Latest News from: Universite de Montreal

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Released: 12-Sep-2012 6:00 AM EDT
Genetic Make-Up of Children Explains How They Fight Malaria Infection
Universite de Montreal

Researchers from Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center and University of Montreal have identified several novel genes that make some children more efficient than others in the way their immune system responds to malaria infection.

20-Aug-2012 12:00 PM EDT
'Naked Darth Vader' Approach Could Tame Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs
Universite de Montreal

Rather than trying to kill bacteria outright with drugs, Université de Montréal researchers have discovered a way to disarm bacteria that may allow the body's own defense mechanisms to destroy them.

31-Jul-2012 5:00 PM EDT
Researchers Find Genetic Cause for Body Tremors
Universite de Montreal

People suffering from the “essential tremor” disorder can now be more easily diagnosed.

Released: 1-Aug-2012 10:40 AM EDT
Childhood Defiance Correlated with Drug Dependence
Universite de Montreal

Children who exhibit oppositional behavior run the risk of becoming addicted to nicotine, cannabis and cocaine whilst Inattention symptoms represent a specific additional risk of nicotine addiction. Nevertheless, hyperactivity in itself does not seem to be associated with any specific risk of substance abuse or dependence.

19-Jul-2012 4:45 PM EDT
After the Canadarm, the Canadeyes for the Future Webb Telescope
Universite de Montreal

Two instruments whose development was led by by the University of Montreal’s Professor René Doyon, known by the acronyms NIRISS and FGS, will be integrated into the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST or Webb for short) that will replace Hubble in 2018. The twin instruments leave Canada today and will arrive at NASA at the end of July.

20-Jul-2012 4:40 PM EDT
Children with Trisomy 13 and 18 and Their Families Are Happy
Universite de Montreal

Children with trisomy 13 or 18, who are for the most part severely disabled and have a very short life expectancy, and their families lead a life that is happy and rewarding overall, contrary to the usually gloomy predictions made by the medical community at the time of diagnosis, according to a study of parents who are members of support groups published today in Pediatrics.

12-Jul-2012 9:30 AM EDT
TV Habits Predict Kids’ Waist Size and Sporting Ability
Universite de Montreal

Each hour of TV watched by a two- to four-year- old contributes to his or her waist circumference by the end of grade 4 and his or her ability to perform in sports, according to a world-first study undertaken by researchers at the University of Montreal and its affiliated Saint-Justine Mother and Child University Hospital.

7-Jun-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Watch Tiny Living Machines Self-Assemble
Universite de Montreal

Enabling bioengineers to design new molecular machines for nanotechnology applications is one of the possible outcomes of a study by University of Montreal researchers that was published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology today. The scientists have developed a new approach to visualize how proteins assemble, which may also significantly aid our understanding of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which are caused by errors in assembly.

Released: 1-Jun-2012 9:35 AM EDT
Nunavik Sled Dogs Need First Aid and Care Too
Universite de Montreal

In Nunavik, there are many dogs – sled dogs, pets, and strays – but no veterinarian, so the University of Montreal International Veterinary Group has given Andréanne Cléroux, a veterinary student, the mandate to design and deliver a first aid guide for dogs in northern Quebec.

Released: 23-May-2012 7:00 AM EDT
Scientists Start Explaining Fat Bastard’s Vicious Cycle
Universite de Montreal

Fat Bastard’s revelation “I eat because I’m depressed and I’m depressed because I eat” in the Austin Powers film series may be explained by sophisticated neuroscience research being undertaken by scientists affiliated with the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CR-CHUM) and the university’s Faculty of Medicine.

16-May-2012 7:00 AM EDT
Inauguration of the SNOLAB International Laboratory for Particle Physics
Universite de Montreal

SNOLAB is situated 2km beneath the surface of the Earth and will enable researchers to answer fundamental questions about the history and the composition of the Universe.

