Latest News from: Ohio State University

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Released: 26-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Early Warning Systems May Help Predict Refugee Crises
Ohio State University

Researchers have identified some of the important factors that may predict refugee migrations that displace millions of people each year. "Refugee migrations are not random -- they stem from political and social problems that can be predicted," a researcher said. said Craig Jenkins, a professor of sociology and a

Released: 26-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Kids Find Happy, Safe Places In Their Inner-City Neighborhoods
Ohio State University

Despite the prevalence of violence in inner-city neighborhoods, elementary school children living there seem to have favorable views of at least parts of their community, a new study suggests.

Released: 26-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
MBA Students Have Clear Ideas of What Is Ethical in Negotiations
Ohio State University

A new study suggests that MBA students have clear ideas of which tactics are ethically proper and improper in the course of business negotiations. But the students' views are shaped by their gender, nationality, age, work experience, and other factors.

Released: 26-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
First Children "Crowded Out" When Divorced Fathers Have New Kids
Ohio State University

Non-custodial fathers are less likely to maintain contact with children from a previous relationship if they have biological children with another partner, a new study shows.

Released: 1-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Knee Brace May Be Unnecessary After Surgery
Ohio State University

It may be unnecessary for athletes to fasten themselves into cumbersome braces after a specific kind of reconstructive knee surgery, new research suggests. The study examined brace use after surgery to repair the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).

Released: 1-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Geometry Of Blood Vessels May Influence Heart Disease
Ohio State University

The geometry of blood vessels may be a direct risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease. A new study has found a relationship linking cardiovascular disease to the angle between an artery and blood vessels branching off from the artery.

Released: 1-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Dual X-Ray Technique Analyzes Structure Of Dental Alloys
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State have employed a combination of two X-ray techniques to discover new information about the structure of oxide layers on dental alloys. With this knowledge, manufacturers of alloys for crowns, bridges, etc. can explore stronger dental materials.

Released: 1-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Air Guns Can Cause Permanent Physical Damage To Children
Ohio State University

Injuries caused by air guns -- guns that use a spring or compressed air to deliver ammo -- can cause irreversible physical damage to children, even though they are commonly viewed as toys and given as beginner guns to children, recent research shows.

Released: 1-Sep-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Bioreactor Grows Cells and Anti-Cancer Protein
Ohio State University

Ohio State University researchers have invented a device that grows human tumor cells in an artificial medium in order to produce a protein for possible cancer treatment.

25-Aug-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Workplace Teams Not the Key to Determining Worker Behavior
Ohio State University

Workplace teams remain a hot trend in American companies, but new research suggests they may not be the key factor in determining how workers behave on the job.

23-Aug-1998 12:00 AM EDT
School Achievement Drops In Larger Families -- Except For Mormons
Ohio State University

Previous research has shown that having many siblings is associated with poorer school performance for all the children in a family. But a new nationwide study has found an intriguing exception among Mormon families.

17-Aug-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Ohio State University

Educational programs aimed at helping women reduce their risk of sexual assault may not be very effective, a new study suggests. The study found that women participating in such a program were just as likely to experience sexual assault as those who didn't participate. .

Released: 14-Aug-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Prejudice Has Unexpected Effect When People Evaluate Minorities
Ohio State University

It's not surprising that high-prejudice people think differently than others when they're asked to evaluate statements made by Blacks or homosexuals. But new research suggests that the difference between high and low-prejudice people isn't what common wisdom would dictate.

Released: 29-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Businesses Should Monitor Internet Discussion Groups
Ohio State University

Businesses need to become more aware of what is being said about them on the Internet, according to a consumer scientist. Electronic conversations on Internet discussion groups can reflect negatively on a business without managers even knowing what is happening.

Released: 29-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Class Helps Student Athletes Make Transition To Post-Sports Life
Ohio State University

An Ohio State University class for student athletes who are "retiring" from athletics has shown promise in helping these athletes make the transition from sports to a new career.

Released: 29-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Managers Don't Use Effective Decision-Making Tactics
Ohio State University

A new Ohio State study of 376 real-life business decisions found that managers tend to use decision-making tactics that are the least successful.

