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Newswise: New AI tool to detect possible metastatic breast cancer
Released: 21-May-2024 12:05 PM EDT
New AI tool to detect possible metastatic breast cancer
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have developed a novel artificial intelligence (AI) model to improve the detection of breast cancer metastasis, which could reduce the need for needle or surgical biopsies.

Newswise: Fibromyalgia, IBS patients linked to multiple-drug intolerance
Released: 20-May-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Fibromyalgia, IBS patients linked to multiple-drug intolerance
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Patients with fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who take multiple medications are more likely to develop severe drug intolerance than healthy patients, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers reported. Their findings, published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, could help health professionals prescribe drugs for patients and identify treatment plans for multiple drug intolerance syndrome (MDIS).

Newswise: Bacterial proteins shed light on antiviral immunity
Released: 16-May-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Bacterial proteins shed light on antiviral immunity
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A unique collaboration between two UT Southwestern Medical Center labs - one that studies bacteria and another that studies viruses - has identified two immune proteins that appear key to fighting infections.

Newswise: Mutations protected mice from B-cell cancers
Released: 14-May-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Mutations protected mice from B-cell cancers
UT Southwestern Medical Center

By completely or even partially depleting a protein called midnolin in B cells, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers suppressed leukemia and lymphoma in a mouse model genetically prone to these cancers. Their findings, reported in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, could lead to new treatments for these diseases that avoid the serious side effects of current therapies.

Newswise: Machine learning sheds light on gene transcription
Released: 13-May-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Machine learning sheds light on gene transcription
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A team led by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center developed deep learning models to identify a simple set of rules that govern the activity of promoters – regions of DNA that initiate the process by which genes produce proteins. Their findings, published in Science, could lead to a better understanding of how promoters contribute to gene regulation in health and disease.

Newswise: UTSW Research: Improved bladder cancer detection, tracking gamma waves, and more
Released: 9-May-2024 11:05 AM EDT
UTSW Research: Improved bladder cancer detection, tracking gamma waves, and more
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Blue light improves bladder cancer detection across races; Gamma waves distinguish goal-oriented movements; Giving abnormal bone formation a closer look; Dissecting the HIV-1 transcriptional circuitry

Newswise: ChatGPT can extract data from clinical notes
Released: 8-May-2024 12:05 PM EDT
ChatGPT can extract data from clinical notes
UT Southwestern Medical Center

ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot designed to assist with language-based tasks, can effectively extract data for research purposes from physicians' clinical notes, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers report in a new study. Their findings, published in NPJ Digital Medicine, could significantly accelerate clinical research and lead to new innovations in computerized clinical decision-making aids.

Newswise: Robotic total knee replacement improves outcomes but costs more
Released: 7-May-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Robotic total knee replacement improves outcomes but costs more
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Total knee replacements performed with the help of a surgical robot have better outcomes on average than similar surgeries performed manually but can cost significantly more, a new study by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers shows. T

Newswise: ER patient portal usage increasing, study shows
Released: 6-May-2024 11:05 AM EDT
ER patient portal usage increasing, study shows
UT Southwestern Medical Center

More people are using online patient portals to view their information while in the emergency room, but access is challenging for members of medically underserved communities and the elderly, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers and national colleagues found in a new study.

Newswise: Combined therapy makes headway for liver cancer
Released: 2-May-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Combined therapy makes headway for liver cancer
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A drug that targets a protein known as phosphatidylserine boosted the response rate for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients receiving immunotherapy without compromising their safety, according to results of a phase two clinical trial conducted by UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Newswise: Cancer cell–immune cell interactions predict immunotherapy response
Released: 29-Apr-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Cancer cell–immune cell interactions predict immunotherapy response
UT Southwestern Medical Center

By examining which genes were turned on and off in a mix of cell types from breast cancer biopsies, a team led by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers developed a tool that can accurately predict which patients with breast cancer will respond to immunotherapies.

Newswise: Blocking gene may halt growth of breast cancer cells
Released: 25-Apr-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Blocking gene may halt growth of breast cancer cells
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Shutting down a gene called PRMT5 stopped metastatic estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer cells from growing after they acquired resistance to a standard therapy known as CDK4/6 inhibitors, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers showed in a new study.

Newswise: Essential tremor triples dementia risk, UTSW study shows
Released: 24-Apr-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Essential tremor triples dementia risk, UTSW study shows
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Patients with a common movement disorder known as essential tremor (ET) developed dementia at three times the rate of similarly aged people in the general population, a study led by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers shows. Their findings, published in the Annals of Neurology, provide the first concrete data to help doctors counsel those with this condition on their cognitive prognosis, future plans, and potential treatments, the authors said.

Newswise: Drug targeting clear cell renal cell carcinoma shows promising approach
Released: 23-Apr-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Drug targeting clear cell renal cell carcinoma shows promising approach
UT Southwestern Medical Center

In a groundbreaking phase one clinical trial led by UT Southwestern Medical Center, a short interfering RNA (siRNA) drug directed to tumor cells effectively disrupted HIF2α, a key driver of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Published in Clinical Cancer Research, the findings illustrate the potential of siRNA for cancer therapy.

Newswise: Simulation reveals new mechanism for membrane fusion
Released: 22-Apr-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Simulation reveals new mechanism for membrane fusion
UT Southwestern Medical Center

An intricate simulation performed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers using one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers sheds new light on how proteins called SNAREs cause biological membranes to fuse.

Newswise:Video Embedded drug-combo-shows-promise-in-restoring-cardiac-function
Released: 16-Apr-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Drug Combo Shows Promise in Restoring Cardiac Function
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Heart failure patients may one day be able to restore cardiac function with medications that revive the body’s ability to regenerate heart muscle, a novel study at UT Southwestern Medical Center suggests.

Newswise: Oral Contraceptive Use May Reduce Muscle-Tendon Injuries
Released: 15-Apr-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Oral Contraceptive Use May Reduce Muscle-Tendon Injuries
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Women who take oral contraceptives may be significantly less likely to experience certain musculoskeletal injuries than women who do not take the drugs or men, according to a study by UT Southwestern Medical Center.

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