Released: 10-May-2012 9:30 AM EDT
Discovery of a Gene That Causes Joubert Syndrome
Universite de Montreal

C5ORF42 was identified as the gene that causes Joubert Syndrome in a number of families in the Lower St. Lawrence region of Quebec where the causal gene had remained unknown since the initial description of the syndrome in 1969.

Released: 10-May-2012 6:30 AM EDT
Testosterone-Fuelled Infantile Males Might Be a Product of Mom’s Behaviour
Universite de Montreal

By comparing the testosterone levels of five-month old pairs of twins, both identical and non-identical, University of Montreal researchers were able to establish that testosterone levels in infancy are not inherited genetically but rather determined by environmental factors.

26-Apr-2012 3:00 PM EDT
Neuro Researchers Sharpen Our Understanding of Memories
Universite de Montreal

Scientists now have a better understanding of how precise memories are formed thanks to research led by Prof. Jean-Claude Lacaille of the University of Montreal’s Department of Physiology. “In terms of human applications, these findings could help us to better understand memory impairments in neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease,” Lacaille said. The study looks at the cells in our brains, or neurons, and how they work together as a group to form memories.

18-Apr-2012 4:00 PM EDT
Speed and Ecstasy Associated with Depression in Teenagers
Universite de Montreal

A five year study conducted with thousands of local teenagers by University of Montreal researchers reveals that those who used speed (meth/ampthetamine) or ecstasy (MDMA) at fifteen or sixteen years of age were significantly more likely to suffer elevated depressive symptoms the following year.

Released: 4-Apr-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Reducing Hospital Admissions for Asthmatics
Universite de Montreal

Children with moderate or severe asthma attacks who are treated with systemic corticosteroids during the first 75 minutes of triage in the Emergency Department (ED) were 16% less likely to be admitted to hospital.

2-Apr-2012 6:00 AM EDT
Researchers Reveal Why Some Pain Drugs Become Less Effective Over Time
Universite de Montreal

Researchers at the University of Montreal’s Sainte-Justine Hospital have identified how neural cells are able to build up resistance to opioid pain drugs within hours.

20-Mar-2012 3:45 PM EDT
Montreal Researchers Repel Mortality in Malian Mothers
Universite de Montreal

Research leads to practical steps to reduce the mortality of women as they carry or give birth to their babies.

Released: 8-Mar-2012 6:00 AM EST
Older Men’s Hidden Health Concerns
Universite de Montreal

Do men harbour concerns about aging in good health? Do they confide these concerns to their physicians? Are men’s concerns the same as women’s? The answers to these questions can be found in a large cross-sectional survey of 2325 Canadian men, aged 55 to 97 years old.

27-Feb-2012 6:00 AM EST
Teenagers Are More Vulnerable to Sport Concussions
Universite de Montreal

Adolescents are more sensitive to the effects of a sport-related concussion than adults or children.

Released: 13-Feb-2012 3:00 AM EST
Some African Sex Workers Are Naturally HIV Resistant
Universite de Montreal

HIV-resistant sex workers in Africa have a weak inflammatory response in their vaginas – a surprise for researchers, who were expecting the contrary considering the women’s high exposure to the virus.

Released: 1-Feb-2012 6:15 AM EST
Men More Likely to Have an Accurate Memory of Unpleasant Experiences
Universite de Montreal

A woman’s memory of an experience is less likely to be accurate than a man’s if it was unpleasant and emotionally provocative, according to research undertaken by University of Montreal researchers at Louis-H Lafontaine Hospital.

Released: 30-Jan-2012 5:00 AM EST
Lifelong Payoff for Attentive Kindergarten Kids
Universite de Montreal

Attentiveness in kindergarten accurately predicts the development of “work-oriented” skills in school children, according to a new study published by Dr. Linda Pagani, a professor and researcher at the University of Montreal and CHU Sainte-Justine.

13-Jan-2012 10:00 AM EST
World Premiere – Announcement of a Revolutionary Surgical Technique for Perforations of the Eardrum
Universite de Montreal

The new technique, which is as effective as traditional surgery and far less expensive, can be performed in 20 minutes at an outpatient clinic during a routine visit to an ENT specialist.

