Latest News from: Saint Louis University Medical Center

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Released: 10-Sep-2007 5:45 PM EDT
Most Women Misdiagnose Vaginal Yeast Infections
Saint Louis University Medical Center

How do you know if you have a yeast infection? See your doctor to be sure, a Saint Louis University woman's health expert advises.

Released: 28-Aug-2007 8:55 AM EDT
China’s One-Child Policy Could Backfire on Its Elderly
Saint Louis University Medical Center

A Saint Louis University geriatrician who has studied in China predicts that the country's population control program will create a new social problem -- fewer family members to care for an aging society.

Released: 14-Aug-2007 12:45 PM EDT
Kids of Depressed Moms Do Better When Dad Is Involved
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Dads need to be engaged in the lives of their children when mothers are depressed, a Saint Louis University researcher says.

Released: 25-Jul-2007 7:15 PM EDT
Discovery Provides Key Evidence of Life’s Beginnings
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Two years ago, Timothy Kusky, the Paul C. Reinert Professor of Natural Sciences at SLU, and Jianghai Li, a professor of geological science at Peking University, dug up hundreds of fossilized black smoker chimneys in northern China. Since then, the researchers have been analyzing the samples in several laboratories. The discovery is important, the researchers say, because it lends support to the theory that life on the planet developed on the sea floor.

Released: 25-Jul-2007 5:30 PM EDT
Findings of Sly Syndrome Discoverer Tell More About Blood-Brain Barrier
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Research by the doctor who discovered Sly's Syndrome points to a new way to get big molecules, such as certain medications, across the blood-brain barrier.

Released: 17-Jul-2007 5:50 PM EDT
Key to Preventing Melanoma is Early Education
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Melanoma is killing young people as never before, and a new educational program created in part by a group of medical students and dermatology faculty from Saint Louis University School of Medicine is hoping to reverse this deadly trend.

Released: 17-Jul-2007 5:45 PM EDT
Unusual Remedies for Insect Bites
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Mosquito bites seem to come with summer. It's best to think ahead and apply an insect repellent "“ some even are combined with sunscreen to give double protection from summer hazards "“ before going out. But if you forgot and get an itchy welt, Ken Haller, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics at Saint Louis University, suggests an unusual treatment.

Released: 17-Jul-2007 5:15 PM EDT
In the Wake of the UK Terror Scare, Are Americans Ready for Disaster?
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Saint Louis University's Heartland Centers is playing a major role in developing an incident command system for first responders, public health officials and leaders, which lays out a response plan to natural disasters, bioterrorism and other emergencies.

Released: 17-Jul-2007 4:45 PM EDT
How Can We Trust Our Food Supply After Recent China Controversy?
Saint Louis University Medical Center

What can we do to minimize our risk from eating unsafe food? "Buy local," says Mildred Mattfeldt-Beman, Ph.D., chair of nutrition and dietetics at Saint Louis University.

Released: 17-Jul-2007 4:30 PM EDT
Alli May Attract Patients With Eating Disorders
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Eating disorders patients are likely to abuse Alli, the first over-the-counter diet drug approved by the FDA, predicts a Saint Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute psychologist who specializes in treating these patients.

Released: 16-Jul-2007 1:20 PM EDT
Study of Twins Connects Smoking Addiction with Major Depression
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Saint Louis University researcher finds genetic link between smoking, depression and conduct disorder.

Released: 16-Jul-2007 1:20 PM EDT
Doctors Find Advice to Obese Kids and Families Falls on Deaf Ears
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Doctors feel their conversations with obese children and their families about losing weight don't make a difference because it's so difficult to change eating and exercise habits.

Released: 12-Jul-2007 2:40 PM EDT
In the Wake of the UK Terror Scare, Are Americans Ready for Disaster?
Saint Louis University Medical Center

The Heartland Centers at Saint Louis University are leading the local production of the National Incident Management System program, which lays out a clear response plan to natural disasters, bioterrorism and other emergencies for all jurisdictions, from city and state health departments including human services departments to the FBI and Homeland Security.

Released: 26-Jun-2007 6:20 PM EDT
Emotions Can Affect Recovery from Hip Surgery
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Lead author Berton Moed, M.D., chair of the department of orthopaedic surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, says both underlying depression and new depression brought on by the injury and/or surgery could be to blame for slowing a patient's recovery.

Released: 5-Jun-2007 6:30 PM EDT
It’s Safe for Obese Moms-to-Be to Lose Weight During Pregnancy
Saint Louis University Medical Center

New Saint Louis University research finds doctors should encourage most overweight women to diet and exercise during pregnancy.

Released: 23-May-2007 4:50 PM EDT
“Supersize Me” Mice Research Offers Grim Warning for America’s Fast Food Consumers
Saint Louis University Medical Center

New Saint Louis University research being presented this week found fatty liver disease and signs of type 2 diabetes after only four weeks of a high-fat, high-sugar diet.

