Feature Channels: Fusion

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Newswise: White House summit brings national energy leaders together to forge a path to accelerate fusion electricity
Released: 21-Mar-2022 4:05 PM EDT
White House summit brings national energy leaders together to forge a path to accelerate fusion electricity
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Steve Cowley, PPPL director, was among climate and energy experts from national laboratories, universities, private industry, government agencies, and congressional representatives gathered together on March 17 at the first ever White House summit, “Developing a Bold Decadal Vision for Commercial Fusion Energy,” organized by the Office of Science Technology Policy (OSTP) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Newswise: Meet Richard Buttery, Director of the DIII-D National Fusion Facility
Released: 18-Mar-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Meet Richard Buttery, Director of the DIII-D National Fusion Facility
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Meet Richard Buttery, director of DIII-D, the largest magnetic fusion device in the United States. As a Department of Energy Office of Science user facility, DIII-D plays a leading role in the advancement of #fusionenergy research. This is one in a series of profiles on the directors of the SC-stewarded user facilities.

Released: 17-Mar-2022 1:15 PM EDT
Department of Energy Announces $50 Million for Fusion Research at Tokamak and Spherical Tokamak Facilities
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a plan to provide up to $50 million to support U.S. scientists conducting experimental research in fusion energy science at tokamak and spherical tokamak facilities in the U.S. and around the globe.

Newswise: PPPL’s apprenticeship program ramps up for 2022
Released: 16-Mar-2022 10:00 AM EDT
PPPL’s apprenticeship program ramps up for 2022
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL is now accepting applications for its latest cohort of apprentices for fields including electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, information technology, welding, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HAC).

Newswise: Blowing Dust to Cool Fusion Plasmas
Released: 8-Mar-2022 10:05 AM EST
Blowing Dust to Cool Fusion Plasmas
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Tokamak fusion reactors will generate huge amounts of heat that can damage reactor walls. Injecting impurities in the form of gases into the plasma can radiate away excess heat, but there is a limited range of gases that can be injected, and some gases react poorly with hydrogen fusion fuel. A new approach uses impurities in powder form, which allows researchers to introduce a considerable amount of material directly into the exhaust system for more efficient heat control.

Newswise: Innovative new magnet could facilitate development of fusion and medical devices
Released: 3-Mar-2022 9:55 AM EST
Innovative new magnet could facilitate development of fusion and medical devices
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL scientists have designed a new type of magnet that could aid devices ranging from doughnut-shaped fusion facilities known as tokamaks to medical machines that create detailed pictures of the human body.

Newswise: PPPL examines the performance of a fusion pilot plant to generate electricity
Released: 28-Feb-2022 4:00 PM EST
PPPL examines the performance of a fusion pilot plant to generate electricity
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

The first detailed look at both a pilot plant and a comprehensive research facility.

Newswise: White House and U.S. Department of Energy leaders meet at PPPL to discuss accelerating timeline to produce electricity from fusion energy
Released: 21-Feb-2022 4:15 PM EST
White House and U.S. Department of Energy leaders meet at PPPL to discuss accelerating timeline to produce electricity from fusion energy
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Top officials from the White House and the U.S. Department of Energy visited the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory recently to discuss how to accelerate the development of fusion energy as a clean, abundant, and safe way to generate electricity.

Newswise: ORNL experts help measure new world record for fusion energy
Released: 18-Feb-2022 9:25 AM EST
ORNL experts help measure new world record for fusion energy
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Lab experts help measure this month's fusion milestone at Joint European Torus (JET) with cutting-edge diagnostics.

Newswise: A breakthrough once described as impossible brings a fusion energy device closer to realization
Released: 15-Feb-2022 11:20 AM EST
A breakthrough once described as impossible brings a fusion energy device closer to realization
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Article profiles path-setting technique for improving the design of twisty stellarator fusion facilities.

Released: 11-Feb-2022 4:45 PM EST
The latest research news in Physics for the media

Here are some of the latest articles we've posted in the Physical Science channel.

Newswise: PPPL collaborations support the recent European production of historic fusion power
Released: 11-Feb-2022 4:05 PM EST
PPPL collaborations support the recent European production of historic fusion power
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

A close-up look at the PPPL collaboration that helped set the stage for JET's recent record output that advances the development of safe and clean fusion power.

Newswise: Scientists successfully model a fast-action method for countering disruptions on ITER
Released: 9-Feb-2022 10:20 AM EST
Scientists successfully model a fast-action method for countering disruptions on ITER
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Simulation of a novel particle injector shows its potential to mitigate a major challenge to the international fusion experiment going up in France.

Newswise: UAH physicist will study super-hot solar processes with $616,000 NSF CAREER grant
Released: 9-Feb-2022 9:35 AM EST
UAH physicist will study super-hot solar processes with $616,000 NSF CAREER grant
University of Alabama Huntsville

A solar physicist at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has been awarded a five-year, $616,000 National Science Foundation CAREER award to study how solar flares explosively release magnetic energy and create energetic particles.

Newswise: New Insight Into Blobs Improves Understanding of a Universal Process
Released: 4-Feb-2022 9:30 AM EST
New Insight Into Blobs Improves Understanding of a Universal Process
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL researchers have gained insight into a fundamental process found throughout the universe. This insight could help scientists predict enormous burps of plasma from the sun that could threaten satellites and electrical grids on Earth.

Newswise: New public-private partnership comes to PPPL through a novel program to speed the development of fusion energy
Released: 31-Jan-2022 12:15 PM EST
New public-private partnership comes to PPPL through a novel program to speed the development of fusion energy
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL's machine learning expertise is aiding French company Renaissance Fusion through a unique U.S. Department of Energy program.

Newswise: New experiment results bolster potential for self-sustaining fusion
Released: 26-Jan-2022 4:55 PM EST
New experiment results bolster potential for self-sustaining fusion
Los Alamos National Laboratory

For more than 60 years, scientists have sought to understand and control the process of fusion, a quest to harness the vast amounts of energy released when nuclei in fuel come together. A paper published today in the journal Nature describes recent experiments that have achieved a burning plasma state in fusion, helping steer fusion research closer than it has ever been to its ultimate goal: a self-sustaining, controlled reaction.

Newswise: Plasma physicist and innovative science educator Arturo Dominguez is PPPL’s new head of Science Education
Released: 26-Jan-2022 12:05 PM EST
Plasma physicist and innovative science educator Arturo Dominguez is PPPL’s new head of Science Education
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Arturo Dominguez, the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory's (PPPL) new head of Science Education, is a plasma physicist who has been a science educator at PPPL for nearly 10 years.

Released: 13-Jan-2022 3:45 PM EST
Department of Energy Announces $6 Million for Plasma Science Research
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a plan to provide up to $6 million to support frontier plasma science experiments at several plasma research facilities across the nation.
