Latest News from: UC Davis Health

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Released: 14-Jul-2014 3:00 PM EDT
New Combination Drug Controls Tumor Growth and Metastasis in Mice
UC Davis Health

Researchers at UC Davis, University of Massachusetts and Harvard Medical School have created a combination drug that controls both tumor growth and metastasis. By combining a COX-2 inhibitor, similar to Celebrex, and an epoxide hydrolase (sEH) inhibitor, the drug controls angiogenesis (blood vessel formation), limiting a tumor’s ability to grow and spread. The study appears today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Released: 26-Jun-2014 1:00 PM EDT
Surgical Biopsy Proves Safe for Selected Late-Stage Lung Cancer Patients
UC Davis Health

Researchers at UC Davis have determined that surgical biopsies can be safely performed on select patients with late-stage non-small cell lung cancer, which should enhance their access to drugs that target specific genetic mutations such as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR).

Released: 12-May-2014 6:00 PM EDT
Tailored Intervention Has Low Impact on Colorectal Cancer Screening
UC Davis Health

Colorectal cancer screening saves lives, but too few people get tested. In an effort to increase these numbers,researchers from UC Davis and elsewhere investigated whether an individualized interactive multimedia computer program (IMCP) would spur patients to get screened. Tailored to each patient’s knowledge, language (English or Spanish), and perceptions, this sophisticated intervention increased patients’ familiarity with their options and motivation for screening. However, the program generated only a modest increase in actual screening, one no greater than the increase resulting from a simple non-tailored “electronic leaflet.” The paper was published in the Annals of Family Medicine.

16-Apr-2014 4:30 PM EDT
Dual Role: Key Cell Division Proteins Also Power Up Mitochondria
UC Davis Health

An international team led by researchers at UC Davis has shown that the cyclin B1/Cdk1 protein complex, which plays a key role in cell division, also boosts the mitochondrial activity to power that process. This is the first time the complex has been shown to perform both jobs. This newfound ability could make cyclin B1/Cdk1 an excellent target to control cellular energy production, potentially advancing cancer care and regenerative medicine. The research was published online today in the journal Developmental Cell.

Released: 11-Apr-2014 2:00 PM EDT
UC Davis Personalizing Outreach to Address Asian Cancer Health Disparities
UC Davis Health

In an effort to reduce cancer health disparities among Asian-Americans, UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center now offers individual, in-language education and culturally sensitive materials for every Asian-American cancer patient.

Released: 26-Mar-2014 3:30 PM EDT
Time, Trust and Transparency Keys to Minority Biospecimen Collection
UC Davis Health

Biospecimen collection among diverse populations lags far behind that of whites. In work aimed at boosting these collection rates, researchers at UC Davis and collaborators at three other institutions found that Asian, African and Hispanic Americans are open to donating specimens for research when clinicians and scientists adopt the right strategies.

Released: 26-Mar-2014 1:05 PM EDT
Stem Cell Findings May Offer Answers for Some Bladder Defects and Disease
UC Davis Health

For the first time, scientists have succeeded in coaxing laboratory cultures of human stem cells to develop into the specialized, unique cells needed to repair a patient’s defective or diseased bladder.

Released: 20-Mar-2014 6:00 AM EDT
Potential Lung Cancer Vaccine Shows Renewed Promise
UC Davis Health

Researchers at UC Davis have found that the investigational cancer vaccine tecemotide, when administered with the chemotherapeutic cisplatin, boosted the immune response and reduced the number of tumors in mice with lung cancer. The study also found that radiation treatments did not significantly impair the immune response. The paper was published on March 10 in the journal Cancer Immunology Research, an American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) publication.

Released: 19-Mar-2014 7:00 AM EDT
UC Davis Faculty Drive Efforts to Improve CT Safety
UC Davis Health

UC Davis clinicians and physicists have recommended new strategies to make computed tomography (CT) safer, including adoption of a new metric for dose measurement, ways to manage exposure protocols that differ by CT brand and specific approaches to reduce exposure during needle biopsies. The recommendations are detailed in papers published in the March issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology (JACR).

Released: 18-Mar-2014 1:30 PM EDT
Minority Clinical Trials Participation and Analysis Still Lag 20 Years After Federal Mandate
UC Davis Health

Twenty years after Congress mandated that research funded by the National Institutes of Health include minorities, less than 5 percent of trials participants are non-white, and less than 2 percent of clinical cancer research studies focus on non-white ethnic or racial groups, UC Davis researchers have found.

Released: 18-Mar-2014 1:30 PM EDT
Joint Cancer Center Study Finds Barriers to Minority Clinical Trial Participation
UC Davis Health

A new study involving researchers from UC Davis and four other National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers reveals important barriers that limit minority group participation in cancer clinical trials, findings that will be used to refine and launch more effective strategies to assure that more minorities benefit from clinical trials.

