Latest News from: University at Buffalo

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Released: 22-Mar-2004 5:10 PM EST
Ideas About What Earth May Have Looked Like As a Newborn Planet
University at Buffalo

Investigations into lava lakes on the surface of Io, the intensely volcanic moon that orbits Jupiter, may provide clues to what Earth looked like in its earliest phases, according to researchers.

Released: 22-Mar-2004 12:00 AM EST
Invention Could Revolutionize Decontamination & Purification of Water, Other Liquids
University at Buffalo

With the turn of a screw, a team of engineers and scientists has invented a pump to be used in a device that may help revolutionize the decontamination and purification of water, juices, and other liquids.

Released: 22-Mar-2004 12:00 AM EST
Emotional Intelligence Key to Winning on "The Apprentice"
University at Buffalo

Emotional intelligence is proving to be the deciding factor on who will win the dream job with Donald Trump on the hit NBC show "The Apprentice," according to a leadership professor.

Released: 15-Mar-2004 10:00 AM EST
Stewart's High-Profile Retail Strategy May Be Her Brand's Undoing
University at Buffalo

Martha Stewart's hands-on, high-profile retailing formula -- once the key to her unprecedented success -- may be her brand's death sentence as the possibility of prison looms in her future, according to a retail-marketing expert.

1-Mar-2004 1:00 AM EST
To Understand Butterfly Wing Colors, Biologists Develop First Transgenic Butterflies
University at Buffalo

Biologists who study butterfly wing patterns have inserted into an African butterfly a marker gene from a jellyfish species, resulting in the first transgenic butterflies that express DNA from another species.

Released: 2-Mar-2004 4:50 PM EST
Simple Yet Powerful Device "Sterilizes" Contaminated Air
University at Buffalo

Scientists and engineers have developed a device that in minutes, instead of months,could safely and inexpensively destroy airborne biological agents in buildings as large as the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., where anthrax was detected in 2001.

Released: 18-Feb-2004 4:20 PM EST
In African Highlands, Climate Extremes Are Critical Factor in Malaria Epidemics
University at Buffalo

Seasonal fluctuations in a region's climate, rather than consistently high annual temperatures or levels of rainfall, play an important role in causing malaria epidemics in the African highlands, a new research paper reports.

Released: 9-Feb-2004 5:50 AM EST
“Friday the 13th” Fears Orginated from Jesus’ Last Supper, Crucifixion
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo professor Phillips Stevens Jr., a renowned anthropologist who studies the origins of cults, superstitions and cultural identities, says Western culture's fear of Friday the 13th and the number "13" most likely started in the Middle ages, originating from the story of Jesus' last supper and crucifixion.

2-Feb-2004 12:00 AM EST
New Technique for Opening Blocked Carotid Arteries
University at Buffalo

Patients who need a second surgery to open a re-clogged carotid artery face potential major complications, including possible damage to nerves that control eye and tongue movements and stroke. A new procedure being tested in clinical trials could change that prospect, however.

Released: 4-Feb-2004 11:50 AM EST
Stage May be Set for Bird Flu Pandemic, Says Infectious Diseases Expert
University at Buffalo

The simultaneous existence of bird flu and a particularly virulent form of human influenza circulating this season is the "perfect set-up for something weird and dangerous" to happen on the world health scene, according to an expert on infectious disease and geographic medicine.

Released: 2-Feb-2004 12:00 AM EST
New Software Helps Lift "Fog of War"
University at Buffalo

Researchers are developing a software system that may help the U.S. military and its allied forces lift the "fog of war" in their theaters of operation.

Released: 2-Feb-2004 12:00 AM EST
Software Shows How Quickly Fire Companies Respond to Urban Blazes
University at Buffalo

Geographers have developed the first software tool that determines precisely how long it takes for fire companies to reach fires, medical emergencies and sites of other rescue operations in order to assess how well a city is being served by the quantity and distribution of its firefighting resources.

Released: 21-Jan-2004 1:30 PM EST
Unbelted Passengers Become "Backseat Bullets" During Collision
University at Buffalo

An analysis of fatal crash data shows that during a head-on collision, an unbelted backseat passenger can become a "backseat bullet," slamming into the driver and boosting the passenger's and the driver's risk of death.

Released: 15-Jan-2004 1:10 PM EST
If Airbags Work Well, Mars Landing Sites Can Be Chosen More Boldly
University at Buffalo

The anticipated Mars landing on Jan. 24 of the Opportunity rover will be a bit more challenging than that of the Spirit, but if it's successful, then scientists will be able to be much bolder about selecting future Mars landing sites.

Released: 13-Jan-2004 3:10 PM EST
Boeing's Proposed 7e7 Launch Covers Two Aircraft, Warns of a 'Subsidy War'
University at Buffalo

A paper by industrial geographers says that the launch of the proposed Boeing 7E7 "Dreamliner" will cost nearly double what the company estimates, because it covers two aircraft; it also documents potential trade violations in the launch funding.

