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Released: 20-Jul-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Battery Breakthrough Gives Boost to Electric Flight and Long-Range Electric Cars
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers at Berkeley Lab, in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University, have developed a new battery material that could enable long-range electric vehicles that can drive for hundreds of miles on a single charge, and electric planes called eVTOLs for fast, environmentally friendly commutes.

Released: 17-Jul-2020 10:00 AM EDT
The Secret to Renewable Solar Fuels is an Off-and-On Again Relationship
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Copper that was once bound with oxygen is better at converting carbon dioxide into renewable fuels than copper that was never bound to oxygen, according to scientists at Berkeley Lab and Caltech.

Released: 13-Jul-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Scientists Successfully Demonstrate a New Experiment in the Search for Theorized ‘Neutrinoless’ Process
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Nuclear physicists affiliated with Berkeley Lab played a leading role in analyzing data for a demonstration experiment in France that has achieved record precision for a specialized detector material.

Released: 8-Jul-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Scientists Dive Deep Into Hidden World of Quantum States
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A research team led by the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has developed a technique that could lead to new electronic materials that surpass the limitations imposed by Moore’s Law.

Released: 1-Jul-2020 8:00 AM EDT
Science Snapshots July 2020
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab Science Snapshots July 2020

Released: 23-Jun-2020 4:05 PM EDT
Introducing a New Isotope: Mendelevium-244
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A team of scientists working at Berkeley Lab’s 88-Inch Cyclotron has discovered a new form of the human-made element mendelevium. The newly created isotope, mendelevium-244, is the 17th and lightest form of the element, which was first discovered in 1955 by a Berkeley Lab team.

Released: 18-Jun-2020 7:35 AM EDT
Off the Scales: Fish Armor Both Tough and Flexible
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Humans have drawn technological inspiration from fish scales going back to ancient times: Romans, Egyptians, and other civilizations would dress their warriors in scale armor, providing both protection and mobility. Now, using advanced X-ray imaging techniques, Berkeley Lab scientists have characterized carp scales down to the nanoscale, enabling them to understand how the material is resistant to penetration while retaining flexibility.

Released: 17-Jun-2020 12:15 PM EDT
In International Physics Collaborations, Working Remotely Is Nothing New
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Marjorie Shapiro, an experimental particle physicist and faculty senior scientist at Berkeley Lab, has been accustomed to working remotely and observing extreme social distancing from some colleagues for years, given that the scientific experiment she supports is 5,800 miles away.

Released: 11-Jun-2020 7:00 AM EDT
Could the Answer to Groundwater Resources Come From High in the Sky?
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A new computational approach developed by scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory offers a high-tech yet simple method for estimating groundwater: it pairs high-resolution images derived by satellite with advanced computer modeling to estimate aquifer volume change from observed ground deformation.

Released: 4-Jun-2020 11:00 AM EDT
Showtime for Photosynthesis
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Using a unique combination of nanoscale imaging and chemical analysis, an international team of researchers has revealed a key step in the molecular mechanism behind the water splitting reaction of photosynthesis, a finding that could help inform the design of renewable energy technology.

Released: 4-Jun-2020 5:55 AM EDT
Scientists Aim Gene-Targeting Breakthrough Against COVID-19
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists at Berkeley Lab and Stanford have joined forces to aim a gene-targeting, antiviral agent called PAC-MAN against COVID-19.

Released: 3-Jun-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Science Snapshots May 2020
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

World’s forests are growing younger, U.S. wind plant performance changes with age, and fungi food choices opens the door to better methods for producing bio-based products

Released: 2-Jun-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Smart Farms of the Future: Making Bioenergy Crops More Environmentally Friendly
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Farmers have enough worries – between bad weather, rising costs, and shifting market demands – without having to stress about the carbon footprint of their operations. But now a new set of projects by scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) could make agriculture both more sustainable and more profitable.

29-May-2020 3:05 PM EDT
Now Complete, Telescope Instrument is Poised to Begin Its Search for Answers About Dark Energy
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Even as the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, or DESI, lies dormant within a telescope dome on a mountaintop in Arizona, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the DESI project has moved forward in reaching the final formal approval milestone prior to startup.

Released: 29-May-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Daya Bay Reactor Experiment Continues to Generate Data
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Largely unaffected by the pandemic, the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment in Shenzen, China, has continued to pump data to remote supercomputers for analyses.

Released: 28-May-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Laser, Biosciences Researchers Combine Efforts to Study Viruses in Droplets
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Laser and biology experts at Berkeley Lab are working together to develop a platform and experiments to study the structure and components of viruses like the one causing COVID-19, and to learn how viruses interact with their surrounding environment. The experiments could provide new insight on how to reduce the infectiousness of viruses.

Released: 22-May-2020 6:50 PM EDT
Site of LUX-ZEPLIN Dark Matter Search Project Carefully Ramps Up Science Work
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Sanford Underground Research Facility, which is home to the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter search project, earlier this month began a transition back toward increased operations.

Released: 22-May-2020 10:00 AM EDT
DESI Team Prepares for Telescope Instrument’s Restart after Unexpected Shutdown
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Despite a temporary shutdown of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument in Arizona – which was in its final stages of testing in preparation to begin mapping millions of galaxies in 3D when the pandemic struck – a variety of project tasks are still moving forward.

Released: 20-May-2020 5:15 PM EDT
This COVID-19 Detector Has Berkeley Lab Roots
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A technology spun from carbon nanotube sensors discovered 20 years ago by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) scientists could one day help healthcare providers test patients for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

Released: 20-May-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Using Machine Learning to Estimate COVID-19’s Seasonal Cycle
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

One of the many unanswered scientific questions about COVID-19 is whether it is seasonal like the flu – waning in warm summer months then resurging in the fall and winter. Now scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) are launching a project to apply machine-learning methods to a plethora of health and environmental datasets, combined with high-resolution climate models and seasonal forecasts, to tease out the answer.

