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Released: 16-Aug-2005 10:35 AM EDT
Teen Height Predicts Adult Earnings
University of Michigan

While prior research has shown that tall adults earn more money, what matters most is how tall a person was as a teen-ager, says a University of Michigan economist.

Released: 15-Aug-2005 11:10 AM EDT
U.S. Economy: Slower Growth, but More Jobs, Lower Oil Prices
University of Michigan

Although oil prices continue to set record highs this year, America's economy will remain solid through the middle of next year, say University of Michigan economists.

Released: 4-Aug-2005 2:55 PM EDT
Long Prison Sentences Have Minimal Effects on Young Criminals
University of Michigan

Young offenders aren't necessarily deterred from crime after they turn 18 even when they know they could be slapped with a much longer prison sentence, a new study co-authored by a University of Michigan researcher suggests.

Released: 2-Aug-2005 3:00 PM EDT
Genotyper Could Diagnose Patients, Identify New Flu Strains Quickly
University of Michigan

With the threat of a flu pandemic looming, researchers are racing to develop tools to help diagnose and identify new flu strains quickly.

Released: 26-Jul-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Shopping for School Supplies: An Old Ritual
University of Michigan

Do you have your pieces of wood, a couple of wax tablets and a wooden pen and clay inkpot? Across the country, families are getting youngsters ready for school by purchasing notebooks, paper, pencils and pens.

Released: 26-Jul-2005 11:00 AM EDT
U-Michigan Experts Available on Education Topics
University of Michigan

1) Kids can email and IM but can they write an essay? 2) How is the No Child Left Behind plan working? 3) Hand-held computers in K-12, technology in education; 4) The achievement gap and education issues for urban students; 5) The history of education reform.

Released: 19-Jul-2005 9:25 AM EDT
Study Finds Women Connect Sex with Submission
University of Michigan

A University of Michigan study suggests that women, but not men, automatically associate sex with submission and that connection reduces the quality of their sexual experience.

Released: 12-Jul-2005 4:00 PM EDT
A Rare Bird? Genetic Analysis Says Not So
University of Michigan

Efforts aimed at saving one of the world's rarest birds of prey from extinction may be too late, a genetic analysis by researchers at the University of Michigan and The Peregrine Fund suggests.

Released: 6-Jul-2005 2:00 PM EDT
The Rich Die Differently from You and Me
University of Michigan

The inequalities that mark American life maintain their hold through age and even death, a new study shows.

Released: 29-Jun-2005 10:35 AM EDT
Women's Health Suffers Under Welfare Reform
University of Michigan

Women who are current and former welfare recipients suffer a whole host of health problems---and getting a job doesn't always help matters.

Released: 28-Jun-2005 11:45 AM EDT
Circulatory System on a Chip Lets Scientists Mimic Heartbeat
University of Michigan

A tiny chip that mimics a circulatory system---right down to the rhythm of a human heart beat---could be an invaluable tool in understanding the causes of cardiovascular disease and developing drug therapies.

Released: 22-Jun-2005 3:00 PM EDT
Self-Esteem Strategies Needed for People with Mental Illnesses
University of Michigan

Rehabilitation programs to improve self-esteem among people with mental illnesses should be tailored to their psychiatric and cognitive characteristics, a new study by the University of Michigan and Washington University in St. Louis shows.

Released: 16-Jun-2005 3:20 PM EDT
Fossils Tell the Hole Story of Killer Drillers and Their Prey
University of Michigan

In the classic textbook example, predators and prey are locked in an escalating evolutionary arms race. As prey develop defenses against their attackers, predators go them one better, devising new ways of penetrating their victims' defenses.

Released: 16-Jun-2005 11:50 AM EDT
Hybrids Are Becoming Mainstream
University of Michigan

Hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles are rapidly becoming mainstream choices for American consumers, say researchers at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and

Released: 26-May-2005 2:10 PM EDT
IT Professionals: Forget Experience, Get an MBA
University of Michigan

Experience in the world of information technology pays off, but having a master's degree in business earns an even fatter paycheck for IT professionals, according to a new study at the University of Michigan business school.

Released: 12-May-2005 4:30 PM EDT
Older People Are Better at Picking Their Battles
University of Michigan

Older people are less likely than younger people to react aggressively when problems come up in their relationships, University of Michigan research shows.

Released: 11-May-2005 2:30 PM EDT
Robot Walks, Balances Like a Human
University of Michigan

If you nudge this robot, it steps forward and catches its balance---much like a human.

