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Released: 26-Oct-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Statins Likely Not Helpful In Reducing Covid-19 Mortality or Severity
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Findings from a recent Johns Hopkins Medicine-led study of nearly 4,500 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 over a four-month period provide a stronger case for a very different conclusion: Statins likely did not confer any impact — positive or negative — on COVID-related mortality and may be associated with an significantly increased risk — nearly 1 chance in 5 — of more serious illness.

Newswise: Back Pain Common Among Astronauts Offers Treatment Insights for the Earth-Bound
Released: 21-Oct-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Back Pain Common Among Astronauts Offers Treatment Insights for the Earth-Bound
Johns Hopkins Medicine

As more people travel into space, Johns Hopkins Medicine experts expect more physicians will see patients with space travel-related pain.

Released: 18-Oct-2021 11:30 AM EDT
10 Johns Hopkins Faculty Members Elected to National Academy of Medicine
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Ten faculty members of The Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Medicine have been elected to the National Academy of Medicine, an independent organization of leading professionals from diverse fields, including health, medicine and the natural, social and behavioral sciences. It serves alongside the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering as adviser for the nation and the international community.

Released: 18-Oct-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Medicine Receives First Federal Grant for Psychedelic Treatment Research in 50 years
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins Medicine was awarded a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to explore the potential impacts of psilocybin on tobacco addiction.

Released: 14-Oct-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Wilmer Eye Institute Establishes the Sanford and Susan Greenberg Center to End Blindness
Johns Hopkins Medicine

After losing his sight as a college student, Sanford “Sandy” Greenberg, an emeritus trustee of The Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Medicine, vowed to end blindness “permanently and for everyone.” Now, to further that goal, the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute has launched the Sanford and Susan Greenberg Center to End Blindness.

Released: 14-Oct-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Young ‘Social Butterfly’ Takes on Life-Threatening COVID-19 Complication and Wins
Johns Hopkins Medicine

When 8-year-old Morgan Deitz, known for her “spunky” and “social” personality, came down with COVID-19 in late July 2021, the symptoms were no more than your average cold. “She was a little fatigued, had a runny nose and her throat was a little sore,” her mom, Lauren Deitz, recalls of the symptoms that lasted about two days.

Released: 12-Oct-2021 12:40 PM EDT
Scientists Report Evidence for a New — but Now Extinct — Species of Ancient Ground-Dwelling Sloth
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Scientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine and the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine report new evidence that some 5,000 years ago, a sloth smaller than a black bear roamed the forest floor of what is now the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea, living a lowland life different from its cousins on the other side of the island.

7-Oct-2021 3:20 PM EDT
Most Violence-Related Injuries Involving Adolescents Occur from Family Violence at Home
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Researchers with Johns Hopkins Children’s Center found that more than half of all violence-related injuries in youth treated in the emergency department (ED) were due to family violence, including child maltreatment and physical fighting. Most events involved parents or guardians. The researchers also found the majority of family violence-related injury happened at home, and the proportion occurring at home significantly increased during the pandemic.

Released: 7-Oct-2021 12:05 PM EDT
A Cousin of Viagra Reduces Obesity by Stimulating Cells to Burn Fat, Study Shows
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have found that a drug first developed to treat Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and sickle cell disease reduces obesity and fatty liver in mice and improves their heart function — without changes in food intake or daily activity.

Released: 30-Sep-2021 3:20 PM EDT
Young Transplant Recipients Have Better Covid-19 Vaccine Response Than Adult Counterparts
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In a study published today in the American Journal of Transplantation, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say that children between the ages of 12 and 18 who have received solid organ transplants appear to mount a more robust immune response than their adult counterparts after a standard two-dose vaccination regimen against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Newswise: Experimental Drug Development Approach Points to Better Targeted Therapies for Treatment-Resistant Leukemia
Released: 27-Sep-2021 12:15 PM EDT
Experimental Drug Development Approach Points to Better Targeted Therapies for Treatment-Resistant Leukemia
Johns Hopkins Medicine

New research from Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center investigators shows why some drugs in clinical trials for treating a form of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) often fail and demonstrates a way to restore their effectiveness.