Released: 17-May-2007 2:45 PM EDT
Global Warming, Disasters: Top Research Areas for SLU Center
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Saint Louis University's new Environmental Sciences Center will further advance groundbreaking research into climate change, sustainable development, biodiversity and other critical areas.

Released: 14-May-2007 6:15 PM EDT
As Boomers Turn 60, Center Studies How to Keep Them Vital
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Ponce de Leon move over. Saint Louis University faculty work together to find secrets to keep Granny healthy and vibrant.

Released: 9-May-2007 11:00 AM EDT
Treating Bug Bites the Unconventional Way
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Mosquito bites seem to come with summer. Saint Louis University doctors say it's best to think ahead and apply an insect repellent combined with sunscreen to give double protection from summer hazards before going out.

Released: 9-May-2007 11:00 AM EDT
Tweens Need Help to Combat Fast Food, Soda Ads
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Ken Haller, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics at Saint Louis University, suggests using commercials to teach children to be "media critics" and pick apart the types of food that ads guide them to eat.

Released: 9-May-2007 11:00 AM EDT
Don't Let Kids Take Vacation from Learning
Saint Louis University Medical Center

"Keep your child's creative juices flowing with field trips to the library and museums around town," says Ken Haller, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics at Saint Louis University.

Released: 9-May-2007 11:00 AM EDT
Reaching Kids Early On to Prevent Skin Cancer
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Melanoma is killing young people as never before, and a new educational program created in part by a group of medical students and dermatology faculty from Saint Louis University School of Medicine is hoping to reverse this deadly trend.

Released: 9-May-2007 11:00 AM EDT
Traveling on a Weak Stomach Doesn't Have to be Impossible
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Doctors at Saint Louis University School of Medicine say there are many ways to treat IBS, including one surprising one: hypnosis.

Released: 9-May-2007 11:00 AM EDT
Preparedness Experts Say Now is the Time to Brace for Tornado Season
Saint Louis University Medical Center

After the recent devastation in Greensburg, Kan., it's more important than ever to prepare ourselves for a twister, no matter where we live in the United States, says Mike Thomas, MPH, associate director of the Heartland Centers at Saint Louis University School of Public Health.

Released: 8-May-2007 4:30 PM EDT
Kids Will Eat More Veggies if Grown Locally
Saint Louis University Medical Center

If you are looking for a way to encourage your children eat their fruits and vegetables, search no further than your backyard, suggests new Saint Louis University research.

Released: 30-Apr-2007 4:35 PM EDT
Smallpox Outbreak: How Long Would It Take for Vaccines To Protect People?
Saint Louis University Medical Center

In the event of a smallpox outbreak in the United States, how long would it take for a vaccine to start protecting Americans by stimulating an immune response? A new national study led by Saint Louis University School of Medicine will attempt to answer this question.

Released: 26-Apr-2007 6:05 PM EDT
Upping the Ante: Liver Center Leading Record Number of Studies to Attack Hep C
Saint Louis University Medical Center

As co-directors of the Saint Louis University Liver Center, Dr. Bruce Bacon and Dr. Adrian Di Bisceglie are overseeing one of the biggest influxes of research dollars in their tenure as SLU hepatologists "“ totaling more than $1 million.

Released: 18-Apr-2007 4:35 PM EDT
Gardens Grow Kids’ Desire for Veggies and Fruit
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Children who are served homegrown fruits and vegetables are more likely to eat more than those who seldom get farm-fresh produce, new Saint Louis University research finds.

Released: 27-Mar-2007 4:40 PM EDT
Think Herbal Supplements Are Safe? Think Again, Suggests Doctor
Saint Louis University Medical Center

A new book by a Saint Louis University doctor tells why people should give more thought to interactions between herbs, drugs and vitamins.

Released: 1-Mar-2007 5:40 PM EST
Alum Who Couldn't Afford Tuition Pays Back University with $12 Million Gift, 36 Years Later
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Saint Louis University alumnus Dr. Richard A. Chaifetz credits a former university president with helping him stay in school in 1971 when he didn't have the financial resources to pay for tuition. To repay the favor, Dr. Chaifetz has made a $12 million donation for the university's new arena, which will be named in his honor.

Released: 1-Mar-2007 5:25 PM EST
Med Students Make Life-Saving Delivery By Bike
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Through a grassroots non-profit they founded, two Saint Louis University medical school students are raising money so they can bike across Senegal and deliver mosquito nets that protect West African villagers from malaria.

Released: 19-Feb-2007 8:20 PM EST
Organ Transplant Patients May Die When Insurance for Medicine Runs Out
Saint Louis University Medical Center

A new study from Saint Louis University researchers shows that young transplant patients who lose their federally provided insurance coverage are more likely to stop taking necessary anti-rejection drugs, which can increase the risk of losing the transplanted organs.

13-Feb-2007 8:15 PM EST
‘Attack Rate’ of Flu In Young Kids is 55% Lower with Nasal Spray Vaccine
Saint Louis University Medical Center

A new flu vaccine study led by a Saint Louis University researcher appears today in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study involved thousands of children across the world.