Released: 10-Mar-2014 10:45 AM EDT
UC Davis Researchers One Step Closer to Ovarian Cancer Marker
UC Davis Health

The hunt is on to find biomarkers that detect cancer, but it’s a challenging process. Early successes often are followed by heartbreaking failures. But now, researchers at UC Davis have verified that glycans (sugars attached to proteins) can be used to detect ovarian cancer. The study was published online in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

Released: 7-Mar-2014 9:00 AM EST
Bone Turnover Markers Predict Prostate Cancer Outcomes
UC Davis Health

Biomarkers for bone formation and resorption predict outcomes for men with castration-resistant prostate cancer, a team of researchers from UC Davis and their collaborators have found. Their study, published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, also found that the markers identified a small group of patients who responded to the investigational drug atrasentan. The markers’ predictive ability could help clinicians match treatments with individual patients, track their effectiveness and affect clinical trial design.

Released: 20-Dec-2013 2:35 PM EST
Detecting Gastric Cancer Cancer Early – It's in the Sugars
UC Davis Health

An international team of researchers led by UC Davis in collaboration with scientists in Mexico and South Korea have taken a first step towards identifying glycans — sugars attached to proteins — that could help clinicians diagnose gastric cancer before it becomes deadly. Their research was published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research.

Released: 9-Dec-2013 9:05 AM EST
Better Guidelines, Coordination Needed for Prostate Cancer Specialists
UC Davis Health

With a deluge of promising new drug treatments for advanced prostate cancer on the market, a new model of care is needed that emphasizes collaboration between urologists and medical oncologists, according to UC Davis prostate cancer experts.

Released: 17-Sep-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Study Applies Timely Cost-Effectiveness Analysis to State Breast Cancer Screening Program
UC Davis Health

When public health budgets are constrained, mammography screening should begin later and occur less frequently, a cost-effectiveness analysis for California’s Every Woman Counts (EWC) program concludes.

13-Aug-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Targeting Aggressive Prostate Cancer
UC Davis Health

Researchers identify key mechanism behind aggressive prostate cancer that spurs tumor growth and metastasis and makes cancers resistant to treatment.

Released: 8-Jul-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Nearly Half of Sarcoma Surgeries Done by Nonsurgical Oncology Specialists
UC Davis Health

Orthopedic oncologists and surgical oncologists, who have been trained in the complex procedures required to remove sarcomas located deep in the muscles and other soft tissues of the limbs, conducted only 52 percent of these operations at 85 academic medical centers during a three year period, according to an analysis of national data by UC Davis researchers that is published online today in the Journal of Surgical Oncology.

Released: 7-May-2013 12:20 PM EDT
UC Davis Radiation Oncology Chief Leads Development of New Prostate Cancer Guideline
UC Davis Health

The guideline, released jointly by the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) and the American Urological Association (AUA), for the first time provides evidence- and consensus-based recommendations about the benefits and risks of additional cancer treatment after prostate-removal surgery.

19-Apr-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Health Care Worker Visits Increase Screening for Hepatitis B among Hmong Americans
UC Davis Health

Study is the first randomized trial to assess the efficacy of home-based health education for the Hmong.

9-Apr-2013 8:55 AM EDT
Small Molecule Unlocks Key Prostate Cancer Survival Tactic
UC Davis Health

The most recent in a series of studies from a team at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center has shown that a single molecule is at the heart of one of the most basic survival tactics of prostate cancer cells.

Released: 2-Apr-2013 2:20 PM EDT
Fatty Acid Metabolite Shows Promise Against Cancer in Mice
UC Davis Health

A team of UC Davis scientists has found that a product resulting from a metabolized omega-3 fatty acid helps combat cancer by cutting off the supply of oxygen and nutrients that fuel tumor growth and spread of the disease.

Released: 20-Mar-2013 3:35 PM EDT
UC Davis Research Advances Efforts to Precent Dangerous Blood Clots
UC Davis Health

Study will help physicians calculate risk of post-surgical venous thromboembolisms. New research from the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center may help clinicians determine which patients are at highest risk for post-surgical blood clots in the legs or lungs.

Released: 20-Feb-2013 2:25 PM EST
Mushroom-Supplemented Soybean Extract Shows Therapeutic Promise for Advanced Prostate Cancer
UC Davis Health

A natural, nontoxic product called genistein-combined polysaccharide, or GCP, which is commercially available in health stores, could help lengthen the life expectancy of certain prostate cancer patients, UC Davis researchers have found.

Released: 31-Oct-2003 5:00 PM EST
Researchers Grow Breast Cancer Tissue from Transplanted Mammary Stem Cells
UC Davis Health

In the battle against breast cancer, medicine may be shooting at the wrong enemy. Much like using a weed-whacker to remove the top of lawn weeds, leaving the root behind, conventional treatments that target mature, late-acting cancer cells may miss early cells that can give rise to cancer recurrences.