Released: 27-Sep-2021 11:40 AM EDT
Flu Season Returns Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Johns Hopkins Medicine Experts Available
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Flu Season Returns Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Johns Hopkins Medicine Experts Available

Newswise:Video Embedded researchers-define-chain-of-events-leading-to-dangerous-intestinal-disorder-in-preemies
Released: 22-Sep-2021 5:10 PM EDT
Researchers Define Chain of Events Leading to Dangerous Intestinal Disorder in Preemies
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In a study with mice reported today in the journal Science Translational Medicine, a Johns Hopkins Medicine research team has provided what may be the most definitive view to date of the biological process leading to necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a dangerous inflammatory disease that can destroy a premature infant’s intestinal lining and causes death in up to a third of the cases.

Released: 21-Sep-2021 10:25 AM EDT
Study Shows Use of Smartphone App Associated with Lower Hospital Readmission Rates for Heart Attack Survivors
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Data collected from a group of 200 heart attack survivors using a smartphone app designed to navigate the recovery process, such as medication management and lifestyle changes, showed that app users experienced hospital readmission within the first 30 days of discharge at half the rate of a comparable group given standard aftercare without the app.

Released: 20-Sep-2021 11:40 AM EDT
Scientists Find a Pair of Proteins Control Supply Lines That Feed Cancer Cells
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In human cancer cell and mouse studies, researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine have found that a set of proteins work in tandem to build supply lines that deliver oxygen and nutrients to tumors, enabling them to survive and grow. The protein twosome, PADI4 and HIF-1, ramp up their activity under low-oxygen conditions that are typically found in a fast-growing tumor, allowing it to build new blood vessels that feed the cancer’s growth.

Released: 20-Sep-2021 9:50 AM EDT
Unique Aspects of Pancreatic Cancer Proteins Could Lead to Early Detection, New Treatments
Johns Hopkins Medicine

A large international collaboration led by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center has identified promising new targets for pancreatic cancer treatment and early diagnosis after examining various aspects of these tumors’ genes and proteins.

7-Sep-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Food Science Meets Cell Science in Bid to Explain Inner Workings of Membrane-Free Cell Compartments
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers report that food science principles have helped them determine how unusual droplets within cells stay organized and avoid dissolving into the rest of the cell’s gelatinous interior.

Released: 9-Sep-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Right Program Could Turn Immune Cells into Cancer Killers
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Cancer-fighting immune cells in patients with lung cancer whose tumors do not respond to immunotherapies appear to be running on a different “program” that makes them less effective than immune cells in patients whose cancers respond to these immune treatments, suggests a new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center Bloomberg~Kimmel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy.

Released: 7-Sep-2021 4:30 PM EDT
Study Shows Contact with Police May Be Detrimental to Health, Well-Being of Black Youth
Johns Hopkins Medicine

According to a Johns Hopkins Medicine study published today in JAMA Pediatrics, exposure to police — even in instances in which the officers are providing assistance — may be detrimental to the health and well-being of Black youth, especially males, and can be associated with poor mental health, substance use, risky sexual behaviors and impaired safety.

Released: 7-Sep-2021 11:05 AM EDT
Older Patients Benefit from Cancer Immunotherapies
Johns Hopkins Medicine

A retrospective analysis of large datasets of biomarkers from tumors and healthy tissue by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center Convergence Institute suggests that older cancer patients could benefit as much as younger patients from cancer immunotherapies.

