Latest News from: American Pain Society

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Released: 17-Dec-2014 1:00 PM EST
American Pain Society Releases Pain Research Agenda for the 21st Century
American Pain Society

Some 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, according to the Institute of Medicine, but funding to support scientific research that could lead to effective new therapies for pain remains inadequate. Recognizing this dilemma, the American Pain Society (APS) today released its Pain Research Agenda for the 21st Century, which identifies promising but underfunded approaches to develop new treatments and to help make currently used pain medications safer and more effective.

Released: 25-Nov-2014 12:00 PM EST
New Method Helps Doctors Check Pain Drug Compliance
American Pain Society

Assuring appropriate drug theory is important for effective pain management, and a new study published in The Journal of Pain reported that use of a short compliance checklist by clinicians can best identify individuals most likely to misuse prescription pain medications.

Released: 11-Nov-2014 10:00 AM EST
American Pain Society to Host Webinar on Methadone Safety
American Pain Society

Methadone safety in pain management and treatment of drug addiction is becoming a serious concern in the wake of steep increases in methadone-associated overdose deaths. Safer prescribing can be achieved by improving physician and patient education about methadone safety. The American Pain Society (APS),, today sponsors a free webinar for clinicians covering its recent methadone safety clinical practice guideline on at 1:00 p.m. EST.

Released: 27-Oct-2014 9:00 AM EDT
Study Estimates Persistent Pain Incidence at 19 Percent of U.S. Adults
American Pain Society

A new study published in The Journal of Pain reports that 39 million people in the United States or 19 percent have persistent pain, and the incidence varies according to age and gender. The Journal of Pain is the peer-reviewed publication of the American Pain Society,

Released: 27-Oct-2014 9:00 AM EDT
Pain Intensity Can Predict Head and Neck Cancer Survival
American Pain Society

Pre-treatment pain intensity is an independent survival predictor for patients with head and neck cancer, according to new research published in The Journal of Pain, the peer-reviewed publication of the American Pain Society,

Released: 9-Oct-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Adolescent Chronic Pain Costs $19.5 Billion a Year in the United States
American Pain Society

ronic pain in adolescents is $19.5 billion a year. The Journal of Pain is the peer-reviewed publication of the American Pain Society,

Released: 9-Oct-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Study Examines How Doctors Use Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
American Pain Society

As prescription drug abuse and overdose have escalated nationwide, prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) were implemented in every state, but little is known about the types of clinicians who make the most use of PDMPs. Researchers from Oregon Health and Sciences University examined the differences between prescribers of controlled substances who use PDMPs and those who do not, and reported their findings in The Journal of Pain, the peer-reviewed publication of the American Pain Society,

Released: 23-Jun-2014 11:00 AM EDT
American Pain Society To Provide Grant Support for Pain Research Forum’s “Papers of the Week
American Pain Society

The American Pain Society ( announced today it has begun a collaboration with the Pain Research Forum ( in which APS will provide grant support for PRF’s “Papers of the Week” website postings of new papers in pain research, which are published in peer-reviewed journals covering pain, neuroscience and related discipline

Released: 23-Jun-2014 10:00 AM EDT
University of Washington Anesthesiologist Gregory W. Terman, MD, PhD Becomes President of the American Pain Society
American Pain Society

Gregory W. Terman, MD, PhD, professor of anesthesiology and pain medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle has begun a two-year term as president of the American Pain Society (APS, He succeeds Roger Fillingim, PhD in the organization’s top leadership role.

Released: 30-May-2014 8:00 AM EDT
Internalized Stigma Linked with Poor Self Esteem and Pain Self-Efficacy
American Pain Society

Results of an Australian study published in The Journal of Pain showed that after controlling for depression internalized stigma is negatively associated with lower levels of self-esteem and personal control of pain.

Released: 30-May-2014 8:00 AM EDT
Positive Activities Administered Online Help in Pain Management
American Pain Society

Positive activities, such as increasing supportive emotions, can reduce body discomfort in adults with mild to moderate chronic pain, according to research reported in The Journal of Pain, the peer-reviewed publication of the American Pain Society,

Released: 3-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
No Relief Yet for Brutal Oral Cancer Pain, but Cannabinoids May Offer Some Hope
American Pain Society

Many cancer patients endure severe pain and, by far, one of the most excruciating pain conditions is caused by oral cancer, for which even the strongest available pain medications are largely ineffective. One of the nation’s leading oral cancer treating clinicians, speaking at the American Pain Society’s annual meeting, said he believes that while prospects for major treatment advances remain bleak, a new cannabinoid-based medication may have some promise for providing meaningful pain relief.

Released: 1-May-2014 8:00 PM EDT
New SmartPhone Apps Help Doctors Manage Pain Patients
American Pain Society

Mobile medicine is helping chronic pain patients cope with and manage their condition thanks to new smartphone apps, which can track patients from a distance and monitor pain, mood, physical activity, drug side effects, and treatment compliance.

Released: 1-May-2014 8:00 AM EDT
American Pain Society Establishes Private Pain Research Fund
American Pain Society

The American Pain Society today urged private donors to step forward to help fill the pain research grant allocation void caused by federal government cuts by contributing to the new American Pain Society Pain Research Fund, which was announced today at the organization’s annual scientific conference.

Released: 24-Apr-2014 4:00 PM EDT
American Pain Society Publishes New Clinical Practice Guideline on Methadone Safety
American Pain Society

Improved physician education and patient counseling about methadone safety and ECG monitoring to identify patients at high risk for cardiac problems will lead to safer use of the medication, according to the American Pain Society’s Clinical Practice Guideline on Methadone Safety, published this week in The Journal of Pain.

Released: 8-Apr-2014 1:00 PM EDT
American Pain Society and Journal of Family Practice To Co-sponsor Pain Care Conference for Primary Care Physicians
American Pain Society

To help primary care physicians treat chronic pain more safely and effectively, the American Pain Society will host “Pain Care for Primary Care,” in collaboration with the Journal of Family Practice. The three-day educational conference will be held in Orlando, July 17-19.

Released: 6-Mar-2014 9:30 AM EST
American Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting in Tampa, April 30 – May 3
American Pain Society

The 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society (APS) will convene April 30 through May 3 at the Tampa Convention Center. APS is the leading multidisciplinary professional organization in the United States dedicated to advancing pain-related research, education, treatment and team-oriented professional practice.

Released: 25-Feb-2014 11:00 AM EST
Spinal Manipulative Therapy Lessens Central Pain Sensitization
American Pain Society

The lessening of pain sensitivity achieved with spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) occurs as a result of the treatment and not as much from a placebo effect caused by the expectation of receiving SMT, according to a study published in The Journal of Pain.

Released: 19-Dec-2013 3:30 PM EST
Study Examines Treatment Responses in TMD Patients
American Pain Society

Tempromandibular pain disorders (TMDs) are characterized by a dysfunction of the TMD joint and cause orofacial pain, masticatory dysfunction or both. A new study published in The Journal of Pain showed that standard treatment approaches yield modest to large improvement in pain, but the addition of cognitive behavioral therapy may be helpful.

Released: 19-Dec-2013 3:00 PM EST
Study Shows Links of Childhood Pain to Adult Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia
American Pain Society

There is strong evidence showing that individuals who experienced chronic pain during childhood have chronic pain as adults, but few studies have evaluated the characteristics of pain that persists from childhood through adult years. Researchers from the University of Michigan found that one in six adult pain patients had pain as children or adolescents, and their pain was widespread and neuropathic with psychological comorbidities and decreased function.
