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Newswise: Tea plant's genetic guardians: lncRNA-protein pairs bolster disease resistance
Released: 30-Jul-2024 4:05 AM EDT
Tea plant's genetic guardians: lncRNA-protein pairs bolster disease resistance
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scientists have discovered evolutionarily conserved trans-lncRNA pairs that boost disease resistance in tea plants. These pairs, including the 12-oxophytodienoate reductase gene, interact with the jasmonic acid signaling pathway to enhance the plant's defenses against pathogens.

Newswise: Genomic synergy: boosting apple fruit quality through combined genotyping
Released: 30-Jul-2024 4:05 AM EDT
Genomic synergy: boosting apple fruit quality through combined genotyping
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Researchers have successfully combined genotypic data from different platforms to enhance the accuracy of genomic prediction and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for apple fruit quality traits.

Newswise: Jojoba's survival strategy: how jasmonate boosts cold acclimation
Released: 30-Jul-2024 3:05 AM EDT
Jojoba's survival strategy: how jasmonate boosts cold acclimation
Chinese Academy of Sciences

This study reveals how jasmonate enhances cold acclimation in jojoba by promoting flavonol synthesis. Through metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses, researchers found that cold acclimation leads to flavonol accumulation, crucial for increased cold tolerance. The jasmonate signaling pathway, which activates the flavonol biosynthesis pathway, plays a key role in this process.

Newswise: Breakthrough Insights into Strawberry Senescence: Hormonal Interplay Key to Extending Shelf Life of 'Benihoppe' Variety
Released: 30-Jul-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Breakthrough Insights into Strawberry Senescence: Hormonal Interplay Key to Extending Shelf Life of 'Benihoppe' Variety
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team discovered that the rapid senescence of harvested strawberry 'Benihoppe' results from increased perishability, softening, water loss, increased soluble sugars within 2 d, and changes in hormone levels.

Newswise: Unveiling the Genetic Blueprint of Photosynthesis in Citrus: Study Identifies Key Traits and Genes to Boost Fruit Production
Released: 30-Jul-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Unveiling the Genetic Blueprint of Photosynthesis in Citrus: Study Identifies Key Traits and Genes to Boost Fruit Production
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team investigated 71 citrus accessions and varieties using over 56,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 37 leaf reflectance parameters to study photosynthesis-related traits.

Newswise: Growing losses from PRRS cost pork producers $1.2 billion per year, new study shows
Released: 29-Jul-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Growing losses from PRRS cost pork producers $1.2 billion per year, new study shows
Iowa State University

The economic impact of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome increased 80% between 2010 and 2020, costing the pork industry more than $1 billion per year in lost production, according to a new study. Researchers say improved biosecurity is essential to reversing the mounting losses.

Newswise: The hidden drivers of evolution: transposable elements in Rosaceae genomes
Released: 29-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
The hidden drivers of evolution: transposable elements in Rosaceae genomes
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Transposable elements (TEs) significantly impact plant genome structure and function. This study examines the distribution, activity, and expression patterns of TEs across 14 Rosaceae species. The findings reveal distinct evolutionary patterns of long terminal repeat retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) and their influence on genes linked to adversity resistance, morphogenesis, enzyme activity, and metabolic processes.

Newswise: Unlocking carbon's potential: CRISPR boosts lignocellulose absorption
Released: 29-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Unlocking carbon's potential: CRISPR boosts lignocellulose absorption
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Recent advancements in genetic engineering have significantly boosted the adsorption capabilities of lignocellulose-based porous carbon sourced from paper mulberry. By employing CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutations, researchers successfully altered the lignin composition of paper mulberry, resulting in enhanced material properties.

Newswise: Salt Stress Induces SFT Expression, Promotes Early Flowering, and Inhibits Floral Organ Development by Disturbing Cell Cycle in Tomato
Released: 29-Jul-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Salt Stress Induces SFT Expression, Promotes Early Flowering, and Inhibits Floral Organ Development by Disturbing Cell Cycle in Tomato
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team investigated the impact of salt stress on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) floral transition, revealing that salt stress significantly reduced plant biomass and caused early flowering and smaller flowers.