Released: 2-Sep-2021 1:55 PM EDT
‘Leaky’ Heart Valves in Pregnant Women Need More Attention Than Once Thought, Study Suggests
Johns Hopkins Medicine

An analysis of more than 20,000 individual medical records suggests that a form of heart valve disease thought to be relatively benign during pregnancy may put women at risk for serious bleeding, high blood pressure, organ damage and other complications during childbirth, according to research from Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Released: 31-Aug-2021 12:30 PM EDT
Hopkins Med News Update
Johns Hopkins Medicine

News stories in this issue

Released: 30-Aug-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Laboratory Test Aimed at Distinguishing Breast Cancer from Benign Tumors
Johns Hopkins Medicine

A novel laboratory test in development by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center may be used to help quickly distinguish breast cancer from benign disease. The breast cancer detection assay (BCDA) examines cells from enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit adjacent to a breast and finds chemical markers that indicate metastatic breast cancer or a benign condition, such as an infection.

Released: 20-Aug-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Novel AI Blood Testing Technology Can ID Lung Cancers with High Accuracy
Johns Hopkins Medicine

A novel artificial intelligence blood testing technology developed by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center was found to detect over 90% of lung cancers in samples from nearly 800 individuals with and without cancer. 

Released: 16-Aug-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Inhibitor Drug Entinostat ‘Primes’ the Body to Better Respond to Anti-Cancer Treatment with Immunotherapy
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Combining a histone deacetylase inhibitor drug with immunotherapy agents is safe, and may benefit some patients with advanced cancers that have not responded to traditional therapy, according to results of a phase 1 clinical trial led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Bloomberg~Kimmel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy and several other centers including University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Yale Cancer Center and City of Hope in Los Angeles, which participated in study enrollment, and the University of Southern California and University College Cork in Ireland, which collaborated on analysis of the data.

Released: 11-Aug-2021 2:00 PM EDT
Hopkins Med News Update
Johns Hopkins Medicine

NEWS STORIES IN THIS ISSUE: - COVID-19 NEWS: Johns Hopkins Medicine Study Shows Vaccine Likely Protects People with HIV - Johns Hopkins Medicine Documents Stroke Risk in Cardiac Assist Device - CBD Products May Help People with Epilepsy Better Tolerate Anti-Seizure Medications

Released: 10-Aug-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Medicine Engages Community Members with COVID-19 Education Toolkit
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins Medicine has launched an online education toolkit that houses printable materials about COVID-19. The toolkit is intended to improve access for communities that traditionally have challenges accessing health information.

Released: 4-Aug-2021 2:35 PM EDT
Muscle Protein That Makes Vertebrates More Fit Linked to Limited Lifespan
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have added to evidence that a protein called CaMKII improves strength, endurance, muscle health and fitness in young animals. Their experiments working with mice and fruit flies, however, found that the gene for CaMKII also contributes to an evolutionary tradeoff: increased susceptibility to age-associated diseases, frailty and mortality.

Released: 3-Aug-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Johns Hopkins Study: Anti-Parasitic Drug Slows Pancreatic Cancer in Mice
Johns Hopkins Medicine

As the third-most lethal cancer in the United States, with only a 1% five-year survival rate for people with its most aggressive form, pancreatic cancer has long been a target of researchers who search for ways to slow or stop its growth and spread. Now, a team of Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers have found that an anti-parasitic drug prevents pancreatic cancer’s initiation, progression and metastasis in genetically engineered mice.

Released: 30-Jul-2021 11:30 AM EDT
Gene Mutation Weakens Virus-Fighting Protein in the Gut Causing Rare Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers, in collaboration with national and international researchers, have identified a genetic mutation in a small number of children with a rare type of inflammatory bowel disease. The discovery of the mutation, which weakens the activity of a protein linked to how the immune system fights viruses in the gut, may help researchers pinpoint the cause of more common bowel diseases, investigators say.

Released: 29-Jul-2021 3:00 PM EDT
Drug Combination Gets Advanced Liver Cancer Patients to Surgery
Johns Hopkins Medicine

A combination of the kinase-inhibitor drug cabozantinib and the immunotherapy drug nivolumab can make curative surgery possible in some liver cancer patients who would normally not be considered surgery candidates.