20-Dec-2011 2:55 PM EST
Discovery of Two Earth-Size Planets Raises Questions About the Evolution of Stars
Universite de Montreal

University of Toulouse and University of Montreal researchers have detected two planets of sizes comparable to Earth orbiting around an old star that has just passed the red giant stage. This planetary system is located near Lyra and Cygnus constellations at a distance of 3900 light years. This discovery, to be published by in Nature on December 22 2011, may shed new light on the destiny of stellar and planetary systems.

6-Dec-2011 10:30 AM EST
Scientists Capture Single Cancer Molecules at Work
Universite de Montreal

Researchers have revealed how a molecule called telomerase contributes to the control of the integrity of our genetic code, and when it is involved in the deregulation of the code, its important role in the development of cancer. The University of Montreal scientists involved explain how they were able to achieve their discovery by using cutting edge microscopy techniques to visualize telomerase molecules in real time in living cells in Molecular Cell on December 9, 2011.

Released: 30-Nov-2011 11:30 AM EST
Petroleum-Eating Mushrooms
Universite de Montreal

Take a Petri dish containing crude petroleum and it will release a strong odor distinctive of the toxins that make up the fossil fuel. Sprinkle mushroom spores over the Petri dish and let it sit for two weeks in an incubator, and surprise, the petroleum and its smell will disappear.

21-Nov-2011 4:20 PM EST
Post-Traumatic Stress Risk to Police Officers Lower than Previously Thought
Universite de Montreal

Although police officers are at a high risk of experiencing traumatic events (TE) in their work, they are no more likely than the general population to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Released: 22-Nov-2011 5:00 AM EST
Chemistry Professor Links Faeces and Caffeine
Universite de Montreal

Researchers led by Prof. Sébastien Sauvé of the University of Montreal’s Department of Chemistry have discovered that traces of caffeine are a useful indicator of the contamination of our water by sewers.

Released: 21-Nov-2011 11:25 AM EST
Predators Drive the Evolution of Poison Dart Frogs’ Skin Patterns
Universite de Montreal

Natural selection has played a role in the development of the many skins patterns of the tiny Ranitomeya imitator poison dart frog.

Released: 17-Nov-2011 3:20 AM EST
New Hope for Young Leukemia Patients?
Universite de Montreal

Researchers have identified a potential marker for leukemic relapse.

Released: 14-Nov-2011 5:00 AM EST
Future Obesity May be Predicted at 3.5 Years of Age
Universite de Montreal

Researchers can predict which children are most likely to become obese by examining their mothers' behaviour around their birth, according to a recent University of Montreal study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.

Released: 3-Nov-2011 3:00 PM EDT
Quebec Genealogical Research Provides Clues to Genetic Consequences of Human Migration Patterns
Universite de Montreal

Research published in Science today reveals that the first individuals settling on new land are more successful at passing on their genes than those who did not migrate.

30-Oct-2011 8:00 PM EDT
Scientists Must Stop Emphasizing Autistics’ Shortcomings
Universite de Montreal

Research reveals autistic individuals are in fact superior in multiple areas

Released: 26-Oct-2011 10:50 AM EDT
Gene Responsible for Relapses in Young Leukemia Patients
Universite de Montreal

ATF5 polymorphisms influence efficacy of E. coli asparaginase.

Released: 11-Oct-2011 10:00 AM EDT
New Computer Programme Promises to Save the Whales
Universite de Montreal

Researchers at the University of Montreal have developed a computer programme that enables regulators to evaluate the ecological and economic tradeoffs between marine mammal conservation, whale watching and marine transportation activities in the Saint Lawrence Estuary.

Released: 22-Sep-2011 3:00 PM EDT
Bijou's Abnormally Large Clitoris Leads to Big Surprise
Universite de Montreal

An x-ray of the abnormally large clitoris of a French bulldog revealed that it contained a baculum (or penile bone).

