase the levels of some hormones in the blood.

Released: 27-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Small Stock Funds Best for Long-Term Periodic Investing
Ohio State University

Financial advisers tell people to spread their risk by investing in several types of mutual funds. But an Ohio State study revealed that volatile small-stock funds are best for people who make steady, periodic contributions in investments for a long period of time.

Released: 27-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Young Baby Boomers Build Wealth Slowly and Steadily
Ohio State University

Forget the stories of average people becoming overnight stock-market millionaires. A new nationwide study found most young baby boomers are accumulating wealth the old-fashioned way: slowly and steadily.

Released: 24-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Gene Alterations May Predict Response To New Cancer Therapy
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State have identified a possible new tumor-suppressor gene that plays a role in colon cancer and perhaps other cancers.

Released: 24-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Stress May Increase Susceptibility To Infectious Disease
Ohio State University

Researchers from Ohio State and other universities who have spent years studying the effects of stress on the body's immune system now believe they know enough to show that stress actually does weaken a person's health.

Released: 24-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Research Models High-Efficiency Materials In Air Filters
Ohio State University

Devices that contain air filters may have to run at slower speeds if they want to use new, high-efficiency filter media to their full potential, according to a study at Ohio State University.

Released: 9-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Robotic Technology To Help Heart Surgeons
Ohio State University

For the first time in this country, heart surgeons at Ohio State will soon use new computer-enhanced robotic technology to improve heart bypass surgery, limiting patients' pain and the healing time normally associated with these procedures.

6-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Aging, Brain System Related To Memory Loss
Ohio State University

A new study in rats suggests that aging by itself may not affect brain systems responsible for important aspects of learning and memory. However, the Ohio State research found that the combination of old age and pre-existing brain pathology led to serious problems.

4-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Thinking Pattern Of Chronic Self-Doubters
Ohio State University

People with high levels of self-doubt have markedly different thinking patterns than do individuals who harbor lower levels of self-doubt, a new Ohio State study shows.

Released: 26-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Social Workers Influence Foster Parent Satisfaction
Ohio State University

Social service agencies need to do a much better job of supporting foster parents if they want to correct the shortfall of families willing to take in children, a new Ohio State study suggests.

Released: 26-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Changes To Prevent School Violence Often Resisted
Ohio State University

A truly effective program to deal with school violence usually requires a change in a school's culture -- a change that is often resisted, according to an Ohio State professor and author of a new book on dealing with violent youth.

Released: 26-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
U.S. Forest Conservation May Increase Deforestation Elsewhere
Ohio State University

A new Ohio State study examining the future of world timber markets suggests that forest conservation efforts in North America and Europe could lead to increased deforestation in threatened tropical forests.

14-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Stress Increases Heart Disease Blood Chemical
Ohio State University

A new study at Ohio State has found that mild psychological stress can temporarily increase blood levels of a chemical associated with the development of heart disease.
