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Released: 13-Feb-2019 6:05 PM EST
Mayo Clinic的研究人员开发出肾结石预测工具
Mayo Clinic

肾结石是一种常见且痛苦的疾病,许多患者都会经历反复发作。大多数患者在初次排石后想知道未来再次发作的可能性,但这并不容易预测。现在,Mayo Clinic的研究人员通过一个在线预测工具来跟踪肾结石形成者的常见特征,以帮助患者预测未来是否会再次发作。该研究成果发表在 Mayo Clinic Proceedings上。

8-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
Chronic Inflammation in Middle Age May Lead to Thinking and Memory Problems Later
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People who have chronic inflammation in middle-age may develop problems with thinking and memory in the decades leading up to old age, according to a new study published in the February 13, 2019, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 13-Feb-2019 10:05 AM EST
Investigadores de Mayo Clinic crean sistema más eficaz para reprogramar células madre
Mayo Clinic

Las células madre pluripotentes inducidas son las laboriosas obreras de muchos proyectos de medicina regenerativa y empiezan como células diferenciadas que, a través de la exposición a un complejo conjunto de mezclas genéticas, se reprograman para convertirse en células madre pluripotentes.

Released: 12-Feb-2019 7:05 PM EST
Mayo Clinic研究发现,一种个体化的营养方式对控制血糖水平最为有效
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic的研究人员已经确认,与仅考虑食物的营养构成相比,一种基于个体的遗传、微生物菌群和生活方式的个体化饮食对于控制血液葡萄糖(血糖)水平更加有效。该研究结果发表在2月8日出版的《美国医学会杂志》网络开放版上,研究表明,对于类似的食物,每个人的身体反应有所不同,这是因为每个人都有自己独特的肠道微生物群——一个由上万亿细菌在消化道内形成的复杂群落。

Released: 12-Feb-2019 11:00 AM EST
Numares, Mayo Clinic Laboratories announce collaboration to develop new diagnostic tests using distinctive nuclear magnetic resonance technology
Mayo Clinic

Numares and Mayo Clinic Laboratories have announced a collaboration to develop clinical diagnostic tests that will measure clusters of risk factors as opposed to individual biomarkers. The unique testing will use nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology, focusing on cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and liver cancer — among a few other specific diseases.

Released: 12-Feb-2019 9:05 AM EST
Mayo Clinic researchers develop more efficient system to reprogram stem cells
Mayo Clinic

Induced pluripotent stem cells, the workhorse of many regenerative medicine projects, start out as differentiated cells that are reprogrammed to pluripotent stem cells by exposure to a complex set of genetic cocktails.

Released: 11-Feb-2019 5:05 PM EST
University of Minnesota researchers 3D bio-print a model that could improve anticancer drugs and treatments
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering

University of Minnesota medical researchers and engineers have developed a way to study cancer cells which could lead to new and improved treatment. They have developed a new way to study these cells in a 3D in vitro model (i.e. in a culture dish rather than in a human or animal).

Released: 8-Feb-2019 5:05 PM EST
Pesquisa da Mayo Clinic descobre que uma abordagem individualizada à nutrição é mais eficaz para gerenciar os níveis de açúcar no sangue
Mayo Clinic

Pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic confirmaram que uma dieta individualizada com base na genética, microbioma e estilo de vida de uma pessoa é mais eficaz no controle dos níveis de glicose (açúcar) no sangue do que uma dieta que considera somente a composição nutricional do alimento.

Released: 8-Feb-2019 5:05 PM EST
أبحاث منظمة Mayo Clinic تتوصل إلى منهج مبني على أساس فردي للتغذية يُعد الأكثر فعالية للتحكم في مستويات السكر في الدم
Mayo Clinic

روتشستر، مينيسوتا — أكد الباحثون في مؤسسة Mayo Clinic أن اتباع نظام غذائي مخصص يعتمد على جينات الفرد، والميكروبات التي لديه، ونمط الحياة الذي يتبعه له فعالية أكثر للتحكم في مستويات الجلوكوز في الدم (السكر) تزيد عن النظام الغذائي الذي يراعي فقط المكونات الغذائية للطعام. حيث يوضح البحث الذي نُشر في JAMA Network Open، العدد الصادر في يوم 8 فبراير أن أجسام الأشخاص تستجيب بصور مختلفة للأطعمة المتشابهة، ويرجع ذلك إلى التكوين الفريد للنبيت الجرثومي المعوي لدى كل شخص — المجموعة المعقدة المكوّنة من تريليونات البكتريا داخل الجهاز الهضمي.

