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Released: 4-Mar-2008 8:45 AM EST
Class Project: Young Voters' Take on Election 2008
American University

Sixty-seven percent of young voters ages 18 to 29 in the four battleground states of Ohio, Florida, Colorado and Virginia say the economy is the most important issue in the upcoming election, according to an online survey of 128 young voters conducted by American University students.

Released: 19-Feb-2008 2:45 PM EST
Prominent Experts Available to Comment on Castro/Cuba
American University

Two prominent American University experts are available immediately to comment on the resignation of Fidel Castro and the future of Cuba and U.S.-Cuban relations: William LeoGrande and Phillip Brenner.

Released: 15-Feb-2008 4:00 PM EST
Professor Documents the Documentary's Rise to Popularity
American University

Last year, the widely-distributed AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. This year, Michael Moore's SICKO, another documentary that enjoyed mainstream success, is among the nominations for the same category. Patricia Aufderheide, an expert on documentary film at American University's School of Communication, says this is a sign that the documentary has come into its own.

Released: 6-Feb-2008 4:00 PM EST
2008 Primary Turnout On Pace To Reach Record Highs
American University

Voter turnout on Super Tuesday, and in earlier primaries, is on pace to break the record turnout seen during the 1972 presidential primaries. With 27 percent of eligible citizens voting in primaries so far, this year's primary turnout will eclipse the 25.9 percent average recorded in 1972, according to a preliminary Presidential primary report issued today by American University's Center for the Study of the American Electorate (CSAE).

Released: 4-Feb-2008 12:00 PM EST
American U to Inaugurate Kerwin at 14th President
American University

Inaugural activities to celebrate the installation of Cornelius M. Kerwin as the 14th president of American University will be held Feb. 4 "“ 8 with a number of events planned throughout the week in conjunction with this symbolic and celebratory occasion.

Released: 24-Jan-2008 1:00 PM EST
Marketing May Influence How Often Parents Feed Children Fast Food
American University

Marketing may influence how often parents feed their children fast food, according to a study by Sonya A. Grier, an associate professor of marketing at American University's Kogod School of Business.

Released: 9-Jan-2008 12:40 PM EST
New Survey Suggests that Voter IDs Are Not the Problem
American University

Based on a random sample of registered voters in Indiana, Mississippi and Maryland, a new study by American University's Center for Democracy and Election Management (CDEM) finds, surprisingly, that only 1.2 percent of registered voters lack a government-issued photo ID, and more than two-thirds of all registered voters in the three states feel that the electoral system would be trusted more if people had to show an ID to vote.

Released: 2-Jan-2008 1:45 PM EST
Online Video at Risk of Private Censorship
American University

A new, first-of-its-kind study conducted by American University Professors Pat Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi finds that many online videos creatively use copyrighted materials in ways that are eligible for fair use consideration under copyright law; In short, they potentially are using copyrighted material legally.

Released: 26-Dec-2007 2:00 PM EST
Primary School: Students Rub Elbows with Candidates, Media in New Hampshire
American University

From Saturday, Jan. 5 through Wednesday, Jan. 9, approximately 30 American University students will rub elbows with the presidential candidates, their campaign staffs and the news media in Manchester, N.H., for the 2008 New Hampshire Presidential Primary.

Released: 19-Dec-2007 2:20 PM EST
Health Expert Finds the Real Value in 2007’s Best-Selling Weight-Loss Books
American University

Diet and weight-loss books have become a multi-million dollar a year business, with millions of Americans searching for the latest way to shed those extra pounds. As 2007 wraps up and Americans get ready for another round of weight-loss New Year's resolutions, a study by American University nutrition expert Stacey Snelling analyses the year's best-selling weight-loss books to find those that provide a healthy way to lose the weight and those that are all hype.

Released: 13-Dec-2007 10:15 AM EST
Online Marketing, Media Expert Identifies 5 Issues Central to Future of Youth Digital Democracy
American University

Anyone familiar with MySpace, Facebook and YouTube knows that the Internet has literally plugged young people into and connected them with the world around them. What many people may not realize, says Kathryn C. Montgomery, a professor at American University, is that the five policy issues central to the future of the Internet as a digitally democratic environment also stand to significantly change "“ for better or worse "“ this renewed youth engagement.

