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Released: 20-Jul-2007 3:30 PM EDT
New Device Makes Optical Fiber Realignment Simple
Penn State Materials Research Institute

A new device to make laser-to-fiber and fiber-to-fiber connections within optical fiber packages has been named by R & D Magazine as one of the 100 most technologically significant products introduced into the market in 2006.

Released: 2-May-2007 5:00 PM EDT
NSF Looking for Transformative Research
Penn State Materials Research Institute

The National Science Foundation is on the lookout for investigators who can see beyond today's frontiers of knowledge and will take a stab at the moving frontiers that lie beyond our current horizon, NSF director Arden L. Bement, Jr., told a group of top international glass scientists and high-level glass industry representatives gathered in Washington, D.C., earlier this month.

Released: 1-Nov-2006 3:35 PM EST
All Optical Solution: Cruising the Superhighway on a Beam of Light
Penn State Materials Research Institute

Materials researchers develop a process for introducing semiconductor materials and metals into photonic crystal fibers, thereby opening the door to all optical communications.

Released: 29-Sep-2006 11:35 AM EDT
Anatomy of a Discovery
Penn State Materials Research Institute

Some Eureka moments are more drawn out than others. For Pratik Mankidy, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Penn State, the timeframe from "aha" to understanding took the better part of a year.

Released: 7-Feb-2006 1:55 PM EST
Device to Study Bone-Seeking Breast Cancer Wins Army Idea Award
Penn State Materials Research Institute

A tool that allows biologists to study bone-seeking breast cancer cells has been developed by materials researchers at Penn State University.

Released: 25-Jan-2006 9:30 AM EST
Titania Nanotube Arrays Harness Solar Energy
Penn State Materials Research Institute

Penn State researchers are finding new ways to harness the power of the sun using highly-ordered arrays of titania nanotubes for hydrogen production and increased solar cell efficiency.

Released: 3-Nov-2005 11:45 AM EST
Materials Research and Life Sciences Meet at CrossOver2005
Penn State Materials Research Institute

University Park has big plans for the emerging field of bionanomaterials, those small machines and man-made materials, often based on biological processes, used for biosensing, diagnosis and repair of the body.