Newswise: Sucrose Breakdown Key to Melon Seed Germination in Cold Conditions
Released: 29-Jul-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Sucrose Breakdown Key to Melon Seed Germination in Cold Conditions
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team found that cold-tolerant melon seeds (THY) maintained higher neutral invertase activity at low temperatures, enabling sustained sucrose decomposition into glucose, which supports seed germination.

Newswise: New Lettuce Cultivar 'Zhongsheng No. 1' Developed Using Advanced Plant Factory Technology
Released: 29-Jul-2024 12:05 AM EDT
New Lettuce Cultivar 'Zhongsheng No. 1' Developed Using Advanced Plant Factory Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team has demonstrated that using plant factory technology (PFT) to precisely control environmental factors can significantly enhance vegetable quality.

Newswise: Unlocking Glucosinolates' Potential: Enhancing Nutrition and Stress Tolerance in Brassica Crops
Released: 29-Jul-2024 12:05 AM EDT
Unlocking Glucosinolates' Potential: Enhancing Nutrition and Stress Tolerance in Brassica Crops
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team has reviewed the potential of glucosinolates, compounds found in Brassicaceae plants like cabbage and broccoli, to enhance stress tolerance and provide health benefits through their hydrolysis products.

Newswise: Ensuring Quality in Tropical Vegetables: Addressing Chilling Injury through Antioxidant Systems
Released: 29-Jul-2024 12:05 AM EDT
Ensuring Quality in Tropical Vegetables: Addressing Chilling Injury through Antioxidant Systems
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team has found that optimal storage temperatures are crucial for preserving vegetables' quality, with tropical plants particularly susceptible to low temperatures, leading to a ‘chilling injury’ (CI) condition.

Newswise: Transformative Approach in Cassava Breeding: Inbred-Parent-Based Hybrids Promise Enhanced Efficiency and Resilience
Released: 28-Jul-2024 11:05 PM EDT
Transformative Approach in Cassava Breeding: Inbred-Parent-Based Hybrids Promise Enhanced Efficiency and Resilience
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team has proposed inbred-parent-based hybrid cassava breeding to overcome the challenges of heterozygous parent use, aiming to transform cassava breeding by purging deleterious mutations and utilizing heterosis.

Newswise: UF scientists study how to bring you ‘climate-smart coffee’
Released: 26-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT
UF scientists study how to bring you ‘climate-smart coffee’
University of Florida

Coffee beans consumed across the globe come from two species: Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora, and by 2050, about 80% of Arabica production is predicted to decrease because of climate change. So, scientists are investigating to see if they can find alternative coffee cultivars.

Newswise: Everything is bigger in Texas, including the promise of cultivated meat research
Released: 22-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Everything is bigger in Texas, including the promise of cultivated meat research
The Good Food Institute

GFI’s Dr. Faraz Harsini interviews one of the world’s leading cultivated meat researchers in his lab at Texas A&M

Newswise: Research Team Uncovers Optimal Conditions for Soursop Cultivation to Boost Food Security and Agricultural Diversity
Released: 21-Jul-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Research Team Uncovers Optimal Conditions for Soursop Cultivation to Boost Food Security and Agricultural Diversity
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team has identified the optimal edaphic and climatic conditions for the growth of soursop (Annona muricata L.), a plant with significant medicinal potential and nutritional value.

Newswise: Illinois studies explore converting wastewater to fertilizer with fungal treatment
Released: 18-Jul-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Illinois studies explore converting wastewater to fertilizer with fungal treatment
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Creating fertilizers from organic waste can help reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and promote sustainable production. Two studies from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign explore the use of a fungal treatment to convert wastewater into fertilizer for agricultural crops.

Newswise: Against the odds: the genetic secrets of a rare conifer's climate change defiance
Released: 18-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Against the odds: the genetic secrets of a rare conifer's climate change defiance
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In a remarkable twist of evolutionary adaptation, the rare Tibetan cypress, Cupressus gigantea, has shown unexpected genetic resilience. Despite facing the brink of extinction due to climate change and habitat loss, the species has experienced a significant reduction in harmful genetic mutations.
