Latest News from: University of South Australia

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Newswise: Weight loss? ‘Nuting’ to worry about with almonds
Released: 18-Sep-2023 5:30 PM EDT
Weight loss? ‘Nuting’ to worry about with almonds
University of South Australia

When it comes to weight loss, nuts can get a bad rap – while they’re high in protein, they’re also high in fats, and this often deters those looking to shed a few kilos. But new research from the University of South Australia shows that you can eat almonds and lose weight too.

Released: 7-Sep-2023 8:05 PM EDT
Labour laws need updating now remote work is here to stay
University of South Australia

Australia’s employment laws and regulations must be updated to reflect the changing nature of work, with many people continuing to work from home long after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Newswise: Sentencing child sex abusers: When the victim becomes the offender
Released: 30-May-2023 3:05 AM EDT
Sentencing child sex abusers: When the victim becomes the offender
University of South Australia

When a ‘victim-offender’ is sentenced in court, a University of South Australia researcher is recommending judges acknowledge the offender’s early trauma, in conjunction with the consequences for the crime, in their sentencing comments.

Newswise: Lived experience: the way forward for Australia’s mental health system
Released: 17-May-2023 1:05 AM EDT
Lived experience: the way forward for Australia’s mental health system
University of South Australia

Changes to Australia’s mental health and suicide prevention system must be underpinned by lived experience to ensure appropriate care, say experts at the University of South Australia.

Newswise: Clinicians must look beyond physical symptoms 
to care for people with deep-seated trauma
Released: 4-May-2023 11:05 PM EDT
Clinicians must look beyond physical symptoms to care for people with deep-seated trauma
University of South Australia

Child protection experts are imploring clinicians to broaden their duty of care to ensure that patients’ hidden trauma is not overlooked by more obvious physical symptoms and illnesses.

Released: 12-Mar-2021 8:05 AM EST
Sleep Maximizes Vaccine Effectiveness
University of South Australia

With the roll out of COVID-19 vaccines now underway, University of South Australia sleep experts are urging people to reprioritise their sleep, as getting regular and sufficient sleep is known to boost your immune system.

Released: 9-Jun-2020 8:05 PM EDT
Flexible Work: Likely or Lip Service Beyond Pandemic?
University of South Australia

Flexible work has always been a drawcard for employees, but while managers have typically been reluctant to embrace flexible work arrangements, University of South Australia researchers warn that the topic is likely to become front and centre as employees return to the office after months of lockdown from COVID-19.

Released: 1-Apr-2020 8:30 AM EDT
Self-regulation for kids: at home, at school and with autism
University of South Australia

As every teacher will assert, self-regulation is the key to optimal learning; it helps kids tune in, stay focussed and be ready to learn. But what if your child isn’t wired this way? For many children, self-regulation is hard to master, but for kids on the autism spectrum, it can seem insurmountable, singling them out and creating barriers to their learning.

Released: 24-Mar-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Kids Need Calm Not Chaos Amid Covid-19
University of South Australia

Elbow bumps in lieu of high-fives, segregated lunchtimes and hyper hand hygiene ¬– they’re are all a part of our children’s new reality in response to Covid-19. But while kids are seemingly adapting well to the changes, University of South Australia child development experts say adults need to be increasingly mindful of their own reactions to the pandemic and take care when explaining the situation to children.

Released: 22-Jul-2018 10:05 PM EDT
Doing School Differently
University of South Australia

Alternative schooling programs could deliver greater learning outcomes for young people who are struggling at school, according to University of South Australia researcher, Dr Thomas Stehlik.
