BYLINE: Lisette Hilton

Newswise — The 2023 American Urological Association Gold Cystoscope Award has been awarded to Ranjith Ramasamy, M.D., associate professor and director of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Reproductive Urology Program and urologist within the Desai Sethi Urology Institute. Dr. Ramasamy has earned the honor for his commitment to education and mentorship.

The Gold Cystoscope Award is presented annually to a urologist within ten years of having completed their residency, who has made distinguished contributions to the profession. Dr. Ramasamy is the second urologist from the Miller School to receive the honor, after Dipen J. Parekh, M.D., founding director of the Desai Sethi Urology Institute and chair of urology at the Miller School, received the award in 2013.

“We don’t do all of the work, research, and mentoring for awards, but they are a great validation to have,” Dr. Ramasamy said. “I’m very excited as this award is one of the pinnacles of a urologist’s career. I’m happy that the AUA recognized education and mentorship.”

Continuing Education

Dr. Ramasamy is continually involved in new research and learning opportunities and has led various studies regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and its lack of impact on male fertility, along with 391 PubMed-indexed lifetime publications thus far.

As it impacts clinical care, Dr. Ramasamy received an RO1 grant from the National Institutes of Health to treat erectile dysfunction. In addition, he has multiple ongoing and completed clinical trials investigating new treatments for testosterone deficiency, erectile dysfunction, and Peyronie’s disease.

“The research and clinical accomplishments reflect the passion and hard work of the team at the Desai Sethi Urology Institute,” Dr. Ramasamy said. “Awards like these reinforce us to continue the progress and march along despite the obstacles.”

Mentorship Moments

While it’s easy to focus on one’s patients and research, Dr. Ramasamy has taken the initiative to continue educating the next generation of urologists. His approach to mentorship models that of his mentor Dr. Parekh, who has been a significant influence and support, allowing Dr. Ramasamy to succeed in the clinic, research, and mentorship and education.

“Dr. Parekh has taught me to always work towards being the best in my field,” Dr. Ramasamy said, “My approach to mentorship is to help my mentees achieve their goals in life not by imposing my views and ways, but by listening to what they wish to accomplish and seeing how I can best guide and help them succeed.”

At the Miller School, Dr. Ramasamy has remained a constant mentor for his mentees and started the first Andrology Fellowship Program in the Southeast U.S. All the program’s fellows have fully completed the program, and several graduates have taken on academic roles in men’s health.

Dr. Ramasamy has also placed an emphasis on mentoring female and underrepresented medical students in the field of urology by creating the Miami Andrology Research Scholar program. Now in its second year, the scholarship has awarded four students funding to conduct research at the Desai Sethi Urology Institute.

“It has been a privilege to see how Dr. Ramasamy has contributed to the field of urology while shaping his initiatives at the Desai Sethi Urology Institute,” Dr. Parekh said. “It has been amazing being his mentor and seeing him do the same for others. He truly embodies what the Gold Cystoscope Award stands for.”

As for the next phase of his career, Dr. Ramasamy plans to expand his work at the Desai Sethi Urology Institute by providing mentorship, training leaders in academic urology, and focusing on improving patient care and outcomes.