Latest News from: Florida State University

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Released: 26-Jan-2012 2:20 PM EST
Next Stop, Sunshine State: Florida State University Experts Offer Insights on Republican Presidential Primary
Florida State University

It has been less than a month since Iowa’s first-in-the-nation Republican presidential caucus, but already the nation has witnessed one of the more unpredictable primary seasons in memory. As Florida prepares to hold its own GOP presidential primary on Tuesday, Jan. 31, several top national experts from Florida State University are prepared to offer their informed analyses of the race.

Released: 23-Jan-2012 4:50 PM EST
State of the Union Address: Florida State University Experts Offer Analysis
Florida State University

As President Obama prepares for his State of the Union address on Tuesday, Jan. 24, Florida State University’s nationally regarded experts in communication and political science are available to answer media questions and provide analysis.

Released: 19-Jan-2012 9:00 AM EST
Training More Educators for Special-Needs Children in High-Risk Families is Goal of $1.2 Million Grant to Florida State
Florida State University

For the increasing number of “high-risk” families in Florida facing the complex challenges of infants and toddlers with disabilities and developmental delays, additional help is on the way.

Released: 9-Jan-2012 9:00 AM EST
Conference Will Address 'Big Questions' of Free Will
Florida State University

Leading neuroscientists, social psychologists and philosophers from universities across the nation as well as from England and Israel are set to attend the “Big Questions in Free Will Conference: Free Will and Science,” from 3:45 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 13, to 12:20 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 15, on the Florida State University campus. The conference is hosted by Florida State’s Department of Philosophy and co-sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation and the William H. and Lucyle T. Werkmeister Endowment.

Released: 9-Jan-2012 8:55 AM EST
Florida State University Awarded $38 Million to Help Spur Public Education Improvements
Florida State University

Flexing its considerable research muscle, the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) at Florida State University has won a $38.6 million contract to help six Southeastern states and their schools put the test results, coursework information, graduation statistics and other education-related data they collect to more effective use in helping students find academic success.

Released: 20-Dec-2011 5:00 PM EST
What's Next in North Korea: Florida State Experts Can Shed Light on the Evolving Situation in Unpredictable Nation
Florida State University

As North Korea enters an 11-day period of official mourning following the death of leader Kim Jong-Il, a period of heightened uncertainty has begun in a nation already well known for its secrecy and unpredictability. Two Florida State University scholars are available to discuss and provide informed perspectives on the current situation in that country, as well as what may come next.

Released: 20-Dec-2011 10:15 AM EST
Future of Iraq: Florida State Expert Can Discuss Stability of War-Torn Nation
Florida State University

After nine years of war, American military forces have withdrawn from Iraq. A Florida State University political scientist is available to provide perspective on that nation’s stability.

Released: 15-Dec-2011 11:20 AM EST
'I Do...or Do I?' Psychology Researcher Finds That Second-Guessing One's Decisions Leads to Unhappiness
Florida State University

You’re in search of a new coffee maker, and the simple quest becomes, well, an ordeal. After doing copious amounts of research and reading dozens of consumer reviews, you finally make a purchase, only to wonder: “Was this the right choice? Could I do better? What is the return policy?”

Released: 6-Dec-2011 9:00 AM EST
Researcher Finds Key to Ancient Weather Patterns in Florida's Caves
Florida State University

Darrel Tremaine has been known to go to extremes for his research, such as crawling on his hands and knees through a dark, muddy limestone cave in Northwest Florida to learn more about the weather thousands of years ago.

Released: 5-Dec-2011 4:10 PM EST
Study to Examine Risks for Rural Patients After Hospital Discharge
Florida State University

Medical errors during hospital stays make headlines, but far more common are problems that occur after patients — especially older ones — go home. Little research has focused on the critical weeks after discharge, and none has focused on rural patients — until now.

Released: 5-Dec-2011 1:35 PM EST
Seventieth Anniversary of Pearl Harbor: Historian Says Even 'The Good War' Produced Its Share of Controversies
Florida State University

It was “a date which will live in infamy.” Early on the morning of Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese warplanes and submarines attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, sinking or severely damaging 30 ships and killing some 2,400 military personnel and civilians. Now, as Americans prepare to mark the 70th anniversary of that attack, a Florida State University historian and scholar is prepared to offer his expertise on a war that altered the course of history.

Released: 2-Dec-2011 10:15 AM EST
Driving Off Into the Sunset: Survey Shows Many Older Floridians Have No Backup Plan After Hanging Up Their Keys
Florida State University

Florida is home to one of the highest percentages of residents ages 65 and older in the United States, but very few of them have thought ahead to a time when they will no longer be able to drive a vehicle safely or considered how they will get around without a car, according to a new survey developed by Florida State University and the Florida Department of Transportation.

