Latest News from: University at Buffalo

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Released: 8-Jul-2021 12:55 PM EDT
Field biologists and NASA planes to map biodiversity in South Africa's Greater Cape Floristic Region
University at Buffalo

Scientists from the U.S. and South Africa are launching a campaign to map marine, freshwater, and terrestrial species and ecosystems in one of Earth’s biodiversity hotspots: the Greater Cape Floristic Region at the southwestern edge of South Africa.

Released: 7-Jul-2021 1:40 PM EDT
Study: Impulsiveness Tied to Faster Eating in Children, Can Lead to Obesity
University at Buffalo

The research sought to uncover the relationship between temperament and eating behaviors in early childhood. The findings are critical because faster eating and greater responsiveness to food cues have been linked to obesity risk in children.

Released: 6-Jul-2021 1:45 PM EDT
Context in Science Reporting Affects Beliefs About, and Support For, Science
University at Buffalo

How the media frame stories about science affects the public’s perception about scientific accuracy and reliability, and one particular type of narrative can help ameliorate the harm to science’s reputation sometimes caused by different journalistic approaches to scientific storytelling, according to a new study led by a University at Buffalo researcher.

Released: 1-Jul-2021 11:15 AM EDT
Study: Antidiabetic Drug Causes Double the Weight Loss of Competitor in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
University at Buffalo

Patients with Type 2 diabetes who were prescribed SGLT2 inhibitors lost more weight than patients who received GLP-1 receptor agonists, according to a University at Buffalo-led study.

Released: 29-Jun-2021 1:05 PM EDT
UB's Paras Prasad Receives Prestigious IEEE Award
University at Buffalo

Paras Prasad, executive director of the Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics at the University at Buffalo, is the recipient of the 2021 IEEE Photonics Society William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award.

Released: 25-Jun-2021 1:55 PM EDT
Study: Drug dosage for children could be improved with new method under development
University at Buffalo

A University at Buffalo-led team of researchers developed a mathematical equation that helps better simulate the impact of drug dosage on children by age, weight and sex.

Released: 21-Jun-2021 3:05 PM EDT
In Lonely Desert Landscapes, Hunting For Clues About Pyroclastic Surges
University at Buffalo

The history of pyroclastic surges is written in the landscapes they ravage. Volcanic dunes and other deposits hold debris from ancient eruptions, as do craters marking sites of ancient blasts. This study focuses on Ubehebe and El Elegante.

Released: 16-Jun-2021 1:05 PM EDT
Sexual Violence Raises E-cigarette Use Among Sexual Minority Teens, But Not Heterosexual Peers
University at Buffalo

Experiencing sexual violence is significantly linked to increased e-cigarette use among sexual minority high school students, but not heterosexual students, according to a University at Buffalo study.

Released: 3-Jun-2021 7:00 AM EDT
Study: The key to landing a job after college? Internships, study abroad, undergrad research and more
University at Buffalo

College students who engaged in four or more high-impact practices such as study abroad or internships have a 70% chance of either enrolling in graduate school or finding a full-time job after graduating with a bachelor’s degree, finds a new University at Buffalo study.

Released: 2-Jun-2021 2:05 PM EDT
Study: More multilingual and mental health staff needed to offset trauma experienced by refugees, displaced students and their teachers
University at Buffalo

The University at Buffalo study examined whether United States educational policies and practices helped or hindered school staff in supporting the needs of students who are refugees or displaced for reasons such as natural disasters.

Released: 25-May-2021 9:55 AM EDT
New wiki on salivary proteins may transform diagnostic testing and personalized medicine
University at Buffalo

To improve the development of new saliva-based diagnostic tests and personalized medicine, the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) has supported the development of the Human Salivary Proteome Wiki, the first public platform that catalogs and curates data on each of the thousands of proteins within our saliva.

Released: 19-May-2021 1:05 PM EDT
More affirmation, less punishment may reduce harm to Black girls in schools, researchers assert
University at Buffalo

To improve the experiences of Black children in schools, particularly Black girls, a pair of researchers have conceptualized a new framework to help school leaders rethink anti-Black policies and practices, and help Black children recognize and celebrate their cultural identity.

Released: 19-May-2021 11:15 AM EDT
UB pharmacy researcher aims to develop real-time algorithm to lower hospital readmission rates
University at Buffalo

To lower hospital readmission rates for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), University at Buffalo pharmacy researcher David Jacobs has received a $962,000 award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to develop a real-time readmission risk prediction algorithm.