Released: 12-Sep-2011 9:50 AM EDT
Physicist Detects Movement of Macromolecules Engineered Into Our Food
Universite de Montreal

Toxin proteins are genetically engineered into our food because they kill insects by perforating body cell walls, and Professor Rikard Blunck of the University of Montreal’s Group for the study of membrane proteins (GÉPROM) has detected the molecular mechanism involved.

31-Aug-2011 5:05 PM EDT
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Taken in Early Pregnancy More than Double Risk of Miscarriage
Universite de Montreal

The risk of miscarriage is 2.4 times greater for women who took any type and dosage of nonaspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in early pregnancy, according to a University of Montreal study in CMAJ.

Released: 29-Aug-2011 1:00 AM EDT
School Support for ADHD Children May be Missing the Mark
Universite de Montreal

New research from the University of Montreal shows that inattention, rather than hyperactivity, is the most important indicator when it comes to finishing a high school education.

Released: 25-Aug-2011 9:55 AM EDT
Clinical Study Shows Young Brains Lack the Wisdom of Their Elders
Universite de Montreal

Language task reveals that the brains of older people are not slower but rather wiser than young brains, which allows older adults to achieve an equivalent level of performance.

3-Aug-2011 3:00 PM EDT
Molecular Mechanisms Offer Hope for New Pain Treatments
Universite de Montreal

By working with individuals suffering from a severe disorder that causes sensory neurons to degenerate, researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital and CHU Sainte-Justine Hospital have discovered how a specific genetic mutation causes their patients’ condition, which in turn has revealed more information about the mechanisms in our bodies which enable us to sense pain.

Released: 19-Jul-2011 5:00 AM EDT
No Increase in Commonest Preventable Cause of Intellectual Disability Over 20 Years
Universite de Montreal

A new study that was prompted by recent reports of an increase in cases of congenital hypothyroidism in the United States, and aimed at assessing the incidence of this condition among Quebec newborns, suggests that the increase is entirely artifactual.

Released: 18-Jul-2011 1:00 AM EDT
Genetic Research Confirms That Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal
Universite de Montreal

Some of the human X chromosome originates from Neanderthals and is found exclusively in people outside Africa.

7-Jul-2011 10:45 AM EDT
New Genetic Clues for Schizophrenia
Universite de Montreal

De novo mutations – genetic errors that are present in patients but not in their parents – are more frequent in schizophrenic patients than in normal individuals.

29-Jun-2011 3:55 PM EDT
Urban Children Are Healthier Commuters than Rural Teens
Universite de Montreal

The children most likely to walk or cycle to school live in urban areas, with a single parent, and in an economically disadvantaged home, according to survey results that were published in Pediatrics.

Released: 15-Jun-2011 12:30 PM EDT
Teens Look to Parents More than Friends for Sexual Role Models
Universite de Montreal

The results of a national online study show that 45% consider their parents to be their sexuality role model. Shattering stereotypes that parents and society hold about teen sexuality, the survey also revealed that only 32% looked to their friends and just 15% took inspiration from celebrities.

8-Jun-2011 2:20 PM EDT
Family Genetic Research Reveals the Speed of Human Mutation
Universite de Montreal

A team of researchers have discovered that, on average, thirty mutations are transmitted from each parent to their child, revising previous estimations and revolutionizing the timescale we use to calculate the number of generations separating us from other species.

Released: 26-May-2011 5:00 AM EDT
Drug May Help Overwrite Bad Memories
Universite de Montreal

Recalling painful memories while under the influence of the drug metyrapone reduces the brain’s ability to re-record the negative emotions associated with them.

Released: 20-May-2011 11:45 AM EDT
Experts Comment Ruling That Ends Sperm Donor Anonymity
Universite de Montreal

University of Montreal experts are available to comment to journalists about Thursday’s decision by the Supreme Court of British Columbia that will effectively end anonymity for sperm donors.
