Latest News from: University of Southampton

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3-Apr-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Study Reveals Future CO2 and Climate Warming Potentially Unprecedented in 420 Million Years
University of Southampton

New research led by the University of Southampton suggests that, over the next 100 to 200 years, carbon dioxide concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere will head towards values not seen since the Triassic period, 200 million years ago. Furthermore, by the 23rd century, the climate could reach a warmth not seen in 420 million years.

Released: 3-Apr-2017 6:05 AM EDT
New Archaeological Evidence Throws Light on Efforts to Resist ‘the Living Dead’
University of Southampton

A new scientific study of medieval human bones, excavated from a deserted English village, suggests the corpses they came from were burnt and mutilated. Researchers from the University of Southampton and Historic England believe this was carried out by villagers who believed that it would stop the corpses rising from their graves and menacing the living.

22-Mar-2017 7:05 AM EDT
Molecular ‘Treasure Maps’ to Help Discover New Materials
University of Southampton

Scientists at the University of Southampton working with colleagues at the University of Liverpool have developed a new method which has the potential to revolutionise the way we search for, design and produce new materials.

Released: 9-Mar-2017 6:05 AM EST
Asthmatics Less Able to Fight Off Flu
University of Southampton

People with asthma are likely to have worse symptoms when they get the flu because they have weaker immune systems, new Southampton research has shown.

Released: 3-Mar-2017 7:05 AM EST
Study Sheds New Light on How Species Extinction Affects Complex Ecosystems
University of Southampton

Research by the University of Southampton has found that methods used to predict the effect of species extinction on ecosystems could be producing inaccurate results. This is because current thinking assumes that when a species vanishes, its role within an environment is lost too. However, scientists working on a new study have found that when a species, (for example a group of sea creatures), is wiped out by a catastrophic event, other species can change their behaviour to compensate, exploiting the vacant role left behind.

16-Feb-2017 5:05 AM EST
Antibiotics Could Be Alternative to Surgery as Treatment for Appendicitis
University of Southampton

A study by researchers at the University of Southampton shows that antibiotics may be an effective treatment for acute non-complicated appendicitis in children, instead of surgery. The systematic review of existing literature is published in Pediatrics.

Released: 7-Feb-2017 5:05 AM EST
Mobile Phone and Satellite Data to Map Poverty
University of Southampton

An international team has, for the first time, developed a way of combining anonymised data from mobile phones and satellite imagery data to create high resolution maps to measure poverty.

6-Feb-2017 10:05 AM EST
Researchers Use Tiny 3D Spheres to Combat Tuberculosis
University of Southampton

Southampton have developed a new 3D system to study human infection in the laboratory.

27-Jan-2017 9:05 AM EST
Scientists Unravel the Process of Meltwater in Ocean Depths
University of Southampton

An international team of researchers has discovered why fresh water, melted from Antarctic ice sheets, is often detected below the surface of the ocean, rather than rising to the top above denser seawater.

Released: 30-Jan-2017 7:05 AM EST
Study Reveals Substantial Evidence of Holographic Universe
University of Southampton

A UK, Canadian and Italian study has provided what researchers believe is the first observational evidence that our universe could be a vast and complex hologram.

Released: 7-Jan-2017 11:15 AM EST
Southampton Researchers Use High Energy X-Rays to Peer Beneath the Obscuring Skin of Growing Black Holes
University of Southampton

A black hole studied and discovered by Peter Boorman, PhD researcher at the University of Southampton, is so hidden that it requires highly sensitive observations in the highest energy X-rays to classify it as obscured. But they give themselves away when material they feed on emits high-energy X-rays that NASA's NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array) mission can detect. That's how University of Southampton PhD researcher Peter Boorman used NuSTAR to recently identify a gas-enshrouded supermassive black holes located at the centres of nearby galaxy IC 3639 some 175 million light years from Earth.

Released: 19-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Arctic Lakes Thawing Earlier Each Year
University of Southampton

Scientists from the University of Southampton have found Arctic lakes, covered with ice during the winter months, are melting earlier each spring.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 4:05 AM EST
Exciting New Creatures Discovered on Ocean Floor
University of Southampton

Scientists at the University of Southampton have discovered six new animal species in undersea hot springs 2.8 kilometres deep in the southwest Indian Ocean. The unique marine life was discovered around hydrothermal vents at a place called Longqi (‘Dragon's Breath’), 2000 kilometres southeast of Madagascar and is described in the journal Scientific Reports.

Released: 12-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Jersey Was a Must-See Tourist Destination for Neanderthals for Over 100,000 Years
University of Southampton

New research led by the University of Southampton, England, shows Neanderthals kept coming back to a coastal cave site in Jersey (UK) from at least 180,000 years ago until around 40,000 years ago.

Released: 7-Nov-2016 6:05 AM EST
New Understanding of Rip Currents Could Help to Save Lives
University of Southampton

Research by the Universities of Southampton and Plymouth has found a new link between breaking waves and the hazard posed by rip currents. The research could result in more lives being saved.

25-Oct-2016 11:05 AM EDT
Vitamin D Supplements for Pregnant Women Should Be Customised to the Individual to Ensure Benefits Are Felt
University of Southampton

Vitamin D supplements are less effective at raising vitamin D levels in pregnant women if they deliver their babies in the winter, have low levels of vitamin D early in pregnancy or gain more weight during pregnancy, a new Southampton study has shown.

Released: 26-Oct-2016 7:05 AM EDT
Indirect Effects of Rising CO2 Levels on Ecosystems More Important Than Previously Thought
University of Southampton

The indirect effects of rising CO2 levels, such as changes in soil moisture and plant structure, can have a bigger impact on ecosystems than previously thought. Understanding their importance, in comparison to the direct effects, will improve our understanding of how ecosystems respond to climate change.

Released: 25-Oct-2016 6:05 AM EDT
UK and France See Highest Number of Imported Malaria Cases
University of Southampton

An international study, led by the University of Southampton, shows the UK and France experience the highest number of malaria cases imported from other countries.

19-Oct-2016 5:30 AM EDT
Scientists Find Link Between Tropical Storms and Decline of River Deltas
University of Southampton

Research by the University of Southampton shows that a change in the patterns of tropical storms is threatening the future of the Mekong River delta in Vietnam, indicating a similar risk to other deltas around the world.

Released: 14-Oct-2016 7:05 AM EDT
Human Transport Has Unpredictable Genetic and Evolutionary Consequences for Marine Species
University of Southampton

New research, led by the University of Southampton, has found that human activities such as shipping are having a noticeable impact on marine species and their native habitats.