Released: 1-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Incidence Of A Hereditary Colon Cancer Brings Call For Screening
Ohio State University

Gene mutations that predispose people to a form of hereditary colon cancer may be found in at least one person per thousand, making it a relatively common hereditary disorder, new research shows.

Released: 1-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Researchers Uncover New Viral Defense Mechanism
Ohio State University

Researchers have uncovered one method by which a common virus that can cause serious illness and death in immune-suppressed patients is able to evade the body's defenses. The virus is cytomegalovirus (CMV).

Released: 1-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Jurors Opposed To The Death Penalty Act Differently From Others
Ohio State University

By law, people opposed to the death penalty are prohibited from serving on juries in which a defendant may be sentenced to death. But a new study suggests that excluding anti-death-penalty jurors may be biasing the juries who determine guilt or innocence of defendants. It is not possible, however, to tell whether this bias would favor defendants or prosecutors.

Released: 1-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
On-Line Medical Information Often Not Up to Par, Researchers Say
Ohio State University

Medical information proliferates on the World Wide Web, but much of that information may be inaccurate or out of date, a new study suggests.

Released: 1-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Candidates Whose Names Are First on Ballot Receive Election Boost
Ohio State University

Candidates whose names appear first on an election ballot may attract more voters simply because they're listed before their rivals, a new study suggests.

Released: 1-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Chest Pain in Adolescents is Common, But Rarely Serious
Ohio State University

When a teenager feels sudden chest pains or other symptoms of heart troubles, it can cause a lot of concern. Yet nearly all the supposedly heart-related symptoms that adolescents experience are benign and, in fact, not related to the heart.

Released: 1-Jul-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Sunscreen Can Protect Against Melanoma, Says Specialist
Ohio State University

Sunscreen can help reduce the risk of malignant melanoma, contrary to the finding of a study that received considerable media attention ast February, says a skin-cancer specialist at Ohio State University's Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Research Institute.

Released: 20-Jun-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Stress Slows Healing of Dental Wounds by 40 Percent
Ohio State University

A new study of dental students found that stress can lengthen the time wounds take to heal by as much as 40 percent and reduce by two-thirds the production of one cytokine -- interleukin-1 -- that is integral for the healing process.

Released: 20-Jun-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Golfers Should Resist Quick Return to Greens after Knee Surgery
Ohio State University

Golfers recovering from knee surgery should cool their desire for a quick return to the golf course. The forces acting on a golfer's knees during the downswing of a golf club have the same impact as running in a straight line and abruptly turning 90 degrees.

Released: 20-Jun-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Potential Solutions for Gulf Of Mexico's Dead Zone Explored
Ohio State University

Researchers are studying ways to control the rush of nitrogen and other chemicals that flow into the Mississippi River watershed each spring and ultimately turn more than 7,000 square miles of the Gulf of Mexico into a "dead zone".

Released: 20-Jun-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Excess Thiamine May Help Tumor Growth, Research Shows
Ohio State University

Vitamin B1, which is usually given in excess to many cancer patients, should be carefully regulated in people undergoing cancer therapy, new research shows. The findings reveal a long overlooked link between vitamin B1 and tumor-cell growth.

Released: 20-Jun-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Research Uncovers Possible New Explanation For Sonoluminescence
Ohio State University

A physicist may have uncovered the atomic process behind sonoluminescence, an effect in which ultrasonic waves break against the surface of a water bubble and heat the atoms inside until they glow. This may assist the emerging field of sonochemistry.

16-Jun-1998 12:00 AM EDT
People Guided By 15 Fundamental Desires And Values, Study Finds
Ohio State University

A new study by researchers at Ohio State University has concluded that people have 15 fundamental desires and values that guide their behavior. These desires include basic needs, such as food, as well as social desires such as prestige, social contact and honor.

Released: 28-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Bad Treatment At Termination Leads Many Ex-Employees to File Suit
Ohio State University

How employees are treated when they are fired or laid off can play a major role in determining whether they sue their former employers, new research has found.

Released: 28-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Regular Exercise Helps Patients With Serious Lung Disease
Ohio State University

Regular exercise can help people with serious lung disease reduce anxiety and depression and improve endurance and some kinds of intellectual functioning, a new study shows.

