Latest News from: University of Utah Health

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Released: 9-Oct-2018 1:05 AM EDT
Reimagining Evolution Education: Free, Multimedia High School Curriculum Brings New Life to Old Concepts
University of Utah Health

Gone are the days of heavy science textbooks with over-used examples and hard-to-grasp lessons. The Genetic Science Learning Center (GSLC) at the University of Utah is bringing science education into the 21st century with an online, interactive and multimedia curriculum that teaches up-to-date concepts in evolution and genetics to high school students.

7-Sep-2018 12:05 PM EDT
ADHD May Increase Risk of Parkinson’s Disease and Similar Disorders
University of Utah Health

Researchers at University of Utah Health found that ADHD patients had an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s and Parkinson-like diseases than individuals with no ADHD history.

5-Sep-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Following Twitter Conversations Around Hacked Diabetes Tools to Manage Blood Sugar
University of Utah Health

Researchers at University of Utah Health examined the diabetes community’s online Twitter conversation to understand their thoughts concerning open source artificial pancreas (OpenAPS) technology.

Released: 7-Sep-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Finding That Links ALS/Ataxia to Cellular Stress Opens New Approaches for Treatment
University of Utah Health

Scientists at University of Utah Health report for the first time that a protein, called Staufen1, accumulates in cells of patients suffering from degenerative ataxia or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

9-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Genetic Tools Uncover Cause of Childhood Seizure Disorder Missed by Other Methods
University of Utah Health

Researchers at University of Utah Health have developed high-tech tools to uncover the genetic cause of the most difficult to diagnose cases.

6-Aug-2018 10:00 AM EDT
Inducing Labor at 39 Weeks Decreases Need for Cesarean Section
University of Utah Health

Inducing labor in healthy women at 39 weeks into their pregnancy reduces the need for cesarean section and is at least as safe for mother and baby as waiting for spontaneous labor. Choosing to induce could also reduce the risk that mothers will develop preeclampsia and that newborns will need respiratory support after delivery, according to a study publishing in the New England Journal of Medicine on August 8.

6-Aug-2018 3:00 PM EDT
Proof-of-Concept Technique Makes Nanoparticles Attractive for New Medications
University of Utah Health

Researchers at University of Utah Health developed a proof-of-concept technology using nanoparticles that could offer a new approach for oral medications.

6-Aug-2018 2:00 PM EDT
Lessons from Flies: Genetic Diversity Impacts Disease Severity
University of Utah Health

By analyzing thousands of flies, scientists at University of Utah Health found that variation in a background gene, called Baldspot, can make a difference in severity of the disease.

Released: 31-Jul-2018 5:05 PM EDT
Translational Hypertension Symposium to Explore Guideline Implementation Strategies and the Future of Blood Pressure Research
University of Utah Health

The Second Annual University of Utah Translational Hypertension Symposium assembles national experts in hypertension treatment and research. This year's meeting will focus on implementation strategies for the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines, the future of hypertension research, and a mentored workshop for early-stage investigators.

8-Jun-2018 4:45 PM EDT
Safety Protocol Breaches: Ways to Prevent Infection Transmission In Health Care Setting
University of Utah Health

During 325 observations, researchers at the University of Utah and University of Michigan identified 283 protocol violations, which could increase the risk of self-contamination of health care personnel and transmission of antibiotic-resistant organisms to patients.

11-May-2018 10:00 AM EDT
The Opioid Epidemic Has Boosted the Number of Organs Available for Transplant
University of Utah Health

The researchers examined 17 years of transplantation records and found no significant change in the recipients’ chance of survival when the organ donation came from victims of drug intoxication. The study publishes online on May 17 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

25-Apr-2018 1:30 PM EDT
Music Activates Regions of the Brain Spared by Alzheimer’s Disease
University of Utah Health

Researchers at the University of Utah Health are looking to the salience network of the brain to develop music-based treatments to help alleviate anxiety in patients with dementia. Their research will appear in the April online issue of The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease.

1-Mar-2018 1:00 PM EST
Mapping the Genome Jungle: Unique Animal Traits Could Offer Insight into Human Disease
University of Utah Health

An interdisciplinary team of scientists at University of Utah Health are using animals' unique traits to pinpoint regions of the human genome that might affect health. The results of this project are available in the March 6 issue of the journal Cell Reports.

16-Feb-2018 9:00 AM EST
With Cost Removed, Women Choose More Effective Contraceptive Methods
University of Utah Health

University of Utah Health developed the HER Salt Lake Contraceptive Initiative to evaluate women's contraception choices if cost is not a factor. The research findings are published in the February 22 issue of the American Journal of Public Health.

30-Jan-2018 5:00 PM EST
Cascading Inflammation Associated with Lyme Arthritis Linked to Overactive Immune Response
University of Utah Health

Scientists at University of Utah Health believe they identified a mechanism that activates T cells, a key component of the immune system, which could explain the elusive link between a tick bite and persistent Lyme arthritis. The results are published online in the February 5th issue of The Journal of Immunology.