Released: 29-Jul-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Hopkins Med News Update
Johns Hopkins Medicine

NEWS STORIES IN THIS ISSUE: -Study: Race and Ethnicity May Impact Prevalence and Treatment of Heart Valve Dysfunction -Johns Hopkins Medicine Suggests Eliminating Nerve Cell Protein May Stop ALS, Dementia -Researchers Tell Doctors to Avoid Routine Urinary Tests for Older Patients with Delirium -Johns Hopkins Medicine Researchers Show How Air Pollution May Cause Chronic Sinusitis -Researchers ID Location on Brain Protein Linked to Parkinson’s Disease Development -COVID-19 News: The Return of Onsite Schooling — and How to Keep Your Kids Safe from COVID

26-Jul-2021 10:25 AM EDT
Fruit Compound May Have Potential to Prevent and Treat Parkinson’s Disease, Mouse Study Suggests
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have added to evidence that the compound farnesol, found naturally in herbs, and berries and other fruits, prevents and reverses brain damage linked to Parkinson’s disease in mouse studies.

Released: 15-Jul-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Hopkins Med News Update
Johns Hopkins Medicine

NEWS STORIES IN THIS ISSUE: - Johns Hopkins Medicine Celebrates Its Contributions to Keto Therapy as Diet Turns 100 - COVID-19 News: Can Dietary Supplements Help the Immune System Fight Coronavirus Infection? - Johns Hopkins Medicine Helps Develop Physician Training to Prevent Gun Injuries, Deaths - COVID-19 News: Study Says Pandemic Impaired Reporting of Infectious Diseases - Johns Hopkins Medicine Helps Create Treatment Guide for Neurodegenerative Disorders - Johns Hopkins Pediatrics Says, ‘Get Kids Required Vaccines Before Going Back to School’

Released: 8-Jul-2021 10:00 AM EDT
Imaging Test May Predict Patients Most at Risk of Some Heart Complications from COVID-19
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have shown that a type of echocardiogram, a common test to evaluate whether a person’s heart is pumping properly, may be useful in predicting which patients with COVID-19 are most at risk of developing atrial fibrillation — an irregular heartbeat that can increase a person’s risk for heart failure and stroke, among other heart issues. The new findings, published online May 30 in the Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, also suggest that patients with COVID-19 who go on to develop atrial fibrillation more commonly have elevated levels of heart-related proteins called troponin and NT-proBNP in blood test samples.

Released: 7-Jul-2021 2:30 PM EDT
‘Fortunate Accident’ May Yield Immunity Weapon Against Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In what turned out to be one of the most important accidents of all time, Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming returned to his laboratory after a vacation in 1928 to find a clear zone surrounding a piece of mold that had infiltrated a petri dish full of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), a common skin bacterium he was growing.

Released: 7-Jul-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Gene Editing Therapy in Early Stages of Huntington’s Disease May Slow Down Symptom Progression, Mouse Study Shows
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In a new study on mice, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers report that using MRI scans to measure blood volume in the brain can serve as a noninvasive way to potentially track the progress of gene editing therapies for early-stage Huntington’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that attacks brain cells. The researchers say that by identifying and treating the mutation known to cause Huntington’s disease with this type of gene therapy, before a patient starts showing symptoms, it may slow progression of the disease.

Released: 1-Jul-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Cynthia Wolberger Named Director of Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Structural biologist Cynthia Wolberger, Ph.D., has been appointed director of the Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The first woman to lead the department, she will take over the director position from Mario Amzel, Ph.D., who is stepping down after 15 years of leading the department during his more than 50-year career at Johns Hopkins.

