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Released: 2-Jul-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Bats Avoiding Hibernation
Indiana State University

A Ph.D. student in Indiana State University's Department of Ecology and Organismal Biology is conducting research questioning the conventional wisdom that bats should maximize hibernation when no insects are available to eat. The research is being conducted at Indiana State University's Center for North American Bat Research and Conservation, one of the largest bat research facilities in the world.

Released: 21-Jun-2007 10:45 AM EDT
Motorcycle Safety Tips: Driver/rider Safety Expert Available
Indiana State University

With summer officially here, and motorcyclists rolling their wheels out of winter storage and onto the roads, an Indiana State University driver safety expert offers tips for an accident-free riding season for the novice, as well as experienced rider. ISU has expertise in this area, being one of only three institutions contracted by the state of Indiana to offer Motorcycle Safety Program classes.

Released: 9-May-2007 5:45 PM EDT
Active Shooter Workshop at Indiana State University
Indiana State University

Indiana State University in Terre Haute, will host "Active Shooters on Campus: Critical Strategies for Law Enforcement Officers & School Administrators," on June 5, 2007, to help prepare police and school administrators in the region to deal with shooting incidents like the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech. The deadline for registration is May 30, 2007.

Released: 11-Jan-2007 7:00 PM EST
‘Adaptive Thinking’ Training Helps Army Leaders
Indiana State University

While President Bush is calling for more troops to be sent to Iraq, a U.S. Army research psychologist is developing a training method for more prepared troops, who can "think on their feet" during battle. A study shows they outperform a sample of lieutenant colonels who had seen real combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Released: 4-Dec-2006 3:55 PM EST
Behind the Scenes of the Largest AP Exam: the Man with the Answers
Indiana State University

Christopher Olsen of Indiana State University's history department creates questions for the AP U.S. History exam that more than 300,000 students take each May. How the course is designed and the exam put together is no secret, but the content of the exam is strictly off-limits.

Released: 19-Oct-2006 6:55 PM EDT
Dems to Control House, Forecast Shows
Indiana State University

An election forecasting model developed by political scientists at Indiana State University projects Democrats will take control of the U.S. House but not the Senate following 2006 mid-term elections. The model takes into account national as well as state and district level conditions and the attributes of individual candidates.

Released: 18-Sep-2006 1:35 PM EDT
Subdivisions Replace Trees in Major U.S. Cities, Adding to Urban Hot Spots
Indiana State University

Qihao Weng, associate professor of geography and director of the Center for Urban and Environmental Change at Indiana State University, has a theory that an urban landscape of circular streets, parks, lawns - even buildings - can help keep minimize the urban heat island effect, in which impervious surfaces such as concrete, asphalt and certain building materials, keep cities warmer than the surrounding countryside.

Released: 21-Jun-2006 5:15 PM EDT
Adding Weight to Toys May Help Improve Children’s Fitness
Indiana State University

Research at Indiana State University indicates adding weight to toys may help improve children's fitness.

Released: 8-Nov-2005 9:55 AM EST
Sleep Research Again Attracting International Attention
Indiana State University

Sleep researchers at Indiana State University finds many animals are able to put half their brain to sleep while keeping the other half alert to watch for predators.

Released: 12-Oct-2005 8:40 AM EDT
Indiana State to Award Laptops to Incoming Freshmen with 3.0 GPA
Indiana State University

Indiana State University will award a business-grade laptop computer to incoming freshmen with a 3.0 high school grade point average or higher.

Released: 8-Sep-2005 4:30 PM EDT
Indiana State University to Become Notebook Institution
Indiana State University

Indiana State University will become the first public university in the state to require all undergraduate students to have notebook computers, beginning with incoming freshmen in fall 2007.

Released: 7-Sep-2005 11:00 AM EDT
Indiana State University Hurricane Experts
Indiana State University

Indiana State University has faculty experts in a variety of fields available to comment on hurricane-related issues.

Released: 13-Jul-2005 2:45 PM EDT
Study Suggests Plastics Ingredient Triggers Lupus
Indiana State University

With several U.S. senators calling for changes in the way chemicals are regulated in the U.S. marketplace to better protect children, workers and consumers, research at Indiana State University raises concerns about a common chemical found in everyday plastics.

Released: 7-Jun-2005 1:55 PM EDT
Banned Experiment Returns to College Labs
Indiana State University

Using a popular household cleaner, an Indiana State University professor has found a way to safely conduct a chemistry experiment that has been banned from undergraduate chemistry labs due to the volatility of the chemical originally used.

Released: 6-Jun-2005 8:50 AM EDT
College Seniors Research Global Spread of Democracy
Indiana State University

As the United States works to establish new democracies in the Middle East and Southwest Asia, a dozen college seniors from around the country are spending their summer in the nation's heartland researching how governments "of the people, by the people and for the people" take root and function and interact with one another.

Released: 6-Apr-2005 2:25 PM EDT
Business Education Students Teach ABCs of Financial Literacy
Indiana State University

Did you know that once you sign the back of your credit card, it comes to life and talks you into making all sorts of unnecessary purchases? Of course this doesn't really happen, but it's how business education students depicted the dangers of credit card misuse in a student written DVD for teachers across the country.

Released: 26-Oct-2004 11:30 AM EDT
Weather's Impact on Voting
Indiana State University

A study of weather and voting records in Indiana and Kentucky has affirmed the widely held believe that inclement weather can reduce voter turnout and even help sway close elections.

Released: 22-Jul-2004 6:40 AM EDT
Video Analysis Helps Olympic Athletes Improve Performance
Indiana State University

With Olympic glory on the line, the world's most elite athletes set themselves apart from the rest of the pack by mere hundredths of a second. But in those microseconds, every movement, every nuance is recorded. High-speed footage helps coaches and athletes improve performance times.

Released: 1-Jun-2004 3:10 PM EDT
Universities Playing Increasing Role in Global Relations
Indiana State University

As the United States struggles to maintain healthy relations with an ever-restless global community, American higher ed institutions are playing an increasing role in international diplomacy.

Released: 25-May-2004 3:10 PM EDT
Indiana State to Manage Transportation Environmental Resource Center
Indiana State University

Two Indiana State University departments, in conjunction with the American Association of Airport Executives and the American Trucking Association, have received a $600,000, five-year grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to manage the EPA's Transportation Environmental Resource Center.
