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Released: 2-May-2011 2:30 PM EDT
After Bin Laden - UMD Experts
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland experts in terrorism, international security, politics, and more, can discuss the ramifications of the death of Osama Bin Laden - including the grim body count from his attacks, the areas of greatest vulnerability in the future, how the U.S. has improved connecting the dots, and the risks of summary assassination.

Released: 4-Apr-2011 3:00 PM EDT
Ten Best Tips for Beginning Gardeners
University of Maryland, College Park

The University of Maryland's Home and Garden Information Center has some great tips for beginning gardeners this spring.

Released: 16-Mar-2011 4:00 PM EDT
Public Health Risks from Japanese Radiation
University of Maryland, College Park

Airborne radiation from a meltdown at Japanese nuclear plants poses no immediate risk to the continental United States, say University of Maryland public health and atmospheric scientists. Drawing on research from Chernobyl, they add that for most Japanese, the long term risk may lie in ingestion of milk, as well as direct exposure to contaminated soil.

Released: 15-Mar-2011 2:00 PM EDT
Worsening Conditions at Fukushima: UMD Expert
University of Maryland, College Park

The situation at Japan's Fukushima nuclear facility has become increasingly serious with the growing possibility of a complete meltdown, says University of Maryland energy policy expert Nathan Hultman. “Damage to the nuclear fuel containment potentially is a very serious problem that complicates efforts to prevent a total meltdown.”

Released: 14-Mar-2011 3:20 PM EDT
Japan and the Coming Nuclear Energy Re-Evaluation
University of Maryland, College Park

The damage to three nuclear power plants in Japan will renew debate worldwide, prompting a new look at needed levels of safety and redundancy, says University of Maryland energy policy expert Nathan Hultman. “The events at Fukushima Daiichi will complicate planning for nuclear expansion for the coming years in all countries.”

Released: 14-Mar-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Japan Latest in String of Mega-Quakes Since 2004: UMD Expert
University of Maryland, College Park

The devastating Japan earthquake is the latest in a series of 'mega-quakes' over the past seven years, says University of Maryland geophysicist Laurent Montesi, an expert in earthquakes and related phenomena. "I am struck by the frequency of large seismic events we have been having since the 2004 Sumatra one," Montesi notes.

Released: 11-Feb-2011 12:25 PM EST
University of Maryland Professor: "I'm Proud To Be An Egyptian"
University of Maryland, College Park

Assistant Professor of Communication Sahar Khamis comments on today's announcement that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has stepped down after 30 years in power. Please feel free to contact her directly. All our Egypt/Middle East Experts can be found at:

Released: 11-Feb-2011 11:45 AM EST
Mubarak's Departure Is Just the Beginning of a Process for the Egyptian People Says University of Maryland Expert
University of Maryland, College Park

Institute for Advanced Computer Studies Researcher Aaron Mannes of the University of Maryland comments about Hosni Mubarak's decision to leave office in Egypt after 30 years. Mannes - an expert in Terrorism, Middle East politics and Homeland Security issues is available for interviews. All our faculty experts are available at:

Released: 25-Jan-2011 5:00 PM EST
SOU: “Fundamental Reset of the Obama Administration”
University of Maryland, College Park

President Obama is rebooting his administration in the State of the Union Address, “fundamentally resetting” his course, says Donald Kettl, dean of the University of Maryland School of Public Policy and author of “Next Government of the United States.” “This is… a strategy of trying to get to the middle before the Republicans can get there,” Kettl explains.

Released: 25-Jan-2011 2:00 PM EST
Stuttering and the King's Speech
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland Speech-Language Pathologist Vivian Sisskin talks about stuttering in wake of the 12 Oscar Nominations for The King's Speech.

Released: 11-Jan-2011 12:15 PM EST
Marketing Expert Says Verizon’s Success with iPhone Will Depend on Performance
University of Maryland, College Park

The impact of iPhone 4 release by Verizon on the competitive landscape boils down to one word: performance. That is, the performance of iPhone 4 on Verizon's CDMA wireless communications network.

Released: 7-Apr-2010 9:00 PM EDT
Sports Marketing Expert: Questions as Tiger Woods Begins Play at Master’s
University of Maryland, College Park

As Tiger Woods resumes tournament play, the big marketing question is whether it will benefit the PGA,” says University of Maryland consumer psychologist Stephen McDaniel, an expert in sports marketing and fan behavior. “If it’s just morbid curiosity, all the publicity probably won’t translate into a sustained increase in tournament viewership.”

Released: 28-Jan-2010 8:30 PM EST
Obama Back in Swing as ‘Teacher-In-Chief,’ Say Movement Experts
University of Maryland, College Park

The President Obama who delivered the State of the Union Address was one not seen for a while, say movement experts Professor Karen Bradley of the University of Maryland and Professor Karen Studd of George Mason University. They describe him as a teacher instructing a class, followed by a principal. “He was back in the swing,” Bradley and Studd say.

Released: 26-Jan-2010 1:30 PM EST
SOU Nonverbal Preview: Watch for the Serious Side
University of Maryland, College Park

When President Obama gives his State of the Union address, "watch for his serious side" to appear in his voice and gestures, say movement experts Karen Bradley of the University of Maryland and Karen Studd of George Mason University. Especially notice the reach of Obama's arms, for sideways eye movement and a subtle grimace, the two movement experts add.

Released: 15-Dec-2009 9:00 PM EST
Sports Marketing Expert: Lasting Damage to Woods as Endorser
University of Maryland, College Park

The Tiger Woods scandal may have a lasting impact on his endorsement potential, says University of Maryland consumer psychologist Stephen McDaniel, who studies sports marketing and fan behavior. "Nike has historically been less interested in an endorser's virtue and more interested in athletic prowess, but this will not be true for other companies,” he says.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 9:20 PM EST
UM Experts Available to Discuss Copenhagen Climate Summit
University of Maryland, College Park

The University of Maryland has more than 30 experts who can talk about scientific, technological, economic and policy aspects of climate change that are critical to discussions at the world climate summit in Copenhagen, Dec. 7-18. These include conference attendees, scientists shaping world & U.S. climate research, and a Nobel Prize winning economist.

Released: 11-Sep-2009 11:30 AM EDT
'Public Option' Fight Misses True Measure of Reform, Says Expert
University of Maryland, College Park

The struggle over the 'public option' remains an unhelpful ‘ideological litmus test’ running health reform aground, argues University of Maryland Public Policy Dean Don Kettl. “What ultimately will decide success or failure of health reform isn’t who owns the insurance program, but how well we write and run the ground rules under which they’ll operate.”

Released: 9-Sep-2009 3:30 PM EDT
When the Unimaginable Happens: Unexpected Job Loss and Its Impact on Your Marriage
University of Maryland, College Park

Baby Boomer expert, Emeritus Education Prof. Nancy Schlossberg (University of Maryland), looks at what couples can do when retirement or job loss causes family tension.

Released: 21-Jul-2009 10:00 AM EDT
Maryland Expert Says Despite Omissions - This May be The Best Harry Potter Movie Yet
University of Maryland, College Park

The University of Maryland's own Harry Potter expert, Jennie Levine (Director, Digital Collections, University Libraries) weighs in on the latest Harry Potter movie.

Released: 6-Jul-2009 2:00 PM EDT
Robert McNamara Experts - University of Maryland
University of Maryland, College Park

The University of Maryland has a number of experts who can talk about former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara - who died today at the age of 93.