Released: 8-Feb-2019 2:05 PM EST
Estudio de Mayo Clinic descubre que un método de nutrición personalizado surte más efecto en el control de los niveles de la glucosa sanguínea
Mayo Clinic

Una alimentación personalizada y basada tanto en la genética del individuo como en el microbioma y en el estilo de vida es más efectiva para controlar los niveles de la glucosa sanguínea que otra que solamente considera la composición nutricional de los alimentos, confirmaron los investigadores de Mayo Clinic.

Released: 8-Feb-2019 11:05 AM EST
Pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic desenvolvem ferramenta de previsão de cálculos renais
Mayo Clinic

Os cálculos renais são uma condição comum e dolorosa, com muitos pacientes experimentando episódios recorrentes. A maioria das pessoas que passam pelo primeiro cálculo renal quer saber quais são as probabilidades de episódios futuros, mas isso não é sempre fácil de prever.

Released: 8-Feb-2019 11:05 AM EST
الباحثون لدى Mayo Clinic يطورون أداة للتنبؤ بحصى الكلى
Mayo Clinic

روتشستر، مينيسوتا — تعتبر حصى الكلى حالة شائعة ومؤلمة، حيث يعاني العديد من المصابين من نوبات متكررة من الإصابة بها. ويرغب معظم المصابين الذين يُعالَجون من حصى الكلى لأول مرة في معرفة فرص تكرار إصابتهم بها في المستقبل، ولكن ذلك الأمر لم يكن من السهل التنبئ به. أما الآن فيستطيع الباحثون لدى Mayo Clinic مراقابة الخصائص الشائعة لأسباب تكون حصى الكلى من خلال أداة تنبئ إلكترونية يمكنها مساعدة المصابين على توقع ما إذا كانوا سيصابون بحصى في المستقبل أم لا. وقد نُشِرت هذه الدراسة في مجلة Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

5-Feb-2019 2:05 PM EST
Mayo Clinic Research Finds Individualized Diets Are Most Effective for Managing Blood Sugar Levels
Mayo Clinic

An individualized diet based on a person's genetics, microbiome and lifestyle is more effective in controlling blood glucose (sugar) levels than one that considers only nutritional composition of food, Mayo Clinic researchers have confirmed. The research published in the Feb. 8 edition of JAMA Network Open demonstrates that each person's body responds differently to similar foods, due to the unique composition of each person's gut microbiome — the complex community of trillions of bacteria within the digestive track.

Released: 7-Feb-2019 11:05 AM EST
Leidos, Mayo Clinic to collaborate on scaling transformative innovation to benefit patients
Mayo Clinic

Leidos, a Fortune® 500 science and technology leader, and Mayo Clinic, are announcing a strategic collaboration. This collaboration will build on the combined strengths of both organizations to accelerate the research, development and market adoption of tools, technologies and therapeutics to make patients and their families more active participants in their care, ultimately helping them live happier, healthier lives.

31-Jan-2019 5:05 PM EST
Education May Not Protect Against Dementia as Previously Thought
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Previous studies have suggested that having a higher level of education may protect the brain to some extent against dementia, providing a “cognitive reserve” that buffers against the disease. But results have been mixed, and a new study finds that education does not play a role in when the disease starts or how fast it progresses. The study was published in the February 6, 2019, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 6-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
Citizen Science Projects Have a Surprising New Partner—the Computer
University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering

New computer machine learning techniques can be now be used in crowdsourcing projects to deal with massively increasing amounts of data—making computers a surprising new partner in citizen science projects.

Released: 5-Feb-2019 5:05 PM EST
Científicos de Mayo Clinic crean un medio predictivo de cálculos renales
Mayo Clinic

Los cálculos renales no solo son frecuentes y dolorosos, sino que muchos sufren eventos recurrentes. La mayoría de las personas que pasan el primer cálculo renal desean saber cuál es la probabilidad de tener otro en el futuro, pero eso no siempre es fácil de predecir.

Released: 4-Feb-2019 11:05 AM EST
Mayo Clinic researchers develop prediction tool for kidney stones
Mayo Clinic

Kidney stones are a common and painful condition, with many sufferers experiencing recurrent episodes. Most people who pass an initial stone want to know their chances of future episodes, but this has not always been easy to predict. Now Mayo Clinic researchers are tracking the familiar characteristics of kidney stone formers in an online prediction tool that could help sufferers anticipate if they'll experience future episodes. The study was published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

28-Jan-2019 9:00 AM EST
Exercise May Improve Thinking Skills in People as Young as 20
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Regular aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling or climbing stairs may improve thinking skills not only in older people but in young people as well, according to a study published in the January 30, 2019, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study also found that the positive effect of exercise on thinking skills may increase as people age.

21-Jan-2019 4:05 PM EST
Even in Young Adults, Blood Pressure Above Normal May Be Linked to Brain Shrinkage
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

For people in their 20s and 30s, having blood pressure above normal but below the level considered to be high blood pressure, may be linked to loss of brain volume, according to a study published in the January 23, 2019, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