7-Apr-2005 4:25 PM EDT
Why Women Shy Away from Careers in Science and Math
University of Michigan

Girls steer away from careers in math, science and engineering because they view science as a solitary rather than a social occupation, according to a University of Michigan psychologist.

Released: 23-Mar-2005 4:40 PM EST
Earnings Surprises Catch Wall Street Analysts Off Guard
University of Michigan

Companies that report large positive earnings surprises continue to outperform the market and beat analysts' expectations up to three years later, according to a University of Michigan business school study.

Released: 23-Mar-2005 2:30 PM EST
Snake-Like Robot Conquers Obstacles
University of Michigan

A virtually unstoppable snakebot developed by a University of Michigan team resembles a high-tech slinky as it climbs pipes and stairs, rolls over rough terrain and spans wide gaps to reach the other side.

Released: 21-Mar-2005 12:20 PM EST
Shoah Testimonies to Reside at U-M, Available to the Public
University of Michigan

The University of Michigan's University Library has entered a partnership with the survivors of the Shoah Foundation that will make the videotaped testimonies of 52,000 Holocaust survivors available to the general public for the first time.

Released: 15-Mar-2005 10:20 AM EST
America Will Gain 4 Million Jobs by the End of Next Year
University of Michigan

The U.S. economy, which finally posted job gains last year after three straight years of job losses, will add another 4 million jobs through 2006, say University of Michigan economists.

Released: 9-Feb-2005 5:30 PM EST
Working Moms Need to Negotiate Better Terms on Childcare Burden
University of Michigan

A recent study suggests that the Super Mom syndrome is real, and that many married working women will volunteer to work a "second shift" as primary parent that's equal to the time anticipated by full-time, stay-at-home moms.

Released: 27-Jan-2005 5:00 PM EST
A Good Marriage Protects Widowed from Depression
University of Michigan

Widowed men and women who enjoyed good marriages are less likely than those whose marriages were bad to be depressed four years after their spouse's death.

20-Jan-2005 3:00 PM EST
DNA Molecules Used to Assemble Nanoparticles
University of Michigan

University of Michigan researchers have developed a faster, more efficient way to produce a wide variety of nanoparticle drug delivery systems, using DNA molecules to bind the particles together.

Released: 12-Jan-2005 5:40 PM EST
Researchers Develop Way to Track Quality of Home Health Care
University of Michigan

A team has developed a new tool to assess the quality of home health care, with the goal of improving care and providing meaningful feedback about the care.

Released: 9-Dec-2004 2:50 PM EST
Chemical Cousin of Anti-anxiety Drugs Holds Promise for Psoriasis
University of Michigan

A new drug candidate previously shown to reduce harmful side effects of the autoimmune disease lupus also may be useful in treating psoriasis.

Released: 9-Dec-2004 2:00 PM EST
Why Men Are Attracted to Subordinate Women
University of Michigan

Men are more likely to want to marry women who are their assistants at work rather than their colleagues or bosses, a University of Michigan study finds.

Released: 2-Dec-2004 2:00 PM EST
New Method Measures Emotional Quality of Daily Experience
University of Michigan

For Marcel Proust, the taste of a madeleine conjured remembrance of the distant past. In today's multi-tasking, hyper-speed world, it can be a trick to remember what we did yesterday.

Released: 1-Dec-2004 1:40 PM EST
Students Teach Professors About Research Commercialization
University of Michigan

They say the best learning comes from teaching and doing, so a new course being offered to business students at the University of Michigan should be very educational indeed.

Released: 1-Dec-2004 9:30 AM EST
Household Stocks: the Fewer, the Better
University of Michigan

Who says a diverse portfolio is better? When it comes to individual investing, stock trades made by households with fewer stocks outperform those with more diversified accounts, according to researchers at the University of Michigan and University of Illinois.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Americans Are Not Bitterly Divided
University of Michigan

Despite post-election claims, Americans are not bitterly divided when it comes to moral values, says a University of Michigan professor.

Released: 17-Nov-2004 12:10 PM EST
U.S. Children and Teens Spend More Time on Academics
University of Michigan

American children and teens spend about 4 hours a week on homework and attend school for about 32.5 hours a week, according to a University of Michigan study that provides a detailed snapshot of the way school-age children spend their time.

Released: 16-Nov-2004 5:20 PM EST
Life Under Economic Pressure: Project Traces the Past Impact
University of Michigan

The next time you feel like complaining about the price of groceries, check out a few of the findings from an international research project that shows how everyday economic stress affected the lives of ordinary people in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Released: 16-Nov-2004 1:20 PM EST
Diabetes Among Older Americans Cost $133.5 Billion in 1990s
University of Michigan

Diabetes is harming the nation's economy as well as its health, according to a University of Michigan study showing that lost productivity among diabetic Americans born between 1931 and 1941 cost the country nearly $133.5 billion by the year 2000.

