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Released: 14-Jul-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Trump Picks Pence: Indiana Experts Available
University of Indianapolis

Faculty from the University of Indianapolis Department of History and Political Science can offer a Hoosier perspective on the selection and its state and national impact.

Released: 28-Oct-2015 1:30 PM EDT
Easy Transfer of Trace DNA Can Contaminate Crime Scene
University of Indianapolis

Researchers at the University of Indianapolis have found that secondary transfer of human DNA through intermediary contact is far more common than previously thought, a finding that could have serious repercussions for medical science and the criminal justice system. Interviews are available on request at (317) 371-5240 or [email protected].

Released: 2-Jun-2015 9:05 AM EDT
University of Indianapolis, Community Health Network to Launch Innovative Partnership at New Campus Clinic
University of Indianapolis

Community Health Network and the University of Indianapolis are joining forces to establish a clinical facility on campus where students and faculty will work alongside health and wellness professionals to serve patients and clients, transforming the educational experience and bringing important resources to an underserved part of the city.

Released: 1-Oct-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Study: Birth Control Practices Vary by Social Class
University of Indianapolis

A new study of couples living together unmarried finds that the working class and the middle class have significantly different attitudes and approaches toward birth control, helping to explain why unwed births are far less common among the college-educated than their less-educated counterparts. In interviews conducted by researchers from the University of Indianapolis and Cornell University, cohabiting couples in the middle class are more likely to discuss contraception, use effective methods consistently, use two or more methods simultaneously and view childbearing as part of a greater sequence of events in their lives. UIndy's Dr. Amanda Miller is available for interviews on this and related topics.

Released: 10-Jul-2014 10:25 AM EDT
United Flight 232: 25 Years After Sioux City, Chaplain Recalls Work at Fiery Crash Site
University of Indianapolis

Gregory Clapper, professor of religion and philosophy at the University of Indianapolis, volunteered as chaplain at the scene of this infamous 1989 plane crash. He will speak at several events surrounding the July 19 anniversary.

Released: 18-Jun-2014 6:40 PM EDT
Opinion: Trademark Office vs. Washington Redskins
University of Indianapolis

Gregory Reinhardt, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Indianapolis, offers his views on the Washington Redskins mascot controversy. He is currently writing a book, "Arresting Indian Imagery: Property, Magic, and Proxy in Visual Fantasies of Indianness."

Released: 5-Jun-2014 10:00 AM EDT
UIndy to Break Ground June 19 on $28M Health Pavilion
University of Indianapolis

With indoor and outdoor amenities open to the public, the building will be a new gateway to the UIndy campus, a landmark for the University Heights neighborhood and an integrated hub where faculty, students and healthcare professionals can collaborate on education and research. Moving to the building next year will be the School of Nursing, Krannert School of Physical Therapy, School of Occupational Therapy, School of Psychological Sciences, Athletic Training Program and departments of Kinesiology and Social Work – programs that account for more than half of UIndy’s 5,400-student enrollment.

Released: 29-May-2014 2:00 PM EDT
UIndy Forensic Science Team Resumes Migrant ID Project in Southern Texas
University of Indianapolis

A University of Indianapolis professor and five students will spend two weeks in southern Texas exhuming the remains of border crossers – many of them women and children – whose bodies were discovered on private ranchland and buried without identification. The phenomenon, which Dr. Krista Latham calls "a human-rights crisis," is spreading across the Southwest.

Released: 20-Feb-2014 12:00 PM EST
Live Webcast Tuesday: Lugar and Nunn to Discuss Global WMD Threats
University of Indianapolis

This moderated conversation between former Sens. Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar will examine their historic Cooperative Threat Reduction Program in light of today's concerns about Iran, North Korea, Syria and relations with Russia.

Released: 20-Jan-2014 10:00 AM EST
Beatles Anniversary Marks Shift in Global Culture
University of Indianapolis

Feb. 9 marks the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, the moment that launched the British Invasion and a transformation in international youth culture. Pop culture historian Chad Martin of the University of Indianapolis is available for interview.

