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Released: 28-Oct-2004 9:10 AM EDT
Only Breast Care Center in Region with Dedicated MRI Technology
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Carol Wittig is just one of an estimated 204,000 women in the United States who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. But instead of traveling to various locations for testing and treatment, the 46-year-old Brownwood businesswoman found all she needed at the Center for Breast Care.

Released: 22-Oct-2004 12:40 PM EDT
NIH Funds New Bioinformatics Resources at UT Southwestern
UT Southwestern Medical Center

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded two collaborative contracts, totaling $46 million, to Northrop Grumman Corporation's information technology sector.

Released: 19-Oct-2004 9:20 AM EDT
Process for Sugar-Induced Fat Formation
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas are one step closer to understanding how high carbohydrate diets lead to obesity and diabetes.

Released: 18-Oct-2004 11:00 AM EDT
Physicians Elected to National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Two faculty members at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas "“ one specializing in genetics and heart disease and the other in urologic illness "“ were elected today to the Institute of Medicine, a component of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences.

13-Oct-2004 4:50 PM EDT
Reconstituted Blood Is Better for Infants’ Heart Surgery than Fresh Blood
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Using reconstituted blood "“ packed red cells and fresh-frozen plasma that are mixed in the operating room just before use "“ for heart bypass surgery in infants works better than using fresh whole blood, researchers found.

Released: 6-Oct-2004 4:50 PM EDT
October 2004 News Tips
UT Southwestern Medical Center

1) Halloween goodies can be good for your kids; 2) Calcium intake may help reduce risk for colon cancer; 3) Flu shots especially important for people 65 and older; 4) A key to slowing the flu bug; 5) Calcium, potassium citrate supplements can check risk of kidney stones.

Released: 30-Sep-2004 9:00 AM EDT
$1.78 Million Grant for Obesity Research as Part of NIH Roadmap Initiative
UT Southwestern Medical Center

UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas has been awarded a prestigious three-year planning grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the causes of obesity and associated metabolic diseases.

Released: 29-Sep-2004 12:30 PM EDT
Biochemist Honored with NIH Director's Pioneer Award
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Dr. Steven McKnight, chairman of biochemistry at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, is the recipient of a National Institutes of Health Director's Pioneer Award, a new initiative designed to support exceptionally creative investigators.

Released: 27-Sep-2004 3:20 PM EDT
Gulf War Syndrome Veterans Have Damage in Specific Portion of Nervous System
UT Southwestern Medical Center

UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas researchers have uncovered damage in a specific, primitive portion of the nervous systems of veterans suffering from Gulf War syndrome.

17-Sep-2004 4:20 PM EDT
Center to Acquire Advanced Radiation Technology, Chemotherapy Clinic
UT Southwestern Medical Center

UT Southwestern Moncrief Cancer Center in Weatherford will undergo a $1.8 million upgrade in its radiation treatment technology and expand its 911 Foster Lane facility to include a chemotherapy clinic.

Released: 13-Sep-2004 2:40 PM EDT
Prolonged, Sustained Exercise Prevents Precursor to Heart Failure
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Prolonged and sustained endurance training prevents stiffening of the heart, a condition associated with the onset of heart failure, according to researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Released: 10-Sep-2004 9:20 AM EDT
September 2004 News Tips
UT Southwestern Medical Center

1) Don't overload your kids' backpacks; 2) With kids on the run, keep healthy snacks handy; 3) For those who prefer fast food, a healthier meal now an option; 4) Intimacy can return after breast cancer surgery; 5) Summer may end, but not the menace of West Nile virus.

8-Sep-2004 4:30 PM EDT
Reducing Allergens in the Home Helps Inner-city Children with Asthma
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A study designed to reduce the levels of indoor allergens "“ conducted in the homes of inner-city children with asthma "“ resulted in fewer asthma exacerbations and unscheduled visits for asthma during a two-year period, according to a UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas researcher who participated in the multicenter study.

2-Sep-2004 1:30 PM EDT
Small, Smac-like Molecule Encourages Death of Cancer Cells
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have developed a small molecule that mimics the action of a key "death-promoting" protein in cells, a finding that could lead to more effective cancer therapies with fewer side effects.

Released: 1-Sep-2004 4:10 PM EDT
Liposuction Shown to be Safe Under Proper Conditions
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have completed the first comprehensive study of the effects of liposuction on different parts of the body during and immediately following the procedure.

Released: 31-Aug-2004 4:20 PM EDT
Participants Needed for Trial Evaluating Surgical Techniques for Women’s Prolapse
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Norma Stroup suffered from a pelvic organ prolapse for 20 years before finding relief through a new surgical technique offered by physicians at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

30-Aug-2004 9:20 AM EDT
NPAS3 and NPAS1 Genes May be Linked to Psychosis
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Mice with specific genetic mutations exhibit behavior similar to human psychosis, report UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas researchers, providing further support to the notion of a genetic link to schizophrenia.