Released: 9-Jan-2004 3:10 PM EST
Why Did Sabertooth Tigers Need Such Big Teeth?
University at Buffalo

A team of design engineers in UB's New York State Center for Engineering Design and Industrial Innovation is developing the first interactive, computational toolkit designed to answer with mathematical precision questions concerning how ancient beasts behaved.

Released: 30-Dec-2003 2:10 PM EST
Even Today, the Ancient City of Bam is the 'Emerald of the Desert'
University at Buffalo

For native Iranian associate professor of architecture, Bam was, and still is, a city of dramatic beauty, even as much of its ancient heritage now lies in ruins.

Released: 11-Dec-2003 12:00 PM EST
Making Sense of Globalization
University at Buffalo

A new book by a law professor attempts to make sense of the globalization debate and forge a new era of understanding by examining the powerful cultural and political implications of a force that is transforming the way we live and view the world.

Released: 9-Dec-2003 2:00 PM EST
Tipsheet: Research News from the College of Arts and Sciences
University at Buffalo

A description of four groundbreaking research projects within the university's College of Arts and Sciences.

Released: 1-Dec-2003 3:30 PM EST
Some Animals Feel "Doubt," Finds New Research
University at Buffalo

New research shows that some animals feel "doubt," or "they know when they don't know something." This is evidence of a sophisticated thought process called metacognition, and may indicate that animals have more "self awareness" than humans give them credit for.

Released: 12-Nov-2003 3:20 PM EST
Use Virtual Reality to Treat Car-Accident Survivors with PTSD
University at Buffalo

Researchers have developed a virtual-reality driving simulator that may help car-accident survivors recover from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) -- a prevalent, but commonly untreated, condition associated with serious car accidents.

Released: 3-Nov-2003 2:00 PM EST
Harvesting of a Coral Provides Marine Biologist with an Ideal "Experiment"
University at Buffalo

Harvesting of a Caribbean soft coral off the coast of the Bahamas for use in a popular beauty product is providing a marine biologist with an extraordinary experimental opportunity to answer questions about how corals survive environmental challenges.

Released: 28-Oct-2003 8:20 AM EST
Sensor to Detect Agents Used in Biological Warfare
University at Buffalo

Researchers from the University at Buffalo are developing a handheld sensor that can detect the presence of toxins potentially used as agents in biological warfare.

Released: 10-Oct-2003 2:40 PM EDT
Surface Scientists Solve the Riddle of Non-Pathogenic Fiberglass
University at Buffalo

Biomaterials and biophotonics researchers have reported on the surprising chemical mechanism behind one type of fiberglass fortified with aluminum oxide that does not persist in the lungs.

Released: 22-Sep-2003 6:00 AM EDT
Silicon Chip Mimics Function of Octopus Retina
University at Buffalo

A University at Buffalo optical engineer has created a silicon chip that mimics the structure and functionality of an octopus retina.

Released: 17-Sep-2003 1:00 AM EDT
Molecular Biology Software Aims to Automate Biotech Scientists
University at Buffalo

While molecular biologists exploit state-of-the-art scientific equipment to discover the secrets of life and disease in the post-genomic era, they complain often that the software tools available to support these profound efforts are woefully inadequate.

Released: 4-Sep-2003 3:00 PM EDT
Engineer Creates Software to Detect and Find Leaks in International Space Station
University at Buffalo

A new software system will help NASA detect and find air leaks in the International Space Station.

Released: 3-Sep-2003 5:00 PM EDT
Electronic Packaging Lab Develops Technology for Smaller, Faster Electronics
University at Buffalo

Some of the world's most advanced research in micro- and nanoelectronic-packaging reliability is taking place in the Electronic Packaging Laboratory at the University at Buffalo. The lab is a leader in solder-joint reliability, and has developed a computer model to predict solder strain under loading conditions.

Released: 3-Sep-2003 8:00 AM EDT
Abdominal Fat, a Contributor to Heart Disease Risk, Is Related to Drinking Pattern
University at Buffalo

How you drink alcohol -- how often, how much, when and what kind -- can influence the risk of heart disease by affecting the accumulation of abdominal fat, a body characteristic shown to be an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, epidemiologists have shown.

Released: 21-Aug-2003 3:00 PM EDT
Enrollment in Chemistry Soars at UB, Bucking a National Decline
University at Buffalo

In 1998, with 30 per cent of freshmen flunking chemistry 101 at UB, faculty in the department decided to make major changes. Five years later, it's clear they've paid off: chemistry is booming at UB.

Released: 21-Aug-2003 12:00 PM EDT
SARS/Other Viruses Incubating in 'Pandora's Boxes' Around the World
University at Buffalo

The world can expect more SARS-like outbreaks in the near future due to evolving cultural, environmental and economic conditions that provide viruses with new opportunities to infect humans, according to an expert on infectious disease and geographic medicine.

Released: 21-Aug-2003 12:00 PM EDT
Adapting U.S. Pharmacy Practices, Zimbabwean Pharmacologist Fights AIDS in Africa
University at Buffalo

Amid the human catastrophe that is AIDS in Africa, the absence of health-care systems and practices that are taken for granted in other parts of the world routinely hampers efforts to care for patients even when assistance is being provided by international organizations and charities.

