WASHINGTON, D.C., October 29, 2014--Unable to fly, nestling birds depend on their parents for both food and protection: vocal communication between parents and offspring helps young birds to determine when they should beg for food and when they should crouch in the nest to avoid a predator seeking an easy meal.

A group of researchers from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia has found that ambient, anthropomorphic noise – from traffic, construction and other human activities – can break this vital communications link, leaving nestlings vulnerable or hungry.

Their results will be presented at the 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), held from October 27-31, 2014 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown Hotel. They suggest that spreading urbanization and development can negatively impact birds’ well-being through proximity to their habitat, not just its destruction.

Journalists are invited to remotely access a live-streamed video webcast about this research and several other topics of newsworthy interest. The webcast will take place at 3:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, October 29 and will be archived for one year afterward. For more information, contact: [email protected]

Faced with tough competition from hungry siblings, nestling birds instinctively react quickly to any sign that a parent might have food, vigorously begging to attract attention. While this rapid response increases their likelihood of getting a good meal, it also puts them at risk of hastily misidentifying predators as parents. On the other hand, if overly-cautious nestlings fail to hear their parents approach with food, the missed detection could cost them a meal.

The Dalhousie University team suspected that nestling birds’ exaggerated begging calls might be an attempt to convey an important message in the face of background noise, rather than just an overly dramatic plea for attention. “This idea had been neglected, perhaps because parents and nestlings are so close to each other when they communicate that you might think error wouldn’t be an issue,” said researcher Andy Horn.

To test their hypothesis, the researchers presented nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) with audio recordings of a parent warning of a predator or announcing a food delivery. They compared the young birds’ responses to the sounds when played with recorded background noise or in a quiet environment.

The team found that background noise reduced nestlings’ responsiveness to both feeding calls and alarm calls: they often failed to beg in response to the feeding calls, and continued begging instead of crouching and falling silent when parents warned of predators. They received little assistance from their parents, who did not appear to change their calls in noisier situations.

Although not all ambient noise comes from human activity, a busy interstate or a new housing development is a more persistent source of noise than intermittent natural phenomena like wind and rain, Horn said. In future studies, Horn and his colleagues hope to determine which sounds are particularly detrimental for parent-nestling communication.

“We usually associate declines in animal populations with our physical destruction of habitat, but the noise we make is another threat that we can’t ignore,” he said.

Presentation #3aAB2, “How nestling birds acoustically monitor parents and predators,” by Andrew G. Horn and Martha L. Leonard will take place on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, at 8:50 AM in Lincoln. The abstract can be found by searching for the presentation number here: https://asa2014fall.abstractcentral.com/planner.jsp


ABOUT THE MEETINGThe 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) will be held October 27-31, 2014, at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown Hotel. It will feature more than 1,100 presentations on sound and its applications in physics, engineering, and medicine. Reporters are invited to cover the meeting remotely or attend in person for free. PRESS REGISTRATIONWe will grant free registration to credentialed journalists and professional freelance journalists. If you are a reporter and would like to attend, contact Jason Bardi ([email protected], 240-535-4954), who can also help with setting up interviews and obtaining images, sound clips, or background information.

USEFUL LINKSMain meeting website: http://acousticalsociety.org/content/fall-2014-meeting Program and Abstracts: https://asa2014fall.abstractcentral.com/planner.jsp Live Webcast Oct. 29: http://www.aipwebcasting.com/webcast/registration/oct2014.php ASA’s World Wide Press Room https://acoustics.org/?page_id=165 WORLD WIDE PRESS ROOMASA’s World Wide Press Room is being updated with additional tips on dozens of newsworthy stories and with lay-language papers, which are 300-1,200 word summaries of presentations written by scientists for a general audience and accompanied by photos, audio, and video. LIVE MEDIA WEBCASTA press briefing featuring a selection of newsworthy research will be webcast live from the conference the afternoon of Wednesday, October 29. A separate announcement, which includes topics and times, will be sent later this week. Register at: http://www.aipwebcasting.com/webcast/registration/oct2014.php

ABOUT THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICAThe Acoustical Society of America (ASA) is the premier international scientific society in acoustics devoted to the science and technology of sound. Its 7,000 members worldwide represent a broad spectrum of the study of acoustics. ASA publications include The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (the world's leading journal on acoustics), Acoustics Today magazine, books, and standards on acoustics. The society also holds two major scientific meetings each year. For more information about ASA, visit our website at http://www.acousticalsociety.org


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168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America