Patients Bill of Rights Goes for Vote

A patient's bill of rights is scheduled for a vote the week of June 18 in the U.S. Senate. It gives patients the right to have cases against HMOs heard in state court, where jury awards tend to be higher. It also caps punitive damages at $5 million, with no cap on damages for pain and suffering. UAB management professor Michael Bowers, Ph.D., says if it passes, "business expenses will rise. The cost of legal battles and judgments will be passed on from the HMO and hospitals to employers, who pay the bulk of insurance premiums," he says. "However, inappropriate patient care is also, in the long-term, inefficient and costly to individuals and society. If health care organizations are held accountable for providing effective patient care, we will all benefit."

Contact Jennifer Park, Media Relations, 205-934-3888 or [email protected].


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