Released: 11-May-2021 2:05 PM EDT
Americans are increasingly experiencing chronic pain
University at Buffalo

This study comprehensively documents rising levels of chronic pain among Americans aged 25-84 to show that pain prevalence -- already high at baseline -- increased substantially from 2002-18, with increases evident in all leading pain sites (joint, back, neck, jaw, and migraine).

Released: 13-Apr-2021 2:50 PM EDT
Mindfulness can make you selfish
University at Buffalo

A new study by University at Buffalo researchers demonstrates the surprising downsides of mindfulness, while offering easy ways to minimize those consequences ─ both of which have practical implications for mindfulness training.

Released: 29-Mar-2021 11:20 AM EDT
Mental health support at boarding schools helps male – but not female – students feel emotionally safe from bullying
University at Buffalo

Bullying at boarding schools has a negative impact on students’ emotional health, but for male students, having a school staff member to rely on for support may mute the harmful effects of bullying, according to a new University at Buffalo study. Support networks did not have the same effect for female students, the researchers say.

Released: 25-Mar-2021 1:50 PM EDT
UB awarded $1.5 million to reprogram white blood cells in fight against oral cancer
University at Buffalo

The University at Buffalo has received a $1.5 million grant from the United States Department of Defense to develop new therapies that help reduce chronic inflammation and immunosuppression in oral cancers.

Released: 16-Mar-2021 7:00 AM EDT
Study: 94% of older adults prescribed drugs that raise risk of falling
University at Buffalo

The study found that the percentage of adults 65 and older who were prescribed a fall- risk-increasing drug climbed to 94% in 2017, a significant leap from 57% in 1999. The research also revealed that the rate of death caused by falls in older adults more than doubled during the same time period.

Released: 11-Mar-2021 9:50 AM EST
Read to succeed ─ in math. Study shows how reading skill shapes more than just reading
University at Buffalo

These findings clearly demonstrate how the cooperative areas of the brain responsible for reading skill are also at work during apparently unrelated activities, such as multiplication, suggesting that reading, writing and arithmetic, the foundational skills informally identified as the three Rs, might actually overlap in ways not previously imagined, let alone experimentally validated.

Released: 5-Mar-2021 3:55 PM EST
With unfair police treatment, the tragedy is not limited to the incident itself
University at Buffalo

Research using a nationally representative sample of more than 12,000 participants shows the collateral consequences victims are likely to confront following unfair treatment by police. Those who are unjustly stopped, searched or questioned by law enforcement will likely experience a range of detrimental outcomes associated with the encounter, including depression, suicidal thoughts, drug use, and a loss of self-efficacy, according to the results.

Released: 12-Feb-2021 12:25 PM EST
Study Contradicts Belief That Whales Learn Songs From One Another
University at Buffalo

A new study by a University at Buffalo researcher is directly contradicting the widely accepted cultural transmission hypothesis suggesting that whales learn their songs from other whales.

Released: 3-Feb-2021 12:35 PM EST
The quick choice might be a choice-overload avoidance strategy
University at Buffalo

Making a choice quickly might appear effortless, but University at Buffalo research that measured cardiovascular responses in the moment of making a choice, rather than after-the-fact, suggests that the apparent swift certainty might instead be a defense from having to think too deeply about the choices being presented to them.

Released: 27-Jan-2021 4:50 PM EST
Detecting ADHD with Near Perfect Accuracy
University at Buffalo

A new study led by a University at Buffalo researcher has identified how specific communication among different brain regions, known as brain connectivity, can serve as a biomarker for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Released: 19-Jan-2021 3:50 PM EST
U.S. schools receive a C in whole child development in reimagined Nation’s Report Card
University at Buffalo

If the Nation’s Report Card, an annual report formerly known as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), was reimagined to include physical and emotional health in addition to academics, the United States would receive a C average, says University at Buffalo educational policy expert Jaekyung Lee.

Released: 11-Jan-2021 1:45 PM EST
UB researchers report quantum-limit-approaching chemical sensing chip
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo researchers are reporting an advancement of a chemical sensing chip that could lead to handheld devices that detect trace chemicals — everything from illicit drugs to pollution — as quickly as a breathalyzer identifies alcohol.

Released: 5-Jan-2021 3:40 PM EST
Microbiome study: Gum disease-causing bacteria borrow growth molecules from neighbors to thrive
University at Buffalo

The human body is filled with friendly bacteria. However, some of these microorganisms, such as Veillonella parvula, may be too nice. These peaceful bacteria engage in a one-sided relationship with pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis, helping the germ multiply and cause gum disease, according to a new University at Buffalo-led study.