Released: 28-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Study: Women Have Good Reasons for More Conservative Investments
Ohio State University

An Ohio State University study indicates that there may often be good reasons for the fact that women are usually more conservative investors than are men.

Released: 28-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Eating Less Fat at One Meal May Lead to Higher Fat Intake Later
Ohio State University

People who lower fat or carbohydrate intake in an attempt to lose weight might be in for a bigger battle than they expected. A new study found that people who ate low-fat or low-carbohydrate lunches compensated by eating more fat or carbohydrates at other meals.

Released: 27-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Drug's Effect on Chromosomes May Explain Secondary Cancers
Ohio State University

A relatively new and highly useful anticancer drug appears to work by cutting up the ends of chromosomes, a region known as the telomere, new research shows. The finding may help explain a serious after-effect of the drug.

Released: 27-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
New Technique Creates Durable Audio And Video Tapes, Data Disks
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State University have found a way to extend the life of magnetic audio and video tapes and data storage disks.

Released: 27-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Dust Mite Behavior May Lead to New Ways to Control Pests
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State University have uncovered some curious behavior among common household dust mites that may one day suggest a better means of exterminating them.

Released: 27-May-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Study Shows Zebra Mussels Can Colonize Sand And Mud
Ohio State University

Researchers have found that zebra mussels have built colonies on the sandy and muddy bottom of Lake Erie, a habitat previously thought incapable of supporting the animals.

Released: 29-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Biotech Firms Develop Where Star Scientists Worked, Study Shows
Ohio State University

Most biotechnology firms created during the 1980s were developed near the scientists who made the initial discoveries underlying the technology, new research shows.

Released: 29-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Researchers Help NASA Unite Computers, People in Mission Control
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State University are helping NASA scientists develop computer systems that communicate important information as flexibly and efficiently as people do.

Released: 29-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Bungee Cords Can Cause Severe Eye Damage, Doctor Warns
Ohio State University

Bungee cords, elastic devices used for securing equipment, can cause serious damage to the eye that may result in future vision problems if they are not used carefully.

Released: 29-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Time Spent On Dialysis May Predict Transplant Patient's Longevity
Ohio State University

The longer patients with kidney disease remain on dialysis before receiving a transplant, the more likely they are to die prematurely, new research shows.

Released: 29-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
New Model Of Atomic Forces May Help Explain Proton Structure
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State University have developed a new model of atomic forces that may solve a long-standing problem in particle physics.

Released: 29-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Naturally Produced Enzyme May Be Useful In Inflammatory Arthritis
Ohio State University

Researchers have discovered a potential method to help treat inflammatory forms of arthritis by using an enzyme naturally produced by the human body.

Released: 29-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
How Managers Select Work Teams Can Affect Attitudes, Performance
Ohio State University

The methods that managers use to assign employees to workplace teams can have significant effects on worker attitudes and even performance, new research shows.

Released: 29-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Chocolate Treats Can Land Racehorse Trainers In Trouble
Ohio State University

Chocolate may be a harmless treat for humans, but it could land a racehorse into trouble. Researchers found that horses fed chocolate- coated peanuts every day for eight days showed detectable levels of caffeine and theobromine -- substances that are banned for horses.

22-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Aspirin's Preventive Action in Heart Attacks Tied to Genetics
Ohio State University

Researchers who were looking for the reason why simple aspirin use protects some people from developing heart attacks have traced the mechanism back to a specific genetic factor present on the surface of clotting cells called platelets.

Released: 15-Apr-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Astronomers Discover Star System With Possible Black Hole
Ohio State University

Astronomers have identified a new and unusual binary star system in our galaxy. The system includes a normal star paired with a dark and massive object such as a neutron star or black hole that is ejecting two high-speed jets of material.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Mathematics Reveals New Patterns of Brain Cell Activity
Ohio State University

A mathematics researcher at Ohio State University and his colleagues have discovered two new patterns of electrochemical activity among brain cells.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Two Simple Tests May Screen For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Ohio State University

Based on a new study, researchers are suggesting physicians use two simple tests to screen patients for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
El Nino Not The Driving Force Behind North Pacific Hurricanes
Ohio State University

El Nino may be responsible for severe weather conditions across North America, but an Ohio State University study has revealed that El NiÃ’o weather systems don't always spawn severe hurricanes in the North Pacific.
