Newswise — Acclaimed astrobiologist Paul Davies analyzes the discovery of a new human species in Indonesia in Science & Theology News (Dec. 2004.) According to Davies, further study of these "hobbits" will have serious implications for science-and-religion and could potentially overturn assumptions about human origins and intelligence.

Also in this issue:

40 DAYS OF PURPOSE CAMPAIGN POPULARITY INCREASESMore and more American churches have embraced Rick Warren's program, The Purpose-Driven Life. Frederica Saylor examines the movement, which involves a deeper involvement with God's purpose for creating human life.

RELIGIOUS SERVICE IS GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTHA recent study uncovered a link between attendance at religious service and boosts to the immune system and overall survival rates. Julia Keller talks with the researchers behind the University of Iowa study.

BUDDHISM, SCIENCE UNITE AT MIND AND LIFE CONFERENCEThe 12th annual Mind and Life Institute Conference in India emphasized that Buddhism and science can work together to uncover the secrets of the mind. Geetinder Garewal reports from India on key conference events, including the topics of neuroplasticity and meditation.

BOOK REVIEW: THE HEALING CONNECTIONAdrienne Strock reviews The Healing Connection: The Story of a Physician's Search for the Link Between Faith and Health by Harold Koenig, M.D., editor-in-chief of Science & Theology News, which tells the personal story of his life's work.

INTELLIGENT DESIGN: A CONTINUING DEBATEThis month, our Author's Corner features a column from Barbara Forrest and Paul Gross, authors of the anti-intelligent design Creationism's Trojan Horse, and a response from ID supporters John G. West and Jonathan Witt of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute.

For these stories and more coverage of conferences, books and science-and-religion news, visit While there, sign up for E-News — our monthly e-newsletter — to stay on top of the latest news in science-and-religion. Please direct advertising inquiries to Jocelyn Godfrey, advertising director, at [email protected]. For subscription information, contact Jennifer Doxsee at [email protected], or take advantage of our free, no-obligation trial subscription to the print edition. To receive six free issues, visit .

Science & Theology News is the monthly, international newspaper focusing on the cooperative relationship between science and religion. Every issue features science-and-religion research reports, interviews with respected scholars and reviews of influential books, and each article includes analysis of science and its correlation with spirituality. We also publish the most accurate and complete calendar of future events and conferences in the field. Founded in 2000 as Research News and Opportunities in Science & Theology and funded by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation, Science & Theology News has a circulation of over 30,000 and an audience of both national and international readers. Visit us on the Web at

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