Feature Channels: Nuclear Physics

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Released: 14-Mar-2018 5:05 PM EDT
Scientists Design Conceptual Asteroid Deflector and Evaluate It Against Massive Potential Threat
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Scientists have designed a conceptual spacecraft to deflect Earth-bound asteroids and evaluated whether it would be able to nudge a massive asteroid – which has a remote chance to hitting Earth in 2135 – off course.

Released: 13-Mar-2018 3:10 PM EDT
Road, Rail, Boat: Sandia Transport Triathlon Puts Spent Nuclear Fuel to the Test
Sandia National Laboratories

Late last year, Sandia researchers completed an eight-month, 14,500-mile triathlon-like test to gather data on the bumps and jolts spent nuclear fuel experiences during transportation.

Released: 12-Mar-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Drifting and Bouncing Particles Can Help Maintain Stability in High-Performance Fusion Plasmas
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Physicists at PPPL have recently found that drifting particles in plasma can forestall instabilities that reduce the pressure crucial to high-performance fusion reactions inside these facilities.

Released: 8-Mar-2018 7:05 AM EST
Atomic Movies Explain Why Perovskite Solar Cells Are More Efficient
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Tracking atoms is crucial to improving the efficiency of next-generation perovskite solar cells.

Released: 1-Mar-2018 10:15 AM EST
The Nucleus: Coming Soon in 3D!
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Physicians have long used CT scans to get 3D imagery of the inner workings of the human body. Now, physicists are working toward getting their first CT scans of the inner workings of the nucleus. A measurement of quarks in helium nuclei published last fall in Physical Review Letters demonstrates that 3D imaging of the inner structure of the nucleus is now possible.

Released: 28-Feb-2018 1:05 PM EST
CUORE Constrains Neutrino Properties
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The CUORE experiment set the tightest limits yet on the rare decay of tellurium-130, providing insights into the nature of neutrinos.

Released: 19-Feb-2018 4:05 PM EST
Neutrons Reveal the Wild Weyl World of Semimetals
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The observation of an abnormal state of matter in a 2-D magnetic material is the latest development in the race to harness novel electronic properties for more robust and efficient next-generation devices. Neutron scattering at Oak Ridge National Laboratory helped researchers investigate a graphene-like strontium-manganese-antimony material that hosts what they suspect is a Weyl semimetal phase.

Released: 13-Feb-2018 2:50 PM EST
New Turbulent Transport Modeling Shows Multiscale Fluctuations in Heated Plasma
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Researchers at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility used a “reduced physics” fluid model of plasma turbulence to explain unexpected properties of the density profile inside a tokamak experiment. Modeling plasma’s turbulent behavior could help scientists optimize the tokamak performance in future fusion reactors like ITER. They discuss their findings in this week’s Physics of Plasmas.

Released: 13-Feb-2018 11:05 AM EST
The Mysteries of Plasma and Solar Eruptions Earn PPPL Graduate an Astrophysics Prize
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Article describes dissertation award for graduate of Princeton University Department of Astrophysical Sciences.

Released: 12-Feb-2018 3:05 PM EST
Smooth Sailing: PPPL Develops an Integrated Approach to Understand How to Better Control Plasma Instabilities
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL physicist Francesca Poli and coauthors recently published findings that describe an approach that for the first time simultaneously simulates the plasma, the magnetic islands, and the feedback control from waves that provide so-called electron cyclotron heating and current drive.

Released: 12-Feb-2018 10:05 AM EST
Captured Electrons Excite Nuclei to Higher Energy States
Argonne National Laboratory

For the first time, scientists demonstrated a long-theorized nuclear effect called nuclear excitation by electron capture. This advance tests theoretical models that describe how nuclear and atomic realms interact and may also provide new insights into how star elements are created.

Released: 31-Jan-2018 9:00 AM EST
Elke-Caroline Aschenauer Awarded Prestigious Humboldt Research Award
Brookhaven National Laboratory

UPTON, NY — Elke-Caroline Aschenauer, a senior physicist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory, has been awarded a Humboldt Research Award for her contributions to the field of experimental nuclear physics. This prestigious international award—issued by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Bonn, Germany—comes with a prize of €60,000 (more than $70,000 U.

Released: 30-Jan-2018 3:00 PM EST
Applying Machine Learning to the Universe’s Mysteries
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab physicists and their collaborators have demonstrated that computers are ready to tackle the universe’s greatest mysteries – they used neural networks to perform a deep dive into data simulating the subatomic particle soup that may have existed just microseconds after the big bang.

Released: 3-Jan-2018 5:05 PM EST
Reaching the Department of Energy’s ‘Top 40’
Argonne National Laboratory

The U.S. Department of Energy honors Argonne researchers in top 40 research-paper countdown.

Released: 19-Dec-2017 5:05 PM EST
Currents Always Find the Fastest Detour
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Scientists map electrical currents emanating from the boundary of a tokamak plasma, providing new information for reactor design.

Released: 19-Dec-2017 5:05 PM EST
New Physics Understanding Provides Attractive Path for Developing Fusion Energy via a Steady-State Tokamak
Department of Energy, Office of Science

International collaborators advance physics basis for tokamak plasma confinement at low rotation, potentially benefiting a fusion reactor.

Released: 19-Dec-2017 3:05 PM EST
Proton-Proton Fusion: Powering the Sun
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Large-scale simulations of quarks promise precise view of reactions of astrophysical importance.

Released: 19-Dec-2017 2:05 PM EST
Neutron Star Mergers Create Heavy Elements
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Gravitational wave observations combined with optical and gamma-ray data confirm earlier predictions, offer insights into how the galaxy produces lead, mercury, and other elements.

Released: 14-Dec-2017 12:05 PM EST
Artificial Intelligence Helps Accelerate Progress Toward Efficient Fusion Reactions
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Article describes development of deep learning neural network to predict disruptions of fusion plasma.

8-Dec-2017 12:05 PM EST
Scientists Discover Path to Improving Game-Changing Battery Electrode
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Researchers from Stanford University, two Department of Energy national labs and the battery manufacturer Samsung created a comprehensive picture of how the same chemical processes that give cathodes their high capacity are also linked to changes in atomic structure that sap performance.