Released: 21-May-2013 11:00 AM EDT
1860 Reconsidered: Book Takes Fresh Look at Lincoln’s Election
University of Indianapolis

A new collection of historical essays, edited by a University of Indianapolis professor, explores the often-ignored complexities of the most pivotal election in U.S. history.

Released: 15-May-2013 4:00 PM EDT
UIndy Forensic Team to Assist in Identification of Dead Migrants in Texas
University of Indianapolis

A forensic anthropologist and four graduate students from the University of Indianapolis are heading to south Texas, where migrants from across the border are being found dead in increasing numbers. For a week in May, they will assist a Baylor University team in exhuming remains for potential identification.

Released: 16-Jan-2013 4:30 PM EST
Lance Armstrong Confession Unlikely to Pass Ethical Test, Philosophy Professor Says
University of Indianapolis

A philosophy and ethics professor at the University of Indianapolis says the cyclist's behavior, even in admitting his violations, reflects our society's win-at-all-costs mentality.

Released: 8-Jan-2013 11:30 AM EST
Unwed Couples Still Favor Traditional Household Roles
University of Indianapolis

In interviews with unwed couples, a University of Indianapolis sociologist finds that the conventional notion of male breadwinner and female homemaker still guides some behaviors, even for couples in which the woman is the primary financial provider. The tendency leads some women to avoid marriage.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 5:00 AM EST
UIndy, Senator Announce New Richard G. Lugar Academy
University of Indianapolis

U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar will rejoin the faculty of the University of Indianapolis in January and help UIndy launch a high-level Washington, D.C., internship and study program for students from across the nation. The new Lugar Academy also will host events in Indianapolis and the nation's capital.

Released: 8-Nov-2012 9:00 AM EST
UIndy Teams with on Identity Project
University of Indianapolis

Through a first-of-its-kind agreement with, the University of Indianapolis is encouraging students, faculty and staff to explore their family histories and think critically about identity and heritage.

Released: 9-Oct-2012 5:20 PM EDT
Men’s Views of Abortion Depend More on Social Class and Circumstances Than on Fixed Beliefs
University of Indianapolis

Interviews of unmarried men living with female partners revealed that their opinions on whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy were more dependent on financial and personal circumstances than on moral views about abortion. The study is published in the September issue of Sociological Forum.

Released: 23-Jul-2012 12:00 PM EDT
Facing the Empty Nest: 5 Tips for Parents of College Freshmen
University of Indianapolis

A clinical psychologist and staff counselor at the University of Indianapolis offers advice to help parents adjust when their children leave home for college.

Released: 9-May-2012 9:35 AM EDT
Primary Reaction: Indiana Historian Eyes Post-Lugar Landscape
University of Indianapolis

Tea Party-backed Richard Mourdock’s defeat of six-term Sen. Richard Lugar in Tuesday’s Republican primary closes an eventful chapter in Indiana history and opens up interesting possibilities for the fall election, says an historian at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 13-Mar-2012 3:40 PM EDT
'The Hunger Games': Not Just Kid Stuff
University of Indianapolis

With the much-hyped film opening March 23, University of Indianapolis instructor George Dunn, editor of the new book 'The Hunger Games and Philosophy,' says the youth fiction trilogy tackles weighty themes worthy of serious thought.

Released: 25-Jan-2012 11:25 AM EST
Historian: Obama Walks Fine Line in SOTU
University of Indianapolis

Author and presidential historian Edward Frantz of the University of Indianapolis says Obama's speech recalled the century-old populist rhetoric of the Progressive Era.

Released: 17-Nov-2011 3:05 PM EST
For NBA’s Small-Market Teams, Lost Season Would Beat Playing Under Current System, Expert Says
University of Indianapolis

A sports marketing professor at the University of Indianapolis says the NBA's financial structure needs a major overhaul, not a quick fix, to ensure the league's long-term viability.

