Rochester, Minnesota and Monroe Park, California — Mayo Clinic announced an agreement on Tuesday, October 12, allowing it to provide clinical-grade, comprehensive cancer genome sequencing to cancer patients who choose to participate. The test results will be provided to patients and their medical service providers to guide treatment decisions, advance cancer research, and be used to support the development of new diagnostic tests and cancer treatment therapies.

Miao Yu Medical International Cancer Center ( Mayo Clinic Cancer Center ) , Miao Yu Medical International of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Department ( Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology ) and the eloquent woo Medical International individualized Medical Center (  Center for Individualized Medicine ) is working with Personalis Inc . (Nasdaq listing code: PSNL) to cooperate. Personalis Inc. is a cancer genomics company. Its clinical-level comprehensive cancer genome testing includes sequencing the entire coding genome through whole exome and transcriptome sequencing. The test can be used by American and international patients in Miaoyou Medical's US campus, and will provide each patient with a clinical report and comprehensive summary data, and Miaoyou Medical International and Personalis will use these data to further develop this comprehensive diagnostic method.

"Our purpose of establishing this relationship is to ensure that cancer patients from all over the world receive the most comprehensive genomic testing at Miaoyou Medical International," said William Morice II, MD / PhD , Director of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology of Miaoyou Medical International . "We are committed to providing this type of testing to a diverse group of patients who have not yet received this type of testing."

"We believe that the use of aggregated genome sequencing data with no identification information will improve patient care and increase the patient's chances of obtaining medical care," said Konstantinos Lazaridis, MD, medical director of the International Center for Individualized Medicine of Miaoyou Medical . Dr. Lazaridis said that the cooperation will help individual patients obtain clinical benefits in treatment and can provide aggregated data, which may lead to the development of new treatment methods and systems and the improvement of existing treatment methods and systems, which will benefit all patients. .

"Developing an individualized treatment plan for each patient based on their unique cancer-causing mutation profile is vital to our mission of providing the most advanced cancer care," Miaoyou Medical International Cancer Project Executive Director, Miaoyou Medical International Cancer Center Director Cheryl Willman, MD, said. "As we advance the Human Cancer Genome Project to a more diverse and under-researched population, it is especially important to use comprehensive sequencing methods to discover all possible mutations."

Dr. Willman said that collaboration with organizations such as Personalis provides medical service providers with access to molecular data that may provide new insights into the cause of specific cancers and may also help researchers develop more effective and personalized treatments. method. "Our goal is to improve our'precision prevention' ability to help us detect and treat cancer earlier in all populations," said Dr. Willman.

“我们很荣幸能与妙佑医疗国际合作,以此增加了使用先进癌症检测的机会,”Personalis首席医学官Richard Chen医学博士说。“我们对癌症理解的快速进步和新癌症疗法的开发推动了对更全面测试平台的需求。”


关于妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)



妙佑医疗国际癌症中心美国国家癌症研究所National Cancer Institute指定的综合癌症中心,它专注于以患者为本的护理,致力于定义新的可能性界限、开发新的治疗方法、培养未来的癌症专家以及将癌症研究带入社区。在妙佑医疗国际癌症中心,一种创新和合作的文化正在推动研究突破,改变癌症预防、筛查和治疗方法,并改善癌症幸存者的生活。

关于Personalis Inc.

Personalis Inc.是先进癌症基因组学领域的领导者,致力于实现下一代精准癌症治疗和诊断。Personalis NeXT Platform可根据针对癌症不断发展的复杂理解作出调整,为其生物制药客户和临床医疗专业人员提供来自单个组织样本的约20,000个人类基因以及免疫系统的所有信息。在群体测序方面,Personalis运营着全球最大的测序业务之一,目前是退伍军人事务部百万退伍军人计划的唯一测序提供商。为了实现癌症和群体测序,Personalis的临床实验室专注于临床准确性、质量、大数据、规模和效率。该实验室符合GxP规范,并通过1988年临床实验室改进修正案认证和美国病理学家学院认证。如需更多信息,请访问Personalis网站并在Twitter上关注Personalis。


本新闻稿中所有非历史性的声明均为美国证券法意义上的“前瞻性声明”,包括与Personalis NeXT Platform或检测的属性或优势、该公司与妙佑医疗国际合作的预期收益、妙佑医疗国际预计采用的Personalis检测、该公司的商业机会、领导力、计划、愿景、增长或扩张,或其他未来事件相关的声明。此类前瞻性声明涉及风险和不确定性,包括与COVID-19(2019 冠状病毒病)大流行相关的风险和不确定性,可能导致实际结果与此类声明中明示或暗示的任何预期结果或预期存在重大差异。在Personalis提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件中可以找到可能对实际结果产生重大影响的因素,包括该公司在表格8-K、10-K和10-Q上的最新报告,以及在标题“风险因素”下列出的报告。Personalis不承担任何更新此类前瞻性声明的义务。