Released: 23-Jun-2021 1:20 PM EDT
Research News Tip Sheet: Story Ideas from Johns Hopkins Medicine
Johns Hopkins Medicine

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Johns Hopkins Medicine Media Relations is focused on disseminating current, accurate and useful information to the public via the media. As part of that effort, we are distributing our “COVID-19 Tip Sheet: Story Ideas from Johns Hopkins” every other Wednesday.

Released: 21-Jun-2021 12:15 PM EDT
Study Suggests that Smoother Silicone Breast Implants Reduce Severity of Immune System Reactions
Johns Hopkins Medicine

According to researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Rice University in Houston, silicone breast implants with a smoother surface design have less risk of producing inflammation and other immune system reactions than those with more roughly textured coatings. Results of the experiments using mice, rabbits and samples of human breast tissue advance knowledge of how the body responds to such implants, providing new information to physicians and affirming the benefits of certain smoother surfaces, the researchers say.

Released: 21-Jun-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Look-Back Study Charts 60 Years of Treatments, Health Characteristics Among People with Dwarfism
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In a retrospective study believed to be one of the largest of its kind, researchers say they have successfully charted the health risks, growth patterns, and medical and surgical outcomes of 1,374 people with the most common form of dwarfism, called achondroplasia, seen over a 60-year period at four academic medical centers, including Johns Hopkins Medicine. The findings, according to the researchers, not only affirm some long-standing views and trends in the care of those with the condition, but also offer a standardized baseline, a blueprint investigators hope will serve to speed diagnosis and improve patients’ quality of life and health.

Released: 17-Jun-2021 2:00 PM EDT
Study Adds to Evidence that Most Cancer Cells Grown in a Dish have Little in Common Genetically with Cancer Cells in People
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In a bid to find or refine laboratory research models for cancer that better compare with what happens in living people, Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists report they have developed a new computer-based technique showing that human cancer cells grown in culture dishes are the least genetically similar to their human sources.

Released: 16-Jun-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Story Tips from Johns Hopkins Experts on COVID-19
Johns Hopkins Medicine

NEWS STORIES IN THIS ISSUE: - Stressed About “Returning to Normal”? Here Are Tips to Ease Into the Transition - Be Your Brother’s Keeper: Steps for Faith-Based Communities to Reopen Safely

Released: 15-Jun-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Comprehensive School Program Promotes Student Health and Academic Growth
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Intentionally integrating health and education in a large school setting pays off by facilitating and enhancing health and academic growth, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers with the Rales Center for the Integration of Health and Education at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.

Released: 14-Jun-2021 5:15 PM EDT
For Transplant Recipients, Third Time May Be the Charm for Better COVID Vaccine Protection
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In a study published today in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they believe that, for the first time, there is evidence to show that three doses of vaccine increase antibody levels against SARS-CoV-2 — the virus that causes COVID 19 — more than the standard two-dose regimen for people who have received solid organ transplants.

9-Jun-2021 2:00 PM EDT
Astronomy Meets Pathology to Identify Predictive Biomarkers for Cancer Immunotherapy
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Pairing sky-mapping algorithms with advanced immunofluorescence imaging of cancer biopsies, researchers at The Mark Foundation Center for Advanced Genomics and Imaging at Johns Hopkins University and the Bloomberg~Kimmel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy developed a robust platform to guide immunotherapy by predicting which cancers will respond to specific therapies targeting the immune system.

Released: 9-Jun-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Research News Tip Sheet: Story Ideas from Johns Hopkins Medicine
Johns Hopkins Medicine

NEWS STORIES IN THIS ISSUE: - Study Says Failure to Rid Amyloid Beta Protein from Brain May Lead to Alzheimer’s Disease - Johns Hopkins Medicine Team Discovers Novel Mediator of Once Mysterious Chronic Itch - Study Suggests Molecular Changes in Tissue Microenvironment May Promote Colorectal Cancer - Researchers ID Anti-Inflammatory Proteins as Therapy Targets for Nasal and Sinus Problem - Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Receives NIH Award to Study Dangerous Pediatric Disease