Released: 27-Jan-2007 11:15 AM EST
Half of Americans Have Gene That Affects How Body Burns Sugar
Saint Louis University Medical Center

New findings by a Saint Louis University researcher shed light on the genetic risk about half of us have for developing diabetes.

Released: 10-Jan-2007 11:00 AM EST
Not-So-Strange Bedfellows: Menopause and High Cholesterol
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Denise Janosik, M.D., associate professor of internal medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, warns that women entering menopause have something else to worry about: increasing cholesterol levels.

Released: 10-Jan-2007 11:00 AM EST
The ‘Mini’ Way to Stop Atrial Fibrillation in its Tracks
Saint Louis University Medical Center

There's new hope for the hundreds of thousands of Americans with intermittent atrial fibrillation, say Saint Louis University heart surgeons: the "mini-Maze," a minimally invasive version of the Cox-Maze procedure that involves scarring the heart to allow electrical impulses sent by the brain to travel correctly.

Released: 10-Jan-2007 11:00 AM EST
Using Girl Power to Stop Heart Disease
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Melda Dolan, M.D., associate professor of research at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, a gourmet chef specializing in heart-healthy Mediterranean cuisine, has practical tips for busy working women and their families.

Released: 10-Jan-2007 11:00 AM EST
Cardiogenic Shock: A Heart Attack's Deadly Counterpart
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Michael Lim, M.D., assistant professor of internal medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, says it's crucial to be on guard after a heart attack for a deadly condition called cardiogenic shock, which affects one in 10 heart attack patients and kills nearly half of those.

Released: 19-Dec-2006 5:40 PM EST
Is Workers’ Comp Fair? Research Looks at Settlements, Impairment
Saint Louis University Medical Center

New research from Saint Louis University that notes racial disparity is among first to examine link between Workers' Compensation settlements for back pain and long-term functional outcomes.

Released: 7-Dec-2006 7:00 PM EST
FDA Meets On Controversial Stents: Cardiologist Can Discuss
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Michael Lim, M.D., SLUCare cardiologist, can explain how these drug-coated, or drug-eluting, stents differ from normal stents and if the concern over their use is justified.

Released: 16-Nov-2006 7:00 PM EST
New Study Weighs Benefits of Exercise, Diets
Saint Louis University Medical Center

While exercise and weight loss are equally effective ways to lose weight, exercising helps to maintain muscles, research finds.

Released: 14-Nov-2006 9:00 AM EST
Sleep Apnea Patients at Higher Risk for Deadly Heart Disease
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Researchers looked at 134 patients with coronary heart disease who hadn't been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. In the patients who had a type of an irregular heartbeat called ventricular premature contraction, more than 40 percent also had severe sleep apnea "“ and didn't realize it.

7-Nov-2006 4:35 PM EST
Diet and Exercise Both Work to Cut Risk of Diabetes
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Exercise and diet work equally well in reducing the risk factors for diabetes, a new study finds.

Released: 5-Nov-2006 6:45 PM EST
Park Your Car and Walk to Store, School, Work
Saint Louis University Medical Center

New Saint Louis University research outlines the top 10 factors that encourage people to be physically active and is a blueprint to design healthier communities.

30-Oct-2006 3:50 PM EST
New Dementia Screening Tool Is More Sensitive
Saint Louis University Medical Center

New research shows a screening tool developed by Saint Louis University geriatricians is more sensitive at detecting mild cognitive impairment than a commonly used clinical instrument.

26-Oct-2006 3:40 PM EDT
Making Headway Against Hepatitis C: New Drug Combo Effective in Non-Responders
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Saint Louis University Liver Center scientists are presenting research today on a more effective way to treat hepatitis C patients who have been unresponsive to current drug therapies.

16-Oct-2006 3:10 PM EDT
How Much Influence Do Medical Publications Have On Your Doctor?
Saint Louis University Medical Center

New research by Saint Louis University in today's Journal of the American Medical Association asks two intriguing questions: How much impact do articles in prominent medical journals really have on how doctors treat patients, and how fast does that impact affect clinical practice? The answers? Quite a bit, and very quickly "“if the news is negative.

14-Sep-2006 3:30 PM EDT
‘Ticking Time Bomb’: Prisons Unprepared for Flu Pandemic
Saint Louis University Medical Center

One of the most potentially dangerous breeding grounds of disease is woefully ill-prepared for a bird flu crisis, according to a new study being presented today by researchers at Saint Louis University.

Released: 13-Sep-2006 6:00 PM EDT
Female Athletes Limiting Calories More Likely to Get Stress Fractures
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Female college athletes on low-calorie diets could be putting themselves at risk for stress fractures, according to new Saint Louis University research published in this month's The American Journal of Sports Medicine.

Released: 29-Aug-2006 12:00 AM EDT
Census Bureau Report Out Today: Health Economist Can Discuss
Saint Louis University Medical Center

A Saint Louis University health economist can put today's Census Bureau findings on health insurance coverage and poverty into perspective.