Released: 1-Dec-2011 12:45 PM EST
It's Not Business As Usual But 'Business Better Than Ever' At Florida State's Law School, Says Its Nationally Recognized Dean
Florida State University

Like any strategic chess player, Donald J. Weidner is always thinking a couple of moves ahead. Even in casual conversation, the dean of Florida State University’s College of Law thinks before he speaks, often pausing to mull an answer that he delivers in a beautifully crafted sentence.

Released: 1-Dec-2011 10:30 AM EST
Big Challenges of Inter-American Seas Region Meet Big Idea at Florida State
Florida State University

Powered by interdisciplinary muscle and global vision, Florida State University is launching an ambitious research initiative focused on the rising tide of ecological, economic and cultural problems facing the Inter-American Seas and the severe deficit of research aimed at solving them.

Released: 1-Dec-2011 10:15 AM EST
On 10th Anniversary of Enron Collapse, FSU Experts Offer Insights
Florida State University

A decade ago this week, the collapse of once high-flying energy company Enron in the wake of massive accounting fraud soon became a symbol of an era that also saw major bookkeeping-related shenanigans at U.S. corporate giants WorldCom and Tyco International. With the 10th anniversary of Enron’s bankruptcy filing on Friday, Dec. 2, three Florida State University faculty members with expertise on the Enron saga are available to speak with the news media regarding the accounting scandals of the early 2000s, the long-term impacts of resulting regulatory reforms, and the continuing need for companies to incorporate ethics into their business models.

Released: 29-Nov-2011 1:15 PM EST
Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Women Linked to History of Rape, Child Abuse
Florida State University

A Florida State University clinical psychologist has identified factors that could cause some women with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to have chronic, persistent symptoms while others recover naturally over time.

Released: 22-Nov-2011 9:50 AM EST
World AIDS Day Experts at Florida State University
Florida State University

As the world prepares to mark World AIDS Day on Dec. 1, two Florida State University professors are available to provide perspective on the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Released: 15-Nov-2011 9:55 AM EST
FSU Professor Wins Major Meteorology Award for Research on El Niño and the Dynamics of Ocean Currents
Florida State University

Florida State University oceanography professor Allan Clarke grew up in a coastal town in southern Australia where he loved the ocean, the beach and the warmth of the sun. Little did he know that his fondness for that beautiful coastline would one day lead him to become an international expert on physical oceanography, climate dynamics and El Niño.

Released: 26-Oct-2011 1:40 PM EDT
Florida State University Announces Initiatives to Create Most Veteran-Friendly Campus in Nation
Florida State University

Florida State University President Eric J. Barron and the Florida State chapter of the Collegiate Veterans Association (CVA) today announced several new initiatives that will help the university in its efforts to become the most veteran-friendly public university in the nation.

Released: 21-Oct-2011 8:45 AM EDT
Florida State University Expert Available to Comment on Gadhafi's Death, Ongoing Conflict in Libya
Florida State University

Although ousted Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi was killed Oct. 20, Libya could continue to face unrest. A Florida State University expert on political transitions is available to answer media questions and provide perspective on these events.

Released: 19-Oct-2011 12:30 PM EDT
FSU College of Medicine Awarded Maximum Accreditation Status
Florida State University

The Florida State University College of Medicine has been granted a maximum eight-year accreditation by the sanctioning body of U.S. medical schools.

Released: 18-Oct-2011 12:00 PM EDT
Cells Are Crawling All Over Our Bodies, But How?
Florida State University

For better and for worse, human health depends on a cell’s motility –– the ability to crawl from place to place. In every human body, millions of cells –are crawling around doing mostly good deeds ––– though if any of those crawlers are cancerous, watch out.

Released: 6-Oct-2011 12:30 PM EDT
Occupy Wall Street: Florida State University Experts Analyze Protest Movement
Florida State University

As the Occupy Wall Street protest movement gains momentum and recognition via mainstream media, Florida State University’s nationally regarded experts in communication and sociology are available to answer media questions and provide analysis.

Released: 6-Oct-2011 12:25 PM EDT
Scholar Available to Provide Historical Perspective on 10th Anniversary of Afghanistan Invasion
Florida State University

Friday, Oct. 7, marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan, launched to remove al-Qaida from its safe haven in that country and topple the Taliban government. A decade later, some 130,000 American troops are still stationed in that troubled nation, with no definitive end to the conflict in sight.

