Latest News from: Iowa State University

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Newswise: Iowa State professor honored for efforts to boost Ethiopian milk production
Released: 20-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Iowa State professor honored for efforts to boost Ethiopian milk production
Iowa State University

A research facility in Ethiopia now bears the name of Curtis Youngs, recognizing the Iowa State University animal science professor’s pivotal contributions to ongoing programs to enhance dairy cattle genetics in the region. The overarching aim is to increase food security in Africa’s top livestock-producing nation by boosting milk production.

Newswise: Combining math and entomology to predict, mitigate soybean aphid outbreaks
Released: 19-Oct-2023 9:05 AM EDT
Combining math and entomology to predict, mitigate soybean aphid outbreaks
Iowa State University

Iowa State researchers are developing mathematical models to simulate soybean aphid population dynamics over a growing season with a wide array of stressors, including droughts and floods. The project received a USDA grant earlier this year and is in collaboration with entomologists at Ohio State University.

Newswise: Researchers developing ‘revolutionary’ multi-material for light-based 3D printing
Released: 18-Oct-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Researchers developing ‘revolutionary’ multi-material for light-based 3D printing
Iowa State University

Researchers from Iowa State University and the University of California, Santa Barbara will work together to fundamentally change the capabilities of light-based 3D printing.

Newswise: Iowa Nitrogen Initiative to bring more precision to fertilizer rates
Released: 12-Oct-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Iowa Nitrogen Initiative to bring more precision to fertilizer rates
Iowa State University

Despite incentives to use just the right amount of nitrogen fertilizer on corn fields, official recommendations are broad and ideal rates vary widely. A state-funded Iowa State University research project is collecting data from trials across Iowa – mostly from fields of participating volunteer farmers – to build models that offer far more granular guidance.

Newswise: Researchers design a national testing facility to simulate tornadoes, downbursts and gusts
Released: 5-Oct-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Researchers design a national testing facility to simulate tornadoes, downbursts and gusts
Iowa State University

A research team has won a four-year, $14 million grant to design a national testing facility that will simulate tornadoes and other windstorms. Experiments will measure the loads that windstorms exert on structures and help researchers engineer building improvements that can reduce damage and save lives.

Newswise: Researchers blow whistle on forensic science method
Released: 2-Oct-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Researchers blow whistle on forensic science method
Iowa State University

If forensic experts have access to a suspect’s gun, they can compare the microscopic markings from discarded shell casings with those found at a crime scene. Finding and reporting a mismatch can help free the innocent, just as a match can incriminate the guilty. But new research reveals mismatches are more likely than matches to be reported as “inconclusive” in cartridge-case comparisons.

Newswise:Video Embedded finding-art-in-the-biological-rhythms-of-trees
Released: 2-Oct-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Finding art in the biological rhythms of trees
Iowa State University

An Iowa State University professor is creating art out of data produced by tree saplings and the environment using sound, light and artificial intelligence. It’s an experimental approach to science and technology that inspires an alternate awareness of the environment in its audience.

Newswise: Show, don’t tell: Attracting a diverse workforce
Released: 27-Sep-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Show, don’t tell: Attracting a diverse workforce
Iowa State University

Over the last decade, a growing number of companies and organizations have included messages about diversity and inclusion as part of their employee recruitment efforts.

Newswise: Crime pushes entrepreneurs to fly under the radar, relocate or shutter
Released: 12-Sep-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Crime pushes entrepreneurs to fly under the radar, relocate or shutter
Iowa State University

New research shows entrepreneurs in Mexico become a greater target of crime as their businesses grow and become more profitable. The study also found entrepreneurs typically respond to crime in one of three ways: Truncating business growth, relocating or shutting down their operation.

Newswise: Crowdsourcing contests: Understanding what brings high rewards, low risk
Released: 5-Sep-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Crowdsourcing contests: Understanding what brings high rewards, low risk
Iowa State University

New research shows crowdsourcing contests for marketing content are associated with high returns — but also high risks.

