Feature Channels: Crime and Forensic Science

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Newswise: Mothers in prison embrace a parenting program to strengthen bonds with separated children
Released: 28-Aug-2023 8:05 PM EDT
Mothers in prison embrace a parenting program to strengthen bonds with separated children
University of South Australia

The number of women imprisoned in Australia has jumped by 64% in the past decade, leaving thousands of children separated from their mothers and causing huge stress to both parties.

Released: 21-Aug-2023 12:40 PM EDT
Do Prisons Hold the Key to Solving the Opioid Crisis?
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers study finds improved prison reentry programs could help flatten the rate of opioid overdose deaths in the U.S.

Released: 10-Aug-2023 9:20 AM EDT
Rutgers Study Confirms Link Between Concealed Carry Weapons and Gun Homicide Rates
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Concealed guns significantly impact homicide rates and public safety, according to a Rutgers study that found an increase in homicides based on the number of concealed carry weapons licenses issued.

Newswise: Study Compares Youth Detained for Sex Trafficking with More Serious Offenders
Released: 8-Aug-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Study Compares Youth Detained for Sex Trafficking with More Serious Offenders
Florida Atlantic University

Despite federal and state laws, runaway youth continue to be arrested, charged and detained for prostitution. Findings show significant differences among detained runaways compared to youth incarcerated for more serious offenses.

Released: 1-Aug-2023 5:40 PM EDT
Illegal shooting kills most birds found dead near power lines
Cell Press

Birds can be electrocuted if they come into contact with two energized parts of a power line at once—which can happen when they spread their wings to take off from or land on a power pole.

Newswise:Video Embedded lead-exposure-in-early-life-linked-to-higher-risk-of-criminal-behavior-in-adulthood
Released: 1-Aug-2023 2:55 PM EDT
Lead Exposure in Early Life Linked to Higher Risk of Criminal Behavior in Adulthood
George Washington University

New analysis from researchers at the George Washington University links lead exposure either in utero or during childhood with an increased risk of engaging in criminal behavior in adulthood. While prior research has found an association between lead exposure and criminal behavior at the ​​aggregated population level, this is the first review to bring together the existing data at the individual-level of exposure and effects.

Newswise: Study explores challenges, opportunities of community participatory research
Released: 1-Aug-2023 10:25 AM EDT
Study explores challenges, opportunities of community participatory research
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is an approach that connects academic researchers with community partners to inform project development. A new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and collaborators explores CBPR implementation in a project on criminal justice reform in Cincinnati.

Released: 26-Jul-2023 1:00 PM EDT
Mapping mass shootings in the United States
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

The United States has more than 10 times the number of mass shooting incidents than other developed countries, yet little research has shown the distribution and types of shootings, geographically.

Released: 24-Jul-2023 1:40 PM EDT
White Police Membership in Republican Party Associated with Racial Bias, Study Finds
American Sociological Association (ASA)

In the last 10 years, police organizations have displayed unprecedented support for Republican presidential candidates and have organized against social movements focused on addressing racial disparities in police contact.

Newswise: Cop-turned-professor pushes for stronger police-community partnerships
Released: 13-Jul-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Cop-turned-professor pushes for stronger police-community partnerships
West Virginia University

Dead from a cocaine overdose, a waitress found in a trendy Wilmington, Delaware neighborhood set the gears in motion for one of James Nolan’s last cases as a vice detective. It also served as the catalyst for his next career investigating different strategies in policing as a West Virginia University sociology professor.

Released: 6-Jul-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Dashcam images offer insight on NYPD officer deployment
Cornell University

Using a deep learning computer model and a dataset containing millions of dashboard camera images from New York City rideshare drivers, Cornell Tech researchers were able to see which neighborhoods had the highest numbers of New York Police Department marked vehicles, a possible indication of deployment patterns.

Newswise: Study Explores Incarceration, Employment and Re-offense During COVID-19 Pandemic
Released: 6-Jul-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Study Explores Incarceration, Employment and Re-offense During COVID-19 Pandemic
Florida Atlantic University

The study not only examined the effects of the transitional employment program participation on employment and recidivism, but also looked at the program’s mechanisms such as hours worked and hours spent in cognitive behavioral interventions and three employment sectors – construction, kitchen and warehouse/retail – on future system involvement.

Newswise: Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Law and the Royal Thai Police Offer “Special LawLAB: Investigation in the Age of 5G” Gen 2
Released: 30-Jun-2023 8:55 AM EDT
Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Law and the Royal Thai Police Offer “Special LawLAB: Investigation in the Age of 5G” Gen 2
Chulalongkorn University

The Special LawLAB “Young Lawyers – Police Engagement” (YLPE) Project (Law Chula and Royal Thai Police Season 2) marks a collaborative effort between the Royal Thai Police and the Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University, to allow students to apply the knowledge they have learned in their practice.

Newswise: Prisoners ‘trading rare jaguar parts for fashion items’
Released: 28-Jun-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Prisoners ‘trading rare jaguar parts for fashion items’
Cambridge University Press

Prisoners in Bolivia are trading in jaguar skins and other wild animal body parts to produce wallets, hats, and belts for sale in local markets. The fangs and bones of jaguars are being illegally exported for use as traditional Asian medicine.

Released: 27-Jun-2023 8:10 PM EDT
Children the 'hidden victims' of modern slavery
University of South Australia

Dependant children of people impacted by human trafficking and modern slavery are being left unsupported and their needs overlooked, putting families at risk of intergenerational trauma.

Released: 27-Jun-2023 1:05 PM EDT
University at Albany, Rand Study Links Legal Representation to Reduced Reliance on Bail
University at Albany, State University of New York

Having a defense attorney present at an initial bail hearing lowered the use of cash bail and pretrial detention without increasing the odds that a defendant won’t show up at a preliminary hearing, according to a new study co-authored by UAlbany Professor of Public Administration and Policy Shawn Bushway.

Newswise: SMU creating human trafficking data 'warehouse'
Released: 21-Jun-2023 9:20 AM EDT
SMU creating human trafficking data 'warehouse'
Southern Methodist University

SMU (Southern Methodist University) is creating a federally-funded data warehouse to centralize data collection and support research into human trafficking in the United States.

Released: 19-Jun-2023 10:05 AM EDT
De facto decriminalization of drug possession reduces the overall arrest toll on the Black community, although racial disparities persist

De facto decriminalization of drug possession may be a good first step in addressing the disproportionate impact of an overburdened United States criminal justice system on the Black community.

Newswise: Jiu Jitsu club stage physical assaults to help advance forensic research
Released: 9-Jun-2023 8:10 PM EDT
Jiu Jitsu club stage physical assaults to help advance forensic research
Northumbria University

Researchers from Northumbria University and King’s College London have published findings outlining the extent that textile fibres transfer during controlled assault scenarios.

Released: 6-Jun-2023 8:30 AM EDT
New Report Highlights U.S. 2021 Gun-Related Deaths: For Second Straight Year, U.S. Firearm Fatalities Reached Record Highs
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A new report from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions analyzing 2021 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data reveals another record year for firearm fatalities.