Released: 30-Aug-2004 2:00 PM EDT
New President Named for St. Paul, Zale Lipshy University Hospitals
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Sharon Riley, a former executive at medical centers in Maryland and Nebraska, has been named president of St. Paul and Zale Lipshy University Hospitals.

30-Aug-2004 9:10 AM EDT
Aggressive Treatment of Heart Patients with Cholesterol-lowering Medication
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Treating heart-attack patients earlier with a more aggressive regimen of cholesterol-lowering medicines may help diminish their chances of sustaining more complications later or dying after their heart attack, researchers have found.

Released: 26-Aug-2004 1:00 PM EDT
Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Awards $12 million to Dallas Heart Study
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A $12 million grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation to UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas will allow researchers to continue the Dallas Heart Study, a groundbreaking investigation of cardiovascular disease involving thousands of Dallas County residents.

17-Aug-2004 3:20 PM EDT
Teens with Depression Show Improvement When Medication, Therapy Combined
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Teenagers suffering from depression improved more with a combination of an antidepressant and cognitive-behavior therapy than they did when treated with either separately, a multicenter study.

Released: 11-Aug-2004 5:00 PM EDT
Children with Serious Allergies to Insect Stings Encouraged to Get Shots
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Children who have severe allergic reactions when stung by bees, wasps and other insects should receive venom immunotherapy, or allergy shots, to reduce the chance of future life-threatening reactions if a repeat sting should occur, said an allergist.

Released: 6-Aug-2004 8:20 AM EDT
August News Tips 2004
UT Southwestern Medical Center

1) Fight obesity, build brainpower; 2) Simple steps can help maintain healthy kidneys; 3) Score one for hydration when school sports begin; 4) TV makeovers may seem glamorous but cosmetic surgery carries risks; 5) Epilepsy seizures best controlled by following doctor's orders.

Released: 27-Jul-2004 12:10 AM EDT
Plastic Surgeons Need Study Patients for New Breast Implants
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers are looking for women to participate in the second phase of a study of a new cohesive silicone-gel breast implant.

Released: 22-Jul-2004 7:00 AM EDT
Radiation Oncologists Expanding Scope of Life-saving Accuray Technology
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Thirty-one-year-old Karen Romero, blinded by a malignant brain tumor, had endured two years of chemotherapy before her cancer was finally eradicated at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas with a new means of delivering radiation therapy.

Released: 20-Jul-2004 6:50 AM EDT
Patients Sought for Low-back Pain, Contact Lenses, and Depression Clinical Trials
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers are seeking patients to participate in medical studies on low-back pain, contact lenses and yoga for depression. All clinical trials are approved by UT Southwestern's Institutional Review Board, which reviews them for benefits, risks, side effects and informed consent.

9-Jul-2004 2:10 PM EDT
Updated Cholesterol Guidelines Support More Intensive Lowering of Cholesterol
UT Southwestern Medical Center

The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) has updated its guidelines for treatment of blood cholesterol, suggesting that people at risk for heart attack and stroke would benefit from more intensive cholesterol-lowering therapies.

Released: 8-Jul-2004 7:10 AM EDT
Access to DNA Secrets Yields Better Understanding of Genes
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A new technique for examining DNA is giving scientists a more detailed picture of which genes have the propensity for activation, offering a new tool for understanding how genes function and possibly for diagnosing disease.

Released: 6-Jul-2004 6:00 AM EDT
Protein Controls Acid in Cells by Direct Detection of Volume Changes
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A protein responsible for regulating acid levels within cells "“ and pumping out acid accumulated in cardiac cells after a heart attack "“ activates in direct response to changes in a cell's volume, according to a new study by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Released: 6-Jul-2004 6:00 AM EDT
Patients with Severe Depression Improve Using Guidelines
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Results from a multiyear study of severely depressed patients treated according to guidelines established by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas showed a significant improvement in patients' symptoms and medical outcomes.

Released: 2-Jul-2004 1:40 PM EDT
July 2004 Health News Tips
UT Southwestern Medical Center

1) Outdoor food preparation can be as risky as it is appetizing; 2) Herbal supplements can damage kidneys, liver; 3) Unpasteurized cheeses and pregnancy are a dangerous combination; 4) Reading to baby is still the best way to teach language skills; 5) Outsmarting jet lag in three easy steps

30-Jun-2004 6:00 PM EDT
Severe Depression Linked to Greater Number of Nerve Cells in Thalamus
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Individuals who suffer from severe depression have more nerve cells in the part of the brain that controls emotion, researchers have found.

Released: 30-Jun-2004 5:40 PM EDT
Bacteria Spill Their Guts to Aid in Quest for New Antibiotics
UT Southwestern Medical Center

New findings about a protein that keeps cells alive by opening and closing pores within a cell's membrane may open the door to the development of new antibiotics.

