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$25m Gift to Benefit Patients at U-M's New Weiser Family Center for Breast Cancer, Spur Additional Giving

Michigan Medicine will launch a new era in comprehensive breast cancer care, thanks to a generous donation from the Weiser Charitable Foundation
19-Sep-2024 9:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Could Your Phone Detect Hepatic Encephalopathy by Listening to You Read?

Research from the University of Michigan suggests that one day a phone app could be able to detect the development of hepatic encephalopathy in patients just by listening to them speak.
18-Sep-2024 1:00 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Risk of Clots, Stroke From Incorrect Blood Thinner Dosing Reduced Using Online Dashboard

Doctors and pharmacists treating people with blood thinners can reduce the rate of inappropriate dosing — as well as blood clots and strokes that can result from it — using an electronic patient management system, a study suggests. Direct oral...
17-Sep-2024 7:30 AM EDT Add to Favorites

1 in 5 parents worry their elementary and middle school aged kids don’t have friends

Over half of parents report at least one factor that makes it difficult for their child to make new friends, with about one in five saying that shyness or being socially awkward got in the way of their child’s efforts to make new friends.
11-Sep-2024 9:10 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Cannabis and older adults: Poll shows current use patterns, beliefs and risks

One in 5 older adults used cannabis products that include THC in the last year. Among them, 20% said they drove within 2 hours of using cannabis, and a similar percentage said they experience at least one potential signs of addiction.
9-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

New Law Regulating Out-of-Pocket Drug Spending Saves Cancer Patients More Than $7,000 a Year, Study Finds

As prescription oral chemotherapies have become a common form of cancer treatment, some patients were paying more than $10,000 a year for medications. A new study finds that efforts to cap prescription drug spending are yielding significant...
6-Sep-2024 2:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Black Stroke Patients Arrive Later to Hospitals, EMS Less Likely to Notify

During a stroke, Black Americans arrive later to emergency departments — which are less likely to be notified of a patient’s condition ahead of time, a national study shows. Researchers say quality improvements for EMS should be a target for...
10-Sep-2024 7:30 AM EDT Add to Favorites

What Will It Take to Make Mental Health Coverage and Care Better?

New mental health parity rules from the federal government aim to address issues with access and insurance coverage, but multiple experts from the University of Michigan say more effort is needed.
10-Sep-2024 6:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Michigan Medicine is one of the nation's leading academic medical centers, with three hospitals, one of the 10 largest biomedical research budgets, and national-level strength in a broad range of specialties. It includes the University Hospital, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital, the U-M Medical School and the group practice for medical faculty, and specialty centers in cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, diabetes, eye conditions, geriatrics, health policy, neurosciences and organ transplant. Michigan Medicine is part of the University of Michigan, and has a close affiliation with the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System.

The clinical portion of Michigan Medicine, called U-M Health, includes the hospitals and ambulatory health centers centered around Ann Arbor, Micihgan, and a statewide network of care including UM Health-Sparrow in the Lansing area and UM Health-West in the Grand Rapids area.