Released: 10-Dec-2007 12:50 PM EST
Graphic Novels Reach Academia
American University

Graphic novels, comic books' grown up counterpart, have gained popular appeal in the last five years thanks to blockbuster Hollywood movies based on graphic novels like 300, Sin City, Ghost Rider and V for Vendetta. Now they have a place in academia. American University literature professor Michael Wenthe has brought the medium to the Department of Literature with a course titled, "The Graphic Novel."

Released: 5-Dec-2007 3:20 PM EST
‘Is There a Santa Claus?’ Readers Behind Famous Editorial’s Long Life
American University

Most people think American journalism's best-known editorial, the New York Sun's "Is There A Santa Claus?", was an immediate hit when published in 1897 and that the Sun enthusiastically reprinted it every year at Christmastime until the newspaper folded in 1950. Not true, according to W. Joseph Campbell, a professor of journalism at American University.

Released: 3-Dec-2007 1:45 PM EST
Writers’ Strike Takes Center Stage in the Classroom
American University

For most people, the Writers' Guild of America strike has been a source of disappointment as reruns of popular shows have aired in place of new episodes. But for students enrolled in "The Business of Television," a new course offered by American University's School of Communication, the strike is an ideally scripted educational opportunity.

Released: 30-Nov-2007 3:45 PM EST
Student Project Sheds Light on College Students’ Interest in 2008 Presidential Election
American University

What do college students really think about the 2008 election? An American University student project conducted in collaboration with looked into it and found that most students interviewed said they intend to vote, are rooting for Barack Obama, and that the most important issues are Iraq, the war, the environment, privacy and healthcare.

Released: 30-Oct-2007 12:20 PM EDT
Children Especially Vulnerable to Increasingly Intrusive Advertising
American University

For today's children and teens, technology fits seamlessly into everyday life. Using the Internet, playing video games, downloading music onto an iPod or text messaging with a cell phone is as easy as flipping a light switch. Although members of this "digital generation" have found ways to use technology to have a more powerful voice, digital marketing has made them more vulnerable to the influence of Madison Avenue.

Released: 18-Oct-2007 2:15 PM EDT
Understanding Baby Boomers
American University

As baby boomers approach retirement age, many of their sons and daughters know little of the true impact the generation has had on American culture. American University professor Leonard Steinhorn is working to bridge that knowledge gap with a course titled, Talking About My Parents' Generation: Understanding Baby Boomers and How They've Shaped Us.

Released: 15-Oct-2007 5:00 PM EDT
Gore, Scientists Need to Do More to Unite Public Opinion
American University

First, Al Gore won an Academy Award, now he has received the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing global warming to the forefront of public discussion with his film, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. Despite Gore's success, more needs to be done to unite public opinion on the issue according to Matthew C. Nisbet, an expert on the intersection of policy, science and media at American University's School of Communication.

Released: 10-Sep-2007 8:35 AM EDT
School of Communication Celebrates USATODAY's 25th Anniversary
American University

To celebrate its 25th anniversary, USA TODAY, the nation's largest circulation newspaper, is partnering with American University's School of Communication on a series of events to be held Sept. 10 through Sept. 14.

Released: 19-Jul-2007 1:05 PM EDT
Food Industry Limits Ads to Kids, Expert Pushes for More Change
American University

Just before a July 18 forum held by the FTC, 11 of the largest food companies in the United States announced they established and will adhere to new standards for marketing high fat, high sugar foods to children. American University's Kathryn Montgomery, an expert on children and media, testified at the forum and said more change is needed.

Released: 11-Jul-2007 5:30 PM EDT
Team Assesses Election Training Opportunities in Mid East
American University

American University's Center for Democracy and Election Management received a State Dept grant to conduct training and education on elections and democracy in the Middle East. After the grant agreement was signed a team traveled to the area to discuss ways in which the training could best meet the region's needs.

Released: 20-Jun-2007 3:05 PM EDT
Expert Available to Discuss Fourth of July History and Pageantry
American University

Grandiose displays of fireworks, parades and concerts are hallmarks of celebrating the Fourth of July. According to James Heintze, American University librarian emeritus and author of the newly published "The Fourth of July Encyclopedia," not much has changed since 1776 in terms of how we celebrate America's birthday.

Released: 5-Jun-2007 4:05 PM EDT
Sexual Harassment Training Does Not Invite Lawsuits
American University

Sexual harassment training does not invite lawsuits, according to a study by Caren M. Goldberg, a management professor at American University's Kogod School of Business.