Released: 28-Jun-2004 6:30 AM EDT
RSV Can Increase the Risk of Asthma
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A viral respiratory infection common in children increases the risk of developing asthma, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have reported.

25-Jun-2004 6:40 AM EDT
Triple Therapy Fights Type 2 Diabetes without Weight Gain
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Type 2 diabetics who take two drugs in combination with insulin can effectively regulate their blood-sugar levels without the common side effect of weight gain, according to a new study by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Released: 16-Jun-2004 6:20 AM EDT
Asian Indians at Greater Risk for Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Asian Indian men are at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, whether overweight or not, because their bodies metabolize fat like people who are obese, according to researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

7-Jun-2004 7:00 AM EDT
Blood Test That Can Detect Genetic Changes in Progressive Breast Cancer
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have developed a blood test that can detect amplification of a certain gene found in circulating cells associated with breast cancer.

Released: 7-Jun-2004 6:30 AM EDT
Patients Who Broke Bones in Traumatic Accidents Frequently Suffer from Stress Disorder
UT Southwestern Medical Center

People who have had a traumatic bone break also frequently suffer from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas have found.

Released: 31-May-2004 12:10 AM EDT
June 2004 Health News Tips
UT Southwestern Medical Center

1) A vacation can empty one's mind to make way for new things; 2) With ozone pollution on the way, know when to stay indoors; 3) How women may reduce the number of daily bathroom trips; 4) Take time to properly prepare your pre-made dinners; 5) Be a lifesaver "“ give blood, and get the feeling of satisfaction.

Released: 5-May-2004 4:50 PM EDT
Nobel Laureate Tapped to be Interim Dean of Medical School
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Nobel laureate Dr. Alfred Gilman, chairman of pharmacology, has been named by UT Southwestern President Dr. Kern Wildenthal as interim dean of Southwestern Medical School.

4-May-2004 5:40 PM EDT
Novel Method of Distinguishing Alzheimer’s from Other Dementia
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Nearly a century after Alzheimer's disease was first identified, there has been no foolproof way to diagnose the illness in a living patient. But a new method is almost 100 percent accurate when combined with clinical assessment.

Released: 28-Apr-2004 2:00 PM EDT
Robotic Technology Teaches Spinal Cord Injury Patients to Walk Again
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A 50-year-old man paralyzed from the neck down in a devastating motorcycle accident a year ago is learning to walk again with the help of a robot named Lokomat.

Released: 26-Apr-2004 6:30 PM EDT
Searle Scholars Program Awards $240,000 to Researcher
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researcher Dr. Youxing Jiang has been named a 2004 Searle Scholar and awarded a three-year, $240,000 research grant.

Released: 22-Apr-2004 3:50 PM EDT
Call for Standard Epinephrine Doses for Children in Cardiac Arrest
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Medical personnel attempting to resuscitate a child in cardiac arrest should abide by epinephrine dosing levels outlined in the Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) guidelines rather than giving larger amounts of the drug, says a nationally recognized pediatrician.

Released: 20-Apr-2004 6:40 PM EDT
Biochemist 15th Faculty Member Serving on Nat'l Academy of Sciences
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Dr. Xiaodong Wang, a professor of biochemistry who discovered the biochemical pathway responsible for cell death, today was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors attainable by an American scientist.

19-Apr-2004 5:20 PM EDT
Two Molecules Work Together to Aid Transport of Immune Cells
UT Southwestern Medical Center

New research findings about T-cell transport shed light on how the normal immune system functions and could have implications in fighting autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

6-Apr-2004 2:40 AM EDT
Lack of Specific Brain Protein Causes Marked Deficits in Learning, Memory
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A protein involved in the release of neurotransmitters in the brain is essential to learning and memory in mice, researchers have found. The discovery is a major step in understanding the molecular events that underlie learning and memory.

2-Apr-2004 5:00 PM EST
Researchers Reveal Mechanisms of Smooth-Muscle Contraction
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers are the first to use genetically engineered mice containing a fluorescent molecule to examine in real time the chemical reactions that result in smooth-muscle contraction.

Released: 25-Mar-2004 12:00 AM EST
Sickle Cell Sufferers Living Longer, Dying Less from Their Disease
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Children with sickle cell disease "“ an inherited red blood-cell disorder "“ are living longer and dying less often from their disease and contracting fewer fatal infections than ever before, researchers report.

Released: 22-Mar-2004 5:50 PM EST
Fetal Lungs Provide a Signal Initiating Labor
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A protein released from the lungs of a developing mouse fetus initiates a cascade of chemical events leading to the mother's initiation of labor. The research, which has implications for humans, marks the first time a link between a specific fetal lung protein and labor has been identified.
