Latest News from: MCI 911

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Released: 22-Dec-2021 6:05 AM EST
New theory asserts Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease are caused by same microorganism and that both are preventable
MCI 911

There has yet been no plausible theory to explain Alzheimer's disease arising among Down syndrome young adults. A microbe is proposed for that role.

Released: 16-Mar-2021 8:05 AM EDT
MCI Helper e-newsletter to aid Mild Cognitive Impairment patients, says Dr. Leslie Norins, of
MCI 911

Despite the absence of a curative drug, improvements in MCI may be possible though use of substances and tactics published throughout medical journals and summarized here.

Released: 23-Feb-2021 6:15 AM EST
Nobody finds the Alzheimer’s Germ in $1 Million Challenge, but eight researchers split $200K, says Dr. Leslie Norins of Alzheimer’s Germ Quest
MCI 911

There is now keen interest in deeper investigation of infectious agents as the trigger of Alzheimer's disease

Released: 16-Feb-2021 6:05 AM EST
Us Against Alzheimer’s advocacy group must reveal financial conflict of interest to FDA, says Dr. Leslie Norins of Alzheimer’s Germ Quest
MCI 911

Alzheimer's advocacy groups taint their credibility by not revealing conflicts when they lobby FDA for drug approval

Released: 4-Feb-2021 3:05 AM EST
Alzheimer’s Association again endorses Biogen drug despite mystery data analysis and financial conflict of interest, says Dr. Leslie Norins of Alzheimer’s Germ Quest
MCI 911

Although an expert FDA panel voted ten to one to withhold approval for a Biogen anti-Alzheimer's drug candidate, the Alzheimer's Association endorsed the compound. Serious questions have been raised about why, including conflict of interest.

Released: 1-Feb-2021 3:05 AM EST
Curcumin Selected as Cognition Supplement of the Year: 2021, says Dr. Leslie Norins of
MCI 911

As yet there is no prescription drug to cure mild cognitive impairment (MCI), often a harbinger of Alzheimer's disease. Medical research journals reveal curcumin can sometimes bolster cognition. It merits a try.

Released: 19-Jan-2021 3:05 AM EST
Alzheimer's microbe hypothesis gets major NIH funding
MCI 911

After years of paltry funding, research on the possible role of microbes in the causation of Alzheimer's disease will now get a major infusion of grants from the NIH's National Institute on Aging

Released: 7-Jan-2021 3:05 AM EST
Coconut Oil’s Benefits to Alzheimer’s Ignored in N.Y. Times Attack, Says Dr. Leslie Norins of
MCI 911

Although cardiologists often decry coconut oil because of certain fats it contains, they overlook the growing evidence that other fatty constituents, especially medium-chain triglycerides, may alleviate some cases of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease

Released: 18-Nov-2020 5:05 AM EST
Advisers with atypical conflict of interest may create harsher COVID lockdowns, says Dr. Leslie Norins
MCI 911

Most medical conflict-of-interest regulations focus on additional money influencing one's opinion. Little consideration is given to the retention of one's job while recommending others lose theirs. Disclosure can counterbalance this. .

Released: 17-Nov-2020 5:05 AM EST posts seven supplements which may aid mild cognitive impairment, says Dr. Leslie Norins, CEO.
MCI 911

Mild cognitive impairment affects millions of seniors. There is no curative drug. Seven possibly helpful supplements gleaned from medical journal articles are described

Released: 10-Nov-2020 6:05 AM EST
Alzheimer’s Association should reveal financial conflict of interest in urging FDA to approve Biogen drug, says Dr. Leslie Norins, CEO of Alzheimer’s Germ Quest
MCI 911

Biogen tried, and failed, to win FDA committee approval for its anti-amyloid Alzheimer's drug. The Alzheimer's Association supported the application but did not reveal significant monies received from the firm.

Released: 22-Oct-2020 8:25 AM EDT
“Research Radar” to focus on mild cognitive impairment, says Dr. Leslie Norins, CEO of
MCI 911 had added a new department, Research Radar, to focus exclusively on advancements to aid fighting MCI

Released: 14-Oct-2020 5:05 AM EDT
Mild Cognitive Impairment Counterattack
MCI 911

Battling the mild cognitive impairment stage of Alzheimer's may disease may "nip it in the bud".

Released: 8-Oct-2020 6:05 AM EDT
Rationale for dietary ketones in mild cognitive impairment available in new free report, announces
MCI 911

In a 20-page free special report expert Dr. Mary Newport presents 12 reasons to consider diet ketones to counterattack Mild Cognitive Impairment

Released: 1-Oct-2020 3:05 AM EDT
“Counterattack” on Mild Cognitive Impairment launched, announces Dr. Leslie Norins, CEO of
MCI 911

Patients with mild cognitive impairment can aggressively utilize currently available substances and practices to try and delay their brain degeneration