Released: 16-Nov-2004 12:10 PM EST
Diverse Group Is the Best Solution for Problem-Solving Tasks
University of Michigan

A diverse group of problem solvers is more likely to outperform a team of the best and brightest problem solvers, a new University of Michigan study shows.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 2:30 PM EST
People Cause More Soil Erosion than All Natural Processes
University of Michigan

Human activity causes 10 times more erosion of continental surfaces than all natural processes combined, an analysis by a University of Michigan geologist shows.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 2:30 PM EST
Student's Winning Invention Enables "Animal on a Chip"
University of Michigan

As a boy, Wei Gu taught himself to write computer software for the electronic games he liked to play. Today, he writes computer instructions that direct cells and other fluids through channels on a microchip, so that those cells think they're in the body.

Released: 26-Oct-2004 11:20 AM EDT
Companies in Crisis: Money Helps Preserve Positive Relationships
University of Michigan

Firms need both adequate financial reserves and positive employee relationships to confront crises, rebound more quickly and continue to flourish, says a University of Michigan business professor.

Released: 26-Oct-2004 11:00 AM EDT
Professor Helps Navy Recruits Deal with Stress of Training
University of Michigan

A program designed by a University of Michigan professor to help Navy recruits cope with the emotional challenges of training improved recruits' functioning, strengthened their training performance and reduced attrition.

Released: 26-Oct-2004 11:00 AM EDT
Immune System in a Bottle Could Help Prevent Flu Vaccine Shortage
University of Michigan

Picture a honeycomb and each compartment in the honeycomb is coated with living cells from a person's mouth, skin or a piece of bone.

Released: 13-Oct-2004 4:30 PM EDT
For Love Or Money, Marriage Is Here to Stay
University of Michigan

With the average cost of a traditional wedding approaching $20,000, a lack of money rather than love may be the reason so many young couples are living together instead of getting married, according to a University of Michigan researcher.

Released: 13-Oct-2004 3:40 PM EDT
Flu Shot and Nasal Spray Flu Vaccine Tested Side by Side
University of Michigan

University of Michigan influenza expert is beginning a three-year direct comparison of the effectiveness of flu shots versus nasal spray flu vaccine.

Released: 5-Oct-2004 3:40 PM EDT
Team Treating Mouth Wounds by Engineering Tissue Grafts
University of Michigan

University of Michigan researchers are testing a new procedure in which they can take a tiny piece of a person's mouth lining, grow it into a dollar-bill sized piece of tissue and graft that expanded piece into the donor's mouth to heal a wound.

Released: 5-Oct-2004 3:40 PM EDT
Stock Buy Recommendations from Brokers Who Seldom Give Such Advice Fare Better
University of Michigan

Brokers who infrequently make recommendations to buy stock tend to give good advice when they do say to buy. But these same investment banks and brokerage firms are not as successful when they advise to hold or sell, says a University of Michigan business professor.

Released: 30-Sep-2004 5:00 PM EDT
Local Economy Doesn't Drive Voters' Choices
University of Michigan

Is it really the economy, stupid? Democrats rallied behind that phrase in 1992 but a U-M researcher says that, despite the conventional wisdom of political pundits, voters don't pick a president based on the previous four years of economic conditions or on the local economy.

Released: 30-Sep-2004 4:30 PM EDT
Experts Available to Discuss Diversity in Health Care Work Force
University of Michigan

The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported that Asian and Hispanic populations in the U.S. are growing at a faster rate than the country's overall population.

Released: 30-Sep-2004 2:50 PM EDT
U-M Web Site Goes Bilingual with Launch of En Español
University of Michigan

The University of Michigan is launching a new Spanish-language site designed to open the University's door more widely to Latino Americans, the nation's fastest-growing population group.

Released: 30-Sep-2004 11:30 AM EDT
U-M Leads $4 Million Project to Preserve Poll and Survey Data
University of Michigan

In the thick of a presidential election, the latest findings from surveys and polls are reported on a daily basis. But much of the data behind the news on American public opinion is literally here today and gone tomorrow.

Released: 24-Sep-2004 4:40 PM EDT
Asking Teens to Chart Life Events Helps Explain Risky Decisions
University of Michigan

Kristy Martyn started out using a detailed timeline of teen-aged girls' lives as an easy way to track their demographics for research purposes.