Released: 7-Aug-2003 1:00 PM EDT
Childhood Obesity: UB Experts Offer Recommendations for Combating the 'Epidemic'
University at Buffalo

Leading childhood-obesity researchers from the University at Buffalo are available for expert commentary to discuss the causes,prevalence and prevention of the childhood-obesity epidemic in the U.S.

Released: 14-Jul-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Thermal Paste to Help Minimize Overheating in Electronic Devices
University at Buffalo

A materials engineer at the University at Buffalo has invented a new thermal paste that will help solve the problem of overheating in high-performance personal computers and other electronics.

Released: 4-Jul-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Tickle Me Elmo is the Real Robot
University at Buffalo

Tickle Me Elmo and his interactive Sesame-Street sidekicks Big Bird and Ernie will make an appearance Monday July 7 at UB's Summer Workshop in Scientific Visualization and Robotics to teach high school students about robotics.

Released: 3-Jul-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Non-Release Nanoparticle Delivers Photodynamic Therapy
University at Buffalo

Scientists have developed a non-release, nanoparticle drug delivery system for photodynamic cancer therapy.

Released: 2-Jul-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Workshop: High School Kids Taste Bioinformatics
University at Buffalo

A decade ago, high school students who aspired to life sciences careers foresaw a future full of pipettes and beakers; today, high school students with similar aspirations are honing their skills at the computer as much as at the lab bench.

Released: 28-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Technology Transmits Sensation of Touch Over Internet
University at Buffalo

Engineers in the Virtual Reality Laboratory at the University at Buffalo have developed a new technology that transmits the sensation of touch over the Internet.

Released: 20-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Expert Available for Commentary on Affirmative-Action Rulings
University at Buffalo

Former Supreme Court clerk Lee A. Albert, professor of law in the University at Buffalo School of Law, is available to discuss and analyze the Supreme Court's decision in the University at Michigan affirmative-action cases.

Released: 19-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Steroids Trigger 'Domino Effect' on Genes at Different Points in Time
University at Buffalo

Corticosteroids, drugs that simultaneously deliver powerful therapeutic effects and potentially severe adverse effects, cause a remarkably complex "domino effect" of genomic changes, according to a landmark paper.

Released: 14-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Inhibitor of Poxvirus Replication Patented
University at Buffalo

Molecular biologists from the University at Buffalo have discovered a novel way to inhibit the replication of poxviruses, the group that includes smallpox virus, by interfering with messenger RNA synthesis necessary for the viruses to reproduce in a host organism.

Released: 21-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Substance-Abusing Men Place Wives at High Risk for HIV
University at Buffalo

The wives of substance-abusing men are often unaware that their husbands are engaging in high-risk behavior that puts the women in danger of HIV exposure, according to a new study by researchers from the University at Buffalo.

Released: 17-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
'Big Pharma' Comes to Buffalo to Learn Pharmacodynamics
University at Buffalo

Every May since 1994, drug companies from around the world have selected handfuls of their best scientists to attend the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences for an intensive, week-long course in pharmacodynamic modeling.

Released: 13-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Taste Is Key Factor in Low-Fat Snacks
University at Buffalo

When it comes to low-fat snack foods, taste is everything. Health-oriented consumers are more likely to purchase a snack if they think it tastes good, even if they perceive it to be high in fat.

Released: 13-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Cutting-Edge Science Essential for Progress in the Post-Genomic Era
University at Buffalo

World-class scientists in the fields of bioinformatics, structural genomics and proteomics will gather next month at a symposium presented by the University at Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics to discuss the cutting-edge science essential for advancements in genetic analysis and drug discovery in the post-genomic era.

4-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Obesity in Preschool? It's Not Unusual
University at Buffalo

Children are becoming obese as young as 3 years old, and obese 10-year-olds are showing abnormal liver function and abnormally high insulin levels, which may lead to type 2 diabetes, analysis of data from a group of children referred to University at Buffalo pediatric endocrinologists has shown.

Released: 3-May-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Anti-Psychotic Drugs May Reduce Diabetes Risk in Mentally Ill
University at Buffalo

Two related University at Buffalo studies examining the incidence of diabetes and related conditions among patients suffering from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder indicate that it is the illness -- not the atypical antipsychotic medications used to treat the disorders -- that contributes to the increased incidence of diabetes in these patients.

Released: 20-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
National Award Honors UB Chemist
University at Buffalo

A chemistry professor has been honored with a national award for stepping into political battles waged in neighborhoods where environmental hazards are suspected.

Released: 8-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
Experts Available to Discuss War with Iraq
University at Buffalo

Faculty members from the University at Buffalo are available for members of the media covering the political, economic and cultural implications of a U.S. war with Iraq.

25-Jan-2003 12:00 AM EST
Drug Lead Fights Bacteria That can be Lethal
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo scientists have discovered a promising new drug lead that works by inhibiting the sophisticated bacterial communication system called quorum sensing.
