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7-Aug-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Blood-based lung nodule testing presentation at ATS 2020 Virtual
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Nodify Lung™ testing helps reclassify risk of malignancy of nodules by identifying patients with a higher or lower risk than indicated by traditional risk assessment

Released: 7-Aug-2020 3:50 PM EDT
I'm a public health physician and scientist and I'm blocking the path of an oil pipeline to protect health
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

As a doctor, I didn’t expect to find myself living in a tree at the age of 63, but here I am: 82 feet (25 meters) off the ground in a lovely grove of old cotton wood trees trying to stop construction on an oil pipeline.

Released: 3-Aug-2020 8:00 AM EDT
Challenges in Diagnosing Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Addressed in Latest Guidelines for Clinicians
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Aug. 3, 2020─ More than 30 years after the last guidance on the clinical evaluation of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), the American Thoracic Society – in collaboration with the Asociación Latinoamericana de Tórax or ALAT and the Japanese Respiratory Society– has developed new guidelines for clinicians. The guidelines are available online ahead of print in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Released: 28-Jul-2020 2:10 PM EDT
Press Register Now; ATS 2020 Virtual Starts Aug. 5
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Join us on Aug. 5-10 2020 for ATS 2020 Virtual, when the American Thoracic Society will host a mix of live and pre-recorded sessions in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. Press are invited to attend (see press guidelines) and may register now. Same day registration will be available during the meeting.

Released: 16-Jul-2020 8:00 AM EDT
ATS Publishes New Guidance on Safely Restoring Elective Pulmonary and Sleep Services
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

An American Thoracic Society-led international task force has released a guidance document to help guide clinicians on restoring elective in-person pulmonary and sleep services as COVID-19 incidence decreases in their communities. The new guidance, published online in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society, is titled “Restoring Pulmonary and Sleep Services as the COVID-19 Pandemic Lessens.”

Released: 15-Jul-2020 8:00 AM EDT
Experts Strongly Recommend Varenicline Over the Patch for Adult Smokers Hoping to Quit
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Smoking cessation initiatives notwithstanding, along with provocative public health campaigns and clinical guidance, quitting tobacco has remained elusive for many smokers. The American Thoracic Society’s new clinical practice guideline on treatment for tobacco dependence in adults addresses how clinicians may deal with patients’ reluctance to quit, one of a number of issues not previously assessed in the older guidelines.

Released: 9-Jul-2020 8:00 AM EDT
Black Individuals at Higher Risk for Contracting COVID-19, According to New Research
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Results of an analysis published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society found that Black individuals were twice as likely as White individuals to test positive for COVID-19. The average age of all participants in the study was 46. However, those infected were on average 52 years old, compared to those who tested negative, who were 45 years old on average.

Released: 8-Jul-2020 7:00 AM EDT
Move to Withdraw U.S. from WHO During Global COVID-19 Pandemic Very Concerning
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The American Thoracic Society (ATS) is deeply concerned by the Trump Administration’s action today to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Released: 6-Jul-2020 10:20 AM EDT
The Forum of International Respiratory Societies: We Must Continue to Be Vigilant to Control the Spread of COVID-19
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

COVID-19 cases continue to rise globally. Some countries are still dealing with large epidemics, while others are at various stages of reopening society. Many countries are fearful of a second wave of infection, as a consequence of restrictions being eased.

Released: 1-Jul-2020 8:00 AM EDT
Understanding Molecular Mechanisms of Air Pollution’s Impact on Interstitial Lung Disease is Critical to Minimizing its Effects
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

More research must be done to investigate the role of air pollution on the epigenome in patients with interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), in order to develop strategies that minimize the effects of these pollutants, according to a new article published online in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Released: 29-Jun-2020 8:00 AM EDT
“For My Lung Health” Campaign Promotes Lung Health Education in Underserved Black and Latino Communities
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

This month the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) launched For My Lung Health, a patient-education website and media campaign. Using public service announcements and an education-based website, For My Lung Health focuses on empowering people from underserved communities who live with chronic lung disease.

Released: 24-Jun-2020 8:00 AM EDT
Countries with Early Adoption of Face Masks Showed Modest COVID-19 Infection Rates
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Regions with an early interest in face masks had milder COVID-19 epidemics, according to a new letter-to-the-editor published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Released: 22-Jun-2020 3:10 PM EDT
Cover Clinical Trials Session, June 24, Before ATS 2020 Virtual Kick-Off
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

ATS 2020 Virtual is taking place on Aug. 5-10, but you can register for “Breaking News: Clinical Trial Results in Pulmonary Medicine,” a preview session taking place on June 24 at 2-3:45 pm ET. Review program details here. Please note that all content for the Clinical Trial Results session is embargoed until 2 p.m. ET June 24.

Released: 22-Jun-2020 8:00 AM EDT
New Article Clarifies Details of COVID-19 Respiratory Transmission
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

In a new article, scientists provide an exhaustive, evidence-based review of how COVID-19 droplets from infected patients spread through the air and describe how health care professionals can protect themselves. This Pulmonary Perspective is published online in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Released: 11-Jun-2020 4:50 PM EDT
Tear Gas Use During COVID-19 Pandemic Irresponsible; Moratorium Needed, Says American Thoracic Society
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The American Thoracic Society calls for a moratorium on the use of tear gas and other chemical agents deployed by law enforcement against protestors participating in demonstrations, including current campaigns sparked by the death of George Floyd.

Released: 11-Jun-2020 8:00 AM EDT
Nation Must Prepare for COVID-19 Related Drug Shortages
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

A new paper published online in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society examines the nation’s current shortage of vitally needed medications, and how this dangerous situation is being made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors provide recommendations on how clinicians and institutions might address potential scarcities of essential medications during the current public health crisis.

Released: 5-Jun-2020 3:55 PM EDT
EPA Proposal to Change How It Evaluates Environmental Policy Ignores Science
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The American Thoracic Society is extremely concerned with today’s announcement about changes in how the EPA evaluates the costs and benefits of environmental policy. While the details of economic analysis of environmental regulations are complex, the guiding principle is remarkably simple: compare all the costs and benefits of agency actions. The proposed changes in how costs and benefits are evaluated will sufficiently degrade the credibility of economic analysis conducted at the EPA to the point that it is no longer able to function as an objective policy analysis tool.