Released: 6-Oct-2011 10:50 AM EDT
Biologists Fish for Reasons Behind Endangered Grouper's Comeback
Florida State University

In the waters along Florida’s east and west coasts, Florida State University marine biologists are collecting new data on the once severely overfished Atlantic goliath grouper, a native species that is making a comeback in the southeastern United States after a 21-year moratorium on its capture while remaining critically endangered everywhere else in the world.

Released: 30-Sep-2011 3:15 PM EDT
Revolutionary Nanomaterial Offers Promise for Major Technological Breakthroughs and a More Sustainable Future
Florida State University

It's a car, it's a plane, it's . . . paper? At Florida State University's High-Performance Materials Institute (, a revolutionary new material known as buckypaper is being developed in ways that could change the world and lead us toward a more sustainable future.

Released: 29-Sep-2011 10:30 AM EDT
NSF Awards FSU Physics Department $5 Million for Nuclear Research
Florida State University

For more than five decades, Florida State University has been home to one of the nation’s most respected programs in experimental nuclear physics. Now, that program has received a major vote of confidence from the National Science Foundation in the form of a $5 million grant to fund ongoing research into some of the fundamental properties of matter.

Released: 27-Sep-2011 10:00 AM EDT
The Greatest Human Strength? Believe It or Not, It's Willpower
Florida State University

Repeat after me: “I will not eat ice cream, I will not eat ice cream, I will not eat ice cream.”

Released: 21-Sep-2011 10:00 AM EDT
FSU's Army ROTC Recruiter Named Best in Nation
Florida State University

The U.S. Army’s Cadet Command has named retired Army Capt. Bob Lovins, Florida State University’s Army ROTC recruiting operations officer, its 2010 Recruiting Operations Officer of the Year.

Released: 16-Sep-2011 10:05 AM EDT
A Wild and Woolly Discovery: Scientist's Tibetan Expedition Ends with Prehistoric End
Florida State University

Yang Wang is known for conducting complex research using highly sophisticated equipment. Yet the Florida State University geochemist also has spent days hiking through the remote outback of Tibet and camping in the foothills of the Himalayas — all in the name of scientific discovery.

Released: 15-Sep-2011 10:45 AM EDT
Put Down that Xbox Remote: Researcher Suggests Video Games May Not Boost Cognition
Florida State University

Wouldn’t it be nice if all those hours kids spent glued to their PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 or Nintendo DS video games actually resulted in something tangible? Better grades, perhaps? Improved concentration? Superior driving skills?

Released: 9-Sep-2011 1:15 PM EDT
FSU's 'Seven Days of Opening Nights' Performing Arts Festival Announces Stellar Lineup for Upcoming Season
Florida State University

The 14th season of Florida State University’s popular festival of the performing arts boasts a diverse, eclectic lineup and an array of educational opportunities for university-level and K-12 students.

Released: 30-Aug-2011 1:30 PM EDT
Florida State University to Lead Consortium in BP-Funded Oil Spill Research Initiative
Florida State University

The nation will be looking to Florida State University and its expertise in the marine sciences as it studies the long-term aftereffects and changes in the Gulf of Mexico following last year’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Released: 29-Aug-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Florida State University Expert Available to Comment on Conflict in Libya
Florida State University

Now that Libyan rebels have forced Moammar Gadhafi from power and overtaken Tripoli, a Florida State University expert on political transitions is available to answer media questions and provide perspective on these events.

Released: 23-Aug-2011 5:20 PM EDT
Earthquake Experts at The Florida State University
Florida State University

The Florida State University has internationally recognized faculty researchers who stand ready to comment on the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that shook parts of the eastern United States on Aug. 23.

Released: 23-Aug-2011 4:30 PM EDT
Changing Gears: Bike Rental Program Puts New Spin on Recycling
Florida State University

Two years ago, Florida State University senior Sandy Simmons went to a college housing conference and got a big idea: recycled bike rentals for students — on the cheap.

Released: 18-Aug-2011 8:40 AM EDT
No Bones About It: Eating Dried Plums Helps Prevent Fractures and Osteoporosis
Florida State University

When it comes to improving bone health in postmenopausal women — and people of all ages, actually — a Florida State University researcher has found a simple, proactive solution to help prevent fractures and osteoporosis: eating dried plums.

Released: 15-Aug-2011 12:15 PM EDT
9/11 Anniversary: Florida State University Experts Reflect On Terrorist Attacks 10 Years Later
Florida State University

Florida State University’s nationally regarded experts in terrorism, grief, economics, religion, media and culture and foreign relations are available to answer media questions and provide comment and analysis on the ramifications of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Released: 12-Aug-2011 12:50 PM EDT
Wall Street's Wild Ride: Florida State University Economists Available to Provide Expert Analysis
Florida State University

One day the markets are way, way down; the next day they’re back up again. So it has gone for Wall Street, which has seen one of its most volatile periods in years amid mixed signals about the direction of the U.S. economy. Two Florida State University economics professors who are nationally regarded for their expertise in such areas as macroeconomic theory and the economic analysis of public policy issues are available to provide context for the current situation, as well as an informed look toward what might come next.