Released: 11-Dec-2020 12:15 PM EST
New drug moves closer to becoming first treatment for Fragile X Syndrome
University at Buffalo

A new drug discovered through a research collaboration between the University at Buffalo and Tetra Therapeutics took a major step toward becoming a first-in-class treatment for Fragile X Syndrome, a leading genetic cause of autism.

Released: 23-Nov-2020 12:05 PM EST
What are the promises and perils of geoengineering?
University at Buffalo

In a new book, “Has It Come to This? The Promises and Perils of Geoengineering on the Brink,” Holly Jean Buck and colleagues weigh in on social, ethical and political dimensions of deliberate, large-scale interventions in the planet’s climate.

Released: 13-Nov-2020 11:10 AM EST
Be mindful: Study shows mindfulness might not work as you expect
University at Buffalo

Research from the University at Buffalo that measured participants' cardiovascular responses to stressful tasks suggests that mindfulness doesn't help to manage stress as it's happening

Released: 12-Nov-2020 3:10 PM EST
UB sociologist says W.E.B. Du Bois’ legacy extends from civil rights to natural science
University at Buffalo

The research examines how and why W.E.B. Du Bois fused natural scientific knowledge into his social science, intertwining each with his broader intellectual and political aims.

Released: 9-Nov-2020 11:25 AM EST
Study: Remote learning adds pressure for teachers who work second shift as mothers
University at Buffalo

The transition to remote learning coupled with an unequal distribution of second-shift responsibilities has placed teachers who are also mothers under immense stress, according to new University at Buffalo research.

Released: 28-Oct-2020 11:35 AM EDT
UB spinoff Cytocybernetics receives funding to accelerate COVID-19 drug screening
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo spinoff Cytocybernetics is developing a high-tech tool called CyberQ to rapidly assess whether or not investigational COVID-19 drugs have arrhythmogenic properties that can result in sudden cardiac death.

Released: 28-Oct-2020 8:55 AM EDT
Study: Turning a coronavirus protein into a nanoparticle could be key to an effective COVID-19 vaccine
University at Buffalo

One of the proteins on the virus – located on the characteristic COVID spike – has a component called the receptor-binding domain, or RBD, which is its “Achilles heel.” That is, he said, antibodies against this part of the virus have the potential to the neutralize the virus.

Released: 23-Oct-2020 7:00 AM EDT
Study: 34% of older adults in the U.S. are prescribed potentially inappropriate drugs, raising health care costs by hundreds
University at Buffalo

The prescription of potentially inappropriate medications to older adults is linked to increased hospitalizations, and it costs patients, on average, more than $450 per year, according to a new University at Buffalo study.

Released: 7-Oct-2020 1:35 PM EDT
Study to explore if impaired metabolic pathways lead to MS progression
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo researchers have received a $957,000 grant from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command to explore the progression of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis (MS).

Released: 7-Oct-2020 11:10 AM EDT
Expert: How geotagged content is used in research
University at Buffalo

In a commentary published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, researchers discuss how Twitter’s decision to remove users’ ability to tag precise locations of Tweets might affect research in disaster response, public health and other areas.

Released: 5-Oct-2020 10:10 AM EDT
UB study finds no apparent link between undocumented immigration and crime
University at Buffalo

An analysis by a University at Buffalo-led team using two estimates of undocumented immigration suggests that, on average, this population reduced or had no effect on crime in 154 U.S. metropolitan areas studied, including places such as New York City, Chicago and Las Vegas.

Released: 1-Oct-2020 1:35 PM EDT
UB awarded grant to help pharmacies build community health worker programs
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo researchers have received a grant from the Community Pharmacy Foundation to help add community health workers to pharmacies to better connect patients to critical services and lower health care costs.

Released: 28-Sep-2020 11:30 AM EDT
Mammogram device under development to use light, ultrasound to better screen patients for breast cancer
University at Buffalo

The University at Buffalo has received a four-year, $1.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop a new, portable breast-imaging system that has the potential to better identify breast cancer.

Released: 22-Sep-2020 1:20 PM EDT
UB biophysicist to explore molecular mysteries of protein-RNA droplets
University at Buffalo

Inside human cells, proteins and RNA can cluster together to form spherical droplets that play vital roles in cellular processes as well as in certain human diseases. A $2 million grant will allow biophysicist Priya Banerjee's team at UB to explore the molecular details of protein-RNA condensates.