Released: 23-Jun-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Book Probes Historic Roots of Republican ‘Southern Strategy’
University of Indianapolis

Historian Edward O. Frantz challenges conventional wisdom on U.S. politics by examining the racial issues and complex political rhetoric of the period from the Civil War to the Great Depression.

Released: 2-Jun-2011 10:40 AM EDT
New Website Puts Focus on Metal Theft, a Serious but Underexplored Global Crime Problem
University of Indianapolis

Criminologist Kevin Whiteacre of the University of Indianapolis has launched a website,, as a repository of news, research and expert commentary on the costly and dangerous crime of metal theft.

Released: 18-May-2011 4:05 PM EDT
New Book Sheds Fresh Light on World War I
University of Indianapolis

In his new book, "World War I: The Global Revolution," Dr. Lawrence Sondhaus moves beyond dusty European history lessons to explore the war as a launching point for the political, social and technological forces that have shaped the 20th and 21st centuries.

Released: 2-May-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Death of Bin Laden Cause for Celebration, but Terror Threat Remains, UIndy Expert Says
University of Indianapolis

An authority on terrorism and nationalism at the University of Indianapolis says the death of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is worth celebrating, but it should not distract the United States from the ideological struggle it still faces in the Islamic world. Douglas Woodwell, Ph.D., is available for interviews.

Released: 25-Apr-2011 3:50 PM EDT
Royal Wedding Hype Contradicts Prevailing Mood, Says U.K. History Expert
University of Indianapolis

A University of Indianapolis history professor notes the curious fact that a backlash against Friday's royal wedding is building in the U.K., while U.S. audiences still show uncritical interest in the British monarchy.

Released: 8-Apr-2011 8:00 AM EDT
In Libya, U.S. Should Heed Lesson of Afghanistan, Prof Says
University of Indianapolis

In this opinion essay on the Libyan conflict, international relations expert Douglas Woodwell of the University of Indianapolis argues, contrary to conventional wisdom, that the Afghanistan example calls for the U.S. to arm and support the Libyan rebels.

Released: 24-Jan-2011 9:00 AM EST
‘State of the Union’ Could Mark Turning Point for Obama, Historian Says
University of Indianapolis

This won’t be the first State of the Union address delivered amid economic woes and stiff partisan opposition, UIndy Associate Professor Edward “Ted” Frantz says. Despite parallels to situations faced by Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama's position most resembles that of Bill Clinton in 1995.

Released: 13-Sep-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Expert: Labor Rift Threatens NFL Prosperity
University of Indianapolis

An NFL lockout next year could mean not only a lost season, but the long-term loss of a sizable portion of the league’s fan base, according to sports marketing expert Larry DeGaris at the University of Indianapolis. That city is scheduled to host the 2012 Super Bowl, which could be threatened by the labor dispute.

Released: 22-Jan-2010 4:00 PM EST
‘State’ Address Is Obama’s Chance to Bounce Back, Political Scientist Says
University of Indianapolis

Low approval ratings are not unusual after a president's first year in office, says political science instructor Carrie Cihasky of the University of Indianapolis. Wednesday's State of the Union address gives President Obama a chance to regain public confidence and build support in Congress.

Released: 23-Nov-2009 9:10 AM EST
UIndy’s CELL Receives $7.5 Million Grant to Expand Education Reform Efforts
University of Indianapolis

The Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning, nationally known as a catalyst in reshaping education, has received a fresh round of support from Lilly Endowment Inc. that will allow a significant expansion of its work, including a new initiative aimed at middle schools.

Released: 10-Nov-2009 10:00 AM EST
Pirate Radio: True History Stranger than Hollywood Fiction
University of Indianapolis

A University of Indianapolis history professor says the upcoming film "Pirate Radio" is unlikely to capture the outlandish real-life exploits of unlicensed broadcasters in 1960s Britain.