Released: 12-Aug-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Florida State University Education Professor Wins Grant to Develop Digital Game-Based 'Stealth' Assessments
Florida State University

When playing digital games, children hone skills such as persistence, creative problem solving, and conceptual physics that traditional pen-and-paper assessment methods may not measure.

Released: 29-Jul-2011 10:00 AM EDT
Acclaimed Chemistry Professor Wins Two Major Awards
Florida State University

One of Florida State University’s most influential researchers, whose pioneering work in chemical analysis places him in an elite group of the world’s top chemists, is set to receive two major, highly competitive chemistry awards.

Released: 25-Jul-2011 1:45 PM EDT
Debt Ceiling Standoff: Florida State University Experts Available to Provide Analysis
Florida State University

As the nation watches the countdown to Aug. 2 — the date when the U.S. Treasury Department has said it will no longer be able to pay all its bills unless Congress resolves the impasse over raising the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling — Florida State University’s nationally regarded experts in economics and political science are available to answer media questions. They can provide analysis of the continuing debt ceiling negotiations and the potential ramifications of the nation’s fiscal health problems.

Released: 20-Jul-2011 1:35 PM EDT
One Year Later, Florida State University Experts Study Consequences of Gulf Oil Spill
Florida State University

More than a year after leading a statewide academic task force to help the Gulf Coast region respond to the devastating Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Florida State University researchers are now working to understand the longer-term environmental and economic consequences of the disaster. Though the spill was officially contained one year ago, the story is far from over. About 4.9 million barrels of oil were dumped into the Gulf of Mexico, and FSU research faculty hope to better understand the repercussions. These experts are available to answer media questions and provide historical perspective on this ongoing story.

Released: 13-Jul-2011 11:45 AM EDT
25 Tesla, World-Record 'Split Magnet' Makes Its Debut
Florida State University

A custom-built, $2.5 million “split magnet” system with the potential to revolutionize scientific research in a variety of fields has made its debut at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Florida State University.

Released: 8-Jul-2011 2:05 PM EDT
Florida State to Take Part in $10 Million Project to Digitize Nation's Biological Collections
Florida State University

The National Science Foundation has awarded a five-year, $10 million grant to Florida State University and the University of Florida to coordinate 92 institutions in 45 states working to digitize the nation’s biological collections.

Released: 7-Jul-2011 11:30 AM EDT
You Want to Talk 'Horrible Bosses'? One Florida State Professor is the Expert
Florida State University

Virtually anyone who stays in the work force long enough will eventually have a really lousy boss — and perhaps quite a few, if that employee sticks it out until retirement age. Those lousy bosses should count themselves lucky, then, that very few long-suffering employees resolve to have them murdered, as three fed-up friends attempt to do in the black comedy film “Horrible Bosses,” which opens nationwide this weekend.

Released: 7-Jul-2011 8:00 AM EDT
DNA Decoded by Biologist Reveals Seven New Mice Species
Florida State University

After living incognito for millions of years in a remote area of a forested mountain range in the Philippines, seven newfound species of mice owe their recent discovery to DNA evidence and the Florida State University biologist who deciphered it.

Released: 6-Jul-2011 9:45 AM EDT
New Software Aids Fight Against Nitrates in Florida's Groundwater
Florida State University

As a young scholar, Fernando Rios loved science and computer programming equally. So when Rios — who holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Canada’s University of Waterloo — went looking for a graduate program, he discovered the Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University, which has about 35 graduate students and launched a new undergraduate program of computational sciences in fall 2010.

Released: 22-Jun-2011 8:00 AM EDT
FSU Dean Wins Prestigious E.O. Wilson Naturalist Award
Florida State University

A former inner-city kid who grew up to be an acclaimed field biologist and college dean is being honored by the American Society of Naturalists (ASN).

Released: 20-Jun-2011 9:30 AM EDT
Florida State University Announces New Business 'Boot Camp' For Families Of Veterans with Disabilities
Florida State University

Florida State University is launching an academic “boot camp” designed to help the families of America’s wounded warriors. The new Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans’ Families (EBV-F) was created to teach small-business ownership skills to family members who now serve as caregivers of military veterans with service-related disabilities, as well as spouses of those killed in action.