Newswise: Ukrainian grain farmers now raising hogs benefit from ISU expertise
Released: 1-Sep-2023 4:20 PM EDT
Ukrainian grain farmers now raising hogs benefit from ISU expertise
Iowa State University

Many Ukrainian farmers are raising hogs for the first time, converting cheap grain into needed meat. An Iowa State University swine health expert is helping Ukrainian farmers safely navigate the war-driven pivot to pork with a series of online workshops.

Newswise: ‘Broadband Prairie’ rural wireless project moves to public phase of researching, testing
Released: 1-Sep-2023 10:05 AM EDT
‘Broadband Prairie’ rural wireless project moves to public phase of researching, testing
Iowa State University

With wireless infrastructure installed in and around Ames, Iowa, the $16 million ARA Wireless Living Lab for Smart and Connected Rural Communities is moving to a public testing phase. The progress will be celebrated with technical presentations and field trips during a launch event Sept. 6-8 on the Iowa State University campus.

Newswise: Digital real estate listings with more photos, descriptions earn higher sale prices
Released: 22-Aug-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Digital real estate listings with more photos, descriptions earn higher sale prices
Iowa State University

Using "experiential" descriptions and more photos on Zillow can boost offers and sale prices, especially for homes valued significantly higher or lower than the neighborhood average, according to a new study.

Newswise: To close the gap at the top, start with the bottom
Released: 21-Aug-2023 9:00 AM EDT
To close the gap at the top, start with the bottom
Iowa State University

The NFL adopted the Rooney Rule 20 years ago as part of an effort to address racial disparity in top coaching positions. But new research suggests the gap will persist unless it’s closed with lower-level coaching staff.

Newswise: Chemists build synthetic catalysts to break down biomass like super enzymes
Released: 21-Aug-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Chemists build synthetic catalysts to break down biomass like super enzymes
Iowa State University

Chemists are building nanospheres that act as super enzymes to break down the plant fibers in biomass such as crop residues. The new catalysts could make biomass a practical source of sugars that can be converted into fuels and chemicals.

Newswise: Researchers building green fertilizer system to reuse wastes, cut greenhouse gas emissions
Released: 18-Aug-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Researchers building green fertilizer system to reuse wastes, cut greenhouse gas emissions
Iowa State University

Midwest researchers are working together to develop and promote a new green fertilizer that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The $4 million project is supported by a National Science Foundation program designed to build scientific infrastructure and capabilities across the country.

Newswise: Researchers Find Little Evidence of Cheating with Online, Unsupervised Exams
Released: 31-Jul-2023 10:55 AM EDT
Researchers Find Little Evidence of Cheating with Online, Unsupervised Exams
Iowa State University

A new study finds unsupervised, online exams can provide a valid and reliable assessment of student learning, but instructors should be aware of potential weak spots.

Newswise: Electric Power Research Center: Sixty years of aiding industry, preparing students, inventing solutions
Released: 22-Jun-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Electric Power Research Center: Sixty years of aiding industry, preparing students, inventing solutions
Iowa State University

Iowa State's Electric Power Research Center is helping industry study ways to add renewables to the power grid as the country makes plans to electrify the economy.

Newswise: Cutting back on social media reduces anxiety, depression, loneliness
Released: 14-Jun-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Cutting back on social media reduces anxiety, depression, loneliness
Iowa State University

Iowa State University researchers found college students who tried to cut their social media use to 30 minutes per day scored significantly lower for anxiety, depression, loneliness and fear of missing out at the end of the two-week experiment and when compared to the control group.

Newswise: From 19th century “Indian remedies” to New Age spirituality
Released: 12-Jun-2023 10:05 AM EDT
From 19th century “Indian remedies” to New Age spirituality
Iowa State University

A new paper explores how the Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company pushed stereotypes and claimed authority on Indigenous culture in the 1800s to sell products. It also highlights several ironies. As “Indian remedies” became mainstream, the U.S. government rolled out policies to restrict Indigenous healing and spiritual practices, which are often intertwined.