Released: 9-Oct-2009 10:05 AM EDT
Professor: Obama Peace Prize Is Shocker for History Books
University of Indianapolis

Although Barack Obama is not the first sitting president to win the Nobel Peace Prize, a University of Indianapolis history professor says, the circumstances are unprecedented, and the choice will be debated for years to come.

Released: 14-Aug-2009 1:00 PM EDT
NORCs: Helping Older Adults Live Independently
University of Indianapolis

A pilot program in Indiana is identifying naturally occurring retirement communities and helping older residents to organize for better services and living conditions in their neighborhoods. Policymakers around the country see the potential to help older adults live fuller lives without the cost and complication of government-based programs. The Indiana program is overseen by the Center for Aging & Community at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 4-Jun-2009 11:15 AM EDT
Forensic Anthropologists Assist in Study of Rwanda's Endangered Mountain Gorillas
University of Indianapolis

Forensic anthropologists from the University of Indianapolis are among a team of U.S. scientists who are assisting the Rwandan Office of Tourism and National Parks in creating a repository where skeletal remains of endangered mountain gorillas will be carefully maintained for research on diet, disease, stress and other factors affecting their health and survival.

Released: 3-Jun-2009 3:35 PM EDT
Air France Crash: Circumstances Point to Terrorism, Expert Says
University of Indianapolis

A University of Indianapolis professor says the recent opening of a French military base in Dubai may have angered Islamic extremists in South America, sparking plans for attacks against French targets.

Released: 21-May-2009 10:30 AM EDT
Expert: Chrysler Plan Could Wreck Capital Markets
University of Indianapolis

The Chrysler restructuring plan, which favors unsecured over secured investors, sets a dangerous precedent that could undermine confidence in financial markets, according to a finance professor at the University of Indianapolis.

Released: 8-May-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Tips for Parents: Kids Need Fluids During Summer Sports
University of Indianapolis

An exercise science expert at the University of Indianapolis says children in summer sports and other activities are more prone to heat-related illnesses and should take extra care to increase fluid intake.

Released: 29-Apr-2009 10:20 AM EDT
MBA Class Rates Obama's First 100 Days
University of Indianapolis

This week, as political pundits rate President Obama's first 100 days in office, MBA students at the University of Indianapolis are giving the new administration a passing grade, based on concepts learned in a course titled Leading Organizational Change.

Released: 12-Feb-2009 3:00 PM EST
Marketing Expert: Starbucks Risks Premium Image with ‘Value Meal’ Approach
University of Indianapolis

Starbucks is targeting cash-strapped consumers with its announcement this week that it will begin offering discounted breakfast "pairings" of drinks and food items, but a University of Indianapolis marketing expert says the move could further diminish the coffee purveyor's premium brand.

Released: 10-Feb-2009 11:00 AM EST
Grant Covers Private Tuition for Veterans
University of Indianapolis

The University of Indianapolis has initiated a matching grant program that combines with federal benefits to make private college education free for recent military veterans.

Released: 25-Jan-2009 5:45 PM EST
Miss America Winner Known for Leadership, Community Service
University of Indianapolis

The newly crowned Miss America, Katie Stam, is known as more than a pretty face at the University of Indianapolis. She's a top student, a campus leader and an ambassador of UIndy's community-service ethic.

Released: 14-Jan-2009 9:30 PM EST
Study Compares Charter Schools, Traditional Public Schools
University of Indianapolis

A new University of Indianapolis study suggests that students with achievement deficits experience greater academic growth in charter schools than similar students at traditional public schools.

Released: 13-Jan-2009 10:40 AM EST
Dungy Departure Won’t Hurt Colts’ Image, Sports Marketing Expert Says
University of Indianapolis

Retiring Indianapolis Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy will be missed by fans, players and the broader Indiana community, but his departure won't detract from the team's positive brand image, a sports marketing expert at the University of Indianapolis says.
